Moscow: US must pack its stuff and get out of Europe

I wouldn't underestimate Russia..or Putin. Rattling sabers sometimes have a secret agenda where they feel safe in rattling them.

Being old, I tend to go hmmmmmmmmm when I read something that MIGHT have some bite to it. With Mushbrain in telling what Xi and Putin have planned.
That's what we call "wishful thinking" and "self-comforting". Right now Administration do nothing to prevent war, to win war or to alleviate consequences of the war. All what they do is mumbling about "the sole purpose" and "nuclear disarmament".
I’m unclear how calling out false rhetoric on a political message board is “wishful thinking” and “self comforting”. Saying nothing can result in 100 percent acceptance that the OP’s statement is factual. This particular message board has many readers who keep themselves informed. That being said, however, there just aren’t enough hours of the day to be fully current on all issues.

When I was a new reader I didn’t check sources like I do now. So you see, too much trust can work the other way and lead to believing things that aren’t true.

I agree with you in that when national leadership is viewed as faltering and without firm committed stances, it’s not successful.
If Russia went into the Ukraine today, President Biden and the US would ultimately do nothing. There is too much to lose for the US to worry about the Ukraine, IMHO.
Ukraine as a buffer for Russia or Ukraine as part of Russia. I do not back Russian expansion, it’s big enough. I don’t know enough to comment regarding the border but I am feeling sorry for the Ukraine’s and other ethnic groups being targeted.
If Russia went into the Ukraine today, President Biden and the US would ultimately do nothing. There is too much to lose for the US to worry about the Ukraine, IMHO.

Today’s meeting:
“The buildup, combined with Russia's security demands, and its track record in Ukraine and Georgia, "sends a message that there is a real risk for a new armed conflict in Europe,” Stoltenberg said.

The U.S. Mission to NATO said earlier that NATO’s 30 members were united against Russian military action in Ukraine.”

Imo- a war of words is better than physical war, much. It’s too bad we’re “not there yet” as far as giving up our large sticks to fight (just improved from ancient times) to moving beyond it, if ever.
So, who thinks Russia WILL take over all or part of the Ukraine in January? The mud is so awful in Ukraine for tanks that everyone has to make war there either in January or August, I read.

I think he'll go after Ukraine, why not? The Biden administration is a shambles and it is only too clear that Europe --- simply doesn't care.
Today Russian press has exploded with such quotes of Russian officials.
To say that the tone is super self-confident and super-tough is to say nothing, Russia behaves as if it defeated the US and unconditionally imposes its will on Washington.

Putin has never behaved like this, he is the most caucious person in Russia, most Russians including myself are pissed off with his softnes towards the West.

But, as we saw in Crimea and Syria, Putin is capable of decisive steps.

Russian deputy Minister of foreign affairs Ryabkov said Russia is ready to start intimidating the US.

It seems Putin has an ace in his sleeve which we are going to see in about a week....

Probably we can talk about Russia getting ability of first whiping out strike against the US which the US will not be able to counter.

Anyway, I presume we can congradulate our American friends with American age being over.

you can google translate these, articles

Today Russian press has exploded with such quotes of Russian officials.
To say that the tone is super self-confident and super-tough is to say nothing, Russia behaves as if it defeated the US and unconditionally imposes its will on Washington.

Putin has never behaved like this, he is the most caucious person in Russia, most Russians including myself are pissed off with his softnes towards the West.

But, as we saw in Crimea and Syria, Putin is capable of decisive steps.

Russian deputy Minister of foreign affairs Ryabkov said Russia is ready to start intimidating the US.

It seems Putin has an ace in his sleeve which we are going to see in about a week....

Probably we can talk about Russia getting ability of first whiping out strike against the US which the US will not be able to counter.

Anyway, I presume we can congradulate our American friends with American age being over.

you can google translate these, articles

I just got off Skype with Putin.
He says "I don't mind of they stick around our Back yard. I'm going to build bases in Cuba, the Bahamas,Mexico,the Dominican Republic,Haiti and Bermuda. All is good"
I don't have Bidens contact.
You think Russia and China won't Allie themselves together ?? Of course they will, along with other communist nefarious characters if a large scale war was to break out. We have got to get our act back together before it's to late. This weakness can cause one or two things, either them to jump us or our fear in them with us thinking that they might do so (because of our weakness),
causes us to jump them.

I have faith in the American people to vote in conservative leadership in 2024 and 2028! I did not have this level of confidence even just two years back that this would be the case. Keep on with your inept blundering Biden and affiliated cohorts- just might ensure a conservative independent win in 2028!
You think Russia and China won't Allie themselves together ?? Of course they will, along with other communist nefarious characters if a large scale war was to break out. We have got to get our act back together before it's to late. This weakness can cause one or two things, either them to jump us or our fear in them with us thinking that they might do so (because of our weakness),
causes us to jump them.
In considering the possibility of an eventual merger between CCP and Russia, maybe not as likely with rise in nationalism throughout the world.

“The main political tendency will be away from multinational solutions to a greater nationalism driven by divergent and diverging economic, social and cultural forces,” Stratfor warns.”

“Stratfor, which successfully predicted Europe’s inability to cope with the financial crisis and the US-jihadi war, also predicts the US, while taking a step back from global issues, is set to remain the top pre-eminent power.
China will continue to be a major economic force but will not be the dynamic engine of global growth it once was,” the report reads.”

“Instead a new group of 16 nations which includes most of South-East Asia, East Africa and part of Latin America will emerge in China’s place as an economic powerhouse.”

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So, who thinks Russia WILL take over all or part of the Ukraine in January? The mud is so awful in Ukraine for tanks that everyone has to make war there either in January or August, I read.

I think he'll go after Ukraine, why not? The Biden administration is a shambles and it is only too clear that Europe --- simply doesn't care.
Ukraine generally degrades and is gradually approaching chaos, its president one by one takes out TV channels because his popularity is falling fast. By the end of winter economic collapse is expected due to energy crisis (Ukraine did not store enough gas and coal) .

Putin can and should wait if he wants to grab part of Ukraine, in a year or two he will be met with flowers in Ukraine if he brings a piece of bread.

For the same reason Ukrainian president must hurry, if he doesn't start a war in Donbass this winter the US will not help him to survive next spring.

The US respectively will be substituted by 2027 as the biggest World economy by China. The US must hurry to tie Russia's hands with a war on its border and with a sharp conflict with Europe, which will kill 3 birds with one stone - 1) neutralize Russia in future US-China war (naval blocade), 2) make Europe side with the US in US-China war, since the Europe will most probably participate in a form or another in Russia-Ukraine war and 3) cut land communication and trade between China and Europe via Russia.
The US must hurry too.

So, who and why will start a war in Ukraine as soon as January? :)
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Ukraine generally degrades and is gradually approaching chaos, its president one by one takes out TV channels because his popularity is falling fast. By the end of winter economic collapse is expected due to energy crisis.

Putin can and should wait if he wants to grab part of Ukraine, in a year or two he will be met with flowers in Ukraine if he brings apiece of bread.

For the same reason Ukrainian president must hurry, if he doesn't start a war in Donbass the US will not help him to survive next spring.

The US respectively will be substituted by 2027 as the biggest World economy by China. The US must hurry to tie Russia's hands with a war on its border and a sharp conflict with Europe, which will kill 3 birds with one stone - 1) neutralize Russia in future US-China war (naval blocade), 2) make Europe side with the US in US-China war, since the Europe will most probably participate in a form or another in Russia-Ukraine war and 3) cut land communication and trade between China and Europe via Russia.
The US myst hurry too.

So, who and why will start a war in Ukraine as soon as January? :)
So how much drugs to Hunter Biden did it cost you............Along with a money cut for the big guy?
I’m unclear how calling out false rhetoric on a political message board is “wishful thinking” and “self comforting

you seem not to tell the difference between a quote and own ideas of a poster. Thus, claming an own idea of a poster to be a false quote you make a false claim :)

Don't pick something which fits your agenda to address instead of dealing with the substance of the topic. :)
you seem not to tell the difference between a quote and own ideas of a poster. Thus, claming an own idea of a poster to be a false quote you make a false claim :)

Don't pick something which fits your agenda to address instead of dealing with the substance of the topic. :)

If we are just going to the address the topic ...
How many different ways can you say Russia is going to screw the pooch ... Again.


Ukraine generally degrades and is gradually approaching chaos, its president one by one takes out TV channels because his popularity is falling fast. By the end of winter economic collapse is expected due to energy crisis (Ukraine did not store enough gas and coal) .

Putin can and should wait if he wants to grab part of Ukraine, in a year or two he will be met with flowers in Ukraine if he brings a piece of bread.

For the same reason Ukrainian president must hurry, if he doesn't start a war in Donbass this winter the US will not help him to survive next spring.

The US respectively will be substituted by 2027 as the biggest World economy by China. The US must hurry to tie Russia's hands with a war on its border and with a sharp conflict with Europe, which will kill 3 birds with one stone - 1) neutralize Russia in future US-China war (naval blocade), 2) make Europe side with the US in US-China war, since the Europe will most probably participate in a form or another in Russia-Ukraine war and 3) cut land communication and trade between China and Europe via Russia.
The US must hurry too.

So, who and why will start a war in Ukraine as soon as January? :)
It seems we have differing predictions from experts; which source do you quote that China will be at the top economically?

If we are just going to the address the topic ...
How many different ways can you say Russia is going to screw the pooch ... Again.

well, if the US is a pooch, it's not mine but Putin's prerogative to decide :)

after all, he proved to be quite inventive, in Crimea, Syria, and this time somewhere, as Ryabkov said, announcing Russian intimidation of the US.

Let us wait, I presume it must happen in January, otherwise what for to demand American rejection immeduately.. :)

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