Zone1 *Moses, Whom Rocked The World*

Moses wasn't perfect. He also had human imperfections such as a temper, a speech impediment, fear and self-doubt. He also murdered that Egyptian who was beat a Jew. But in spite of those things, God chose him to lead the Israelites.
God did indeed call imperfect, sometimes extremely unlikely, people to do great things. I think He still does.

perfection does not exist, impurity without doubt prevails as a&e for their remission as all beings are tasked to accomplish is purity for judgement to accomplish their goal ...

a murderer they claim as patronage fleeing the scene w/ their tribe only makes sense for that guy than the others - greater than lying is lying in the name of heavenly personification as their own personal attributes is the greater of all crimes.

no accident they lost the ruined tablets not as the forgeries ever existed rather because they are as jesus proclaimed a figment of mortality and servitude than a path to the everlasting.
perfection does not exist, impurity without doubt prevails as a&e for their remission as all beings are tasked to accomplish is purity for judgement to accomplish their goal ...

a murderer they claim as patronage fleeing the scene w/ their tribe only makes sense for that guy than the others - greater than lying is lying in the name of heavenly personification as their own personal attributes is the greater of all crimes.

no accident they lost the ruined tablets not as the forgeries ever existed rather because they are as jesus proclaimed a figment of mortality and servitude than a path to the everlasting.
There are those who understand the concept of God of the beginning, the histories, the present as being a God of creation, redemption, hope, love. Such people may never have the whole truth in this Earthly life but it doesn't bother them because they love and trust God to see them through all of it, the good and the bad.

I honestly pity those who don't understand, most especially those who would rewrite the manuscripts and do their best to put doubt and disbelief into the hearts and minds of believers. It is a cruel and unkind thing they do. Such people I believe can never be truly happy.
I honestly pity those who don't understand, most especially those who would rewrite the manuscripts and do their best to put doubt and disbelief into the hearts and minds of believers.

they do understand ...


the 1st century events and the untimely conclusion the repudiation of judaism manifested and those same crucifiers that wrote the 4th century christian bible, their religion of servitude and denial written in their victims name -

than the the religion jesus and those others gave their lives for - liberation theology, self determination the true heavenly religion of antiquity.

Then they said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

the truth jesus and those that gave their lives for than the lies of judaism for all living beings and their heavenly aspirations.
Some scholars think that Moses's bush was an acacia tree which produces an extremely hallucinogenic compound.

IOW Moses was tripping balls
Sorry bout that,

1. This is all about Moses, why y'all are talking about all these other subjects, is wild.
2. Like a bunch of wild asses, you go on and on.
3. Moses, Whom Rocked The World.
4. And no Moses wasn't on drugs, the bush really did burn, and G-D spoke to him from within.
5. But why did G-D use the burning bush to appear?

Sorry bout that,

1. Its sleep for those G-D favors, you don't go into HELL.
2. Really I don't know where you guys get this.
3. Just sleep.
4. And wake up in, PARADISE.

Sorry bout that,

1. Hells reserved for those who've earned it.
2. Like Cains clan, those who can't get along with family or friends, or strangers.
3. There are many ways to earn your place in hell, seeing a bad act, and protecting the bad actor, is one way.

Sorry bout that,

1. Moses witnessed a fellow Jew being abused, to the point of near death, Moses stood up a slew the perpetrator, not worrying about what would come to him, but then decided to flee, flee to other lands.

Sorry bout that,

1. This is all about Moses, why y'all are talking about all these other subjects, is wild.
2. Like a bunch of wild asses, you go on and on.
3. Moses, Whom Rocked The World.
4. And no Moses wasn't on drugs, the bush really did burn, and G-D spoke to him from within.
5. But why did G-D use the burning bush to appear?

What I believe and what I think it is important to believe can vary a bit and I choose not to quibble over the details in Biblical stories that may or may not be as we interpret them. (I hope we get to ask those questions in Heaven. :) )

But I do know that it was the history and experience of the Jewish people that would culminate in the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, Immanuel, God with us. And I do know that without a solid grounding in the histories, law, allegories, metaphors, poetry, wisdom literature--all of it--of the Old Testament, including the story of Moses, we cannot understand much of the New Testament. No one can fully understand and appreciate the New Testament manuscripts without a solid grounding in the Old.

Those who wrote both the Old the New Testament manuscripts had that grounding from the time they were small children and they were writing from their experience, their understanding, their traditions, their culture. We must always read the Bible through their eyes, experience, traditions, culture rather than with our own 21st Century experience. (In fact that is true of all the history since the Bible was completed as well.)

The orthodox Jews of today do not accept our New Testament as valid but their history and experience is our history and experience just the same. Our teachings and beliefs are inextricably intertwined. It is in the figurative DNA of Christians and I believe it is why we feel a kinship and spiritual connection with Israel and the Israelis.

And that includes the saga of the story of Moses.
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Sorry bout that,

1. So Moses, was an upright man, stood up against tyranny, and said, NO MORE.
2. G-D, saw that and understood he is a righteous man, likely the most righteous of his time, maybe ever, unlike others he didn't think as much to talk to them from a, burning bush.
3. How does a bush speak, much less than a burning bush right?
4. G-D, uses whatever he wants, and it could of been even, more of a mystery.
5. But he did talk for a reason, from a burning bush, think about it, lets think on it, and figure this out.
6. If G-D, can use whatever he wants, what is he telling us, through this message of the burning bush, is there another message having yet, been told?
7. Maybe he could of said, take a hook, and string, to the creek, and the first fish that comes up, open its mouth and find a piece of paper, it, and do what ever its says.
8. No he decided to speak from the burning bush.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Here is the answer you have been waiting for, Moses was able to conflict with G-D, and live to tell about it.
2. His conflict was over his people, the Jews, now G-D, wanted to burn down the whole lot, burn up the Jewish tree, and Moses spoke up for them, even tho the Jews conflicted with him all the way to the promised land, Israel.
3. G-D, wanted to start all over, just burn away these rebellious people, and start over again with Moses.
4. But Moses, was able to save these people, in the barren lands for 40 years, until this people, were sufficiently died, off naturally with natural causes.
5. Moses was able to save these people, even tho, G-D wanted them dead at first, with their many times the tried G-D's patients.
6. Moses, was a Godly man, and was able to convince G-D, not to destroy the, Jewish People.
7. The Jews went back to Israel, and Moses went with G-D, and then Jesus, came to the Jews as planned, and Jesus was refused as G-D, his Father, knew they would.
8. Then the Jews were soon run off Israel, and dispersed throughout the world.
9. Till 1848, till now, they are gathered back into Israel, to the homeland, and there is a conflict with Ishmael, the first born son of Abraham, and the Jews are still in conflict, with them now, not before now, but now is their time, its not G-D so much, its Ishmael, was Sarah right, in saying the bond women's son, won't serve in the Kingdom?
10. Isaac, was to inherit the kingdom, and yet Ishmael is there, to make his stand claiming, he is the favorite son, and ready to inherit this kingdom.
11. One Isaac, is waiting with calm heart to inherit, and Ishmael with, bloody hands of a mad man, ready to pounce.
12. G-D knew it would come to this, did you?
13. Sounds a little like the Cain and Able story, two son's born of the same mother, and two son's born of the same father, fighting for it all, who do you think ends up ontop?
14. I think Moses will come back first, with Elijah, to herald in the New Kingdom of Heaven of Jesus.
15. The Jews will be ready to listen, and Ishmael will not listen, that seed, will be ready to fight.
16. Moses and Elijah, will come to the house of Israel, seeing they are Jews too, and speak to them, to prepare the way of the Lord Jesus, Ishmael will be chomping at the bit, cause they didn't come to them, and thats when things get ugly.
17. I think I got this right, and I don't want that anything, is upset in, G-D's plans, if indeed I am right, this world is without a helper, and I am just trying to help this world.

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The orthodox Jews of today do not accept our New Testament as valid but their history and experience is our history and experience just the same. Our teachings and beliefs are inextricably intertwined. It is in the figurative DNA of Christians and I believe it is why we feel a kinship and spiritual connection with Israel and the Israelis.
Not only Orthodox. All Jews do not accept your "new Testament".
Sorry bout that,

1. Here is the answer you have been waiting for, Moses was able to conflict with G-D, and live to tell about it.
2. His conflict was over his people, the Jews, now G-D, wanted to burn down the whole lot, burn up the Jewish tree, and Moses spoke up for them, even tho the Jews conflicted with him all the way to the promised land, Israel.
3. G-D, wanted to start all over, just burn away these rebellious people, and start over again with Moses.
4. But Moses, was able to save these people, in the barren lands for 40 years, until this people, were sufficiently died, off naturally with natural causes.
5. Moses was able to save these people, even tho, G-D wanted them dead at first, with their many times the tried G-D's patients.
6. Moses, was a Godly man, and was able to convince G-D, not to destroy the, Jewish People.
7. The Jews went back to Israel, and Moses went with G-D, and then Jesus, came to the Jews as planned, and Jesus was refused as G-D, his Father, knew they would.
8. Then the Jews were soon run off Israel, and dispersed throughout the world.
9. Till 1948, till now, they are gathered back into Israel, to the homeland, and there is a conflict with Ishmael, the first born son of Abraham, and the Jews are still in conflict, with them now, not before now, but now is their time, its not G-D so much, its Ishmael, was Sarah right, in saying the bond women's son, won't serve in the Kingdom?
10. Isaac, was to inherit the kingdom, and yet Ishmael is there, to make his stand claiming, he is the favorite son, and ready to inherit this kingdom.
11. One Isaac, is waiting with calm heart to inherit, and Ishmael with, bloody hands of a mad man, ready to pounce.
12. G-D knew it would come to this, did you?
13. Sounds a little like the Cain and Able story, two son's born of the same mother, and two son's born of the same father, fighting for it all, who do you think ends up ontop?
14. I think Moses will come back first, with Elijah, to herald in the New Kingdom of Heaven of Jesus.
15. The Jews will be ready to listen, and Ishmael will not listen, that seed, will be ready to fight.
16. Moses and Elijah, will come to the house of Israel, seeing they are Jews too, and speak to them, to prepare the way of the Lord Jesus, Ishmael will be chomping at the bit, cause they didn't come to them, and thats when things get ugly.
17. I think I got this right, and I don't want that anything, is upset in, G-D's plans, if indeed I am right, this world is without a helper, and I am just trying to help this world.
18. Was a typeO in this initial post, I corrected it, or a gremlin changed it. -reposted fixed!!!!

Those are Christians
They are now. But they were born Jews. I do not try to convert my Jewish friends and colleagues to Christianity. But it does happen now and then. They don't stop being Jewish just because they are also Christian any more than a non-believing Jew is not Jewish.
Sorry bout that,

1. But I love the Jews, all of them, not just those who realize Jesus is G-D.
2. And even thou, many Jews are blind to Jesus, I still love them.


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