Moscow: US must pack its stuff and get out of Europe

Uh... I wouldn't bet your life on it. We have about 14 Ohio-class subs. Usually, about half are in dock for maintenance and crew training and the other half on patrol. Each of those 6-7 boats have 24 MIRVed nukes. Any single boat has enough firepower to reduce the Russian nation to a medieval state. So... yes, you can destroy America. The question is... do you hate us enough to literally burn down your own nation to kill us?
Sadly, with the world seemingly in the grips of insanity, I think eventually you will.
The people in both nation's need to recognize the dangers of their leadership's once they begin to exhibit Hitler type syndrome's, and so they must work frantically to change those leader's out through an honorable and fair election process. The people's lives are at stake in these games if a major conflict were to arise, and especially when the leader's make bad decisions constantly without us recognizing the danger's involved.

Hopefully the election process will be secured once again, because I think we all know what has happened over time.

Trump had the attitude of peace through strength, and then he had the business sense to be diplomatic about it all. This is why there was much less saber rattling on his watch, and good things were getting done in the world. Biden is a loose Cannon, because the world isn't sure about his mental capacity or state of mind. They smell weakness big time, especially after Afghanistan and his attacks on our own independence here.
Only problem there is their respective economies will collapse and either bring us down with them or force us to bail them out.......again.
Nothing that happens in the Ukraine economy will bother us. As the Biden adventures should have taught us, who sups with Ukraine needs a long spoon. The more we can avoid interactions with Ukraine the better for U.S. national interests.
well, situation is the opposite, the US provokes the war on Russian border via encouraging Ukraine to attack Donbass to tie Russia's hands prior American aggression against China.
Who in the world is "Donbass"? I wish you'd write plain English. Oh, never mind, I can fix that.
Have you ever taken a history course on Chamberlain and Hitler - those who don't study history are doomed (paraphrased) to re-live the deaths of the many.


But I own and have read some thirty books on WWII so far. This is not a Chamberlain situation ------ but given Crimea, I agree it could drift that way if Putin goes on taking over countries: such as the Baltics.
If anyone is that crazy to do first strike they will be hunted down by the rest of the world collectively and wiped out of existence.
I think this is a very interesting point, because it is what happened to Hitler. He was real clear about wanting to take over, well, everything, and this worked out poorly for him because countries ganged up on him.

I have long thought it's why we have all these stupid, losing, Forever Wars. It's because we are afraid to scare the rest of the world into allying to defeat us before we hit them with a pre-emptive strike.

But I own and have read some thirty books on WWII so far. This is not a Chamberlain situation ------ but given Crimea, I agree it could drift that way if Putin goes on taking over countries: such as the Baltics.
For what reason could they do it, and for what reason should the USA defend them?
Pronouns. Who is they, and who is them, in this case? I don't see how this question relates to my post.
What are possible Russian reasons to attack those Baltic states?
What are possible American reasons to commit murder-suicide, "defending" them?
What are possible Russian reasons to attack those Baltic states?
What are possible American reasons to commit murder-suicide, "defending" them?
The usual reasons Russians attack Baltic states and always have!! Control of the Baltic, control of all the territory leading into Russia, getting hold of more men to conscript, etc., etc., this is hardly a new impulse, Russia always takes over the Baltics if they can.

I am no fan of fighting Europe's wars: not even England's wars. And since the Cuban missile crisis (and others like the Falklands) I have understood that states will defend territory that is clearly within its area of interest and hoped-for control. If Russia goes after Ukraine, that might be just as well: Ukraine is plainly one of the most corrupt states in the world including Africa, and that's saying something. We'd probably be better off if Russia controls it.

However, successive loss of the Baltics (from East to West, presumably) would start to look a whole lot like Chamberlain. Still Europe's problem, not ours!
Who in the world is "Donbass"? I wish you'd write plain English. Oh, never mind, I can fix that.
Donetsk coal basin or Donetsk bassein in Russian = Donbass includes both Donetsk and Lugansk regions, which ceceded from Ukraine after the Nazi coup in 2014 and further civil war.
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The usual reasons Russians attack Baltic states and always have!! Control of the Baltic, control of all the territory leading into Russia, getting hold of more men to conscript, etc., etc., this is hardly a new impulse, Russia always takes over the Baltics if they can.

I am no fan of fighting Europe's wars: not even England's wars. And since the Cuban missile crisis (and others like the Falklands) I have understood that states will defend territory that is clearly within its area of interest and hoped-for control. If Russia goes after Ukraine, that might be just as well: Ukraine is plainly one of the most corrupt states in the world including Africa, and that's saying something. We'd probably be better off if Russia controls it.

However, successive loss of the Baltics (from East to West, presumably) would start to look a whole lot like Chamberlain. Still Europe's problem, not ours!
lol, and if Baltic states occupy Russia they will get even more conscripts than if Russia attacks them :)
So, who has more reasons to attack?

Historically the main reason for Russia to fight for so called Baltic states was access to the unfreezing waters of the Baltic sea, St.Petersburg freezes in winter.

But now Russia has built the biggest non-freezing port in Ust-Luga not far from Estonian border, as well Russia has non - freezing port of Vyborg. That is more than enough.

The only reason to occupy Baltic states could be genocide against Russian population, which constitutes about 1/3 of their population. So far they are only discriminating them, but Russia has not attavked these states yet.
Today Russian press has exploded with such quotes of Russian officials.
To say that the tone is super self-confident and super-tough is to say nothing, Russia behaves as if it defeated the US and unconditionally imposes its will on Washington.

Putin has never behaved like this, he is the most caucious person in Russia, most Russians including myself are pissed off with his softnes towards the West.

But, as we saw in Crimea and Syria, Putin is capable of decisive steps.

Russian deputy Minister of foreign affairs Ryabkov said Russia is ready to start intimidating the US.

It seems Putin has an ace in his sleeve which we are going to see in about a week....

Probably we can talk about Russia getting ability of first whiping out strike against the US which the US will not be able to counter.

Anyway, I presume we can congradulate our American friends with American age being over.

you can google translate these, articles

Pure bluster, nothing more. Ain’t happenin’.
Republicans would vote to defund the United State Military if their Russian Master Putin told them to. Putin does NOT make U.S. Foreign/Domestic/Military Policy. His demands are a non-starter. All that Fucking former KGB Colonel wants is restablish the former Soviet Empire. Fuck him and fuck any AMERICAN who thinks Putin is a friend and ally to our country. He is fucking dicatator.
Republicans would vote to defund the United State Military if their Russian Master Putin told them to. Putin does NOT make U.S. Foreign/Domestic/Military Policy. His demands are a non-starter. All that Fucking former KGB Colonel wants is restablish the former Soviet Empire. Fuck him and fuck any AMERICAN who thinks Putin is a friend and ally to our country. He is fucking dicatator.
America screams of despair.
Putin is calm.
It is obvious who is winning :)
America screams of despair.
Putin is calm.
It is obvious who is winning :)

No, I'm a Proud Americqn who despises Russian Dictators. Putin is a former Colone in the (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti) K.G.B. also known as the Sword and the Shield of Russian Communist Party.

Putin was and is a Communist. He wants to rebuild the former Soviet Empire. He suffers from highly misplaced and misinformed idea he can dictate U.S. Foreign/Military Policy.

Fuck Putin and Fuck Americans who defend and support Putin.
No, I'm a Proud Americqn who despises Russian Dictators. Putin is a former Colone in the (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti) K.G.B. also known as the Sword and the Shield of Russian Communist Party.

Putin was and is a Communist. He wants to rebuild the former Soviet Empire. He suffers from highly misplaced and misinformed idea he can dictate U.S. Foreign/Military Policy.

Fuck Putin and Fuck Americans who defend and support Putin.

You're arguing with a Ukrainian who's trying to make Russia look bad.
No, I'm a Proud Americqn who despises Russian Dictators. Putin is a former Colone in the (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti) K.G.B. also known as the Sword and the Shield of Russian Communist Party.

Putin was and is a Communist. He wants to rebuild the former Soviet Empire. He suffers from highly misplaced and misinformed idea he can dictate U.S. Foreign/Military Policy.

Fuck Putin and Fuck Americans who defend and support Putin.
you, conservatives, are losing power and your country to BLM, so, are not worth paying attention to. :)
in political sense, of course

But I own and have read some thirty books on WWII so far. This is not a Chamberlain situation ------ but given Crimea, I agree it could drift that way if Putin goes on taking over countries: such as the Baltics.
A WW 3 may have been foreseen in 1984; if Putin goes too far.

Our diplomats, IMO, must put our country and Russia along with the EU to focus on the Pandemic, Climate Change (it matters not if it is a bi-product of human activity, but pollution is), Energy and the Space Race.

BTW, China and the Chinese People are pragmatic, Putin seems to be a megalomaniac.

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