Mother charged with child neglect over Vegan beliefs

Are there people in this thread trying to say there are vegans that are actually conservatives?


Do you know that there aren't?
she wasn't found neglectful because she was a vegan.

she was found neglectful because she was killing her child

Yeah, due to her vegan beliefs. Holy shit.

I know people who are vegan and their children aren't dying. Something isn't adding up here.

Maybe you did not read the article, however I am guessing you did read the article and you read this part in the article and still probably did not make any sense to you.

BTW evolution saw fit to provide US OMNIVORES WITH MEAT teeth for a reason. I know to moron liberals (vegans) we should all be herbivores.

It is also obvious that vegans know nothing about the digestive system of herbivores as opposed to omnivores like us where omnivores cannot extrapolate essential amino acids. At least 9 of them.

So, liberals who throw a fit about a tree being cut down and get all huffy and puffy about altering nature, deny the natural fact that we are omnivores and you can usually determine that in any animal by it's dentures. In our case....we have these.....



Back to the vegan moron. I mean she is a certified moron already for being a know it all vegan bitch as it is......


But instead of heading to Florida Hospital South for treatment as instructed, Ms Markham took her baby home.

When police officers came knocking on her door, they say the 23-year-old refused to open up, forcing them to bring in a locksmith and break into her apartment.

When interviewed by police, the 23-year-old woman declared that she wanted to get a second opinion on her child’s condition from a 'vegan' doctor and was interested in a holistic treatment.

Markham also claimed her baby could not be dehydrated because the infant was still having bowel movements.

According to investigators, Sarah Markham admitted that she did not give the formula provided to her by her child's doctor because she believed the ingredients came from animals, and instead she bought an organic soy formula, the local station Click Orlando reported.

When asked if her doctor had confirmed that the plant-based formula was appropriate for her baby, Ms Markham allegedly replied that she knew it was safe because it came from a Whole Foods Market.

Read more: Mother charged with neglect after refusing to take her dehydrated newborn to a hospital over staunch VEGAN beliefs | Mail Online
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she wasn't found neglectful because she was a vegan.

she was found neglectful because she was killing her child

Yeah, due to her vegan beliefs. Holy shit.

I know people who are vegan and their children aren't dying. Something isn't adding up here.

What is not adding up is the you don't become dehydrated by not eating animal products. Babies generally don't eat steak in any case. And even if she is not breast feeding, there are vegan options as a substitute. Afterall, there are babies who cannot process dairy products.
Yeah, due to her vegan beliefs. Holy shit.

I know people who are vegan and their children aren't dying. Something isn't adding up here.

What is not adding up is the you don't become dehydrated by not eating animal products. Babies generally don't eat steak in any case. And even if she is not breast feeding, there are vegan options as a substitute. Afterall, there are babies who cannot process dairy products.

According to investigators, Sarah Markham admitted that she did not give the formula provided to her by her child's doctor because she believed the ingredients came from animals, and instead she bought an organic soy formula, the local station Click Orlando reported.

That is from the article.

Dear lord liberals are frustrating.
Being vegan is the most dramatic form of denying the theory of evolution in which - I am sure - all or at least most vegans are firm believers.

Evolution placed the eyes of preys on the side of their heads (i.e. rabbits, sheep, deer, etc.) in order to be able to see coming threat from far. Evolution placed the eyes of a predator on the front of their heads in order to see better the potential prey.

Evolution gave the predators sharp teeth, and it gave the preys big flat teeth. Evolution gave omnivores both.

Omnivores eat whatever they can eat in order to survive and thrive.

Humans, in spite the totally unnatural claims of phony vegans, are omnivores.

For a human to live without any food coming from sources other than plants, vegetables, fungi, nuts and fruits is like trying to feed red meat to a cow.

Another favorite excuse for these nuts is the claim that they eat food without killing another living thing, forgetting all the while that the bean they boil, the carrot or potato they chop up, or the pit from a peach or the seeds from an apple which they throw in the garbage ARE living things.

If these phonies want any credibility, let them develop their own photosynthesis and live by the nourishment from the earth and the air as do all the living things they kill while they denigrate all normal people who don't live and eat like they do.
I know people who are vegan and their children aren't dying. Something isn't adding up here.

What is not adding up is the you don't become dehydrated by not eating animal products. Babies generally don't eat steak in any case. And even if she is not breast feeding, there are vegan options as a substitute. Afterall, there are babies who cannot process dairy products.

According to investigators, Sarah Markham admitted that she did not give the formula provided to her by her child's doctor because she believed the ingredients came from animals, and instead she bought an organic soy formula, the local station Click Orlando reported.

That is from the article.

Dear lord liberals are frustrating.

I did read that and it makes no sense. The child might well have not gotten the nutrients it needed - but dehydrated? That is a lack of water, not food. Sorry if you find it frustrating I don't just accept what is written in an article without question.
What is not adding up is the you don't become dehydrated by not eating animal products. Babies generally don't eat steak in any case. And even if she is not breast feeding, there are vegan options as a substitute. Afterall, there are babies who cannot process dairy products.

According to investigators, Sarah Markham admitted that she did not give the formula provided to her by her child's doctor because she believed the ingredients came from animals, and instead she bought an organic soy formula, the local station Click Orlando reported.

That is from the article.

Dear lord liberals are frustrating.

I did read that and it makes no sense. The child might well have not gotten the nutrients it needed - but dehydrated? That is a lack of water, not food. Sorry if you find it frustrating I don't just accept what is written in an article without question.

Being vegan is the most dramatic form of denying the theory of evolution in which - I am sure - all or at least most vegans are firm believers.

Evolution placed the eyes of preys on the side of their heads (i.e. rabbits, sheep, deer, etc.) in order to be able to see coming threat from far. Evolution placed the eyes of a predator on the front of their heads in order to see better the potential prey.

Evolution gave the predators sharp teeth, and it gave the preys big flat teeth. Evolution gave omnivores both.

Omnivores eat whatever they can eat in order to survive and thrive.

Humans, in spite the totally unnatural claims of phony vegans, are omnivores.

For a human to live without any food coming from sources other than plants, vegetables, fungi, nuts and fruits is like trying to feed red meat to a cow.

Another favorite excuse for these nuts is the claim that they eat food without killing another living thing, forgetting all the while that the bean they boil, the carrot or potato they chop up, or the pit from a peach or the seeds from an apple which they throw in the garbage ARE living things.

If these phonies want any credibility, let them develop their own photosynthesis and live by the nourishment from the earth and the air as do all the living things they kill while they denigrate all normal people who don't live and eat like they do.

We are now off subject, but let me respond anyway.

This is how the typical attempt goes when a vegan imposes themselves. Someone offers them a hamburger and they decline.
Why not?
I don't eat meat.
Why not?
I just don't. I'm a vegan.
Why are you a vegan?
Look, its not a big deal.
No really. Explain it to me.
(sigh) and whatever the reason might be for that person.
Wait a minute... what about this and that? Justify yourself to me.

And so it goes. I have never met a vegan who tried to push their beliefs but there are so many people like you who seem so threatened by the idea that you are in constant attack mode. You want to eat meat? Go for it. But stop acting like someone made an obscene suggestion about your mother just because they don't. It's really none of your business what diet they prefer.
Actually, on average, Vegans tend to be extremely healthy people :)

All the vegan and vegetarians I have known were sickly and/or fat. They love sugar.

It's really a tremendously stupid lifestyle.

Mundanes like you are going to find every lifestyle that is different than yours to be "tremendously stupid". It helps you justify your incredibly limited and pathetic perspective of life.


Vegans are still usually very healthy people. Personally I enjoy meat, as well as fruits and vegetables, but I have lots of friends who are vegetarians and others who are vegans and they are all very athletic and healthy humans as well.
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Being vegan is the most dramatic form of denying the theory of evolution in which - I am sure - all or at least most vegans are firm believers.

Evolution placed the eyes of preys on the side of their heads (i.e. rabbits, sheep, deer, etc.) in order to be able to see coming threat from far. Evolution placed the eyes of a predator on the front of their heads in order to see better the potential prey.

Evolution gave the predators sharp teeth, and it gave the preys big flat teeth. Evolution gave omnivores both.

Omnivores eat whatever they can eat in order to survive and thrive.

Humans, in spite the totally unnatural claims of phony vegans, are omnivores.

For a human to live without any food coming from sources other than plants, vegetables, fungi, nuts and fruits is like trying to feed red meat to a cow.

Another favorite excuse for these nuts is the claim that they eat food without killing another living thing, forgetting all the while that the bean they boil, the carrot or potato they chop up, or the pit from a peach or the seeds from an apple which they throw in the garbage ARE living things.

If these phonies want any credibility, let them develop their own photosynthesis and live by the nourishment from the earth and the air as do all the living things they kill while they denigrate all normal people who don't live and eat like they do.

We are now off subject, but let me respond anyway.

This is how the typical attempt goes when a vegan imposes themselves. Someone offers them a hamburger and they decline.
Why not?
I don't eat meat.
Why not?
I just don't. I'm a vegan.
Why are you a vegan?
Look, its not a big deal.
No really. Explain it to me.
(sigh) and whatever the reason might be for that person.
Wait a minute... what about this and that? Justify yourself to me.

And so it goes. I have never met a vegan who tried to push their beliefs but there are so many people like you who seem so threatened by the idea that you are in constant attack mode. You want to eat meat? Go for it. But stop acting like someone made an obscene suggestion about your mother just because they don't. It's really none of your business what diet they prefer.

Vegans are morons.
Vegan other words....liberal beliefs.

Mother charged with neglect after refusing to take her dehydrated newborn to a hospital over staunch VEGAN beliefs

A young Florida mother has been arrested for allegedly refusing to take her dehydrated newborn to a hospital citing her strong vegan beliefs.

Sarah Anne Markham, 23, of Casselberry, was arrested Tuesday and charged with child neglect after police say she disregarded her pediatrician’s directive to have her baby hospitalized.

The doctor told the mother that the newborn was suffering from dehydration and losing weight, according to police.

Read more: Mother charged with neglect after refusing to take her dehydrated newborn to a hospital over staunch VEGAN beliefs | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Sort of reminds of that Hollywood moronic slut (Alicia Silverstone) that believed she could feed her infant like a bird or a dog when she fed her child premasticated food.

She believed it was healthy for a human baby to prechew the food before feeding it to her baby.

Alicia Silverstone chews her baby?s food; Premastication is an ancient practice - NY Daily News

Alicia Silverstone has taken on a new and surprising role: Mother who chews her infants food before feeding it to him.

Many people have voiced shock and revulsion at the sight of the 35-year-old “Clueless” star using her own mouth to feed her child, which she posted on a video to her site,

“Yum! I fed Bear the mochi and a tiny bit of veggies from the soup ... from my mouth to his. It’s his favorite ... and mine.”

Passing food from the mother’s mouth to a child’s can also spread disease.

Scientists have noted incidents where mothers have passed HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and food-borne pathogens to their child.

There have also been studies that premastication can spread cavity-causing bacteria.

Still, most the comments on Silverstone’s website, which focuses on healthy eating and a vegan lifestyle, were positive.

“I did this with all three of my girls. It just seem so natural to me. I would chew, they would eat,” wrote one commenter. “Just wonderful antibodies.”

Liberals everyone. Liberals.

Am an ex-vegan (lasted about six weeks before I missed my baked paprika chicken heh.) It is indeed a healthier diet, but for children I dunno. Simple fact is the human animal has evolved as an omnivore (our bodies can process both meat and non-meat foods.) So it stands to reason omitting meat may have some negative effect. But since veganism has a philisophical component ('meat is murder' et al.) it might be a diet better-suited for reasoning adults, and not something to be imposed onto non-consenting children and babies. Give em some eggs, milk, and meat until they reach their teens. Then if they wanna spare the fuzzy wuzzy animals they can, but first they have to survive long enough to reach that age. :)
Being vegan is the most dramatic form of denying the theory of evolution in which - I am sure - all or at least most vegans are firm believers.

Evolution placed the eyes of preys on the side of their heads (i.e. rabbits, sheep, deer, etc.) in order to be able to see coming threat from far. Evolution placed the eyes of a predator on the front of their heads in order to see better the potential prey.

Evolution gave the predators sharp teeth, and it gave the preys big flat teeth. Evolution gave omnivores both.

Omnivores eat whatever they can eat in order to survive and thrive.

Humans, in spite the totally unnatural claims of phony vegans, are omnivores.

For a human to live without any food coming from sources other than plants, vegetables, fungi, nuts and fruits is like trying to feed red meat to a cow.

Another favorite excuse for these nuts is the claim that they eat food without killing another living thing, forgetting all the while that the bean they boil, the carrot or potato they chop up, or the pit from a peach or the seeds from an apple which they throw in the garbage ARE living things.

If these phonies want any credibility, let them develop their own photosynthesis and live by the nourishment from the earth and the air as do all the living things they kill while they denigrate all normal people who don't live and eat like they do.

We are now off subject, but let me respond anyway.

This is how the typical attempt goes when a vegan imposes themselves. Someone offers them a hamburger and they decline.
Why not?
I don't eat meat.
Why not?
I just don't. I'm a vegan.
Why are you a vegan?
Look, its not a big deal.
No really. Explain it to me.
(sigh) and whatever the reason might be for that person.
Wait a minute... what about this and that? Justify yourself to me.

And so it goes. I have never met a vegan who tried to push their beliefs but there are so many people like you who seem so threatened by the idea that you are in constant attack mode. You want to eat meat? Go for it. But stop acting like someone made an obscene suggestion about your mother just because they don't. It's really none of your business what diet they prefer.

Maybe you never met a vegan who tried to push their beliefs on you. In all honesty, neither have I.

But, for the simple reason that I follow Nature's rules and laws that, as human being, I have been accused of being an omnivore (or carnivore), I am a killer, a heartless beast who kills, hurts and maims innocent animals, like chickens, cows, pigs and geese, for the sole purpose of fattening myself.

And let me say that the accusation was levelled with full force of hypocrisy.
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Being vegan is the most dramatic form of denying the theory of evolution in which - I am sure - all or at least most vegans are firm believers.

Evolution placed the eyes of preys on the side of their heads (i.e. rabbits, sheep, deer, etc.) in order to be able to see coming threat from far. Evolution placed the eyes of a predator on the front of their heads in order to see better the potential prey.

Evolution gave the predators sharp teeth, and it gave the preys big flat teeth. Evolution gave omnivores both.

Omnivores eat whatever they can eat in order to survive and thrive.

Humans, in spite the totally unnatural claims of phony vegans, are omnivores.

For a human to live without any food coming from sources other than plants, vegetables, fungi, nuts and fruits is like trying to feed red meat to a cow.

Another favorite excuse for these nuts is the claim that they eat food without killing another living thing, forgetting all the while that the bean they boil, the carrot or potato they chop up, or the pit from a peach or the seeds from an apple which they throw in the garbage ARE living things.

If these phonies want any credibility, let them develop their own photosynthesis and live by the nourishment from the earth and the air as do all the living things they kill while they denigrate all normal people who don't live and eat like they do.

We are now off subject, but let me respond anyway.

This is how the typical attempt goes when a vegan imposes themselves. Someone offers them a hamburger and they decline.
Why not?
I don't eat meat.
Why not?
I just don't. I'm a vegan.
Why are you a vegan?
Look, its not a big deal.
No really. Explain it to me.
(sigh) and whatever the reason might be for that person.
Wait a minute... what about this and that? Justify yourself to me.

And so it goes. I have never met a vegan who tried to push their beliefs but there are so many people like you who seem so threatened by the idea that you are in constant attack mode. You want to eat meat? Go for it. But stop acting like someone made an obscene suggestion about your mother just because they don't. It's really none of your business what diet they prefer.

Maybe you never met a vegan who tried to push their beliefs on you. In all honesty, neither have I.

But, for the simple reason that I follow Nature's rules and laws that, as human being, I have been accused of being an omnivore (or carnivore), I am a killer, a heartless beast who kills, hurts and maims innocent animals, like chickens, cows, pigs and geese, for the sole purpose of fattening myself.

And let me say that the accusation was levelled with full force of hypocrisy.

You just said you've never had a vegan push their beliefs on you but you have been accused of being a murderer by a vegan? Not sure I follow that.

However, let me just say that being a vegan does not mean someone is not an asshole. What you eat is a personal choice and I have no more right to tell you what you should do than you have to tell me. Life consumes life, no matter what. If you eat a stick of celery, you are killing the celery. As I said, I have never in my near 70 years on the planet had a vegan tell me how I should eat, but I have been at numerous tables where I have seen vegans cross examined and argued with just because they choose not to eat meat. I have yet to see that start with the vegan questioning the choices of the other diners.
Vegan other words....liberal beliefs.

Mother charged with neglect after refusing to take her dehydrated newborn to a hospital over staunch VEGAN beliefs

A young Florida mother has been arrested for allegedly refusing to take her dehydrated newborn to a hospital citing her strong vegan beliefs.

Sarah Anne Markham, 23, of Casselberry, was arrested Tuesday and charged with child neglect after police say she disregarded her pediatrician’s directive to have her baby hospitalized.

The doctor told the mother that the newborn was suffering from dehydration and losing weight, according to police.

Read more: Mother charged with neglect after refusing to take her dehydrated newborn to a hospital over staunch VEGAN beliefs | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Sort of reminds of that Hollywood moronic slut (Alicia Silverstone) that believed she could feed her infant like a bird or a dog when she fed her child premasticated food.

She believed it was healthy for a human baby to prechew the food before feeding it to her baby.

Alicia Silverstone chews her baby?s food; Premastication is an ancient practice - NY Daily News

Alicia Silverstone has taken on a new and surprising role: Mother who chews her infants food before feeding it to him.

Many people have voiced shock and revulsion at the sight of the 35-year-old “Clueless” star using her own mouth to feed her child, which she posted on a video to her site,

“Yum! I fed Bear the mochi and a tiny bit of veggies from the soup ... from my mouth to his. It’s his favorite ... and mine.”

Passing food from the mother’s mouth to a child’s can also spread disease.

Scientists have noted incidents where mothers have passed HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and food-borne pathogens to their child.

There have also been studies that premastication can spread cavity-causing bacteria.

Still, most the comments on Silverstone’s website, which focuses on healthy eating and a vegan lifestyle, were positive.

“I did this with all three of my girls. It just seem so natural to me. I would chew, they would eat,” wrote one commenter. “Just wonderful antibodies.”

Liberals everyone. Liberals.

Am an ex-vegan (lasted about six weeks before I missed my baked paprika chicken heh.) It is indeed a healthier diet, but for children I dunno. Simple fact is the human animal has evolved as an omnivore (our bodies can process both meat and non-meat foods.) So it stands to reason omitting meat may have some negative effect. But since veganism has a philisophical component ('meat is murder' et al.) it might be a diet better-suited for reasoning adults, and not something to be imposed onto non-consenting children and babies. Give em some eggs, milk, and meat until they reach their teens. Then if they wanna spare the fuzzy wuzzy animals they can, but first they have to survive long enough to reach that age. :)

Its a very fuzzy line. I tend to agree with your sentiment, but it does get into the interference of a parent by the government. If the child is in danger (and it appears that was the case) then I think the government should step in. But that also extends to other areas. If the parents don't believe in medical care, should the government step in? At what point is the child in trouble, before or after they get sick?

No easy answers here.
Every living thing eats other living things. Even plant-eaters are eating liivng plants as well as however many insects which get caught up in the act. It's unavoidable, in order to live, something else has to die. Even the most absolute vegan benefits from the death of something be it plants, insects from insecticides on the plants they eat, or the death of the ecosystem so they could live in their home, drive on their roads, and live and work in the cities (was all natural land once upon a time.)

And most importantly, as an animal which is part of Nature, saying the eating of other animals is immoral and wrong ignores the reality that most macro-scale animals eat other animals. Are they all immoral or simply doing what Nature has evolved them to do? If so, then why, as a part of that system are we then exempt from diets playing to our omnivore nature?

If you wanna be vegan great. Numerous health and ecological benefits of it. Just don't get all snooty about it. :)
We are now off subject, but let me respond anyway.

This is how the typical attempt goes when a vegan imposes themselves. Someone offers them a hamburger and they decline.
Why not?
I don't eat meat.
Why not?
I just don't. I'm a vegan.
Why are you a vegan?
Look, its not a big deal.
No really. Explain it to me.
(sigh) and whatever the reason might be for that person.
Wait a minute... what about this and that? Justify yourself to me.

And so it goes. I have never met a vegan who tried to push their beliefs but there are so many people like you who seem so threatened by the idea that you are in constant attack mode. You want to eat meat? Go for it. But stop acting like someone made an obscene suggestion about your mother just because they don't. It's really none of your business what diet they prefer.

Maybe you never met a vegan who tried to push their beliefs on you. In all honesty, neither have I.

But, for the simple reason that I follow Nature's rules and laws that, as human being, I have been accused of being an omnivore (or carnivore), I am a killer, a heartless beast who kills, hurts and maims innocent animals, like chickens, cows, pigs and geese, for the sole purpose of fattening myself.

And let me say that the accusation was levelled with full force of hypocrisy.

You just said you've never had a vegan push their beliefs on you but you have been accused of being a murderer by a vegan? Not sure I follow that.

However, let me just say that being a vegan does not mean someone is not an asshole. What you eat is a personal choice and I have no more right to tell you what you should do than you have to tell me. Life consumes life, no matter what. If you eat a stick of celery, you are killing the celery. As I said, I have never in my near 70 years on the planet had a vegan tell me how I should eat, but I have been at numerous tables where I have seen vegans cross examined and argued with just because they choose not to eat meat. I have yet to see that start with the vegan questioning the choices of the other diners.

Personal experience could be totally different from general influences that you hear, see, experience and be subjected to, whether you like it or not.

While I have never been accosted by a vegan to convince me to follow his/her discipline of nourishment, I have heard more than enough about cruelty to animals, being blood thirsty, being a heartless predator carnivore from vegans and vegetarians to almost feel guilty for my life style.

I just personally feel that being vegan or vegetarian for a human being is denying the natural order.

But it's only me.

Do as you please.
Vegan other words....liberal beliefs.

Mother charged with neglect after refusing to take her dehydrated newborn to a hospital over staunch VEGAN beliefs

A young Florida mother has been arrested for allegedly refusing to take her dehydrated newborn to a hospital citing her strong vegan beliefs.

Sarah Anne Markham, 23, of Casselberry, was arrested Tuesday and charged with child neglect after police say she disregarded her pediatrician’s directive to have her baby hospitalized.

The doctor told the mother that the newborn was suffering from dehydration and losing weight, according to police.

Read more: Mother charged with neglect after refusing to take her dehydrated newborn to a hospital over staunch VEGAN beliefs | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Sort of reminds of that Hollywood moronic slut (Alicia Silverstone) that believed she could feed her infant like a bird or a dog when she fed her child premasticated food.

She believed it was healthy for a human baby to prechew the food before feeding it to her baby.

Alicia Silverstone chews her baby?s food; Premastication is an ancient practice - NY Daily News

Alicia Silverstone has taken on a new and surprising role: Mother who chews her infants food before feeding it to him.

Many people have voiced shock and revulsion at the sight of the 35-year-old “Clueless” star using her own mouth to feed her child, which she posted on a video to her site,

“Yum! I fed Bear the mochi and a tiny bit of veggies from the soup ... from my mouth to his. It’s his favorite ... and mine.”

Passing food from the mother’s mouth to a child’s can also spread disease.

Scientists have noted incidents where mothers have passed HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and food-borne pathogens to their child.

There have also been studies that premastication can spread cavity-causing bacteria.

Still, most the comments on Silverstone’s website, which focuses on healthy eating and a vegan lifestyle, were positive.

“I did this with all three of my girls. It just seem so natural to me. I would chew, they would eat,” wrote one commenter. “Just wonderful antibodies.”

Liberals everyone. Liberals.

Am an ex-vegan (lasted about six weeks before I missed my baked paprika chicken heh.) It is indeed a healthier diet, but for children I dunno. Simple fact is the human animal has evolved as an omnivore (our bodies can process both meat and non-meat foods.) So it stands to reason omitting meat may have some negative effect. But since veganism has a philisophical component ('meat is murder' et al.) it might be a diet better-suited for reasoning adults, and not something to be imposed onto non-consenting children and babies. Give em some eggs, milk, and meat until they reach their teens. Then if they wanna spare the fuzzy wuzzy animals they can, but first they have to survive long enough to reach that age. :)

I'll try to explain why your argument doesn't work for me, with the full understanding that this does not mean it doesn't work for you. I only control myself, not you.

There is a difference between a lion attacking a gazelle and me going to the grocery store to buy a chicken. The gazelle lives its life as gazelles have always lived, running the veldt, eating, procreating, etc. The lion kills it, but it does not take its life - only ends it. The chicken I buy at the grocery store probably was born and raised in a tiny wire cage in a factory. I know this is true because visiting such factories used to be what I did for a living. They are crammed in with little ability to move, their wastes taken away by conveyor belts underneath the cage. Unlike the gazelle, their entire life is taken before it is finally ended. We treat them as industrial products. We don't just kill them, we steal their lives from them. It is this theft I have a problem with, not the killing.

In our society, hunting your own meat is simply not practical. So we make choices. Each of us makes the choice that fits how they view the world. We have to live with those choices, but none of us has the right or the standing to judge the choices of others. At least when it comes to diet.
Full article makes it clear she wasn't arrested for vegan beliefs. She was arrested for not following a police order to take the kid to a hospital quickly enough. She delayed an hour after the police showed up and issued the order.

Whole thing is her fault and has nothing to do with veganism. Plus, whole thing could easily have been prevented entirely by giving the kid a bottle of water. If dehydrated that's the best thing. And determining dehydration is easy enough, little pinch of skin to see if it bounces back or not. If it stays pinched and folded/wrinkly you're dehydrated.

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