Moscow calling: Donald Trump’s campaign was in contact with Russian agents

Do anyone on the right have a problem with this?

No. He didn't take money from the Russians did he? Like Hillary took money from many foreign donors. Did you ever have a problem with all her money coming in from abroad?
I don't care. If it ever produces problems for our nation I will, until then go fuck yourself.

Retreat! We're running out of excuses!

This could be nothing, but it is a big deal nonetheless. I'll wait to see if the story makes it to more mainstream media.

It's already been in the New York Times. And smack dab in the middle of the NYT article they say it is not unusual during a campaign. Hillary was in touch with Japanese officials and Egyptian.

This was up earlier.
It's already been in the New York Times. And smack dab in the middle of the NYT article they say it is not unusual during a campaign.

Again. If it isn't a big deal, then why did his spokesman deny it?
I seem to recall that Obama actively /campaigned/ in foreign countries. (To be fair I can't seem to place it in my head, which means I heard it on the radio - have near photographic memory, but vocal memory is actually kind of bad.)
I seem to recall that Obama actively /campaigned/ in foreign countries.

Did Barack Obama deny being in communication with another government, despite a conflicting statement from an official of that other government?
No. He didn't take money from the Russians did he?

You don't know that, just like you didn't know he was in contact with the Russian government until now.

It's been out there. Nothing new. Trump didn't personally didn't meet with Putin like he did with Bibi. Clinton met with Israel, Japan and Egypt too. What is the big deal?

On the other hand I can prove as can others that Clinton received money from many foreign nations. Hard core money. Like one million from Qatar. The donor list is nothing short of shocking.

Seems no one on the left seemed to care. One in particular really bothered me. When she was SOS she was receiving millions of dollars from Ukrainian oligarch. Pinchuk foundation who were desperate to overthrow the current President.

Donations 8 million for starters. Gee. Guess what happened? The Ukrainian President and his party were overthrown. Coincidence?
Trump denied the idea that he was working with the Russians to get elected...

Find me some video of him denying he'd met any of them if you could. I'm at work.
Moscow calling: Donald Trump’s campaign was in contact with Russian agents


“Obviously, we know most of the people from his entourage,” said Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Rybakov in an interview on Thursday with Interfax, a state-run news agency. “Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and have occupied high-ranking positions. I cannot say that all of them but quite a few have been staying in touch with Russian representatives.”

Moscow had contacts with Trump team during campaign, Russian diplomat says

Trump faced criticism during the campaign for his positive statements about Russian President Vladimir Putin and for other Russia-friendly policy stances, although he repeatedly denied having financial or other ties to Moscow.
So I guess Trump Jr. wasn't kidding when he made this claim.

Donald Trump Jr. made that very claim at a real estate conference in New York in 2008, saying “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Donald Trump Jr. added, “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

Now ignorant right wingers have given us a traitor as president. A true Manchurian Candidate. Good Job!
Well, with Clinton, you would have had nukes flying into our cities, destroying them.
So you are saying it's OK for the president to be a Russian puppet?
Do anyone on the right have a problem with this?

No. He didn't take money from the Russians did he? Like Hillary took money from many foreign donors. Did you ever have a problem with all her money coming in from abroad?
Are you calling Trump's son a liar?

Donald Trump Jr. made that very claim at a real estate conference in New York in 2008, saying “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Donald Trump Jr. added, “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
Inside Trump’s financial ties to Russia and his unusual flattery of Vladimir Putin

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”


So are they calling Trump's son a liar?

And Russian Diplomats?
No. He didn't take money from the Russians did he?

You don't know that, just like you didn't know he was in contact with the Russian government until now.

Trump has never been in touch with Russian officials. Neither has the campaign. I put up another thread where the NYT does a proper translation and what this comes down to is the Russian Ambassador in Washington of course was in touch with Trump's and this is an important word. ALLIES.

The FBI cleared the campaign for crying out loud as far as linking Trump to Russian hacking or financial institutions. Here. Reid asked the FBI to investigate.

"Beyond that, the Senate minority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, asked the Federal Bureau of Investigation in August to investigate whether Russia might be trying to manipulate the vote.

But law enforcement officials said that their investigations found no direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government in the hacking of the Democrats’ computers. They also found no conclusive evidence of financial connections between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russian financial institutions."
It's been out there. Nothing new.

This is being reported on today.

Either a senior Russian diplomat is lying, or Donald Trump is lying.

For crying out loud this goes back to July. Everyone was trying to tie Trump directly to Putin. It's a no go. As far as the Russian Ambassador interacting with Senators and other allies of Trump to try to discern what the future policy towards Russia might be it just makes freaking sense.

And this is far different than Obama's campaign advisors running the "REMAIN" campaign for Cameron in Britain.

"Donald Trump’s Russian Connections
Donald J. Trump and Vladimir V. Putin have exchanged many compliments over the past year. We looked at the basis of the mutual respect between the two men who have never met.

By NATALIA V. OSIPOVA and STEVEN LEE MYERS on Publish Date July 27, 2016.

Photo by From left; Todd Heisler/The New York Times, Yury Kochetkov/European Pressphoto Agency. Watch in Times Video »
embed Beyond that, the Senate minority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, asked the Federal Bureau of Investigation in August to investigate whether Russia might be trying to manipulate the vote.

But law enforcement officials said that their investigations found no direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government in the hacking of the Democrats’ computers. They also found no conclusive evidence of financial connections between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russian financial institutions.

Still, some advisers to Mr. Trump have had contact with the Russian government. Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, a retired intelligence officer and an adviser to Trump on security issues, was seated next to Mr. Putin during an anniversary dinner in Moscow for the English-language satellite television network, RT, in December 2015. And Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, had previously been a paid consultant to former President Viktor F. Yanukovych of Ukraine, a Kremlin ally before he was ousted in a civic uprising.

On Thursday, Mr. Rybakov sought to play down the perception that Moscow was thrilled by Mr. Trump’s victory — though members of the state Duma, or Parliament, did burst into applause at the news."
You realize that the 2008 references he's talking about selling homes to Russian's -- I believe it was in California. It was on the David Letterman Show and as I recall he then complained that it was really sad because all the deals he was making in property was all foreigners and not Americans. He talked about folks from S.America (Brazil I think) buying in Florida and some stuff about China sales (I seem to recall that at the time Asia was having troubles economically.)
Do anyone on the right have a problem with this?

No. He didn't take money from the Russians did he? Like Hillary took money from many foreign donors. Did you ever have a problem with all her money coming in from abroad?
Are you calling Trump's son a liar?

Donald Trump Jr. made that very claim at a real estate conference in New York in 2008, saying “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Donald Trump Jr. added, “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

For Russians investing in business? What's the problem?

But when you get millions for your charity and then as SOS you turn around and give Russia all this uranium. That is pay to play.

Or how about all that money Clinton got from Pinchuk the Ukrainian oligarch when she was SOS and somehow Pinchuk was able to get clearance to do multi million dollar business with Iran.
Mega pipeline deal.

How much dirt do you want to keep front and center on Hillary?
Ny problem is the number of countries that Hillary took millions of dollars from. Can anyone prove Trump took money from Russia?

Like Hillary took money from Ukrainian oligarchs, Saudi Arabia, Qatar you freaking name it.

The problem is you're asking for proof when the proof lies in the tax returns which you fight sgainst. It's like begging to find you wife's killer but not allowing them to search the crime scene.

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