Most university chief diversity officers are black

Black women are 6 percent of the population, but 55 percent of diversity officers. But Latin people are 19 percent of the population, but only six percent diversity officers.

Most university chief diversity officers are black | The College Fix
what;s wrong eagle? you want a white guy to be hired over the more qualified candidate? my guess is that these black "diversity officers" (no doubt an onerous collateral duty) are closer to the problem and more likely interested in solving it.
what;s wrong eagle? you want a white guy to be hired over the more qualified candidate? my guess is that these black "diversity officers" (no doubt an onerous collateral duty) are closer to the problem and more likely interested in solving it.
"More qualified" lol. If they were more qualified, then they wouldn't need racism to get ahead.
Looks like we have a new right wing, conservative, racist thread starter on the scene. He should fit right in with Horseshitting, Mac 7, Excalibur, dumb winger, dumb dudley, etc.
The gibberish never ends with these people

They look white but say they're black: a tiny town in Ohio wrestles with race

Many residents in East Jackson were raised to identify as black. But what dictates race: where you live, your DNA, the history you’re taught?

The gibberish never ends with these people.

They look white but say they're black: a tiny town in Ohio wrestles with race

Diversity only counts when it comes to women and non whites. They would consider America diverse if it had every ethnicity except white people.

In the late 90s racism was on its way out the door because no one really cared. For the most part we stopped talking about it and people were just people. If we simply just kept not paying attention to it then it would for the most part die out on its own.

But so called "anti racists" decided to revive it and force it to be an issue. The ones against racism have caused more racism in the past 20 years than we had in the past 50 years.

Now it accelerates because there are so many people in society that have nothing to offer so their only option for attention is through negative attention by stoking the fires of racism. They are fulfilling their own prophecy by their own actions.

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