Moscow empire claims the West lost WWII I VIDEO

Well, in many respects they have a point. Thanks to FDR's horrible handling of the war, the Soviets annexed Eastern Europe, raped and looted Manchuria on a gigantic scale, and set up a puppet state in North Korea. There were millions more people enslaved as a result of WWII than they were before the war began.

And thanks to FDR's and then Truman's atrocious handling of China, China fell under Communist tyranny in 1949.
Unintended consequences----happen
Well, in many respects they have a point. Thanks to FDR's horrible handling of the war, the Soviets annexed Eastern Europe, raped and looted Manchuria on a gigantic scale, and set up a puppet state in North Korea. There were millions more people enslaved as a result of WWII than they were before the war began.

And thanks to FDR's and then Truman's atrocious handling of China, China fell under Communist tyranny in 1949.
Defeating the Japs was atrocious ?
To thrive and recover from CENTURIES of Russian
abuse (besides----most of the jews already left---or
There were no centuries of Russian abuse, any jews that left were persecuted like in Russia at the time under the Monarchists jews were persecuted all over Europe, many didn't leave Ukraine because they were murdered by Bandera and the Nazis.
There were no centuries of Russian abuse, any jews that left were persecuted like in Russia at the time under the Monarchists jews were persecuted all over Europe, many didn't leave Ukraine because they were murdered by Bandera and the Nazis.
Russia had an innovative way of oppressing UKRAINE. It exiled
jews into Ukraine (where they were CERTAINLY NOT WELCOMED) to act as BUFFER CANNON FODDER between Russia and Europe. No question---the situation was not good for jews.
Jews I knew as a child---like my grandparents and their friends,
whether Ukrainian or not---virtually spit when they said
"Ukrainian" Jews were imposed on Catholic or Eastern Ortho
"Ukrainians"---a very unfriendly situation. Ukrainians I have
known blamed jews for STALIN
Defeating the Japs was atrocious ?
Oh, boy. The Japanese did not want to fight us. They wanted to remain allies and to either reach a reasonable deal with Chiang Kai-shek or attack the Soviet Union. FDR spurned every peace offer the Japanese made, even though they would have given him virtually everything he claimed he wanted. Instead, he provoked Japan to war.

Waging war against Japan led to the fall of China, the creation of North Korea, the Korean War, and the rise of the Viet Minh in Vietnam.
There were no centuries of Russian abuse,
RT.RU CRAP 🇷🇺 propaganda

active discriminatory policies began with the partition of Poland in the 18th century by Austria, Prussia (Germany) and Russia, which resulted, for the first time in Russian history, in the possession of land with a large population of Jews in the Russian Partition.[3] This land was designated as the Pale of Settlement from which Jews were forbidden to migrate into the interior of Russia.[3] In 1772, Catherine II forced the Jews of the Pale of Settlement to stay in their shtetls and forbade them from returning to the towns that they occupied before the partition of Poland.[4] The Pale of Settlement was officialized in 1791 with the purpose of ridding Moscow of Jews.[5] Its borders were finalized in 1812 with the annexation of Bessarabia.

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