Zone1 Most Racist Commercial…..EVER

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so the YouTube was posted 13 years ago. How long ago was the commercial actually made?

It might have been made almost as long ago as the time in this country when slavery was legal.

Not saying that either was ever tasteful.

While it is a off-color and culturally insensitive .. what makes this racist? Is it racist using today's definition because the commercial focuses on different personas to sell a product and people don't like that or the actual Webster's definition that the commercial is showing white people are superior to all the personas depicted?

What is your definition of racism?
I have a friend named Gary that looks like the younger version of Gary in the OP lol

This is one that really offended me, back when I was still a liberal democrat, because of the gesture the guy made with his fist. Certain fist gestures are very obscene to some Muslims.

I called the company and complained and got a snotty receptionist who said "We're sorry you feel that way" in a syrupy voice.

These days, I am harder to offend and I worry about offending almost no one.

These days, the guy in this commercial would be dragged out into the street and skinned alive.

You know, I woke up this morning with this nagging feeling that I was running low on virtue. Well, not actual virtue, of course, as I have always been the sort of fellow who needs external forms of validation, so it was really more a matter of needing people to RECOGNIZE me as virtuous. I tried rescuing a kitten from a tree, but fell off the ladder. When I tried to help the old lady to cross the street, I slipped and fell and took her down with me. Even my attempts to donate large sums of money to Greta Thunberg so I could announce to the world I had done so fell apart because of those damn banksters telling me I had insufficient funds!

Then it dawned on me. Youtube!! Old Commercials!!!!

My sense of self-esteem is so much better now.
No law……we just make you a social outcast

Sure you do...


Outcast from your cult?

HELL YES! As soon as possible, please!

Y'all act like you have the power to hurt us by saying we're not like you!

That's the funniest thing I've heard in months!

Racists are ostracized from society

Unless you are Conservative
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