Morning Mix Oregon man breaks woman’s arm, knocks out her fiancee in road rage attack, police say


Got any other cool stories about how you got away with being an asshole? :p
I would only be an internet tough guy IF it happened on the internet. This was in South Carolina about 10 years ago. I wasn't the prick he was. He slammed on his brakes in front of me after I had left the WalMart and I had my pregnant wife with me....He fucked up and realized it when I wasn't some skinny bitch that got out of my vehicle but a very large man who wanted to stomp his ass until he took off like a bitch., this guy slammed on his brakes because he was enraged that you "refused to let a coon and his white slut across in front of me at WalMart."? This with your pregnant wife in the car/ Cheering you on, no doubt.

What a great fellow and all around human being you are...not.
You're the guy who cuts people off then waves his gun around.

One day you'll meet the guy with his own gun.
Other way around, Troll.
I drive like the geezer I am..slow, polite and careful and I never wave my gun around..if you see's the sight you will take into eternity.
Not if he sees it first, geezer.
Well..that's life, right? I doubt the issue will come in Idaho--we tend to be polite. I suspect our Constitutional Carry laws might have something to do with it.
Oregon man breaks woman’s arm, knocks out her fiancee in road rage attack, police say

Road rage--we all do it---but is it worth it? This man lived out a fantasy many of us have had--now he's probably going to prison.

"Traffic was heavy as the couple made their way home from the carnival at about 8 p.m. Friday, Stackhouse said in an interview with The Washington Post. At the wheel of her brand new Kia Soul, the 34-year-old woman tried maneuvering through the cars to find a space to merge onto the road. She tried squeezing in the space in front of a black Toyota truck, and the driver, Barbeau, became infuriated, Stackhouse said.

Barbeau gunned the Toyota’s engine, scooting forward in an attempt to force Stackhouse back, she said. But she pulled in front of him anyway.

Barbeau started yelling, flipping her off and flashing his lights, Stackhouse said. About a half block down the road, Stackhouse came to a crosswalk and stopped her car. Barbeau stepped out of his truck and started walking toward Stackhouse and Mann, 26, who was in the passenger’s seat, but Stackhouse drove off, she said.

Reaching a roundabout a half mile later, Barbeau was tailgating Stackhouse so closely that she could no longer see his headlights or license plate. “I really thought he was about to rear end me,” she said. So she decided to pull over to let him pass.

But instead of passing, Barbeau slammed on his brakes. He stepped out of his truck and punched the back window of Stackhouse’s Kia, shattering the glass, she said. He punched out the driver’s side taillight. Then, he attacked Stackhouse, Bend police said.

While Stackhouse’s door was locked, her window was rolled down. Barbeau, Stackhouse said, reached into the window, grabbed her right arm, twisted it and broke it. He punched her in the face, breaking her glasses. Mann stepped out of the car and approached Barbeau to try to protect Stackhouse. But he threw Mann to the ground, where she hit her head and was knocked her unconscious, Stackhouse and authorities said."
Bitch shouldn't have cut him off! Maybe she learned her lesson. Sucks he will go to jail for teaching this moron a lesson.'s great that his fat ass will now get to walk the big yard...and explain to Bubba about his alt/right views.
Oh so because he is white is Alt Right now? Dumbest thing I have heard today.
Oh dykes as well! Tack on a hate crime enhancement it is a libtard bastion!
Nope...but I hope some fool gets out of his truck and tries to attack me--I'll fill his ass full of holes. Best cure for road rage I can think of. Share the road..and remember..a truck is not an extension of your's just a means to get from point A to point B--alive.
So you would have shot the dyke for cutting you off? I wouldn't have shot them,I would have scared the shit out of them. I followed an asshole all the way home once for pissing me off when I was driving my SUV....another sack of shit tried to fuck with me when I refused to let a coon and his white slut across in front of me at WalMart...something about being 6 foot 4 and 250 plus pounds tends to make people think twice.


Got any other cool stories about how you got away with being an asshole? :p
I would only be an internet tough guy IF it happened on the internet. This was in South Carolina about 10 years ago. I wasn't the prick he was. He slammed on his brakes in front of me after I had left the WalMart and I had my pregnant wife with me....He fucked up and realized it when I wasn't some skinny bitch that got out of my vehicle but a very large man who wanted to stomp his ass until he took off like a bitch.

You seem to be under a misapprehension about what "internet tough guy" means... :lmao:
The only lesson that can be learned here hopefully by either Megan Stackhouse or Lucinda Mann or both is that the world is full of assholes, learn to identify them early and eliminate them from your life. Guns are good for that, the great equalizers. If either one of them was proficient and armed they would have been in better position to deal with this rage without any injuries to themselves.

Except on internet political forums there assholes can co-mingle and entertain each other.
I would only be an internet tough guy IF it happened on the internet. This was in South Carolina about 10 years ago. I wasn't the prick he was. He slammed on his brakes in front of me after I had left the WalMart and I had my pregnant wife with me....He fucked up and realized it when I wasn't some skinny bitch that got out of my vehicle but a very large man who wanted to stomp his ass until he took off like a bitch., this guy slammed on his brakes because he was enraged that you "refused to let a coon and his white slut across in front of me at WalMart."? This with your pregnant wife in the car/ Cheering you on, no doubt.

What a great fellow and all around human being you are...not.
You're the guy who cuts people off then waves his gun around.

One day you'll meet the guy with his own gun.
Other way around, Troll.
I drive like the geezer I am..slow, polite and careful and I never wave my gun around..if you see's the sight you will take into eternity.
Not if he sees it first, geezer.
Well..that's life, right? I doubt the issue will come in Idaho--we tend to be polite. I suspect our Constitutional Carry laws might have something to do with it.
That's death, too. But at your age you won't have to wait long.
Oregon man breaks woman’s arm, knocks out her fiancee in road rage attack, police say

Road rage--we all do it---but is it worth it? This man lived out a fantasy many of us have had--now he's probably going to prison.

"Traffic was heavy as the couple made their way home from the carnival at about 8 p.m. Friday, Stackhouse said in an interview with The Washington Post. At the wheel of her brand new Kia Soul, the 34-year-old woman tried maneuvering through the cars to find a space to merge onto the road. She tried squeezing in the space in front of a black Toyota truck, and the driver, Barbeau, became infuriated, Stackhouse said.

Barbeau gunned the Toyota’s engine, scooting forward in an attempt to force Stackhouse back, she said. But she pulled in front of him anyway.

Barbeau started yelling, flipping her off and flashing his lights, Stackhouse said. About a half block down the road, Stackhouse came to a crosswalk and stopped her car. Barbeau stepped out of his truck and started walking toward Stackhouse and Mann, 26, who was in the passenger’s seat, but Stackhouse drove off, she said.

Reaching a roundabout a half mile later, Barbeau was tailgating Stackhouse so closely that she could no longer see his headlights or license plate. “I really thought he was about to rear end me,” she said. So she decided to pull over to let him pass.

But instead of passing, Barbeau slammed on his brakes. He stepped out of his truck and punched the back window of Stackhouse’s Kia, shattering the glass, she said. He punched out the driver’s side taillight. Then, he attacked Stackhouse, Bend police said.

While Stackhouse’s door was locked, her window was rolled down. Barbeau, Stackhouse said, reached into the window, grabbed her right arm, twisted it and broke it. He punched her in the face, breaking her glasses. Mann stepped out of the car and approached Barbeau to try to protect Stackhouse. But he threw Mann to the ground, where she hit her head and was knocked her unconscious, Stackhouse and authorities said."

Where's the video?
Oregon man breaks woman’s arm, knocks out her fiancee in road rage attack, police say

Road rage--we all do it---but is it worth it? This man lived out a fantasy many of us have had--now he's probably going to prison.

"Traffic was heavy as the couple made their way home from the carnival at about 8 p.m. Friday, Stackhouse said in an interview with The Washington Post. At the wheel of her brand new Kia Soul, the 34-year-old woman tried maneuvering through the cars to find a space to merge onto the road. She tried squeezing in the space in front of a black Toyota truck, and the driver, Barbeau, became infuriated, Stackhouse said.

Barbeau gunned the Toyota’s engine, scooting forward in an attempt to force Stackhouse back, she said. But she pulled in front of him anyway.

Barbeau started yelling, flipping her off and flashing his lights, Stackhouse said. About a half block down the road, Stackhouse came to a crosswalk and stopped her car. Barbeau stepped out of his truck and started walking toward Stackhouse and Mann, 26, who was in the passenger’s seat, but Stackhouse drove off, she said.

Reaching a roundabout a half mile later, Barbeau was tailgating Stackhouse so closely that she could no longer see his headlights or license plate. “I really thought he was about to rear end me,” she said. So she decided to pull over to let him pass.

But instead of passing, Barbeau slammed on his brakes. He stepped out of his truck and punched the back window of Stackhouse’s Kia, shattering the glass, she said. He punched out the driver’s side taillight. Then, he attacked Stackhouse, Bend police said.

While Stackhouse’s door was locked, her window was rolled down. Barbeau, Stackhouse said, reached into the window, grabbed her right arm, twisted it and broke it. He punched her in the face, breaking her glasses. Mann stepped out of the car and approached Barbeau to try to protect Stackhouse. But he threw Mann to the ground, where she hit her head and was knocked her unconscious, Stackhouse and authorities said."
Bitch shouldn't have cut him off! Maybe she learned her lesson. Sucks he will go to jail for teaching this moron a lesson.
You are one sick fuck
Just another trumpanzee. Most likely INCEL too.
Oregon man breaks woman’s arm, knocks out her fiancee in road rage attack, police say

Road rage--we all do it---but is it worth it? This man lived out a fantasy many of us have had--now he's probably going to prison.

"Traffic was heavy as the couple made their way home from the carnival at about 8 p.m. Friday, Stackhouse said in an interview with The Washington Post. At the wheel of her brand new Kia Soul, the 34-year-old woman tried maneuvering through the cars to find a space to merge onto the road. She tried squeezing in the space in front of a black Toyota truck, and the driver, Barbeau, became infuriated, Stackhouse said.

Barbeau gunned the Toyota’s engine, scooting forward in an attempt to force Stackhouse back, she said. But she pulled in front of him anyway.

Barbeau started yelling, flipping her off and flashing his lights, Stackhouse said. About a half block down the road, Stackhouse came to a crosswalk and stopped her car. Barbeau stepped out of his truck and started walking toward Stackhouse and Mann, 26, who was in the passenger’s seat, but Stackhouse drove off, she said.

Reaching a roundabout a half mile later, Barbeau was tailgating Stackhouse so closely that she could no longer see his headlights or license plate. “I really thought he was about to rear end me,” she said. So she decided to pull over to let him pass.

But instead of passing, Barbeau slammed on his brakes. He stepped out of his truck and punched the back window of Stackhouse’s Kia, shattering the glass, she said. He punched out the driver’s side taillight. Then, he attacked Stackhouse, Bend police said.

While Stackhouse’s door was locked, her window was rolled down. Barbeau, Stackhouse said, reached into the window, grabbed her right arm, twisted it and broke it. He punched her in the face, breaking her glasses. Mann stepped out of the car and approached Barbeau to try to protect Stackhouse. But he threw Mann to the ground, where she hit her head and was knocked her unconscious, Stackhouse and authorities said."
Bitch shouldn't have cut him off! Maybe she learned her lesson. Sucks he will go to jail for teaching this moron a lesson.'s great that his fat ass will now get to walk the big yard...and explain to Bubba about his alt/right views.
Oh so because he is white is Alt Right now? Dumbest thing I have heard today.
Oh dykes as well! Tack on a hate crime enhancement it is a libtard bastion!
Nope...but I hope some fool gets out of his truck and tries to attack me--I'll fill his ass full of holes. Best cure for road rage I can think of. Share the road..and remember..a truck is not an extension of your's just a means to get from point A to point B--alive.
So you would have shot the dyke for cutting you off? I wouldn't have shot them,I would have scared the shit out of them. I followed an asshole all the way home once for pissing me off when I was driving my SUV....another sack of shit tried to fuck with me when I refused to let a coon and his white slut across in front of me at WalMart...something about being 6 foot 4 and 250 plus pounds tends to make people think twice.
Are you deliberately stupid..or were you born that way?
No--I would shoot the road rager..dumbshit!
As for 6'4" and 250lbs..I've always appreciated a large target. I can only wish you, or someone like you would follow me home...last mistake you'd make.

AS far as people cutting me or whatever..I just breath..laugh it off..and continue with my day. It's not worth it and I'm mature enough to control those little jabs of irritation that the modern day brings.
Simpletons can't handle the zipper merge. Jackasses that refuse to let traffic merge only makes the delay longer. They even do it when there is signage to take turns.
I blame crappy drivers testing that brings no real world scenarios to the drivers test., this guy slammed on his brakes because he was enraged that you "refused to let a coon and his white slut across in front of me at WalMart."? This with your pregnant wife in the car/ Cheering you on, no doubt.

What a great fellow and all around human being you are...not.
You're the guy who cuts people off then waves his gun around.

One day you'll meet the guy with his own gun.
Other way around, Troll.
I drive like the geezer I am..slow, polite and careful and I never wave my gun around..if you see's the sight you will take into eternity.
Not if he sees it first, geezer.
Well..that's life, right? I doubt the issue will come in Idaho--we tend to be polite. I suspect our Constitutional Carry laws might have something to do with it.
That's death, too. But at your age you won't have to wait long.
Fair enough...but I've made it further than most--remains to be seen if you can run the race as well!
Well..that's life, right? I doubt the issue will come in Idaho--we tend to be polite. I suspect our Constitutional Carry laws might have something to do with it.
That's death, too. But at your age you won't have to wait long.

That dont mean you have to just let it take you either.
That's another reason these girls should have been armed.
Wow! A rare day...we both agree...the girls should have been armed.
You're the guy who cuts people off then waves his gun around.

One day you'll meet the guy with his own gun.
Other way around, Troll.
I drive like the geezer I am..slow, polite and careful and I never wave my gun around..if you see's the sight you will take into eternity.
Not if he sees it first, geezer.
Well..that's life, right? I doubt the issue will come in Idaho--we tend to be polite. I suspect our Constitutional Carry laws might have something to do with it.
That's death, too. But at your age you won't have to wait long.
Fair enough...but I've made it further than most--remains to be seen if you can run the race as well!
That's nice, dear. :)
Well..that's life, right? I doubt the issue will come in Idaho--we tend to be polite. I suspect our Constitutional Carry laws might have something to do with it.
That's death, too. But at your age you won't have to wait long.

That dont mean you have to just let it take you either.
That's another reason these girls should have been armed.
Wow! A rare day...we both agree...the girls should have been armed.
They probably took female self-defense classes at the local Y.
Oregon man breaks woman’s arm, knocks out her fiancee in road rage attack, police say

Road rage--we all do it---but is it worth it? This man lived out a fantasy many of us have had--now he's probably going to prison.

"Traffic was heavy as the couple made their way home from the carnival at about 8 p.m. Friday, Stackhouse said in an interview with The Washington Post. At the wheel of her brand new Kia Soul, the 34-year-old woman tried maneuvering through the cars to find a space to merge onto the road. She tried squeezing in the space in front of a black Toyota truck, and the driver, Barbeau, became infuriated, Stackhouse said.

Barbeau gunned the Toyota’s engine, scooting forward in an attempt to force Stackhouse back, she said. But she pulled in front of him anyway.

Barbeau started yelling, flipping her off and flashing his lights, Stackhouse said. About a half block down the road, Stackhouse came to a crosswalk and stopped her car. Barbeau stepped out of his truck and started walking toward Stackhouse and Mann, 26, who was in the passenger’s seat, but Stackhouse drove off, she said.

Reaching a roundabout a half mile later, Barbeau was tailgating Stackhouse so closely that she could no longer see his headlights or license plate. “I really thought he was about to rear end me,” she said. So she decided to pull over to let him pass.

But instead of passing, Barbeau slammed on his brakes. He stepped out of his truck and punched the back window of Stackhouse’s Kia, shattering the glass, she said. He punched out the driver’s side taillight. Then, he attacked Stackhouse, Bend police said.

While Stackhouse’s door was locked, her window was rolled down. Barbeau, Stackhouse said, reached into the window, grabbed her right arm, twisted it and broke it. He punched her in the face, breaking her glasses. Mann stepped out of the car and approached Barbeau to try to protect Stackhouse. But he threw Mann to the ground, where she hit her head and was knocked her unconscious, Stackhouse and authorities said."
Bitch shouldn't have cut him off! Maybe she learned her lesson. Sucks he will go to jail for teaching this moron a lesson.'s great that his fat ass will now get to walk the big yard...and explain to Bubba about his alt/right views.
Oh so because he is white is Alt Right now? Dumbest thing I have heard today.
Oh dykes as well! Tack on a hate crime enhancement it is a libtard bastion!
Nope...but I hope some fool gets out of his truck and tries to attack me--I'll fill his ass full of holes. Best cure for road rage I can think of. Share the road..and remember..a truck is not an extension of your's just a means to get from point A to point B--alive.
So you would have shot the dyke for cutting you off? I wouldn't have shot them,I would have scared the shit out of them. I followed an asshole all the way home once for pissing me off when I was driving my SUV....another sack of shit tried to fuck with me when I refused to let a coon and his white slut across in front of me at WalMart...something about being 6 foot 4 and 250 plus pounds tends to make people think twice.


Got any other cool stories about how you got away with being an asshole? :p
I would only be an internet tough guy IF it happened on the internet. This was in South Carolina about 10 years ago. I wasn't the prick he was. He slammed on his brakes in front of me after I had left the WalMart and I had my pregnant wife with me....He fucked up and realized it when I wasn't some skinny bitch that got out of my vehicle but a very large man who wanted to stomp his ass until he took off like a bitch.
Cool story, Mabel.
Well..that's life, right? I doubt the issue will come in Idaho--we tend to be polite. I suspect our Constitutional Carry laws might have something to do with it.
That's death, too. But at your age you won't have to wait long.

That dont mean you have to just let it take you either.
That's another reason these girls should have been armed.

I knew a guy in Dallas who kept getting cut off each morning on his way to work BY THE SAME GUY! I guess they both were so regular with getting up and hitting the road that they ran into each other metaphorically for like five mornings straight, but still the ass hole had to have been adjusting h is timing or something, it seems to me. This dude kept cutting my friend off and it just infuriated him. He would cuss about it for an hour as he set up our turret lathes, lol.

Well he was off that Friday to take his car to the shop, so he drove like he was going to work, and sure enough the ass hole was there and he once again cut my friend off. Well this time my friend did not have a clock to punch, so he followed this guy till he stopped to get coffee at a 7-11 where my friend asked the guy if he knew who he was, the ass hole laughed and said yes, so what? Then my friend knocked his ass out and left.

They served papers on him at work for a civil suit, but they dropped it later.

I guess even tort lawyers can see a sure loser with a client like they had.
Oregon man breaks woman’s arm, knocks out her fiancee in road rage attack, police say

Road rage--we all do it---but is it worth it? This man lived out a fantasy many of us have had--now he's probably going to prison.

"Traffic was heavy as the couple made their way home from the carnival at about 8 p.m. Friday, Stackhouse said in an interview with The Washington Post. At the wheel of her brand new Kia Soul, the 34-year-old woman tried maneuvering through the cars to find a space to merge onto the road. She tried squeezing in the space in front of a black Toyota truck, and the driver, Barbeau, became infuriated, Stackhouse said.

Barbeau gunned the Toyota’s engine, scooting forward in an attempt to force Stackhouse back, she said. But she pulled in front of him anyway.

Barbeau started yelling, flipping her off and flashing his lights, Stackhouse said. About a half block down the road, Stackhouse came to a crosswalk and stopped her car. Barbeau stepped out of his truck and started walking toward Stackhouse and Mann, 26, who was in the passenger’s seat, but Stackhouse drove off, she said.

Reaching a roundabout a half mile later, Barbeau was tailgating Stackhouse so closely that she could no longer see his headlights or license plate. “I really thought he was about to rear end me,” she said. So she decided to pull over to let him pass.

But instead of passing, Barbeau slammed on his brakes. He stepped out of his truck and punched the back window of Stackhouse’s Kia, shattering the glass, she said. He punched out the driver’s side taillight. Then, he attacked Stackhouse, Bend police said.

While Stackhouse’s door was locked, her window was rolled down. Barbeau, Stackhouse said, reached into the window, grabbed her right arm, twisted it and broke it. He punched her in the face, breaking her glasses. Mann stepped out of the car and approached Barbeau to try to protect Stackhouse. But he threw Mann to the ground, where she hit her head and was knocked her unconscious, Stackhouse and authorities said."
Bitch shouldn't have cut him off! Maybe she learned her lesson. Sucks he will go to jail for teaching this moron a lesson.
If it was me and I was carrying Barbeau would be a dead man
Had an armed driver stop a road rage incident in my county not long ago.
Man shot in Fridley during apparent road rage incident, police say
Latest is no charges filed against shooter.

There was a case in Dallas of a guy who followed a driver and started beating the h ell out of him in his car, but the driver was armed and shot the dude, possibly saving his own life.

I tried to Google it but it is an apparently common thing now, lol.
Had an armed driver stop a road rage incident in my county not long ago.
Man shot in Fridley during apparent road rage incident, police say
Latest is no charges filed against shooter.

Fixed Your link
Man shot in Fridley during apparent road rage incident, police say
My link:
Williston man killed during road rage in Twin Cities
A North Dakota man is dead after a road rage incident in the Twin Cities.

It happened after a multi-car accident on a highway north of Minneapolis Thursday.

Witnesses told police that 33-year-old Simon Schiffler of Williston accosted several people at the scene before pulling out the large knife.

Another motorist who wasn't involved in the accident stopped to intervene and shot Schiffler several times when the man came after him.

The shooter was not arrested.
Had an armed driver stop a road rage incident in my county not long ago.
Man shot in Fridley during apparent road rage incident, police say
Latest is no charges filed against shooter.

There was a case in Dallas of a guy who followed a driver and started beating the h ell out of him in his car, but the driver was armed and shot the dude, possibly saving his own life.

I tried to Google it but it is an apparently common thing now, lol.
My wife and I plan to get our CC.
For now as a carpenter, I keep my framing hammer within reach.
I know how to swing that sucker.

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