Moscow subway station looking absolutely beautiful. Unlike the filthy and dangerous New York City subway.

^That’s what America used to look like beautiful, luxurious, mysterious, perhaps. That’s what we had in the 1940s 50s.

This is a liberal Democrat thing to do. Recognize the beauty of other cultures. Right that’s what liberalism is all about. Dare I say the word multiculturalism. Of course the anti-Russians stooges who scream “Putin lover” at every chance are totally brain dead.

This is the truth there are no screaming drug addicts on the Russian subway. In the subway station itself looks absolutely beautiful, filled with old paintings and wonderful architecture. We can learn from this in America.

Communism is no longer a thing in Russia. It’s now the Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, in a New York City subway ..

Boston subway

But if we go into the American past and look at the society that our grandparents created, we could be very proud of our black and white grandparents.

From the New York Transit Museum Archives, a 1949 film about daily subway operations.

No graffiti above , Clean wonderful neighborhoods.

Well there you have it those are the facts staring us in the face every day the degradation of America today brought to us by radical feminist , radical LGBT BLM people. We need to go back to our traditions.

The Moscow Underground is a monument to soviet endeavour. Thanks for highlighting its wonder,
The Soviets do have an excellent Moscow subway. No human rights but they have excellent subway structures.
Navalny is dead. Tucker didn't tour his prison.
I’ve been to Bangkok and other places in Thailand and I’m in Cambodia now. There are no safety concerns here. And there’s more poverty here.

America has a cultural problem. And the radical left-wing will claim that blacks and minorities commit crimes because they’re poor. That is a horrific reasoning. That’s why there’s tons and tons of shootings in Chicago. People commit a crime and their let out the next day. Or people feel that they can commit really violent crimes and they’re entitled to do so. That cultural degradation does not exist here in Southeast Asia.

in major cities in America like Baltimore, Los Angeles, New York City there’s all sorts of violent crime issues. Especially if you are a young single woman you gotta worry about being spit on or harassed on the subway. That kind of nonsense is unheard of on mass transit systems in Bangkok.

We American patriots want our country back. From the filth that BLM Democrat and neoconservatives have created. Americans are tired of seeing graffiti all over the place of major cities. We’re tired of BLM race division. Tired of high prices and astronomical loan rates. Stop giving our money to foreign countries for their wars and use those hundreds of billions of dollars to rebuild American cities and have a better transportation system.

All we have to do is respect American traditions, and do what our grandparents did and we will have a better country
I've been all over Thailand, Cambodia and Laos.

We aren't talking about that though, we are talking about Russia...the place that just murdered a dissenting candidate.
Focus on the subject and don't waste my time with a bunch of unhinged racist claptrap.

^That’s what America used to look like beautiful, luxurious, mysterious, perhaps. That’s what we had in the 1940s 50s.

This is a liberal Democrat thing to do. Recognize the beauty of other cultures. Right that’s what liberalism is all about. Dare I say the word multiculturalism. Of course the anti-Russians stooges who scream “Putin lover” at every chance are totally brain dead.

This is the truth there are no screaming drug addicts on the Russian subway. In the subway station itself looks absolutely beautiful, filled with old paintings and wonderful architecture. We can learn from this in America.

Communism is no longer a thing in Russia. It’s now the Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, in a New York City subway ..

Boston subway

But if we go into the American past and look at the society that our grandparents created, we could be very proud of our black and white grandparents.

From the New York Transit Museum Archives, a 1949 film about daily subway operations.

No graffiti above , Clean wonderful neighborhoods.

Well there you have it those are the facts staring us in the face every day the degradation of America today brought to us by radical feminist , radical LGBT BLM people. We need to go back to our traditions.

Then move to Moscow.
I've been all over Thailand, Cambodia and Laos.

We aren't talking about that though, we are talking about Russia...the place that just murdered a dissenting candidate.
Focus on the subject and don't waste my time with a bunch of unhinged racist claptrap.
Personal attack/inventing someone’s views ie “racist”

The Moscow subway is beautiful… it is clearly not anywhere near as dangerous or ugly as the New York City subway.

Ukraine is just as if not more authoritarian compared to Russia. They have a state ran media and they canceled presidential elections points of which you have yet to respond to.
Then move to Moscow.
I went to Thailand, and I’m in Cambodia now

Taking a break from the BLM and radical feminist filth Of America.

Had a nice man from Italy told me he was in Dallas and got robbed at gunpoint by a black guy… sometimes it’s embarrassing to be an American abroad.

young Black people commit the most violent crimes in America. Robbery. Rape. Young white people are responsible for most mass school shootings…, these problems do not exist in countries like Russia or Thailand. That is the point that no Biden blm supporter has ever responded to logically. They simply respond with personal attacks and trolling. That’s why we have problems in America today.

I’m staying confident, America will prevail, and get back to being a beautiful country like it was when our grandparents were in their prime
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I went to Thailand, and I’m in Cambodia now

Taking a break from the BLM and radical feminist filth Of America.

Had a nice man from Italy told me he was in Dallas and got robbed at gunpoint by a black guy… sometimes it’s embarrassing to be an American abroad.

young Black people commit the most violent crimes in America. Robbery. Rape. Young white people are responsible for most mass school shootings…, these problems do not exist in countries like Russia or Thailand. That is the point that no Biden beyond supporter has ever responded to logically. They simply respond with personal tax and trolling. That’s why we have problems in America today.

I’m staying confident, America will prevail, and get back to being a beautiful country like it was when our grandparents were in their prime
Homogeneous countries do not have the kinds of conflicts diverse nations do.
Homogeneous countries do not have the kinds of conflicts diverse nations do.
I don’t blame our issues on diversity. Because we had tons of diversity in the early 20th century. Immigrants from different parts of Europe and plenty of black folks. We had a much stronger middle class back in those days. No graffiti on the streets.

In Thailand, there’s like 1 million Russians. There’s also quite a few people from different parts of Asia. Cambodia has a big tourist industry as well.

There’s clearly something poisonous about American culture right now that we need to confront. And much of the blame goes to the media, Hollywood and many politicians for doing the wrong things.
Have you ever been to Russia? I have. The subway stations are nice but, if you go out to the street, there are potholes big enough to swallow a Lada. No, Russia isn't some kind of paradise, its a craphole where just about everything is about to fall apart. Go there, find your paradise, report back.
Trumpers love them some Putin
I went to Thailand, and I’m in Cambodia now

Taking a break from the BLM and radical feminist filth Of America.

Had a nice man from Italy told me he was in Dallas and got robbed at gunpoint by a black guy… sometimes it’s embarrassing to be an American abroad.

young Black people commit the most violent crimes in America. Robbery. Rape. Young white people are responsible for most mass school shootings…, these problems do not exist in countries like Russia or Thailand. That is the point that no Biden blm supporter has ever responded to logically. They simply respond with personal attacks and trolling. That’s why we have problems in America today.

I’m staying confident, America will prevail, and get back to being a beautiful country like it was when our grandparents were in their prime
I used to live in Dallass and was never robbed...
I've been all over Thailand, Cambodia and Laos.

We aren't talking about that though, we are talking about Russia...the place that just murdered a dissenting candidate.
There's less evidence of your claim, than there is that Biden was doing inappropriate things with his daughter in the shower...
I’m not a Republican.

Part of the problem is not just Republicans turning down those bills perhaps. And I’m wondering if these bills you’re talking about include some kind of left-wing policies as well, which is terrible for the country.

But the abomination of a culture we have in America. Just look up the research on attack on subway trains. Look them up on YouTube. Seems like it’s almost exclusively done by blacks

Most mass school shootings are committed by young white people, so the cultural problem goes both ways. We did not have these crime issues in the American past. Because our grandparents built a better society.

Ukraine is an authoritarian country as well and don’t you support Ukraine or no? Ukraine has a state ran media It has canceled presidential elections. And it suppresses freedom of religion.

The United States is already allied with authoritarian countries all throughout Africa and South America. So we should still work with Russia by the way.

Looks like you’re kind of going off on a tangent with asking people “if they want a dictatorship.” That’s not going to solve the issue. People are literally shitting on mass transit systems in America. You saw it in the video. That’s a cultural problem, sir.

Plus other countries in Europe that are not dictatorship don’t have this issue a violence and filth on their mass transit systems.. So you’re response is easily rebutted… recognize that radical feminism, and BLM politics is an absolute disaster for America. Once You can do that you will find the solutions.
Blah...blah...blah. It is a simple choice. Are you willing to pay higher taxes to improve our infrastructure - yes or no? Did you even search for Tucker and his views on our infrastructure bills? And this is the turd that is putting down our country's infrastructure.

Bridges that don't crumble, roads that have no potholes subways/trains that run without accidents, and clean subway stations do not happen by magic.

You may not be a MAGA Republican but you sure sound like one. Admire authoritarian regimes like Putin and whine about the state of the country without caring about solutions

You and your kind should move to Russia. You will be much happier there. Buh-bye.
Have you ever been to Russia? I have. The subway stations are nice but, if you go out to the street, there are potholes big enough to swallow a Lada. No, Russia isn't some kind of paradise, its a craphole where just about everything is about to fall apart. Go there, find your paradise, report back.
Its sunk from a growing second world nation to a declining third world nation and a wholly owned colony of China. Way to go Putin!
I rode the BTS train system in Bangkok. It’s very clean. Everyone is extremely polite.

And there’s more poverty in Bangkok compared to New York City so there is zero excuse crime in New York City subways.. It is despicable the way the police are treated in places like New York City. Let the police do their job. And let’s get America back to what it used to be a beautiful place that was safe to travel through.

Look at the degradation in America today, mass school shootings something that did not exist in the 1940s 50s or 60s. Starting with columbine in the 1990s now we have tons of mass school shootings. There used to never be graffiti on the public transportation systems in America, but starting in the 80s you would see graffiti all over the place. And it continues to this day.

America is still a good place. But you can’t lie to yourself. We cannot lie to ourselves. It’s not like it used to be. And there’s problems that we need to confront.

Rude Commuter Behavior Caught Happening on New York Subways

That type of cultural problem exists almost only in America. This so-called richest country in the world. We were much better in the 1940s. And the sites and images you see above RN embarrassment to America. This post is brought to you by an actual liberal, and Democrat, who cares about America.

Not in a mood to gloat but that's disgusting.

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