Zone1 *Moses, Whom Rocked The World*

so claims a deceiver ...

provide the tablets claimed by the liar moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments -

better being a complicit fool than in the torment of the deceivers, moses - neither of which will ever see the gates of heaven ... till justice is rendered if at all. christian.

View attachment 874750

those persecuted and victimized will have a say.
Sorry bout that,

1. So your saying Moses was a liar.
2. Just foolish gibberish.

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Sorry bout that,

1. The burning bush, that didn't get consumed by the fire.
2. Here is a miracle a bush on fire, and not being burnt up.
3. And G-D's voice coming out of the bush, telling him what he must do, go get his people.
4. Truly a miracle event, as much as the parting of the Red Sea.
5. Moses was a simple man who performed miracles.
6. Or G-D performed them from behind the scenes.
7. G-D, did use, Moses as his human source, in the release of the Jews, and deliverance to the holy land, of forty years of wondering, and their well being back into Israel, their homeland.
8. Moses doesn't set foot back into his homeland he never knew, seeing he was born in Egypt.
9. Moses is taken up, G-D took him, up to Paradise.
10. Where he has ever been, till now, only came back to meet with Jesus on the Mt. Of Transfiguration, near Nazareth

1. So your saying Moses was a liar.
2. Just foolish gibberish.
so claims a deceiver ...

provide the tablets
claimed by the liar moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments -

the crucifier - cw ...


they rape their woman to have their victim bare their crime to the pleasure of their dark soul it craves - SirJamesofTexas
Sorry bout that,

1. Breezwood, did I hear you say Moses was a Liar?
2. Say it!!!!!

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Sorry bout that,

1. Moses shall return soon.
2. To usher in the end of the world.
3. And he shall not be alone.
4. Soon, could mean a thousand years, or two weeks.

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  • You shall have no other God's before me.
  • Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. ...
  • Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. ...
  • Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy. ...
  • Honor your father and mother. ...
  • Thou shalt not kill. ...
  • Thou shalt not commit adultery. ...
  • Thou shalt not steal.
Murder, Thou shall not murder
Murder, Thou shall not murder
Sorry bout that,

1. Kill.
2. What are you saying, its okay to kill, but not murder?
3. Killing is a requirement of murder.
4. Many killers, were stop by their, killing, and here goes the judgment, does man have the right to kill, in these circumstances?
5. Or an obligation?
6. If its a obligation, where is the obligation, coming from?
7. If its obligatory we kill to protect the innocent, who's obligation, are humans to follow, is it a universal law, or does it come from.
8. G-D.
9. So did Moses kill the man in Egypt out of this obligation, for his wanton beating down, of a Jew?

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Sorry bout that,

1. Thank G-D we have Moses, he stood before G-D and saw G-D and brought back the, TEN COMMANDMENTS
2. It was this encounter that shaped mankind in the early years, after the Jews came out of Egypt, and, we thank him.
3. Moses the most high Prophet, with only Jesus, above, Jesus is G-D, which is infact revealed.
4. Moses led the Jews away from captivity, and the Jews, were blessed.
5. The Jews blessed the gentiles, by being blessed, of Moses, whom was blessed of, G-D.
6. Moses did wonders, and the Jews fought against him, but Moses prevailed, thank goodness.
7. Why did the Jews fight with Moses, why didn't they agree, Moses led them to safety, through the Red Sea, no less?
8. Moses fought to preserve the Jews, who fought against him, G-D wanted to destroy, the whole lot, But Moses convinced G-D not too.
9. Moses was a Great Man.
10. We owe a lot to Moses, more that can be paid in a moment of time, upon this Rock, I will build my Kingdom, taking nothing from Peter, Peter made a profession of faith, and Moses did much more, to herd the Jews to a better field, into the Kings Fields, where we all live.

Why did you use WHOM?
Sorry bout that,

1. Kill.
2. What are you saying, its okay to kill, but not murder?
3. Killing is a requirement of murder.
Murder is a specific act. Murder involves killing, but killing does not imply murder. Killing in a war is not murder.
Murder is a specific act. Murder involves killing, but killing does not imply murder. Killing in a war is not murder.
Sorry bout that,

1. G-D said, Kill.
2. He meant what he said, if he said murder, he would of said murder.
3. Are you questioning G-D?
4. Thou shall not murder, but killing is allowed in war, and protecting the innocent.

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Sorry bout that,

1. G-D said Kill.
2. He meant what he said, if he said murder, he would of said murder.
3. Are you questioning G-D?
4. Thou shall not murder, but killing is allowed in war, and protecting this innocent.


Exodus is an epic foundation myth. It never happened. The Jews are descended from landless Canaanites.
Exodus is an epic foundation myth. It never happened. The Jews are descended from landless Canaanites.
Sorry bout that,

1. But another ridiculous assumption.
2. Surada just go away, your a waste of time, and effort.
3. Nobody believes you, Moses whom brought the Jews back, to the Motherland,.. is real, it happened.
4. Whom also appeared with Jesus, during his mission.
5. When Moses, put on a shaft, the snake, for the people to look on, and be healed, it was a foreshadowing of Jesus.
6. Moses did that, he wasn't told by, G-D to do it.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Breezwood, did I hear you say Moses was a Liar?
2. Say it!!!!!

- provide the tablets claimed by the liar moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments ...

moses is a liar ...

their crimes of false heavenly personifications are their own for them to reconcile than to have claimed as their own persuasion and also those that have chosen the same falsehoods and those they chose to enable against others are equally guilty of the same crimes committed.

... the monarchical heretic - james of texas.
Sorry bout that,

1. Why did Moses hang a snake on a stick?
2. Was it he borrowed the snake message in the, Garden of Eden.
3. And strung that ole snake, up on a wooden pole?
4. Possibly.
5. Anyway it was pure genius.
6. Just ask Breezewood, he's standing right here, what you say?

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moses is a liar ...

their crimes of false heavenly personifications are their own for them to reconcile than to have claimed as their own persuasion and also those that have chosen the same falsehoods and those they chose to enable against others are equally guilty of the same crimes committed.

... the monarchical heretic - james of texas.
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh gosh you just called, G-D's, favorite prophet a liar.
2. I can't cover you on that, your on your own, blowing in the breeze, you've been hung out to dry, you did it to yourself.
3. You just stirred up your own, shit show.
4. Sorry bout that.

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