Moscow: US must pack its stuff and get out of Europe

Uh... I wouldn't bet your life on it. We have about 14 Ohio-class subs. Usually, about half are in dock for maintenance and crew training and the other half on patrol. Each of those 6-7 boats have 24 MIRVed nukes. Any single boat has enough firepower to reduce the Russian nation to a medieval state. So... yes, you can destroy America. The question is... do you hate us enough to literally burn down your own nation to kill us?
Sadly, with the world seemingly in the grips of insanity, I think eventually you will.
No. There are only two (some times - only one) Ohio class submarine in North Atlantic at "hard duty" (in 15-min readiness) with 20 Trident II missiles, two of them - with strategically useless W76-2 warheads. I.e. 18x4= 72 warheads. (Other demand hours or even days to be ready, and may not have that much time). Pacific submarines in their usual patrol areas can't hit European part of Russia. Moscows region ABD have more than hundred counter-missiles, and enough of transport to evacuate unnecessary population and shelters for necessary ones. So, Biden can try to attack Saint-Petersburg, it is covered with S-400, which can intercept Trident's RVs in atmosphere, but there is a chance to hurt the Russians.
But issue is that after this second strike will be Russian counter-value strike, which will literally eliminate more than half of the US population (and leftovers will be finish by Latinos and other invaders). And potentional lost of Saint-Petersburg considered by the Russians as "acceptable price", if there is the very existence of Russia on stake.
If Biden use Pacific Ohios against Russia - he nullificate anti-Chinese deterrence, and China attack USA, too.
So, it is exactly what we call "pessimistic scenario" - Russia prepare to attack, and the Administration do nothing to prevent the war, to win the war, or even to alleviate consequences of the war.
They have land, natural resources, close access to European markets, but have the GDP of a 3rd world nation.
When Russia became a democracy it was a bad joke. The KGB took power and continue raping the country of anything of value.
No. There are only two (some times - only one) Ohio class submarine in North Atlantic at "hard duty" (in 15-min readiness) with 20 Trident II missiles, two of them - with strategically useless W76-2 warheads. I.e. 18x4= 72 warheads. (Other demand hours or even days to be ready, and may not have that much time). Pacific submarines in their usual patrol areas can't hit European part of Russia. Moscows region ABD have more than hundred counter-missiles, and enough of transport to evacuate unnecessary population and shelters for necessary ones. So, Biden can try to attack Saint-Petersburg, it is covered with S-400, which can intercept Trident's RVs in atmosphere, but there is a chance to hurt the Russians.
But issue is that after this second strike will be Russian counter-value strike, which will literally eliminate more than half of the US population (and leftovers will be finish by Latinos and other invaders). And potentional lost of Saint-Petersburg considered by the Russians as "acceptable price", if there is the very existence of Russia on stake.
If Biden use Pacific Ohios against Russia - he nullificate anti-Chinese deterrence, and China attack USA, too.
So, it is exactly what we call "pessimistic scenario" - Russia prepare to attack, and the Administration do nothing to prevent the war, to win the war, or even to alleviate consequences of the war.
The superpowers are never going to be crazy enough to go to war with one another that would end the world as we know it.
The superpowers are never going to be crazy enough to go to war with one another that would end the world as we know it.
As Putin said: "we don't need the world without Russia". They consider militarization of the Eastern Europe as an existantional treat. They say: "if the NATO is that stupid and suicidal to provoke us - ok, let them die. What can we do? We can only decrease our own losses by the first counter-force strike".
As Putin said: "we don't need the world without Russia". They consider militarization of the Eastern Europe as an existantional treat. They say: "if the NATO is that stupid and suicidal to provoke us - ok, let them die. What can we do? We can only decrease our own losses by the first counter-force strike".
If anyone is that crazy to do first strike they will be hunted down by the rest of the world collectively and wiped out of existence.
Lol Evidently you are not familiar with my lengthy posts. I can talk with the best of them comrade, but requires an honest conversation. You began the OP revealing your intent for war mongering and anti-American sentiments. I asked you why you presented your heading like a fact when it was merely your opinion. You denied it? Lol Now, 9 pages later, you’ve come clean! Why didn’t you just fess up when I asked? lol

Do you find that you waste a lot of time during the day, spinning your wheels, saturated in deception? I think you waste other people‘s time on purpose. Get a better life if you can, otherwise you will die within 8 years of a stomach ulcer. Sorry to be the bearer of such news.
lol, I fessed up?
9 pages I have been explaining to you what I did and only now you got it and scream - look, look, he's doing it :lol:
let alone for a single second I made no secret of what I was doing, i. e. revealing essence of my idea, but you see a plot where there is no any...
an interesting but weird life you Americans have here, one talks to imaginary me in his head, defeating my imaginary arguments, you quench your desire to search for Russian plots. Are you a Democrat, by the way? :lol:
My life here is wonderful, I explain to Americans why their country is doomed to collapse and howcit is going to happen.
An insult serves as an indication that the person got it :)
Explaining to those who don't understand why you deserve this is another very good entertainment.
But! Whatever my intentions are, have you grown up enough to deal with facts but not attitudes?
They have land, natural resources, close access to European markets, but have the GDP of a 3rd world nation.
lol, there is one thing you forget.
It really matters how you measure GDP.
In purchasing power parity Russia's GDP is 6th, if I remember correctly, while Rusia is the 9th in size of population.
I. e. Russia outpaces most of the World.

Then, US is a zombie with budget deficite exceding budget receipts, public debt of 128% of GDP and huge foreign trade and even current account deficites.

GDP measured in dollars can change overnight if your currency rate falls. As you see US economy is a giant on a clay legs and quite soon you will wake up with GDP smaller than one of Ethiopia...

in 2-3 years maximum
I don't remember the last time I saw Norway accused of violating their neighbors sovereignty. Maybe that is why Norway doesn't suffer sanctions.
accused of and violating are 2 different things.
Democrats chose Russia as an instrument of their domestic fight against Republicans, since then there is no a single day without false accusations.
If putin waits till the US is fully engaged in a war with china russia might grab some territory like a jackel stealing meat from the lions

but no way can russia defeat NATO mano a mano
well, situation is the opposite, the US provokes the war on Russian border via encouraging Ukraine to attack Donbass to tie Russia's hands prior American aggression against China.
well, situation is the opposite, the US provokes the war on Russian border via encouraging Ukraine to attack Donbass to tie Russia's hands prior American aggression against China.
Thats fantasy land

putin want to recreate old soviet empire starting with overrunning Ukraine
The superpowers are never going to be crazy enough to go to war with one another that would end the world as we know it.
Silver cat may be exaggerating, but no, there can be nuclear war between Russia and USSR without mutual annihilation.

We destroy all your hundreds of bases abroad, and you take all our 2 ones :lol:
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Russia has no standing in who European countries allow in their sovereign lands. If they want to push the issue, mutually assured destruction will ensue.
It looks like Putin thinks Biden is weak or perhaps Putin is blackmailing Biden over his influence peddling or his son Hunter. Perhaps a combination of both.

Does Biden have the cojones to stand up to Putin? I doubt it. How about Xi Jinping?

We may be in real trouble here. Elections have consequences.

What happens if China decides to take over Taiwan, Russia invades the Ukraine, Rocket Man in North Korea decides to invade South Korea And Iran nukes Israel.

then explain why Georgia attacked South Ossetia after Cheney and McCain encouraged it and how it is caused by Putin's desire to resore USSR?
Events in georgia are really none of putin’s business

it seems that everywhere that used to be under soviet domination is a mess today
Events in georgia are really none of putin’s business

it seems that everywhere that used to be under soviet domination is a mess today

and whose business Kosovo is?

exactly, without Russian governance all these pseudo states return to their natural failed states status.

I presume after these territories by themselves lose remains of statehod - Russia may consider allowing them back...

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