Most Walmart Black Friday Protestors Aren't Even Walmart Workers


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Seems the union is sticking their noses into Walmart's business again. A protest leader in Maryland was asked if he worked for Walmart and he said no he didn't.

He said that 27 of the protestors present actually worked for Walmart. The total number of protestors was roughly 200-300.

The protest is being organized by unions to which Walmart doesn't belong.

Looks like the union is trying to bring down another American company. Hostess is gone and if the unions have their way so will Walmart.
None of the protesters at LAX worked there. They were all brought in and few of them if any, even knew why they were there. They were paid by the unions to be there.
There weren't any protesters at my Walmart here in orlando, and so far I can't find an article in any news source where anyone is protesting. In another thread someone posted a link and from that link it seems that of all the employees of all the Walmarts in this country, only 40 of them are protesting.

Another fail by the union thugs. So far today anyway.
Why do Democrats support unions?

Union dues go directly into their reelection.

It's a massive source of cash, so to them unions have their full support.

Doesn't matter to them that they're driving up the costs of goods and services wherever they go which eventually makes them uncompetitive and eventually can lead to bankruptcy.
Why do Democrats support unions?

Union dues go directly into their reelection.

It's a massive source of cash, so to them unions have their full support.

Doesn't matter to them that they're driving up the costs of goods and services wherever they go which eventually makes them uncompetitive and eventually can lead to bankruptcy.

Which they then blame on the company and get more and more people dependant on government and thus more and more people voting democrat. They are all filty rich and don't much care that the prices on everything keep going up. It won't hurt them much at all.
There weren't any protesters at my Walmart here in orlando, and so far I can't find an article in any news source where anyone is protesting. In another thread someone posted a link and from that link it seems that of all the employees of all the Walmarts in this country, only 40 of them are protesting.

Another fail by the union thugs. So far today anyway.

I found one. Walmart Employees Protest Working on Thanksgiving | ATVN
Wow...A bused-in rent-a-mob....Who woulda guessed that would happen? :lol:
So far Wal Mart is going to have their best black friday on record.

I won't go today, but I will go tomorrow. Not because I particularly like Wal Mart, but because it is important to support the store over the unions.
Unions = Vampires

Suck the life blood right out of a business, and then give that blood to democrats to get reelected.

It's as unholy of an alliance as there ever has been, and as sure as we're all here talking on this board, they are killing America.
Why do Democrats support unions?

Union dues go directly into their reelection.

It's a massive source of cash, so to them unions have their full support.

Doesn't matter to them that they're driving up the costs of goods and services wherever they go which eventually makes them uncompetitive and eventually can lead to bankruptcy.




BTW, I don't work for WalMart but I was in a WalMart parking lot on Friday with coffee for the strikers.

--- Supporting those who have less than I do because it was the right (correct) thing to do.
There weren't any protesters at my Walmart here in orlando, and so far I can't find an article in any news source where anyone is protesting. In another thread someone posted a link and from that link it seems that of all the employees of all the Walmarts in this country, only 40 of them are protesting.

Another fail by the union thugs. So far today anyway.

So, 100% of the protestors not there didn't work for Wal Mart.

Lame, rw's, really really lame.

Fact is, as uneducated as so many WalMart workers are, they voted for the guy that says 47% of us are lazy moochers.

What is really wrong with this picture is that so many of you rw's are not only part of Mittens' 47% but you hate others who are as well.

You are being used and you know it. And yet, you don't want to see people get paid a decent wage.

You are good little serfs, good servants to your owners.

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