Moscow: US must pack its stuff and get out of Europe

this pink delusional approach made America lose wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere in the future. And this is what made the US to stagnate and made Russia so successful in Syria.

Space wars are good, but only against some gedonist Western Europeans, otherwise control on the ground is absolutely nessesary.
The US Space Force just held a practice war game this past December. There is nothing delusional nor pink about that fact. Additional activity with US and Japan pairing up to counter China.

“After Russia successfully conducted an anti-satellite missile test last month, U.S. officials believe there is an increasing need to make the U.S. satellite network resilient to attack and to use opportunities like 'Space Flag' to train.”

“Satellites are vital to military communications, global positioning navigation, and timing systems that are needed in the event of war.”

“The 10-day-long space war game attempts to simulate the cutting edge of the U.S. capability in space. The training exercise involved an adversarial group working to simulate an aggressor nation with space capabilities like Russia or China.”

Follow the money for future predictions of global engagement. “Look up, way up, not back”.
Today Russian press has exploded with such quotes of Russian officials.
To say that the tone is super self-confident and super-tough is to say nothing, Russia behaves as if it defeated the US and unconditionally imposes its will on Washington.

Putin has never behaved like this, he is the most caucious person in Russia, most Russians including myself are pissed off with his softnes towards the West.

But, as we saw in Crimea and Syria, Putin is capable of decisive steps.

Russian deputy Minister of foreign affairs Ryabkov said Russia is ready to start intimidating the US.

It seems Putin has an ace in his sleeve which we are going to see in about a week....

Probably we can talk about Russia getting ability of first whiping out strike against the US which the US will not be able to counter.

Anyway, I presume we can congradulate our American friends with American age being over.

you can google translate these, articles

Soon the US won't be able to afford a one man wooden outpost in Europe. The pull back is happening and will be mandatory.
Let Europe defend itself for once instead of making the US taxpayer do it.
The US Space Force just held a practice war game this past December. There is nothing delusional nor pink about that fact. Additional activity with US and Japan pairing up to counter China.

“After Russia successfully conducted an anti-satellite missile test last month, U.S. officials believe there is an increasing need to make the U.S. satellite network resilient to attack and to use opportunities like 'Space Flag' to train.”

“Satellites are vital to military communications, global positioning navigation, and timing systems that are needed in the event of war.”

“The 10-day-long space war game attempts to simulate the cutting edge of the U.S. capability in space. The training exercise involved an adversarial group working to simulate an aggressor nation with space capabilities like Russia or China.”

Follow the money for future predictions of global engagement. “Look up, way up, not back”.

I don't think we're gonna have to worry about satellites.
Kessler Syndrome is real and it's happening now.
One or two more Chinese, Indian, Iranian or North Korean orbital satellite knockout tests should do it.
Russia better be careful with how thin it spreads itself. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and now they figure Russia is strong enough to take on NATO too. Bring it.
They are too weak to follow through on threats so the only reason they'd make them is if they think no one will call their bluff. Biden's administration would easily give Putin that sense. What the Left has done in 2020 could lead to the annihilation of civilization due to a simple miscalculation by a strongman with a short-guy complex. It makes no difference how much military advantage you have if your enemy is convinced you won't use it...
this pink delusional approach made America lose wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere in the future. And this is what made the US to stagnate and made Russia so successful in Syria.

Space wars are good, but only against some gedonist Western Europeans, otherwise control on the ground is absolutely nessesary.
As was seen with Russia against the Mujahideen in the ‘80’s, the attempt to call the shots in Afghanistan was a decision made by people apparently unfamiliar with the mountainous terrain full of connected caves, the commitment of the mujahideen, and unfamiliar with successful guerrilla tactics needed to win?

Dmitry Zhirnov even publicly praised the Taliban on Russian state TV. Now that Iran has made its rhetoric against the Taliban and does not recognize them as a nation state, do you think the alliance will increase between Afghanistan’s Taliban and Russia?
and if Poland is asking for help it is help in creating problems to Russia, not in anything else.
This is the main and sufficient difference between Russian and American positions.
Poland's or Ukraine's position is the same as California or Texas. Only your delusions make it seem any different.
In before Tater pulls us out and leaves all the equipment behind.
Not just equipment, Biden’s handlers left behind Americans, military personnel, and Afghanis that had helped with US and allies with intelligence, interpreting, guiding, and cooking, saying, “Thanks a lot for your help and good work, but we don’t need you now. Good bye and good luck! You’ll need it.”
or US carriers will be destroyed within minutes and then talks will resume...
If you REALLY believe that Americans would back away from a fight when we'd just lost several THOUSAND sailors, you are either childishly optimistic or you're an idiot - assuming you aren't into the vodka already. Sink a carrier and it would quickly escalate out of control. The idiots in Moscow have been playing with fire for several years as they've buzzed our ships and aircraft in the Black Sea region. One mistake can lead to another and another...
Poland is asking for help it is help in creating problems to Russia
so. . . you admit bulking up self-defense of sovereign nation bordering Russia is a problem for Russia. . .

Well? That can only mean one thing if that is a problem for Russia!


Your agenda is revealed!

It makes no difference how much military advantage you have if your enemy is convinced you won't use it...
Have you watched "Don't look up" film?
The very end of it, when Meryl Streep dies. How the rest of them reacted.

The problem with the US is that there is nothing which can make the US feel endangered. The US, elite and society in general have lost sense of self-preservation because last generation had too a peaceful and prosperous life.

Americans have always been extremely infantile, but now they don't believe death is real. They stay aggressive course not believing they can be punished or destroyed.

This is why I tend to think we are approaching a Carribean crisis - 2.0, the US needs some own blood to be spilled to get back to senses.

if yu haven't seen the film don't open :)

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Moscow: US must pack its stuff and get out of Europe​


What a good idea.

Let's do exactly that. This is a European problem. Why do we always have to fight their stupid wars for them? I don't support any more of that.

Out, out, out, out of NATO, too. NATO is a whole lot more trouble than it is worth to us.

I 100% agree
There won't be mutual assured destruction, if the Russians destroy 90% of the US nuclear arsenal.
Already discussed in the military forum:
Uh... I wouldn't bet your life on it. We have about 14 Ohio-class subs. Usually, about half are in dock for maintenance and crew training and the other half on patrol. Each of those 6-7 boats have 24 MIRVed nukes. Any single boat has enough firepower to reduce the Russian nation to a medieval state. So... yes, you can destroy America. The question is... do you hate us enough to literally burn down your own nation to kill us?
Sadly, with the world seemingly in the grips of insanity, I think eventually you will.
As was seen with Russia against the Mujahideen in the ‘80’s, the attempt to call the shots in Afghanistan was a decision made by people apparently unfamiliar with the mountainous terrain full of connected caves, the commitment of the mujahideen, and unfamiliar with successful guerrilla tactics needed to win?

Dmitry Zhirnov even publicly praised the Taliban on Russian state TV. Now that Iran has made its rhetoric against the Taliban and does not recognize them as a nation state, do you think the alliance will increase between Afghanistan’s Taliban and Russia?
who is Dmitry Zhirnov at all? :)
there is no alliance between Russia and Taliban, except in created by Democrats imaginary world of Russiagate :)
so. . . you admit bulking up self-defense of sovereign nation bordering Russia is a problem for Russia. . .

Well? That can only mean one thing if that is a problem for Russia!


Your agenda is revealed!

lol, you are quite persistent in putting your words in my mouth :)
do you need my responces at all or will prefer to stay the course? :)

US puts assault systems in countries bordering us, including Poland.
it does not reinforce security of Poland, but rather makes it a taget for further complete destruction :)
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But, as we saw in Crimea and Syria, Putin is capable of decisive steps
What did we see in Crimea and Syria?

Crimea has been Russia’s primary naval port for two hundred years. Syria has been allied with Russia since the 1970s.
lol, you are quite persistent in putting your words in my mouth :)
do you need my responces at all or will prefer to stay the course? :)

US puts assault systems in countries bordering us, including Poland.
if does not reinforce security of Poland, but rather makes it a taget for further complete destruction :)

Hmmm, are you a Russian who isn't very smart?

Or are you a Ukrainian who's trying to make Russians look bad?
If you REALLY believe that Americans would back away from a fight when we'd just lost several THOUSAND sailors, you are either childishly optimistic or you're an idiot - assuming you aren't into the vodka already. Sink a carrier and it would quickly escalate out of control. The idiots in Moscow have been playing with fire for several years as they've buzzed our ships and aircraft in the Black Sea region. One mistake can lead to another and another...

quickly escalate into what?
maybe you are THE ONE who presents clear sequence of US actions instead of general mumbling about US resolve...

let us play, for example US military ship violates Russian naval border in Crimea and Russia sinks it.

What is next?
actually, no, ultimatum is made so far out of acceptability for the US to give Russia an excuse to slap American cheek.
I will be greately surprised if Russia doesn't present some new weapons or mlitary measures in a week or two.

the US must demonstrate its incooperability and then will be publicly humiliated.
Then, will be humiliated another time after they have to accept Russian proposals.

2 humiliations may be a better cure for America than just one :)
You Russians really are delusional. :rofl:

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