"Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In"


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

( emphasis added)

I'm a little confused. Kentucky received defense spending? For the military bases there right, owned by the Feds? Fort Campbell and Fort Knox, home of ARMY and Marines and Army Human Resource Command Center.

Fort Knox has 13,000 soldiers and Marines

Fort Campbell has 29,000 soldiers and Marines.

Fort Dix is in New Jersey with only 7,600 soldiers/marines.

In fact given your numbers, and the total number of military in Kentucky as opposed to New Jersey, it seems as KY is getting too little money compared to NJ.

That does not even include the guard which has been activated by the feds because of 9-11.

Wouldn't the larger military bases get more money from the feds? Why would the state have to support the federal government land and military?

The top ten states (with the exception of DC) you list are nearly even between red and blue. W. Virginia is red but has had Democratic governors since 2001, so that may be a wash...
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Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

So? The so called blue states made these laws. There's a reason in Arizona we have so many indian reservations. Your blue states shipped them out here form the east and promised them all the government assistance they would need. Pay up asshole.

You won't do anything about the illegals but sure as hell want them left alone and getting their fair share of education and welfare dollars, soon to be adding obiecare to the list. And most of them are right here. Not in your state, in mine.

And then you have all of the government handouts the blue states love. So if only you could get the red states to give away more free shit and turn blue I'm kinda wondering where you think that money is going to come from?

You bitch about how much the red states get supporting your own stupid fucking rules and I tend to wonder. How is it Cali, Illinois, Jersey, Michigan, New York and the other strong holds of democratic rule think they can keep paying for all of this when their own states are going bankrupt?

You wouldn't be bankrupt if it wasn't for us red states right? Yet you keep making laws that demand we take care of the people you want us too. We keep telling you that we can't afford to keep this up. You don't care.

You want relief for your fucking state? Stop demanding we do stupid and fiscally irresponsible bullshit. Until then I don't really care how much it costs you. You want it you pay for it. If you go bankrupt so be it.

Blue states pay more because they demand we all pay more for their stupid programs. That seems fair. When it hits your pocket book maybe you will become less stupid.
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78
Four are blue as are 3 of the top 5.
Just another lying sack-of-shit left winger trying to justify democrat socialist sloth parasitism.
CaféAuLait;8916172 said:
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

( emphasis added)

I'm a little confused. Kentucky received defense spending? For the military bases there right, owned by the Feds? Fort Campbell and Fort Knox, home of ARMY and Marines and Army Human Resource Command Center.

Fort Knox has 13,000 soldiers and Marines

Fort Campbell has 29,000 soldiers and Marines.

Fort Dix is in New Jersey with only 7,600 soldiers/marines.

In fact given your numbers, and the total number of military in Kentucky as opposed to New Jersey, it seems as KY is getting too little money compared to NJ.

That does not even include the guard which has been activated by the feds because of 9-11.

Wouldn't the larger military bases get more money from the feds? Why would the state have to support the federal government land and military?

The top ten states (with the exception of DC) you list are nearly even between red and blue. W. Virginia is red but has had Democratic governors since 2001, so that may be a wash...

I love information. I love your input.

It still doesn't excuse the fact that most red states spend more than what they pay in taxes.

This was 3 links, you have beef with one (not one of the top ten)

If you can use knowledge to debate the others then I'll be flattered with information. I'm waiting.
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Why do idiots think this proves anything?
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Why do idiots think this proves anything?

Yea, Factual numbers are so stupid right? Why do we even debate them when Fox news teaches us everything we need to know. Hail, FOX NEWS!

P.S. You should research the term idiot and it's definition
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Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Remind us again how you hate both parties yet ONLY attack the Conservatives. Defending the liberals.
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Remind us again how you hate both parties yet ONLY attack the Conservatives. Defending the liberals.

I question all parties. Where is your answer. Perhaps if you can give an answer, I can respect your party. I lean towards political knowledge. Not towards people stating, "remind us how you hate both parties"

I don't hate any party! (Tea-Party is rocky because they want profit over humanity) Anti-Party isn't hating parties kid! Anti-Party is not conforming to a platform and repeating what I'm told! Holy crap, is this why you have been trolling me for so long? You think "Anti_party" is the hatred of parties? I love parties, I love the debate, I love the discussion! What is wrong with your brain?
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:
1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In | Mother Jones

In 2009, for example, Kentucky received a total of $12.3 billion in defence spending, $5.7 billion of it payroll and the rest contract awards and grants. In that year New Jersey got $11 billion (just $2.7 billion on payroll), while its population is just over twice the size of Kentucky's (4.38m v 8.87m). Per person, the Pentagon spends more than twice as much in Kentucky as it does in New Jersey.

Chris Christie v Rand Paul: Makers v takers, by state | The Economist

The Right always attacks the Left for "buying votes" from minorities. Yet the Right is directly buying votes by cutting taxation below expenses, driving up the national debt.

Why do idiots think this proves anything?

Yea, Factual numbers are so stupid right? Why do we even debate them when Fox news teaches us everything we need to know. Hail, FOX NEWS!

P.S. You should research the term idiot and it's definition

OK, what do you think this proves?
Why do idiots think this proves anything?

Yea, Factual numbers are so stupid right? Why do we even debate them when Fox news teaches us everything we need to know. Hail, FOX NEWS!

P.S. You should research the term idiot and it's definition

OK, what do you think this proves?

it proves the old adage: "figures don't lie, but liars figure". It proves absolutely nothing, except that there are more military installations in red states than in blue states.

Rest assured, that will be a good thing if we ever have a revolution.
Yea, Factual numbers are so stupid right? Why do we even debate them when Fox news teaches us everything we need to know. Hail, FOX NEWS!

P.S. You should research the term idiot and it's definition

OK, what do you think this proves?

it proves the old adage: "figures don't lie, but liars figure". It proves absolutely nothing, except that there are more military installations in red states than in blue states.

Rest assured, that will be a good thing if we ever have a revolution.

States vied for military bases because of the jobs they brought. The southern states tended to send the same people back to Congress for years. Under the old seniority system those were the guys who ran the House and Senate. And being all Southerners they set the bases in the South.
That's all it proves. That and th fact that libs are poor at math, poor at logic and reason from a bad base of knowledge.
Military bases create jobs? Hmm.......

Does the US Constitution say something about not having a standing army during peacetime?

We got around that in the mid-1940s with the start of the Cold War, right? Communism is an ever-present threat to American freedom or whatever, so we have to spend nearly a trillion dollars each year to prop up big government military bases on American soil and in 70 other countries around the world. And then there's the drug war which adds another constant menace with which to justify the police state. And of course we need even more military bases now because of terrorists, right?

"Increase spending to expand the military might of the big oppressive Federal government that is taking our rights." This is the logic of fiscally conservative, small-government Republicans.

It makes perfect sense if you don't think about it.
Military bases create jobs? Hmm.......

Does the US Constitution say something about not having a standing army during peacetime?

We got around that in the mid-1940s with the start of the Cold War, right? Communism is an ever-present threat to American freedom or whatever, so we have to spend nearly a trillion dollars each year to prop up big government military bases on American soil and in 70 other countries around the world. And then there's the drug war which adds another constant menace with which to justify the police state. And of course we need even more military bases now because of terrorists, right?

"Increase spending to expand the military might of the big oppressive Federal government that is taking our rights." This is the logic of fiscally conservative, small-government Republicans.

It makes perfect sense if you don't think about it.

Go lobby Congress to abolish the army. Good luck, we're right behind you.
Military bases create jobs? Hmm.......

Does the US Constitution say something about not having a standing army during peacetime?

We got around that in the mid-1940s with the start of the Cold War, right? Communism is an ever-present threat to American freedom or whatever, so we have to spend nearly a trillion dollars each year to prop up big government military bases on American soil and in 70 other countries around the world. And then there's the drug war which adds another constant menace with which to justify the police state. And of course we need even more military bases now because of terrorists, right?

"Increase spending to expand the military might of the big oppressive Federal government that is taking our rights." This is the logic of fiscally conservative, small-government Republicans.

It makes perfect sense if you don't think about it.

no one is saying we should expand the military bases, and your post has absolutely nothing to do with the OP. The OP draws an erroneous conclusion by misinterpreting the data that he quotes. typical of libtards.
Lets look at that list.
1. New Mexico: $2.63- Blue state
2. West Virginia: $2.57-Red State
3. Mississippi: $2.47-Red state
4. District of Colombia: $2.41-Blue State
5. Hawaii: $2.38-Blue State
6. Alabama: $2.03-Red State
7. Alaska: $1.93-Red State
8. Montana: $1.92-Red state
9. South Carolina: $1.92-Red State
10. Maine: $1.78-Blue state.

So out of the ten states listed 6 are red four are blue three of the top five are blue four of the bottom five are red after we cut through all the partisan B.S. what did we find out that the ten states are split pretty evenly between blue and red.
Lets look at that list.
1. New Mexico: $2.63- Blue state
2. West Virginia: $2.57-Red State
3. Mississippi: $2.47-Red state
4. District of Colombia: $2.41-Blue State
5. Hawaii: $2.38-Blue State
6. Alabama: $2.03-Red State
7. Alaska: $1.93-Red State
8. Montana: $1.92-Red state
9. South Carolina: $1.92-Red State
10. Maine: $1.78-Blue state.

So out of the ten states listed 6 are red four are blue three of the top five are blue four of the bottom five are red after we cut through all the partisan B.S. what did we find out that the ten states are split pretty evenly between blue and red.

9.2 vs 12.84

No where near equal.

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