Zone1 *Moses, Whom Rocked The World*

what about the threat----"write the spelling words five times each" ?
Five times each? Damn, you had it really easy in that jellybean school for wayward Jewesses.

Where I went children had their eyes gouged out, their brains lobotomized, and their lips were crazy glued together, even if they spelled perfectly and always got straight A's in every class.......
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Five times each? Damn, you had it really easy in that jellybean school for wayward Jewesses.
how many times did YOU have to repeat a writing of a "SPELLING WORD" before it
got to be INDELIBLE in your jelly head?
Not at all. I learned many things of incalculable value as I watched them jellybean bastards studying me and trying to figure out why their many charms had absolutely no effect on me.
they finally figured out that you were not eligible for JELLY BEAN HIGH SCHOOL?
Maybe so, but the maledictions promised by Moses for failure to comply with Divine instruction, Divine Law, sure sounds exactly like Hades (the realm of the dead), HELL, to me. Deut.28:15-44
1. You are interrupting this HELL thing, its not there, we need calmer interpretation.
2. Jesus didn't go to HELL and then get raised, he just went down closed enough to unlock the doors.
3. Jesus doesn't have to suffer more to get the job done.
4. He died and is risen.
5. Thats what G-D wanted, his Father, and he wasn't going to allow him to onesy twosy it.

2. Jesus didn't go to HELL and then get raised,
What do you think his life was like being 'tempted by the devil while living in the wilderness among the wild beasts' at the same time being subjected to a compulsory observance of a literal interpretation of Divine law, under penalty of death, during a time of brutal Roman occupation?

Hell or a bowl of cherries? Didn't you read the story, check historical context, or watch a movie?

How is anyone raised to life and heaven if not from death and hell? Think about it. I dare you.
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he just went down closed enough to unlock the doors.

Ugh. Where do you think hell is, the realm of the dead, if not on earth? Where do religiously addled minds of the dearly departed go when they defy the laws of God and lose their sanity?

A fancy tomb? A grave? A church? A mosque? Mar-a-Lago? Jews for Jesus? The underworld?
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the nuns or the brothers......or the sisters?
Brothers, sisters, priests, nuns, teachers, friends, enemies, everyone, lol, so I went into a witness protection program and was educated by some very bad characters at an undisclosed location.
grammar check-----did you mean "you're amusing, 91" ??? Which in
your jelly-bean mind are "of the desert"?

of course ...

amusing or heavenly are attributes equally void the desert bibles ... than possibly interpretations made by the dim witted for temporary amusement.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its sleep for those G-D favors, you don't go into HELL.
2. Really I don't know where you guys get this.
3. Just sleep.
4. And wake up in, PARADISE.


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