Most Americans think Democrats are out to lunch.

More Americans Than Ever Find Dems Out of Mainstream | RealClearPolitics

Fun poll eh?

Not the least bit surprised. And it's an NBC poll lol.

Yeah, fun poll. Especially the parts the asshole who only used that part, and left out all of the other parts on his show last night.

The deliberate deceit and hostility of Fox News is escalating as Donald Trump gets closer to being tossed into the dustbin of history. With special counsel Robert Mueller progressing toward the inevitable report of Trump's criminality, and former insiders like Michael Cohen preparing to truth bomb the President, the weasels at Fox News are just getting more desperate in the most obvious and embarrassing ways.

On Saturday's episode of the Greg Gutfeld show, the eponymous host (who thinks he's a comedian) introduced the program with the "shocking" results of an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. Among other things it revealed that a majority of respondents (56% to 33%) said that Democrats are "out of step with most Americans' thinking" That's a pretty lousy number that indicates some trouble for the party. Although it doesn't reflect the manner in which Democrats are disconnecting. While Fox News and the GOP want you to think it's a condemnation of the Party's embrace of lefties like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, it could be just as easily that they think the Party isn't embracing them tightly enough.

But what really makes this Fox News segment ludicrous is that they left out another significant result from the poll. Republicans were also deemed to be out of touch, and by a slightly larger margin (57% to 33%). For some reason that statistic was never mentioned on Fox News. Go figure.


In addition to this dissemination of blatantly distorted news, Fox also failed to mention everything else in the poll that revealed how badly the Trump administration is at odds with the American people. For instance:

  • They believe Trump's tariffs will hurt, not help the economy (46-25)
  • Mueller's investigation of Trump's collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice should continue (46-38)
  • Trump is too friendly with Vladimir Putin (46-39)
  • Russia is an adversary, not an ally (72-16)
  • Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election (65-26)
  • The interference by the Russians affected the outcome of the election (41-18)

Since Fox News went to the trouble of citing this poll, they ought to have reported the results more completely. And particularly with regard to the question of how badly Americans think the Republican Party is out of touch. But then again, Fox has never been known to responsibly cover the news, so why should they start now?

With the midterm elections coming up you can count on Fox to lie profusely about the issues and to smother Trump with accolades. Trump has promised to campaign on behalf of GOP candidates "six to seven days a week when we’re sixty days out." So he's effectively abdicating his presidency. And Fox News will devotedly air every single one of Trump's boring, mindlessly repetitive rally speeches in their entirety. Which is certain to increase the incidence of cognitive infirmity among his glassy-eyed Deplorables.

Fun poll.
Fox News
Fox News

Shit, wheres the Midol...

Get a grip

But what really makes this Fox News segment ludicrous is that they left out another significant result from the poll. Republicans were also deemed to be out of touch, and by a slightly larger margin (57% to 33%). For some reason that statistic was never mentioned on Fox News. Go figure.
Remember those lefties out to lunch, leave a tip if you think your service warranted one. Unless your Mexican, I realize you don't tip

More Americans Than Ever Find Dems Out of Mainstream | RealClearPolitics
Fun poll eh? Not the least bit surprised. And it's an NBC poll lol.
I would really like to see how "mainstream" Republican party polls.

Republicans ARE the mainstream. We are the ballgame. The democratic party not liking baseball has left the ball-field, gone out of the parking lot and crossed the street over into an empty lot and set up shop, turned around and not seeing any of us there concluded that WE have left the mainstream. :icon_lol: :laugh: :lol:

Idiot, I just posted the "mainstream" numbers on Republicans, they are even worse than for Democrats.

Now if only "posting" something actually made it true. :21:
More Americans Than Ever Find Dems Out of Mainstream | RealClearPolitics

Fun poll eh?

Not the least bit surprised. And it's an NBC poll lol.

Yeah, fun poll. Especially the parts the asshole who only used that part, and left out all of the other parts on his show last night.

The deliberate deceit and hostility of Fox News is escalating as Donald Trump gets closer to being tossed into the dustbin of history. With special counsel Robert Mueller progressing toward the inevitable report of Trump's criminality, and former insiders like Michael Cohen preparing to truth bomb the President, the weasels at Fox News are just getting more desperate in the most obvious and embarrassing ways.

On Saturday's episode of the Greg Gutfeld show, the eponymous host (who thinks he's a comedian) introduced the program with the "shocking" results of an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. Among other things it revealed that a majority of respondents (56% to 33%) said that Democrats are "out of step with most Americans' thinking" That's a pretty lousy number that indicates some trouble for the party. Although it doesn't reflect the manner in which Democrats are disconnecting. While Fox News and the GOP want you to think it's a condemnation of the Party's embrace of lefties like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, it could be just as easily that they think the Party isn't embracing them tightly enough.

But what really makes this Fox News segment ludicrous is that they left out another significant result from the poll. Republicans were also deemed to be out of touch, and by a slightly larger margin (57% to 33%). For some reason that statistic was never mentioned on Fox News. Go figure.


In addition to this dissemination of blatantly distorted news, Fox also failed to mention everything else in the poll that revealed how badly the Trump administration is at odds with the American people. For instance:

  • They believe Trump's tariffs will hurt, not help the economy (46-25)
  • Mueller's investigation of Trump's collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice should continue (46-38)
  • Trump is too friendly with Vladimir Putin (46-39)
  • Russia is an adversary, not an ally (72-16)
  • Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election (65-26)
  • The interference by the Russians affected the outcome of the election (41-18)

Since Fox News went to the trouble of citing this poll, they ought to have reported the results more completely. And particularly with regard to the question of how badly Americans think the Republican Party is out of touch. But then again, Fox has never been known to responsibly cover the news, so why should they start now?

With the midterm elections coming up you can count on Fox to lie profusely about the issues and to smother Trump with accolades. Trump has promised to campaign on behalf of GOP candidates "six to seven days a week when we’re sixty days out." So he's effectively abdicating his presidency. And Fox News will devotedly air every single one of Trump's boring, mindlessly repetitive rally speeches in their entirety. Which is certain to increase the incidence of cognitive infirmity among his glassy-eyed Deplorables.

Fun poll.
Fox News
Fox News

Shit, wheres the Midol...

Get a grip

But what really makes this Fox News segment ludicrous is that they left out another significant result from the poll. Republicans were also deemed to be out of touch, and by a slightly larger margin (57% to 33%). For some reason that statistic was never mentioned on Fox News. Go figure.

get a grip freak
More Americans Than Ever Find Dems Out of Mainstream | RealClearPolitics

Fun poll eh?

Not the least bit surprised. And it's an NBC poll lol.

Dems have lost their minds. That is why the WalkAway movement has grown every day among liberals. They are leaving the Dem party in droves because the party has been taken over by the radical leftists.

The media tries to put a good spin on the fact that socialists and communists are controlling the party now. They get more freaked out over Trump's tweets than the fact that the new face of the Dems is a brain dead socialist who knows nothing about nothing. She's just a crazy lunatic who has been thoroughly indoctrinated by professors. I am relieved to see that many liberals are as put off by this as those of us in the middle.
More Americans Than Ever Find Dems Out of Mainstream | RealClearPolitics
Fun poll eh? Not the least bit surprised. And it's an NBC poll lol.
I would really like to see how "mainstream" Republican party polls.

Republicans ARE the mainstream. We are the ballgame. The democratic party not liking baseball has left the ball-field, gone out of the parking lot and crossed the street over into an empty lot and set up shop, turned around and not seeing any of us there concluded that WE have left the mainstream. :icon_lol: :laugh: :lol:

Idiot, I just posted the "mainstream" numbers on Republicans, they are even worse than for Democrats.

Now if only "posting" something actually made it true. :21:

No idiot, it's not true because I posted it, it is true because the poll OP is about asked "mainstream" question about both Democrats and Republicans.

Here again are the numbers:

Democratic candidates for Congress
July 2018+ ................................................. 33 56 11

Republican candidates for Congress
July 2018+ ................................................. 33 57 10

So 56% think Democrats are out of mainstream, 57% think Republicans are out of mainstream.

Link to poll:
Last edited:
More Americans voted for Democrats in the House
More Americans voted for Democrats in the Senate
More Americans voted Democrat for President

Republicans rule from a minority
More Americans voted for Democrats in the House
More Americans voted for Democrats in the Senate
More Americans voted Democrat for President

Republicans rule from a minority

More PEOPLE voted Democrat.

We don't know if they were Americans, the Democrats hide that fact.

Of course, the popular vote only counts at the state level.

If the Russians are controlling the elections, then they sure are doing a very bad job of it.

If the Republicans keep losing in the popular vote yet still manage to win the overall election, that sure shoots the theory out the window that the Democrats are so smart.

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