Zone1 *Moses, Whom Rocked The World*

Sorry bout that,

1. I never considered that, for good reason.
2. Another usurper of G-D's Prophet, sounds like Moowhammed.
3. Always trying to create doubt, my little believers, are not buying it.


Islamers are just trying to prophet from all the work Jesus did 700 years before.

Mohamed never healed the sick, raised the dead, fed the multitude, and was never murdered by Romans and then resurrected from the dead. All they want to do is make to you surrender or die.
Sorry bout that,

1. My little fault finder.
2. You like laying faults at wise mens feet.
3. Thats kinda dangerous.
4. Moses was gathered up into heaven, didn't die, passed the test, did he sin, before he died, I have no way to determine it, wasn't there, did, G-D cover his sins if he did, absolutely.
5. Moses didn't fall under Jesus timeline, Moses was many years before Jesus, he never saw him while he was here in Israel on his timeline during Exodus, but, on his mission, amongst the Jews, Moses met him on the Mt. of Configuration, during that time of Jesus, just outside Nazareth, which I've been too.


That is correct. Both Moses and Elijah did appear with Jesus...

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 17 - GOD’S WORD Translation
Well let me ask you this loaded question: Was Moses free of sin when he died?

I'll even answer it for you: Of course he wasn't. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, right? Under the old covenant, sins were not forgiven, rather for folks like Moses, they were rolled forward until the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. This is something Jews do not understand.
Is that so? Jews and Muslims believe that they are directly accountable to God.
Islamers are just trying to prophet from all the work Jesus did 700 years before.

Mohamed never healed the sick, raised the dead, fed the multitude, and was never murdered by Romans and then resurrected from the dead. All they want to do is make to you surrender or die.
That's stupid. Muhammad never claimed to be a messiah. Just a man. A messenger. He preached, "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham. "
That's stupid. Muhammad never claimed to be a messiah. Just a man. A messenger. He preached, "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham. "
Sorry bout that,

1. If only the Arab world had listened.

Is that so? Jews and Muslims believe that they are directly accountable to God.
Sorry bout that,

1. Two beggers fighting over a dream sandwich.
2. Surada and Gault.
3. Straining out a knat, and swallowing a Camel.

Im not of this sect, but they posted the 10.

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That's stupid. Muhammad never claimed to be a messiah. Just a man. A messenger. He preached, "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham. "

Then how could one interpret "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham." as anything other than convert to Judaism or Christianity?

Please provide a link to where he said that, I haven't been able to locate one.
Sorry bout that,

1. Judaism can save as well, the Jews are saved, by Jesus Christs, covering, he's got you covered, if you are a Jew.
2. Or alls lost, we can't expect G-D to be trusted, the Jewish souls are highly valued, and they must be forgiven too.
3. G-D is greater than the Jewish sins, he's got you covered.
4. The worlds theologians will rise up and disagree.
5. Have mercy on them, G-D.
6. If two or more agree, it becomes law.
7. I am qualified as, One, having spoken to, G-D.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Judaism can save as well, the Jews are saved, by Jesus Christs, covering, he's got you covered, if you are a Jew.
2. Or alls lost, we can't expect G-D to be trusted, the Jewish souls are highly valued, and they must be forgiven too.
3. G-D is greater than the Jewish sins, he's got you covered.
4. The worlds theologians will rise up and disagree.
5. Have mercy on them, G-D.
6. If two or more agree, it becomes law.
7. I am qualified as, One, having spoken to, G-D.


"1. Judaism can save as well, the Jews are saved, by Jesus Christs, covering, he's got you covered, if you are a Jew".

Except for one problem: Being saved requires that one confesses their belief that Jesus Christ is the living son of God, who was crucified on the cross for our sins, and who rose from the dead and now sits at the right hand side of the Father, awaiting the day where all will be judged.

I don't see any Yids lining up to do that, do you? There may be a small handful of Messianic Jews who do believe that but overall, not many.
Where have you lived in the Arab world? You sound like such a dumbass.
Sorry bout that,

1. The Jews are LIGHTYEARS, ahead of the Arabs.
2. The Christians welcome the Jews into the, Blessed Kingdom.
3. How anyone with half a brain can believe Islam, is beyond me.
4. Arabs are stuck in the, DARKAGES.

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Where have you lived in the Arab world? You sound like such a dumbass.
Sorry bout that,

1. Why would a sane person live anywhere in the Arab World, it's a total depraved society.
2. If I were to name a few good things about Islam Countries I would have to go into the negitive,

- wanting something new to tickle the ears isn't my bag.

nor for you the truth, rather false personifications of the heavens for predetermined results - moses and their madeup 10 commandments used through the ages to persecute and victimize the innocent.

and those that legitimize their deceptions.
nor for you the truth, rather false personifications of the heavens for predetermined results - moses and their madeup 10 commandments used through the ages to persecute and victimize the innocent.

and those that legitimize their deceptions.
Sorry bout that,

1. The TEN COMMANDMENTS came by G-D, and humanity desperately needs and needed them.
2. Only a total fool says otherwise.

Sorry bout that,

1. The TEN COMMANDMENTS came by G-D, and humanity desperately needs and needed them.
2. Only a total fool says otherwise.


so claims a deceiver ...

provide the tablets claimed by the liar moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments -

better being a complicit fool than in the torment of the deceivers, moses - neither of which will ever see the gates of heaven ... till justice is rendered if at all. christian.


those persecuted and victimized will have a say.

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