Moscow: US must pack its stuff and get out of Europe

The US, elite and society in general have lost sense of self-preservation because last generation had too a peaceful and prosperous life.
And we like it. I wouldn't suggest you test US resolve. I fly a historic US flag that has four simple words emblazoned on it, "DON'T TREAD ON ME" As long as you don't you have nothing to worry about. As soon as you do, you will suffer consequences.
And we like it. I wouldn't suggest you test US resolve. I fly a historic US flag that has four simple words emblazoned on it, "DON'T TREAD ON ME" As long as you don't you have nothing to worry about. As soon as you do, you will suffer consequences.
Only Americans brag of inadequacy.. :)

but this is exactly what I am talking about, the US is drunk with being unpunished for its aggressions for the last 3 decades, but it must be stopped for the sake of human kind.
Russia is going to make this service to the planet.
Only Americans brag of inadequacy.. :)

but this is exactly what I am talking about, the US is drunk with being unpunished for its aggressions for the last 3 decades, but it must be stopped for the sake of human kind.
Russia is going to make this service to the planet.

Definitely a Ukrainian trying to make Russia look bad.

Where is Russian military intelligence?!
The US Space Force just held a practice war game this past December. There is nothing delusional nor pink about that fact. Additional activity with US and Japan pairing up to counter China.

“After Russia successfully conducted an anti-satellite missile test last month, U.S. officials believe there is an increasing need to make the U.S. satellite network resilient to attack and to use opportunities like 'Space Flag' to train.”

“Satellites are vital to military communications, global positioning navigation, and timing systems that are needed in the event of war.”

“The 10-day-long space war game attempts to simulate the cutting edge of the U.S. capability in space. The training exercise involved an adversarial group working to simulate an aggressor nation with space capabilities like Russia or China.”

Follow the money for future predictions of global engagement. “Look up, way up, not back”.
there is no shame in putting own ideas with own words without abusing copy-paste... :)
brevity is a sister of talent...
Definitely a Ukrainian trying to make Russia look bad.

Where is Russian military intelligence?!
Are you of so bad an impression of Ukrainians? :)
I know one cannot expect much from Ukrainians, taking in account they destroyed their country just forvthe sake of obeying to Americans, but still...
there is no shame in putting own ideas with own words without abusing copy-paste... :)
brevity is a sister of talent...

Are you of so bad an impression of Ukrainians? :)
I know one cannot expect much from Ukrainians, taking in account they destroyed their country just forvthe sake of obeying to Americans, but still...

You're Ukrainian.

Pretending to be Russian.
there is no shame in putting own ideas with own words without abusing copy-paste... :)
brevity is a sister of talent...

Are you of so bad an impression of Ukrainians? :)
I know one cannot expect much from Ukrainians, taking in account they destroyed their country just forvthe sake of obeying to Americans, but still...
Lol Evidently you are not familiar with my lengthy posts. I can talk with the best of them comrade, but requires an honest conversation. You began the OP revealing your intent for war mongering and anti-American sentiments. I asked you why you presented your heading like a fact when it was merely your opinion. You denied it? Lol Now, 9 pages later, you’ve come clean! Why didn’t you just fess up when I asked? lol

Do you find that you waste a lot of time during the day, spinning your wheels, saturated in deception? I think you waste other people‘s time on purpose. Get a better life if you can, otherwise you will die within 8 years of a stomach ulcer. Sorry to be the bearer of such news.

Moscow: US must pack its stuff and get out of Europe​


What a good idea.

Let's do exactly that. This is a European problem. Why do we always have to fight their stupid wars for them? I don't support any more of that.

Out, out, out, out of NATO, too. NATO is a whole lot more trouble than it is worth to us.
Only problem there is their respective economies will collapse and either bring us down with them or force us to bail them out.......again.
Russia has a lower GDP than Brazil.

With all its natural resources, Russia should be a huge Norway.

Instead, Russia is a huge Mexico.

Mexico GDP $1 trillion

Russian GDP $1.4 trillion
And you expect better with constant sanctions and the threaten of sanctions levied against them by the west?


How many developing economies, let alone developed economies want to risk exchange outside of oil and NG?

Even that is frowned upon.

The sheer fact that they have a 1.4T GDP is amazing in itself.

It's not rocket surgery Sparky McShitlib.
Today Russian press has exploded with such quotes of Russian officials.
To say that the tone is super self-confident and super-tough is to say nothing, Russia behaves as if it defeated the US and unconditionally imposes its will on Washington.

Putin has never behaved like this, he is the most caucious person in Russia, most Russians including myself are pissed off with his softnes towards the West.

But, as we saw in Crimea and Syria, Putin is capable of decisive steps.

Russian deputy Minister of foreign affairs Ryabkov said Russia is ready to start intimidating the US.

It seems Putin has an ace in his sleeve which we are going to see in about a week....

Probably we can talk about Russia getting ability of first whiping out strike against the US which the US will not be able to counter.

Anyway, I presume we can congradulate our American friends with American age being over.

you can google translate these, articles

If putin waits till the US is fully engaged in a war with china russia might grab some territory like a jackel stealing meat from the lions

but no way can russia defeat NATO mano a mano
Russia better be careful with how thin it spreads itself. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and now they figure Russia is strong enough to take on NATO too. Bring it.

Moscow: US must pack its stuff and get out of Europe​


What a good idea.

Let's do exactly that. This is a European problem. Why do we always have to fight their stupid wars for them? I don't support any more of that.

Out, out, out, out of NATO, too. NATO is a whole lot more trouble than it is worth to us.
Have you ever taken a history course on Chamberlain and Hitler - those who don't study history are doomed (paraphrased) to re-live the deaths of the many.


Moscow: US must pack its stuff and get out of Europe​


What a good idea.

Let's do exactly that. This is a European problem. Why do we always have to fight their stupid wars for them? I don't support any more of that.

Out, out, out, out of NATO, too. NATO is a whole lot more trouble than it is worth to us.

Second third and fourth! Bravo! :clap::clap::clap:
Yes Yes Russia evil...back to your bowl of preservatives and mainstream propaganda.
Does Norway have troops amassed on Sweden's borders? Has Norway taken part of Finland? Is Norway sending troops to Denmark to prop up a government? Russia IS amassed on Ukraine's borders. Russia took part of Ukraine when they annexed Crimea. Russia has sent troops to Kazakhstan to prop up the government there. To be perfectly fair--Russia was invited into Kazakhstan. Russia is no saint moron, and your defense of that government speaks volumes.
Does Norway have troops amassed on Sweden's borders? Has Norway taken part of Finland? Is Norway sending troops to Denmark to prop up a government? Russia IS amassed on Ukraine's borders. Russia took part of Ukraine when they annexed Crimea. Russia has sent troops to Kazakhstan to prop up the government there. To be perfectly fair--Russia was invited into Kazakhstan. Russia is no saint moron, and your defense of that government speaks volumes.
You fucking fluoride slurping drones can do nothing but parrot your government's propaganda mouthpiece media.

The Irony is Astounding

You fucking fluoride slurping drones can do nothing but parrot your government's propaganda mouthpiece media.

The Irony is Astounding

View attachment 586353
Seems to me that these small countries are worried about the aggression of their neighbor to the east and are allied to present a united front. I think they all have autonomy. They joined the alliance voluntarily unlike the former USSR satellites who gained autonomy and like it and wish to stay autonomous.
Hard to imagine these were the descendants of Vikings.
Although Russia was created by a group of Vikings known as the Kievan Rus, the native Slavic population absorbed them into their population. Only some Russians have some Viking DNA in the genetic makeup.

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