Most Liberals Appear to Be Clueless About the Supreme Court's Abortion Decision

Your side spent decades lyiing about how they didn't want to overturn Roe.

Therefore, don't pretend you're not lying now when you say you're content with stopping here. You were lying then, you're lying now.

We know you want to keep going with your fascist agenda. You want a complete abortion ban, gay marriage ban, contraception, gay rights, interracial marriage, the list goes on.

How do we know this? You told us.

Since you're saying the decision will have no actual affect on abortions, then why did you push it?

Oh, that's right. You're a conservative. To you, actual results aren't the goal. Cruelty, control and fascism are the goal.
My issue with Roe was that it was loosely interpreted in the first place. It should be a States’ rights issue. Further, I have actually outlined how Democrats can and will most likely get around it and they will be able to do do peacefully and legally. The problem is that Democrats want on-demand abortion ubiquitous across the land on every Main Street along with egregious termination guidelines up to days before due date. Even Mississippi is going to provide 15 weeks (almost three months) to determine so it’s not an outright ban.
The liberal reaction is predicated on the trigger laws in 30 states which make abortion illegal in those states when Roe is overturned.
Those trigger laws are the result of democracy in each state. Do you now oppose democracy?
Your side spent decades lyiing about how they didn't want to overturn Roe.

Therefore, don't pretend you're not lying now when you say you're content with stopping here. You were lying then, you're lying now.

We know you want to keep going with your fascist agenda. You want a complete abortion ban, gay marriage ban, contraception, gay rights, interracial marriage, the list goes on.

How do we know this? You told us.

Your full blown hysterical. I hope you’re not a guy. That would be embarrassing.
So, still not even a single pro-lifer will pledge to not take it any further.
Are you so stupid as to think an anonymous poster on an insignificant political chat board making a “pledge” makes any difference whatsoever in the real world?
Whatta maroon!
Reading the hysterical, bizarre liberal reactions to the Supreme Court's abortion decision makes it obvious that most liberals have no clue what the decision actually says. If liberals would break free of their brainwashing and bother to read the Supreme Court's decision, or read a reliable summary of it, they would discover the following facts:

* The ruling does NOT overturn any state law on abortion, whether blue or red. Blue states that allow abortion can continue to do so.

* The ruling does not even attempt to establish any federal restrictions on abortion; it merely turns the issue back over to the states, where it belonged in the first place.

* The ruling does not prohibit a red state that bans abortion from becoming a blue state that allows abortion. This matter is left entirely up to each state.

Here's the full text of the decision:

Most conservatives are clueless regarding the effects of an ever-widening gender gap.
15 weeks should be PLENTY.

These sick fucks who want to be able to abort up until birth are soulless ghouls.
Your side spent decades lyiing about how they didn't want to overturn Roe.

Therefore, don't pretend you're not lying now when you say you're content with stopping here. You were lying then, you're lying now.

We know you want to keep going with your fascist agenda. You want a complete abortion ban, gay marriage ban, contraception, gay rights, interracial marriage, the list goes on.

How do we know this? You told us.
I addressed it directly, by showing that there was something to be concerned about, so the OP was being stupid when he claimed liberals had nothing to worry about.

If you all aren't lying about how totally not a threat to liberty this is, you should be willing to take a public pledge to take it no further.

Giving that you're all evading instead of making such a pledge, the correct conclusion seems to be that you're all lying, and that you're all so very butthurt about me pointing out such an obvious thing.

Now, please either address the point or go away. Your trolling is not wanted.
We can't do that. When abortion was first made lawful. You loons said six week limit, no federal funding for it, and it will only be used under certain circumstances. Then abortion on demand, federal funding for it, and abortion up till birth. You loons took it too far. And you lost, get over it.
Why are women in California and New York protesting?

I think the feds should protect the liberty of the people on the slavery issue and the abortion issue.

Now, tell us about how you want the individual states to make the decision, just like they did before the Civil War. Indulge us in even more of your slaver fantasies.
How did slavery suddenly become part of the conversation about abortion? That's kind of stupid, Mamooth...just saying...
The 1973 decision made a "right" out of wholecloth and gross misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment. Besides being morally repugnant, Roe is just plain bad Constitutional interpretation. Now, that being said, allow me to 'splain my position:
I was active in the local pro-life scene in the late-80s to mid-90s. I was part of the 1992 Spring of Life protests in Buffalo. Abortion, is the epitome of selfishness and self-centeredness. That being said, I do see a need in EMERGENCY situations such as ectopic pregnancies (a friend of mine's wife experienced such a crisis), but more than 95% of all abortions performed are just out of pure selfish convenience.
So, still not even a single pro-lifer will pledge to not take it any further.

That is, every single one of them lusts take their anti-liberty crusade further, and they're all lying about that.

Rule of thumb: If a pro-lifer speaks, they're lying.

And why do they lie? Because "The ends always justify the means for my own side" is their life-philosophy. They take relative morality to heights never seen before.

They think God blesses their lies, but it's actually the other guy who is nodding in approval of their actions. God would never tell them to lie like that.
The only goofs interested in “taking it further” is you
Typical liberal worst case projection as most likely. You desperately need to learn how to think versus fear feel.

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