Moscow: US must pack its stuff and get out of Europe

It seems we have differing predictions from experts; which source do you quote that China will be at the top economically?

The IMF has indicated they predict China will gain the Largest Economy status.
But then again, there's no telling who they own at the IMF by now, and China handling its own currency resembles a monkey and a football.

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well, if the US is a pooch, it's not mine but Putin's prerogative to decide :)

after all, he proved to be quite inventive, in Crimea, Syria, and this time somewhere, as Ryabkov said, announcing Russian intimidation of the US.

Let us wait, I presume it must happen in January, otherwise what for to demand American rejection immeduately.. :)

Sweetie ... Russia isn't intimidating the US.
They may intimidate some fucking bedwetters in DC or on the West Coast.

But if President Putin wants to start making demands, it better not be for more than
a basket of chips, some salsa and another bucket of Dos Equis to share ... :thup:


The IMF has indicated they predict China will gain the Largest Economy status.
But then again, there's no telling who they own at the IMF buy now, and China handling its own currency resembles a monkey and a football.


I just finished this article- it’s quite interesting you might take a look. There’s been a lot of media chatter regarding the build up of other countries who can replace China in trade for US as consumer base.


According to Stratfor, China is at the end of its high-growth/low wage cycle and has entered a new stage known as “the new normal” which will in turn be followed by a period of much slower growth.

“China will continue to be a major economic force but will not be the dynamic engine of global growth it once was,” the report reads.

Instead a new group of 16 nations which includes most of South-East Asia, East Africa and part of Latin America will emerge in China’s place as an economic powerhouse.

According to the report, China will also lose some of its military might as Japan becomes more dominant in the region.”


It seems we have differing predictions from experts; which source do you quote that China will be at the top economically?
China is already bigger than the US if measured in purchasing parity terms.
Nominally I saw some British (for sure), and some other experts naming 2027 to be the year when China excedes the US in nominal US dolars.

While, if we turn not to just penises measuring, but to what really matters - Yuan substituting the US Dollar as the World currency, which will deprive the US of ability to finance its debt via just printing money ( US budget deficite is bigger than US budget receipts) - it can happen even earlier, before China becomes the biggesr economy nominally, since China excedes the US in export by far already.
So, if China allowes or even more, demands (already existing) digital Yuan to be used in foreign trade - the US dollar will shrink to domestik US trade, creating hyperinflation within weeks....
Russians are actually making demands on The United freaking States of America?!!? Oh, that's sure laughable. Good grief, don't they realize that one Mr. Joe Biden is now our president??

He'll have to get Xi's approval, first.

Xiden is a Democrat. Democrats lie. Putin has nothing to worry about. Xiden may be in the pay of both parties but those parties certainly understand about the Great Democrat Unreliability Doctrine.
I just finished this article- it’s quite interesting you might take a look. There’s been a lot of media chatter regarding the build up of other countries who can replace China in trade for US as consumer base.


According to Stratfor, China is at the end of its high-growth/low wage cycle and has entered a new stage known as “the new normal” which will in turn be followed by a period of much slower growth.

“China will continue to be a major economic force but will not be the dynamic engine of global growth it once was,” the report reads.

Instead a new group of 16 nations which includes most of South-East Asia, East Africa and part of Latin America will emerge in China’s place as an economic powerhouse.

According to the report, China will also lose some of its military might as Japan becomes more dominant in the region.”


The entire impact of China's involvement around the world has yet to be realized.

Seizing strategic deep-water ports, and mining interests won't come into play to the full extent until the Paris Accords either pan out or fall stale.
If the Civilized world takes a harder bend towards Green Energy, that's sets up a win for China.

China doesn't give a crap about Green Energy, but they are securing all the resources necessary to supply the products.

I just finished this article- it’s quite interesting you might take a look. There’s been a lot of media chatter regarding the build up of other countries who can replace China in trade for US as consumer base.


According to Stratfor, China is at the end of its high-growth/low wage cycle and has entered a new stage known as “the new normal” which will in turn be followed by a period of much slower growth.

“China will continue to be a major economic force but will not be the dynamic engine of global growth it once was,” the report reads.

Instead a new group of 16 nations which includes most of South-East Asia, East Africa and part of Latin America will emerge in China’s place as an economic powerhouse.

According to the report, China will also lose some of its military might as Japan becomes more dominant in the region.”

lol, and what makes the author think that these new exporters will eat China's share and not the American one? :)

so far the US was losing manufacturing jobs - you can compare, about a 1/3 for last 20 years or less) and there is no sign the US broke this trend, its foreign trade deficite keeps growing... :)
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The IMF has indicated they predict China will gain the Largest Economy status.
But then again, there's no telling who they own at the IMF by now, and China handling its own currency resembles a monkey and a football.

Investopedia supports IMF’s take. Can we both know that this is not psychological manipulation by these article writers? Kind of like when the federal reserve comes out and says what they’re “most likely going to do” the next day aa if that is an a major heads-upPsycho babble of an influence for investors lol

“China has the world’s second largest nominal GDP in current dollars and the largest in terms of PPP. With annual growth that consistently outpaces that of the United States, China may be on track to become the largest economy in the world by nominal GDP in the years to come.1“

Perhaps the investment groups are referencing more of a shorter term timeframe, compared to when southeast Asian countries can build up their trade in bulk with US. The more countries the better to enhance free trade and fair pricing for all countries involved. The US spoiled China getting used to taking advantage of trade imbalance for way too long in trade policy. It’s past time to rethink the long-game.

Sweetie ... Russia isn't intimidating the US.
They may intimidate some fucking bedwetters in DC or on the West Coast.

But if President Putin wants to start making demands, it better not be for more than
a basket of chips, some salsa and another bucket of Dos Equis to share ... :thup:

after shameful retreat of the US from Afghanistan Russia may be too big to scare the US full force... :)

your grand posturing would be better looking before Afghanistan, not after.. :)
after shameful retreat of the US from Afghanistan Russia may be too big to scare the US full force... :)

your grand posturing would be better looking before Afghanistan, not after.. :)
Yeah, too bad we couldn’t handle Afghanistan as well as the Russians did.
if some missile breaks and falls in the US we will send you our regrets, be sure :)
Russia would love not to have those missiles there, but the US was asking so hard...
You just opened a can of worms my friend. I admire your patience.;)
lol, and what makes the author think that these new exporters will eat China's share and not the American one? :)

so far the US was losing manufacturing jobs - you can compare, about a 1/3 for last 20 years or less) and there is no sign the US broke this trend, its foreign trade deficite keeps growing... :)
It appears you’ve missed the main point- south eastern Asian trade partners are going to be trading with United States not with China. They will eventually replace China as a major partner in trade. At the same time, the US will continue to work on and expand trade relations with Mexico and Canada. Shared geography alone will continue to keep these trade partners active.
after shameful retreat of the US from Afghanistan Russia may be too big to scare the US full force... :)

your grand posturing would be better looking before Afghanistan, not after.. :)

Dude ... There is an American Veteran that lives down the road from me who fought in Afghanistan.

When he saw what a mess the current administration was making trying to get out of Afghanistan ...
He took some vacation days from work, called up some of his other veteran buddies, chartered a private plane to Afghanistan ...
And got the Afghani's he had promised protection, out of the country.

Never make the stupid mistake of thinking America is best represented by the Assclowns in the Shitshow on the Beltway.

Plus ... Russia lost their war in Afghanistan when they tried, you fucking nitwit.
It's one of the many reasons why they call Afghanistan the Graveyard of Empires ... :thup:

You just opened a can of worms my friend. I admire your patience.;)
I tend to think I rather need more mercy than patience now, one can hardly tell he's an angel while opening eyes of Americans what a shithole-country-ready-to-collapse their country is.
Xiden has made it clear to the world that America has a new military strategy:

CUT and RUN.
I tend to think I rather need more mercy than patience now, one can hardly tell he's an angel while opening eyes of Americans what a shithole-country-ready-to-collapse their country is.

I have been to great number of shithole countries in my life ...
And here in America ain't one of them, not even close ... :thup:

It appears you’ve missed the main point- south eastern Asian trade partners are going to be trading with United States not with China. They will eventually replace China as a major partner in trade. At the same time, the US will continue to work on and expand trade relations with Mexico and Canada. Shared geography alone will continue to keep these trade partners active.
they may replace China in the trade with the US, but not replace China in the World trade.

the part of the problem the US has is that since 1945 the US was buying loyalty of its allies via granting them a share in its domestic market, the only not destroyed in WWII.
The US was the World workshop then with >50% share in the World GDP.

But then - Western Germany to counter Eastern Germany as a showcase of capitalism
South Korea vs. North Korea
China to tear it away from the USSR..
this method comes to an end, now Trump was trying to reverse it, trying to reindustrialize the US

but are you saying Biden will give away another share of US domestic market to some new countries? :)
good luck with it! :)
They will not replace China, because China will replace the US in 3d countries.
They will just eat another piece of US share in the World production.
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I have been to great number of shithole countries in my life ...
And here in America ain't one of them, not even close ... :thup:

as close as it can be.

you are just one big stock market crush away from it, which will make the Fed to resume QE in trillions of dollars a year, or tens of trillions. If you wish I may some day describe what hyperinflation is, I lived through it in Russia. But then we had USD and Euros to use as currency to trade.
Now all major economies have approximately the same situation of giant unsustainable debt, insane money emission.
Hyperinflation will be global.
Global trade will stop.
Technological and industrial chains will be cut.
The US will fall from the top into extreme misery, with all pensions gone, all stocks burnt, food shelves empty, hungry armed mobs looting shops etc.
And millions of guns. And sharp division to Conservatives and Liberals. And racial enclaves in every city.
And Latin speaking majority in South Western states...

generally - you, Ameticans, the most stupid of you, really challenge my sense of mercy provoking my explanation of what is waiting for you in coming few years.

I would prefer not to describe it and not to explain how many millions of you will die in coming civil war and disintegration of your country..

Dude ... There is an American Veteran that lives down the road from me who fought in Afghanistan.

When he saw what a mess the current administration was making trying to get out of Afghanistan ...
He took some vacation days from work, called up some of his other veteran buddies, chartered a private plane to Afghanistan ...
And got the Afghani's he had promised protection, out of the country.

Never make the stupid mistake of thinking America is best represented by the Assclowns in the Shitshow on the Beltway.

Plus ... Russia lost their war in Afghanistan when they tried, you fucking nitwit.
It's one of the many reasons why they call Afghanistan the Graveyard of Empires ... :thup:

Russian withdrawal war orderly, long enough and Russian allies staying in power for many years there. If Russia helped that Afghani government with diesel there might be the same pro-Soviet power there by now..

no comparison with shameful and sneaky retreat of the US, with loyal Afghanis falling from plane's wheels..

so, we did not win that war, but we were not defeated. The US was defeatrd.
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