Zone1 *Moses, Whom Rocked The World*

God's work is perfect and not "defective." He works in ways that you and I sometimes don't understand. Like using flawed people to perform His works. That's all I can tell you, except that when I hear of some godly man like a preacher getting into trouble, I cannot condemn that person. That is because I know that religious leaders are probably the most tempted people there are. There's nothing more than Satan would love than to bring down those we look up to as being representatives of the Lord. Even Martin Luther himself was tempted by the Devil. History records that Martin Luther threw an ink well at him.

What makes that so compelling is the fact that Satan cannot be in more than one place at a time. Like the Bible says, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." Satan doesn't have to be everywhere at the same time because he has those one-third of the angels who followed him in the war against Heaven. Those are commonly referred to as "demons."

Now I'm sure you've heard the expression "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin." The answer to that question is "an infinite number" seeing how angels are not beings with corporal bodies. And that being, there would also be an infinite number of fallen angels or demons doing Satan's work. They're everywhere, if you think about it.
Sorry bout that,

1. I've got nothing.
2. Your so far off topic.
3. I prefer no response.
4. You are trying to teach us something that's way off topic.

Sorry bout that,

1. I've got nothing.
2. Your so far off topic.
3. I prefer no response.
4. You are trying to teach us something that's way off topic.


Well at least I'm keeping your thread alive. You should pay me a dollar. :laughing0301:
Ok. Sorry about that.

Sorry bout that,

1. These disruptive posters, think they are funny, jokes aside.
2. Moses stood out in scriptures, as a towering figure.

Sorry bout that,

1. These disruptive posters, think they are funny, jokes aside.
2. Moses stood out in scriptures, as a towering figure.


Of course Moses was a towering figure, and he's probably sitting along with Jesus and the other Old Testament figures at the side of the Lord. Moses might have been a flawed human, but he heard God and obeyed Him. Even if it meant wiping out entire tribes of non-believers, including many Jews.

Under Mosaic Law Moses would not have been granted forgiveness of his sins. It was because of Christ's death on the cross and His spending three days in the depths of Hell wrestling with the Devil, and snatching away the keys to death and Hell, that Moses was granted absolution for his sins.
Sorry bout that,

1. I disagree.
2. You got some demented views on Moses, has anyone told you that before?
3. Well you do.
4. Always bring up his faults, this or that, his sins, this or that.
5. Your a real work of art pal.:laughing0301:

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Sorry bout that,

1. Those posters are just here to cause trouble.
2. Disrespecting Moses is wild, are they bullet proof of, G-D.
3. Others tried it in real life, when Moses was alive, and, G-D nearly took them all out, some 600,000 souls.
4. What do you think could happen, right they are safe right?
5. You think, G-D will do anything?
6. Anyway, just stay on topic, like there are rails on this thread, handrails.
7. Just be careful.
8. Anyway, Moses, lets talk about him, and his effects, on the moral fabric of humanity.
9. TEN COMMANDMENTS, he brought down from, G-D on Mt Sinai, two times.
10. He was a real trooper, and a, Great, Great, Man.

  • You shall have no other God's before me.
  • Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. ...
  • Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. ...
  • Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy. ...
  • Honor your father and mother. ...
  • Thou shalt not kill. ...
  • Thou shalt not commit adultery. ...
  • Thou shalt not steal.
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Sorry bout that,

1. These disruptive posters, think they are funny, jokes aside.
2. Moses stood out in scriptures, as a towering figure.


Frankly, it is this mindset that kept me from being a born again Christian for far too long--my entire teenage and young adult years. I was raised in a Christian church and household, but with this very idea: that Moses, David, Job, were "paragons of the faith" and heroic and did all these wonderful things. Every lesson was a character lesson in How To Be Like Them, basically.

I figured Jesus wouldn't want me. Of course, that was completely wrong. We CANNOT "clean up our act" for Jesus. That in fact is why He had to die--because we cannot.

So yea respect for Moses, but not one iota more than he deserves--and I'm sure he would agree. :) Remember, in the end, he was not even able to cross into the Promised Land. Now there's a human to whom I can relate.
Frankly, it is this mindset that kept me from being a born again Christian for far too long--my entire teenage and young adult years. I was raised in a Christian church and household, but with this very idea: that Moses, David, Job, were "paragons of the faith" and heroic and did all these wonderful things. Every lesson was a character lesson in How To Be Like Them, basically.

I figured Jesus wouldn't want me. Of course, that was completely wrong. We CANNOT "clean up our act" for Jesus. That in fact is why He had to die--because we cannot.

So yea respect for Moses, but not one iota more than he deserves--and I'm sure he would agree. :) Remember, in the end, he was not even able to cross into the Promised Land. Now there's a human to whom I can relate.
Sorry bout that,

1. SweetSue92, what a wonderful post, hun.
2. Everyone can't clean up to get with G-D, there isn't anyway for that, I agree.
3. His dying on the cross was so fulfilling, and eternal that it never ends.
4. Moses held up the snake for the Jews to look upon to find life, when life for them was fleeing.
5. That mirrored Jesus act of dying for us, look upon the one who was hung on a tree.
6. Moses has so many things he can teach, if we would listen.
7. Moses towers over everyone, except Jesus.
8. Taken up, instead of herding a bunch of rebellious people sounds pretty good.

I'm not saying he wasn't a great man. But like many others God chose to do His works, some were flawed people. That's how He works sometimes. And choosing to use those among us who aren't perfect does much to show how magnificent our Creator really is.
Every person has strengths. And ever person has flaws in those strengths. In addition, each of us have our weaknesses. All this is what God has to work with, and he has such faith in us. What I love about Old Testament stories is how they present all of this. For example, Moses had a speech impediment, and when he told God he couldn't go make the speech God wanted Pharaoh to hear, God considered this and basically said, You're right. Your brother, Aaron will speak for you."

On the other hand, look how God held Moses to reasonable expectations. When Moses in a fit of temper disobediently struck the rock twice, God said, Uh-uh, I expect better than that because you are capable of doing better than that, and Moses got consequences.

We can see the same thing happening in the story of Saul.
2. Everyone can't clean up to get with G-D, there isn't anyway for that, I agree.
3. His dying on the cross was so fulfilling, and eternal that it never ends.

the 4th century christian is consumed by their own contempt for the true events of the 1st century -

culminating in the untimely death of one individual and those others that gave their lives for what jesus taught - liberation theology, self determination ... the repudiation of judaism and its false personification of the heavens.

the heavenly religion of antiquity granted a&e - the triumph of good vs evil - self determination as the means for judgement and admission to the everlasting.

jesus never claimed an individual must not by their own means be responsible for their own destiny and that of all humanity as one cohesive community as the goal for - everyone.
Sorry bout that,

1. I disagree.
2. You got some demented views on Moses, has anyone told you that before?
3. Well you do.
4. Always bring up his faults, this or that, his sins, this or that.
5. Your a real work of art pal.:laughing0301:


Well let me ask you this loaded question: Was Moses free of sin when he died?

I'll even answer it for you: Of course he wasn't. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, right? Under the old covenant, sins were not forgiven, rather for folks like Moses, they were rolled forward until the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. This is something Jews do not understand.
Every person has strengths. And ever person has flaws in those strengths. In addition, each of us have our weaknesses. All this is what God has to work with, and he has such faith in us. What I love about Old Testament stories is how they present all of this. For example, Moses had a speech impediment, and when he told God he couldn't go make the speech God wanted Pharaoh to hear, God considered this and basically said, You're right. Your brother, Aaron will speak for you."

On the other hand, look how God held Moses to reasonable expectations. When Moses in a fit of temper disobediently struck the rock twice, God said, Uh-uh, I expect better than that because you are capable of doing better than that, and Moses got consequences.

We can see the same thing happening in the story of Saul.
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes yes, Moses wasn't perfect, but he negotiated with G-D, and got his will of G-D in what he wanted G-D to do.
2. Thats monumental, G-D does listen, and he allows us to be heard, Moses was not only heard, G-D followed him.
3. This display of G-D he never did for another.
4. Jesus, said, "Why have you forsaken me?"
5. No answer, just so it is.

the 4th century christian is consumed by their own contempt for the true events of the 1st century -

culminating in the untimely death of one individual and those others that gave their lives for what jesus taught - liberation theology, self determination ... the repudiation of judaism and its false personification of the heavens.

the heavenly religion of antiquity granted a&e - the triumph of good vs evil - self determination as the means for judgement and admission to the everlasting.

jesus never claimed an individual must not by their own means be responsible for their own destiny and that of all humanity as one cohesive community as the goal for - everyone.
Sorry bout that,

1. Very thoughtful post, I just don't know what to think about it.
2. I will ponder it, and get back to you when I conclude.

Sorry bout that,

1. I never considered that, for good reason.
2. Another usurper of G-D's Prophet, sounds like Moowhammed.
3. Always trying to create doubt, my little believers, are not buying it.


what could that be -


you are selling to your worshipers, pied piper's ticket to the holyland ...
Well let me ask you this loaded question: Was Moses free of sin when he died?

I'll even answer it for you: Of course he wasn't. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, right? Under the old covenant, sins were not forgiven, rather for folks like Moses, they were rolled forward until the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. This is something Jews do not understand.
Sorry bout that,

1. My little fault finder.
2. You like laying faults at wise mens feet.
3. Thats kinda dangerous.
4. Moses was gathered up into heaven, didn't die, passed the test, did he sin, before he died, I have no way to determine it, wasn't there, did, G-D cover his sins if he did, absolutely.
5. Moses didn't fall under Jesus timeline, Moses was many years before Jesus, he never saw him while he was here in Israel on his timeline during Exodus, but, on his mission, amongst the Jews, Moses met him on the Mt. of Configuration, during that time of Jesus, just outside Nazareth, which I've been too.

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what could that be -

View attachment 874469

you are selling to your worshipers, pied piper's ticket to the holyland ...
Sorry bout that,

1. Maybe you caught one.
2. Surada may have caught this one, he's a live one.
3. Jgalt has another joined in with his, G-D please, don't lay their rebellion to their sinful charge, give it to Christ, please.

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