Moscow: US must pack its stuff and get out of Europe

hold on, your call is very important to us... :lol:

but to be serious, it's very interesting for myself too.
my guess is another new type of weapon which will be able to pose immediate and irresistable threat to the proper territory of the US, and not within mutial dectruction capability, but will give big advantage to Russia.

judging on unacceptability of Russian ultimatum and multiple demands to the US to reject it as soon as possible, Putin's hands are itching to present this weapon to the World :)
(watch ClaireH catching me posting false quote again... :lol: )

but maybe Putin is just bluffing, who knows, I presume we are going to see in a couple of weeks.

but if you gamble in the stock market I would recommend to dump all your stocks in advance, because Carribean crisis-2.0 will most probably be much more exciting than the first one.. .. :)
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Putin's, or yours' argument is specious.

It is up to each individual nation where they stand.

Neither Russia, nor the US, has the moral right to dictate terms upon sovereign nations.

Give it up.
we will definitely recall your words when Free Texas or Independent California need external help... :)
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The head of Russian delegation ruled out any compromises from the Russian side.
He said the US must change its position while Russia is going to stick to its demands.

What a tone! :)

Well, I presume Russia must have some game changer to talk like this.

has everybody dumped stocks and bought gold? :)

OK sophist.

In the end, the missiles were removed from Turkey as well.

Yes, because all 24 SS-4, and 4 (from planned 14) SS-5 were already delivered to Cuba, and Kennedy thought that there were up to 80 missiles (enough to destroy all US missile bases) - Credible First Strike Capability, and the USA were not able to destroy all Soviet missile launch positions by their first strike.
Putin is in no position to rattle his saber at America. With so much of Russia's wealth in the hands of private oligarchs, the Russian economy is (at best) on the low side of average.

And Putin and his gangster cronies all hide their money in the West. lol
Well, I presume Russia must have some game changer to talk like this.


It's funny when a bunch of drunks try to be all badass n stuff. Stick to murdering unarmed citizens with poisoned umbrellas and avoid pretending to be a superpower. You're just thugs is all.
hold on, your call is very important to us... :lol:

but to be serious, it's very interesting for myself too.
my guess is another new type of weapon which will be able to pose immediate and irresistable threat to the proper territory of the US, and not within mutial dectruction capability, but will give big advantage to Russia.

judging on unacceptability of Russian ultimatum and multiple demands to the US to reject it as soon as possible, Putin's hands are itching to present this weapon to the World :)
(watch ClaireH catching me posting false quote again... :lol: )

but maybe Putin is just bluffing, who knows, I presume we are going to see in a couple of weeks.

but if you gamble in the stock market I would recommend to dump all your stocks in advance, because Carribean crisis-2.0 will most probably be much more exciting than the first one.. .. :)
You sound completely unhinged. :laugh:
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It's funny when a bunch of drunks try to be all badass n stuff. Stick to murdering unarmed citizens with poisoned umbrellas and avoid pretending to be a superpower. You're just thugs is all.

Whenever I think of Russians, this guy comes to mind. "Opulence, I has it...but I also like savings the money" ... I also think of suit pants with tennis shoes and athletic socks. Lol

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Today Russian press has exploded with such quotes of Russian officials.
To say that the tone is super self-confident and super-tough is to say nothing, Russia behaves as if it defeated the US and unconditionally imposes its will on Washington.

Putin has never behaved like this, he is the most caucious person in Russia, most Russians including myself are pissed off with his softnes towards the West.

But, as we saw in Crimea and Syria, Putin is capable of decisive steps.

Russian deputy Minister of foreign affairs Ryabkov said Russia is ready to start intimidating the US.

It seems Putin has an ace in his sleeve which we are going to see in about a week....

Probably we can talk about Russia getting ability of first whiping out strike against the US which the US will not be able to counter.

Anyway, I presume we can congradulate our American friends with American age being over.

you can google translate these, articles

Afghanistan, Déjà vu Biden. Let the world see you fuck this one too old Sleepy.
Whenever I think of Russians, this guy comes to mind. "Opulence, I has it...but I also like savings the money" ... I also think of suit pants with tennis shoes and athletic socks. Lol

Lol yes. There are a lot of smart Russians, but they don't run anything, just their sociopaths and gang leaders have any say or power there. It's your typical libertarian paradise, no laws inhibiting criminals and psychos from their 'freedom and entrepreneurship' n stuff'; everything is 'privatized', even their nukes.
we will definitely recall your words when Free Texas or Independent California need external help... :)
So Putin is demanding the US leave Poland. . . but Poland is asking for the help of the US. . . yet, now your position is that it is alright for Poland to ask for the help of the US?

Damn buddy, make up your mind.

I can't keep your position on all this straight.

You are making me dizzy. Discussing this shit with you is as hopeless as discussing it with our own subversives. You have an agenda, and no morals and clear position on anything, so there is nothing to discuss, is there?

You are like a child, just give you what you want, and forget any code of fairness or ethics on the issue. . .

hold on, your call is very important to us... :lol:

but to be serious, it's very interesting for myself too.
my guess is another new type of weapon which will be able to pose immediate and irresistable threat to the proper territory of the US, and not within mutial dectruction capability, but will give big advantage to Russia.

judging on unacceptability of Russian ultimatum and multiple demands to the US to reject it as soon as possible, Putin's hands are itching to present this weapon to the World :)
(watch ClaireH catching me posting false quote again... :lol: )

but maybe Putin is just bluffing, who knows, I presume we are going to see in a couple of weeks.

but if you gamble in the stock market I would recommend to dump all your stocks in advance, because Carribean crisis-2.0 will most probably be much more exciting than the first one.. .. :)
Lol I only call them as I see them! The request that thread titles match the source when posted as factual instead of opinion:)

I am surprised that global war backers still focus so much on ground wars, or should I say upgraded ground warfare. Aren’t the global war investors wanting to see their big boy power tools used in space? Seems like the public focuses on what’s been done and improving old tech, while super power governments are amping it up in the ongoing space war.

Which country has the best spy gear and does that involve subversive missions on the moon? Which country has the best stealth detection system? Which countries will soon be able to evade all missile detection systems? These will be important determinants for many years, until no more ground wars.

Not even experts of global warfare can predict the future, but “boots on the ground” with vasts numbers of military border buildup is like time standing still. Maybe it has to do with war machine investments; governments buy X number of tanks, X number of armory which “necessitates” the need to use this investment. Kind of like pre-purchasing unnecessary medicines for the masses. Where are the smarter leaders to lead us into the future! We are now living in the future, but being held back by incessant war propaganda!
So Putin is demanding the US leave Poland. . . but Poland is asking for the help of the US. . . yet, now your position is that it is alright for Poland to ask for the help of the US?

Damn buddy, make up your mind.

I can't keep your position on all this straight.

You are making me dizzy. Discussing this shit with you is as hopeless as discussing it with our own subversives. You have an agenda, and no morals and clear position on anything, so there is nothing to discuss, is there?

You are like a child, just give you what you want, and forget any code of fairness or ethics on the issue. . .

lol, you are having a nice discussion with imaginary me, to whome you arrtibute your ideas to later refute them :)
go on, I am interested how far I am going to go in your imagination :)
and if Poland is asking for help it is help in creating problems to Russia, not in anything else.
This is the main and sufficient difference between Russian and American positions.
Lol I only call them as I see them! The request that thread titles match the source when posted as factual instead of opinion:)

I am surprised that global war backers still focus so much on ground wars, or should I say upgraded ground warfare. Aren’t the global war investors wanting to see their big boy power tools used in space? Seems like the public focuses on what’s been done and improving old tech, while super power governments are amping it up in the ongoing space war.

Which country has the best spy gear and does that involve subversive missions on the moon? Which country has the best stealth detection system? Which countries will soon be able to evade all missile detection systems? These will be important determinants for many years, until no more ground wars.

Not even experts of global warfare can predict the future, but “boots on the ground” with vasts numbers of military border buildup is like time standing still. Maybe it has to do with war machine investments; governments buy X number of tanks, X number of armory which “necessitates” the need to use this investment. Kind of like pre-purchasing unnecessary medicines for the masses. Where are the smarter leaders to lead us into the future! We are now living in the future, but being held back by incessant war propaganda!

this pink delusional approach made America lose wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere in the future. And this is what made the US to stagnate and made Russia so successful in Syria.

Space wars are good, but only against some gedonist Western Europeans, otherwise control on the ground is absolutely nessesary.

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