Most Liberals Appear to Be Clueless About the Supreme Court's Abortion Decision

And when whupped, this one puts his "might makes right" philosophy on display. He can abuse you, so in his mind, that makes it right.
how does the reversal change what exists today? Let's start there.
Being participation trophy nursed
Says a member of the generation that invented participation trophies. The kids never wanted them. It was the snowflake parents like you who pushed them.

Now, sore-loser, tell us more about how you accepted Trump's massive humiliating loss with grace.

That is, don't project so hard.
how does the reversal change what exists today? Let's start there.
No problem.

Liberal moral absolutists have been replaced with conservative moral relativists.

"It's wrong to cheat and lie" liberals have been replaced with "lying and cheating are awesome, if done by my side" conservatives.

I hope that clears things up for you.
And when whupped, this one puts his "might makes right" philosophy on display. He can abuse you, so in his mind, that makes it right.
You're the crying, I gave you the truth and you cannot handle it. You loons had abortions legal in all the states, but that wasn't good enough. Anyway you can still use abortion as birth control in blue states.
No problem.

Liberal moral absolutists have been replaced with conservative moral relativists.

"It's wrong to cheat and lie" liberals have been replaced with "lying and cheating are awesome, if done by my side" conservatives.

I hope that clears things up for you.
as mud. How is it you all miss that there are states where abortion is legal? Just baffles me the lack of thought a demofk has.
Says a member of the generation that invented participation trophies. The kids never wanted them. It was the snowflake parents like you who pushed them.

Now, sore-loser, tell us more about how you accepted Trump's massive humiliating loss with grace.

That is, don't project so hard.
Lol, it was liberals that said it wasn't fair that only a few got rewarded. You own that culture.
You're the crying, I gave you the truth and you cannot handle it. You loons had abortions legal in all the states, but that wasn't good enough.
Of course it was. Why do you keep pushing this nonsense? Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't already in your cult.

Anyway you can still use abortion as birth control in blue states.
The more butthurt you get, the more sulky and stupid your lies get.
Your side spent decades lyiing about how they didn't want to overturn Roe.

Therefore, don't pretend you're not lying now when you say you're content with stopping here. You were lying then, you're lying now.

We know you want to keep going with your fascist agenda. You want a complete abortion ban, gay marriage ban, contraception, gay rights, interracial marriage, the list goes on.

How do we know this? You told us.
I don't recall seeing you in the meeting. Were you hiding behind the plants again? At any rate, your foil mind-reading helmet isn't working. You need to get it recalibrated and fitted better.
as mud. How is it you all miss that there are states where abortion is legal? Just baffles me the lack of thought a demofk has.
Again, but in English this time?

You're just demonstrating for everyone how pro-lifers prey on the mentally handicapped.
Of course it was. Why do you keep pushing this nonsense? Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't already in your cult.

The more butthurt you get, the more sulky and stupid your lies get.
Liberals wanted abortion on demand, wanted tax payers to pay for it, and wanted abortion up till birth and demanded it. If you would've just shut up about it and remained happy. Nothing would've happened, but liberals are never happy.
Again, but in English this time?

You're just demonstrating for everyone how pro-lifers prey on the mentally handicapped.
Well you’re in here. I know you are mentally handicapped! You should leave if English doesn’t work
Reading the hysterical, bizarre liberal reactions to the Supreme Court's abortion decision makes it obvious that most liberals have no clue what the decision actually says. If liberals would break free of their brainwashing and bother to read the Supreme Court's decision, or read a reliable summary of it, they would discover the following facts:

* The ruling does NOT overturn any state law on abortion, whether blue or red. Blue states that allow abortion can continue to do so.

* The ruling does not even attempt to establish any federal restrictions on abortion; it merely turns the issue back over to the states, where it belonged in the first place.

* The ruling does not prohibit a red state that bans abortion from becoming a blue state that allows abortion. This matter is left entirely up to each state.

Here's the full text of the decision:

I've read a lot of the decision but if you even just watch news (not fake news) you would know this.

so this proves my point that liberals are dumb as a box o'rocks (as in: uneducated and not inclined to become so any time soon)
Dumbass, how is pointing out that you've all been lying "bigotry"?

Oh, that's right, you're just butthurt, because none of the conservatives here will address my point. Because they can't. They've been lying for years, they're still lying, and they will continue to lie.

So why do they lie?

First, all the other cultists are lying. Being particularly obedient sheep, they don't dare break ranks.

Second, they believe their lies are blessed by God. "The ends always justify the means for my own side" is their guiding life-philosophy.

And third, they get a pervy tingle up the leg whenever they lie to own the libs.

This is where the cultists will continue screaming hysterically as their way of evading and running. Don't worry, cultists. All the other cultists are soiling themselves too, so doing so will actually earn you brownie points with your cult. Anyone without smelly britches will be assumed to be a dirty liberal.
Excellent. I await your pledge that you will seek no further abortion restrictions or similar restrictions, and your promise to condemn anyone who does.


Huh. Looks like I was right.
Would that be the same kind of "pledge" that you on the left are ready to make about guns, Mamooth?

Look the bottom line is this...abortion is something that will be fought out on the State level by the voters. It's not a constitutional right and never was.
Excellent. I await your pledge that you will seek no further abortion restrictions or similar restrictions, and your promise to condemn anyone who does.


Huh. Looks like I was right.
restrictions on what?

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