Most Conservatives Still Believe The Civil War Wasn't Over Slavery

Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery

Was the war over slavery? Yes and no. Slavery is what drove the wedge between the North and South to begin with. The GOP sided with those opposing slavery and the democrats sided with those supporting slavery. What gets me is, Dims today still don't give credit to the 100% white GOP for opposing slavery, nor do they give the US in general any credit for fixing itself by outlawing slavery because the Founders knew it was wrong from the beginning. Again, no credit ever given there either. It's not like the Germans corrected their anti-Jewish rhetoric over centuries in Europe by themselves. They just escalated it into the Holocaust. It took an outside force from the other side of the world to set things right because they did not seem to have any moral compass. Hell, even the Catholic church laid low.

As for slavery not being the cause of the war, there is truth there as well. The main focus of Lincoln was the preservation of the Union. That is why the Corwin Act was proposed by the North to make slavery a Constitutional right if only the South would come back into the Union. In other words, the war could have been avoided by the South agreeing to end the feud once and for all by agreeing that slavery was Constitutional. However, the years of division had taken its toll on the South and they just wanted out.

So there they sat in South Carolina as the first shots were exchanged with the North at Fort Sumter. Previously, under Buchanan, shots were fired there as well but it did not lead to war. However, under Lincoln, the whole environment had changed. Now you had a man who wanted more than anything to preserve the union, so the only way to do it at that time was to declare war on them all and send in the troops.
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery

Fucking Democrats did this.
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery

Fucking Democrats did this.

The Democrats started the KKK and slavery. Today, they are still fixated on race, only, they purport to hate white devils now.

They are fixated on race as Hitler was.
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery

Fucking Democrats did this.

The Democrats started the KKK and slavery. Today, they are still fixated on race, only, they purport to hate white devils now.

They are fixated on race as Hitler was.

There is no difference between the KKK and Republican platform TODAY
The Civil War was fought over several issues, slavery being one but not the main one. More over state's rights.

A very small percentage of Southerners owned slaves.
Yes, but a huge majority of southern favored white supremacy and slavery was white power. That's why they fought, thinking slavery would be undermined and blacks would get rights
The entire country favored white supremacy, idiot.

Barely anyone in the north even favored integration at that time.
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery

Fucking Democrats did this.

The Democrats started the KKK and slavery. Today, they are still fixated on race, only, they purport to hate white devils now.

They are fixated on race as Hitler was.

There is no difference between the KKK and Republican platform TODAY

Democrats today don’t believe that Blacks are competent enough to get a state-issued ID.
You've got it in your pointed little head it was over slavery and nothing is going to change your mind.

Attention whore
So when Texas wrote this in their declaration to succeed -- they were just kidding about the slavery part?

"in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding states...."

Keep on defending those Democrats tho
Other than the lines supporting slavery, Lincoln agreed wholeheartedly with this.

Today’s conservatives are radical SJWs compared to your supposed Northern heroes.
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery

Fucking Democrats did this.

The Democrats started the KKK and slavery. Today, they are still fixated on race, only, they purport to hate white devils now.

They are fixated on race as Hitler was.

There is no difference between the KKK and Republican platform TODAY

Really? What is the black unemployment rate under the GOP vs. Dims? Under Obama the black unemployment was never higher and under Trump never lower. And I know, I know, the high unemployment rate can be blamed on "W" for Barak and the low unemployment level under Trump can be credited to Barak. Whatever.

And does the GOP actively seek to lynch blacks? Do tell. You may as well say that the GOP is the Taliban.

Go ahead, say it.

You're rhetoric may be losing it's appeal. That mindless block black vote may be cracking. That is what Dims fear the most, for without, they will be toast. They must maintain the racist black vote against whitey in the GOP.

As Trump said, vote for me. What in the hell do you have to lose?
There it is , confederates are Nazis again, thanks votto. Ya what they should have done , because it was ALL about having slaves, not Breckinridge's vice president to general position or Robert e lee's career, his only mistake in life was a military education after all, since it was all about slaves they'd have slaughtered the 4 million captive slaves no longer worth Nothing to anybody, not as slaves, illegal to congregate or mob or have weapons or be in groups larger than 5 in public. Then we'd have no black population or maybe what like the british some freak of nature blacks like the Spice Girls one. Now actual Slavers watch out, that's infamous, did you hear about that british ship that dumped slaves for the insurance money near Jamaica? No instead in a world of mass casualties of millions of civilian deaths in all the nationalistic wars in this world, lok around you every single war, millions and millions of civilian dead and rubble, and we can't keep a few statues to a war that was About honor, and civil decency and chivalry, and a war of civilian mishap around 50,000 right?

Anyway, they owned slave they owned slaves, ya OK and children tended to die in infancy, and one famous agricultural science convention in the south said Hey, if you're having a war we should plan the crops, probably saved us from a famine. Don't hear that very often in America do you? Oooh Famine, yes. So things were bad in a lot of ways including slaves, and slave is not the best moral situation, some people getting hectic here. History is mostly linear around here I believe, the 2nd KKK was spread equally around the whole United States, racism wasn't even championed. Reconstruction imposed republican government and black participation, I'm not sure if that is what you want, they're all different topics. And thank God when the old timey southern democrats got the government back too! Franklin Delanor Roosevelt was transformational to the Democratic party identity, 12 years right.
Oh by the way -- are you folks claiming that Virginia abolished slavery before the Civil War? really?
Are you claiming that anybody actually said that? Really?
Yes, someone said that Virginia wasn't a slave state or as they put it -- Virginia didn't succeed over slavery like the other states did -- either they don't believe Va had slaves or they are admitting the other states did succeed over slaves

but all of those states fought to maintain slavery.
The word is “secede”, dipshit.
Democrats don’t want Blacks for their prosperity, they want Blacks for votes. That’s it.
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery

Simply put, they never take personal responsibility for their beliefs or actions.
Yes, that's what the dumb asses who say the war was over slavery always like to omit.

The motto of the North was "Save the Union." Pretty damned clear

So republicans didn't really care about slaves either? got it.

So when Republicans say we are the party of Lincoln as a way to show how they are on the side of black folks -- that's all bullshit?
Democrats are the ones who claim Lincoln was a progressive, dipshit.
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery

Simply put, they never take personal responsibility for their beliefs or actions.

Hahaha and demoquacks do? Lol
Lincoln wanted blacks to go back to Africa. The vast majority of Northerners considered blacks inferior. The motto of the north was "Save the union" and as Bootney accurately pointed out the whole slavery thing came up 2 years into the war.

No amount of facts are going to phase you, are they? basically your point is that Lincoln didn't give a fuck about slaves either? got it.
He gave a fuck about slaves.

He just didn’t care too much about what happened to freed blacks.
Yes, that's what the dumb asses who say the war was over slavery always like to omit.

The motto of the North was "Save the Union." Pretty damned clear

So republicans didn't really care about slaves either? got it.

So when Republicans say we are the party of Lincoln as a way to show how they are on the side of black folks -- that's all bullshit?
Democrats are the ones who claim Lincoln was a progressive, dipshit.

I just finished reading the book Personal Memoirs Of Ulysses Grant. Good read on the war and Lincoln
Lincoln wanted blacks to go back to Africa. The vast majority of Northerners considered blacks inferior. The motto of the north was "Save the union" and as Bootney accurately pointed out the whole slavery thing came up 2 years into the war.

No amount of facts are going to phase you, are they? basically your point is that Lincoln didn't give a fuck about slaves either? got it.
He gave a fuck about slaves.

He just didn’t care too much about what happened to freed blacks.

Lincoln only cared about preseving the nation
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I see a lot of people throwing Lincoln under the bus with the "Lincoln didn't give a shit about slaves"

I'll make sure to remember that when Republicans are forced to defend their poor track record on Civil rights by saying "but but but we are the party of Lincoln"
The entire premise behind civil rights is the emanicipation proclamation.

Without Lincoln “civil rights” simply becomes the treasonous destruction of white America.
Lincoln wanted blacks to go back to Africa. The vast majority of Northerners considered blacks inferior. The motto of the north was "Save the union" and as Bootney accurately pointed out the whole slavery thing came up 2 years into the war.

No amount of facts are going to phase you, are they? basically your point is that Lincoln didn't give a fuck about slaves either? got it.
He gave a fuck about slaves.

He just didn’t care too much about what happened to freed blacks.

Lincoln only cared about preseving the nation
That is not entirely true.

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