Mother has kids kidnapped from her,she in return kills CPS agent.

Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.
A Vermont woman who allegedly used a high-powered rifle to gun down a Vermont social worker is now suspected of conducting a killing spree after the bodies of her aunt and two cousins were discovered.

According to the Burlington Free Press, 40-year-old Jody Herring is a suspect in the deaths of Rhonda Herring and Regina Herring, and their mother, Julie Ann Falzarano, whose bodies were found Saturday morning, hours after the shooting at the Department for Children and Families offices.
Vermont woman who gunned down social worker now suspected of killing 3 family members
I didn't judge you, I said killing a cat is very disturbing and a person that does that might have emotional issues.

That's called judging, you idiot.

Bull shit, I didn't say you specifically. I don't care what you do, as long as you aren't living near me, you can do what you want and one day a neighbor will blow your ass away.
Now you're threatening me with violence. I've decided to place you on permanent as a prudent response. Have a nice long life.
He did no no such thing. And if you are killing animals it's just a matter of a short time before the authorities come knocking on your door.
I'm going to start ignoring everyone who thinks this thread is about a stupid cat, starting with you.
No, it is about a vicious coward who killed a cat because a neighbor cared enough about children she did not know to report suspicious behavior.

Your in good company with this crackpot and others like him. How come we can't find any of these stories in anything that resembles a legitimate news source. I won't say that there are no such true horror stories to be found. There are. Anyone can pull together a bunch of stories-real and made up and present it as a systemic failure. Most of these accounts are one sided and presented by abusive parents who cry victim.

This is just a smear of a legitimate and necessary service provided to protect children. I hade a career in CPS and I resent this horseshit. The vast majority of CPS workers are dedicated to the protection of children. People like you who promote this crap-crap that you don't even know that is true-are irresponsible and are undermining the good work of CPS who are out there day and night, putting themselves at risk, to ensure the well being of children.

Official investigations into CPS for involvement in the child sex slave trade are not wild conspiracy theories. You may not like what others in your profession do, but don't blame the people bringing it to light.

That is complete horseshit like everything else that you have to say here and on other threads. Of course there have been isolated cases of sexual and other abuse in the foster care system but just talking about those cases to make it sound as though it were endemic is irresponsible, dishonest and shameful! It undermines the systems ability to actually protect kids. Do you condemn all cops and all police departments because of the actions of a few bad cops and a handful of high profile cases?

Your remarks are insulting and personally demeaning as someone who had made a career in foster care and protective service. I started out investigating abuse and neglect case, later because a unit supervisor and also held a number of other jobs such as foster home recruiting and training.

In New Jersey, all out of home placements are subject to judicial review and other safeguards. In addition for the necessity of having a family court judge issue an order for custody, there is a volunteer citizen panel known as the Child Placement Review Board that reviews the cases on an ongoing basis.

Each child in the system is assigned a Law Guardian, an attorney who represents the child independently of the attorneys representing the parents and the state.

There may also be a court appointed special advocate who ensures that the child's best interests are the primary goal. I don't doubt that all states have similar systems in place

Now, tell me, how the fuck is CPS going to get away with engaging in a child sex slave trade. That is just as stupid as stupid gets!

And yet it happens. There's big money in child exploitation and your precious CPS has been dipping in. Your angry rants don't make that simple fact go away.

More horseshit. Who is making money. Show us. Provide the documentation.

You think that the sex slave trade is financed through public channels?

So how are they hiding the massive sex trade from the honest social workers? That's got to be some cover up.


If you wonder why I am bringing all of this up and making you uncomfortable, the reason is two-fold.

It was the same set of circumstances as I have just described above that set me off to do something about what someone was doing to children in my country. I realized that those few seconds of discomfort I experienced was nothing compared what those children had to have undergone, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day for months and months. While it is true I didn’t know about it back then, that didn’t change the fact that had I looked, had I learned what these horrible monsters were doing to children years before maybe I could have done something to stop it. To me, unawareness was not an excuse I could accept and so, here I sit today writing this, trying to get those who understand what responsibility is to come take some and we can change this.

I decided to dedicate my life to the exposing of one of the worst criminal activities in the history of this country, in my opinion.

This criminal organization specialized in destroying families and children and over a thousand children died due to neglect or are outright murdered every year in this country alone, while in the “protection and control” of CPS.

The most active opponent to all of this was former State Senator Nancy Schaefer, GA, who was murdered. THAT she was murdered is not in question, the only question that remains is who murdered her and the official story is very hard to swallow if any of the facts about her assassination are known.

We are looking at a multi-billion dollar industry, with huge amounts of money going to the various states so they don’t change this corrupt system.

Drug companies make billions of the full priced non generic drugs they sell to CPS and which are forced on these small children whose biggest upset is that they can’t live with their mommies anymore.

First you take the child away from their parents and when they cry about it you get some unlicensed mental health worker to diagnose that child as being “DEPRESSED.” Gee, ya think? Well, that and the fact that the big man sometimes into their room at night and does horrible things to them and child sexual abuse is a lot more rampant than CPS would ever want anyone to know about.

CPS investigates allegations of the sexual abuse of the children in their care and a finding of substantiated would result in a successful civil action being brought against them by the parents. So, virtually every investigation conducted by CPS into the sexual molestation of children comes back as unfounded, thus saving them millions in lawsuits and after all to CPS workers it is only the molestation of some dirt bag mother’s child, so who really cares? Besides if the child is unhappy they can always just put them on a fistful of anti-depressants and they will shut up. Those drugs don’t help them but they sure shut them up.

Well, at least until that child is 18 and a basket case from taking those drugs and then CPS cuts them off because the child has “timed out” and is no longer worth anything to CPS because they don’t receive any more money per month for that child and now the child has no value.

OF course now that messed former CPS child will make a lot of mistakes and their children become CPS bait in the future. Remember over half of those in prison today are former foster children. Wow, what a legacy CPS is creating eh?

What is really needed here is an expanded public awareness of what CPS has degraded into and the sick criminals that run it.

That can be done and to that end I have decided to produce books and films that will bring these horrific crimes and the criminals responsible for them, to light. That is what I do and I do it 7 days a week, about 12 hours per day.

However, Bill Bowen died in 2010, and his work stopped.

- See more at: Filmmaker Was Documenting Abuses in CPS and Children Murdered under State Custody Before He Died


The more Christianity is taken from the people..the more evil this society has become..and its ALWAYS CHILDREN FIRST..who are abused..then women...


THE MORALITY OF THE LAND..IS CONTROLLED BY ITS WOMEN..Americas women have become harlots...whores...and wont marry you..because your whores..and your children are fatherless bastards..


There is so much equine excrement here that I don't know where to begin. First of all, even if all of these cases were 100% true as presented. It in no way proves that the entire system is corrupt. Shit happens everywhere. Second of , who the hell is profiting off of placing children in foster care. Name some names. Be specific. In addition, the statement that all investigation of sexual abuse in foster care are unfounded, is even more stupid that anything else here. It totally undermines the credibility of the whole film. You think that liberalism is a mental disorder, I think that the need to spread this kid of irresponsible shit is a mental disorder.
More outrage? Nobody's claiming that all CPS workers are corrupt, so one wonders who you are addressing this to.

You are the one who cheered on the murderer of a child protection worker- assuming that she deserved to be murdered.

And of course you killed your neighbors cat in revenge.
The cat was actually collateral damage in a project aimed at killing possums.....

Or did you think I actually broke into a woman's house and killed a pet?

You're causing an itch in my iggy finger to. This thread is not about a stupid cat.

Did you have a 'murderous rage' against possums?

Here is your quote:

I understand the murderous rage when my children are threatened to be taken out of my home. I killed that woman's cat and made sure she knew it even though she couldn't prove it.

Are you going to threaten to kill my electronic pets if I upset you too much by pointing out that you both cheered on a murderer and killed a neighbors pet in revenge for her calling CPS?

Your in good company with this crackpot and others like him. How come we can't find any of these stories in anything that resembles a legitimate news source. I won't say that there are no such true horror stories to be found. There are. Anyone can pull together a bunch of stories-real and made up and present it as a systemic failure. Most of these accounts are one sided and presented by abusive parents who cry victim.

This is just a smear of a legitimate and necessary service provided to protect children. I hade a career in CPS and I resent this horseshit. The vast majority of CPS workers are dedicated to the protection of children. People like you who promote this crap-crap that you don't even know that is true-are irresponsible and are undermining the good work of CPS who are out there day and night, putting themselves at risk, to ensure the well being of children.

Official investigations into CPS for involvement in the child sex slave trade are not wild conspiracy theories. You may not like what others in your profession do, but don't blame the people bringing it to light.

That is complete horseshit like everything else that you have to say here and on other threads. Of course there have been isolated cases of sexual and other abuse in the foster care system but just talking about those cases to make it sound as though it were endemic is irresponsible, dishonest and shameful! It undermines the systems ability to actually protect kids. Do you condemn all cops and all police departments because of the actions of a few bad cops and a handful of high profile cases?

Your remarks are insulting and personally demeaning as someone who had made a career in foster care and protective service. I started out investigating abuse and neglect case, later because a unit supervisor and also held a number of other jobs such as foster home recruiting and training.

In New Jersey, all out of home placements are subject to judicial review and other safeguards. In addition for the necessity of having a family court judge issue an order for custody, there is a volunteer citizen panel known as the Child Placement Review Board that reviews the cases on an ongoing basis.

Each child in the system is assigned a Law Guardian, an attorney who represents the child independently of the attorneys representing the parents and the state.

There may also be a court appointed special advocate who ensures that the child's best interests are the primary goal. I don't doubt that all states have similar systems in place

Now, tell me, how the fuck is CPS going to get away with engaging in a child sex slave trade. That is just as stupid as stupid gets!

And yet it happens. There's big money in child exploitation and your precious CPS has been dipping in. Your angry rants don't make that simple fact go away.

More horseshit. Who is making money. Show us. Provide the documentation.

You think that the sex slave trade is financed through public channels?

Who is making the money and how.? Where is the CPS involvement. Answer the question and stop playing games.


If you wonder why I am bringing all of this up and making you uncomfortable, the reason is two-fold.

It was the same set of circumstances as I have just described above that set me off to do something about what someone was doing to children in my country. I realized that those few seconds of discomfort I experienced was nothing compared what those children had to have undergone, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day for months and months. While it is true I didn’t know about it back then, that didn’t change the fact that had I looked, had I learned what these horrible monsters were doing to children years before maybe I could have done something to stop it. To me, unawareness was not an excuse I could accept and so, here I sit today writing this, trying to get those who understand what responsibility is to come take some and we can change this.

I decided to dedicate my life to the exposing of one of the worst criminal activities in the history of this country, in my opinion.

This criminal organization specialized in destroying families and children and over a thousand children died due to neglect or are outright murdered every year in this country alone, while in the “protection and control” of CPS.

The most active opponent to all of this was former State Senator Nancy Schaefer, GA, who was murdered. THAT she was murdered is not in question, the only question that remains is who murdered her and the official story is very hard to swallow if any of the facts about her assassination are known.

We are looking at a multi-billion dollar industry, with huge amounts of money going to the various states so they don’t change this corrupt system.

Drug companies make billions of the full priced non generic drugs they sell to CPS and which are forced on these small children whose biggest upset is that they can’t live with their mommies anymore.

First you take the child away from their parents and when they cry about it you get some unlicensed mental health worker to diagnose that child as being “DEPRESSED.” Gee, ya think? Well, that and the fact that the big man sometimes into their room at night and does horrible things to them and child sexual abuse is a lot more rampant than CPS would ever want anyone to know about.

CPS investigates allegations of the sexual abuse of the children in their care and a finding of substantiated would result in a successful civil action being brought against them by the parents. So, virtually every investigation conducted by CPS into the sexual molestation of children comes back as unfounded, thus saving them millions in lawsuits and after all to CPS workers it is only the molestation of some dirt bag mother’s child, so who really cares? Besides if the child is unhappy they can always just put them on a fistful of anti-depressants and they will shut up. Those drugs don’t help them but they sure shut them up.

Well, at least until that child is 18 and a basket case from taking those drugs and then CPS cuts them off because the child has “timed out” and is no longer worth anything to CPS because they don’t receive any more money per month for that child and now the child has no value.

OF course now that messed former CPS child will make a lot of mistakes and their children become CPS bait in the future. Remember over half of those in prison today are former foster children. Wow, what a legacy CPS is creating eh?

What is really needed here is an expanded public awareness of what CPS has degraded into and the sick criminals that run it.

That can be done and to that end I have decided to produce books and films that will bring these horrific crimes and the criminals responsible for them, to light. That is what I do and I do it 7 days a week, about 12 hours per day.

However, Bill Bowen died in 2010, and his work stopped.

- See more at: Filmmaker Was Documenting Abuses in CPS and Children Murdered under State Custody Before He Died


The more Christianity is taken from the people..the more evil this society has become..and its ALWAYS CHILDREN FIRST..who are abused..then women...


THE MORALITY OF THE LAND..IS CONTROLLED BY ITS WOMEN..Americas women have become harlots...whores...and wont marry you..because your whores..and your children are fatherless bastards..


There is so much equine excrement here that I don't know where to begin. First of all, even if all of these cases were 100% true as presented. It in no way proves that the entire system is corrupt. Shit happens everywhere. Second of , who the hell is profiting off of placing children in foster care. Name some names. Be specific. In addition, the statement that all investigation of sexual abuse in foster care are unfounded, is even more stupid that anything else here. It totally undermines the credibility of the whole film. You think that liberalism is a mental disorder, I think that the need to spread this kid of irresponsible shit is a mental disorder.
More outrage? Nobody's claiming that all CPS workers are corrupt, so one wonders who you are addressing this to.
You are claiming that all CPS workers are thugs and you cheered the murder of one by a mother without having the first clue why her kids were taken.


If you wonder why I am bringing all of this up and making you uncomfortable, the reason is two-fold.

It was the same set of circumstances as I have just described above that set me off to do something about what someone was doing to children in my country. I realized that those few seconds of discomfort I experienced was nothing compared what those children had to have undergone, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day for months and months. While it is true I didn’t know about it back then, that didn’t change the fact that had I looked, had I learned what these horrible monsters were doing to children years before maybe I could have done something to stop it. To me, unawareness was not an excuse I could accept and so, here I sit today writing this, trying to get those who understand what responsibility is to come take some and we can change this.

I decided to dedicate my life to the exposing of one of the worst criminal activities in the history of this country, in my opinion.

This criminal organization specialized in destroying families and children and over a thousand children died due to neglect or are outright murdered every year in this country alone, while in the “protection and control” of CPS.

The most active opponent to all of this was former State Senator Nancy Schaefer, GA, who was murdered. THAT she was murdered is not in question, the only question that remains is who murdered her and the official story is very hard to swallow if any of the facts about her assassination are known.

We are looking at a multi-billion dollar industry, with huge amounts of money going to the various states so they don’t change this corrupt system.

Drug companies make billions of the full priced non generic drugs they sell to CPS and which are forced on these small children whose biggest upset is that they can’t live with their mommies anymore.

First you take the child away from their parents and when they cry about it you get some unlicensed mental health worker to diagnose that child as being “DEPRESSED.” Gee, ya think? Well, that and the fact that the big man sometimes into their room at night and does horrible things to them and child sexual abuse is a lot more rampant than CPS would ever want anyone to know about.

CPS investigates allegations of the sexual abuse of the children in their care and a finding of substantiated would result in a successful civil action being brought against them by the parents. So, virtually every investigation conducted by CPS into the sexual molestation of children comes back as unfounded, thus saving them millions in lawsuits and after all to CPS workers it is only the molestation of some dirt bag mother’s child, so who really cares? Besides if the child is unhappy they can always just put them on a fistful of anti-depressants and they will shut up. Those drugs don’t help them but they sure shut them up.

Well, at least until that child is 18 and a basket case from taking those drugs and then CPS cuts them off because the child has “timed out” and is no longer worth anything to CPS because they don’t receive any more money per month for that child and now the child has no value.

OF course now that messed former CPS child will make a lot of mistakes and their children become CPS bait in the future. Remember over half of those in prison today are former foster children. Wow, what a legacy CPS is creating eh?

What is really needed here is an expanded public awareness of what CPS has degraded into and the sick criminals that run it.

That can be done and to that end I have decided to produce books and films that will bring these horrific crimes and the criminals responsible for them, to light. That is what I do and I do it 7 days a week, about 12 hours per day.

However, Bill Bowen died in 2010, and his work stopped.

- See more at: Filmmaker Was Documenting Abuses in CPS and Children Murdered under State Custody Before He Died


The more Christianity is taken from the people..the more evil this society has become..and its ALWAYS CHILDREN FIRST..who are abused..then women...


THE MORALITY OF THE LAND..IS CONTROLLED BY ITS WOMEN..Americas women have become harlots...whores...and wont marry you..because your whores..and your children are fatherless bastards..


There is so much equine excrement here that I don't know where to begin. First of all, even if all of these cases were 100% true as presented. It in no way proves that the entire system is corrupt. Shit happens everywhere. Second of , who the hell is profiting off of placing children in foster care. Name some names. Be specific. In addition, the statement that all investigation of sexual abuse in foster care are unfounded, is even more stupid that anything else here. It totally undermines the credibility of the whole film. You think that liberalism is a mental disorder, I think that the need to spread this kid of irresponsible shit is a mental disorder.
More outrage? Nobody's claiming that all CPS workers are corrupt, so one wonders who you are addressing this to.

You are the one who cheered on the murderer of a child protection worker- assuming that she deserved to be murdered.

And of course you killed your neighbors cat in revenge.
The cat was actually collateral damage in a project aimed at killing possums.....

Or did you think I actually broke into a woman's house and killed a pet?

You're causing an itch in my iggy finger to. This thread is not about a stupid cat.

Did you have a 'murderous rage' against possums?

Here is your quote:

I understand the murderous rage when my children are threatened to be taken out of my home. I killed that woman's cat and made sure she knew it even though she couldn't prove it.

Are you going to threaten to kill my electronic pets if I upset you too much by pointing out that you both cheered on a murderer and killed a neighbors pet in revenge for her calling CPS?
I didn't judge you, I said killing a cat is very disturbing and a person that does that might have emotional issues.

That's called judging, you idiot.

Bull shit, I didn't say you specifically. I don't care what you do, as long as you aren't living near me, you can do what you want and one day a neighbor will blow your ass away.
Now you're threatening me with violence. I've decided to place you on permanent as a prudent response. Have a nice long life.
He did no no such thing. And if you are killing animals it's just a matter of a short time before the authorities come knocking on your door.
I'm going to start ignoring everyone who thinks this thread is about a stupid cat, starting with you.
More cowardly behavior, I see.
Official investigations into CPS for involvement in the child sex slave trade are not wild conspiracy theories. You may not like what others in your profession do, but don't blame the people bringing it to light.

That is complete horseshit like everything else that you have to say here and on other threads. Of course there have been isolated cases of sexual and other abuse in the foster care system but just talking about those cases to make it sound as though it were endemic is irresponsible, dishonest and shameful! It undermines the systems ability to actually protect kids. Do you condemn all cops and all police departments because of the actions of a few bad cops and a handful of high profile cases?

Your remarks are insulting and personally demeaning as someone who had made a career in foster care and protective service. I started out investigating abuse and neglect case, later because a unit supervisor and also held a number of other jobs such as foster home recruiting and training.

In New Jersey, all out of home placements are subject to judicial review and other safeguards. In addition for the necessity of having a family court judge issue an order for custody, there is a volunteer citizen panel known as the Child Placement Review Board that reviews the cases on an ongoing basis.

Each child in the system is assigned a Law Guardian, an attorney who represents the child independently of the attorneys representing the parents and the state.

There may also be a court appointed special advocate who ensures that the child's best interests are the primary goal. I don't doubt that all states have similar systems in place

Now, tell me, how the fuck is CPS going to get away with engaging in a child sex slave trade. That is just as stupid as stupid gets!

And yet it happens. There's big money in child exploitation and your precious CPS has been dipping in. Your angry rants don't make that simple fact go away.

More horseshit. Who is making money. Show us. Provide the documentation.
You think that the sex slave trade is financed through public channels?

So how are they hiding the massive sex trade from the honest social workers? That's got to be some cover up.

There are no honest social workers. They are all deviant child predators. Don't ya know
Official investigations into CPS for involvement in the child sex slave trade are not wild conspiracy theories. You may not like what others in your profession do, but don't blame the people bringing it to light.

That is complete horseshit like everything else that you have to say here and on other threads. Of course there have been isolated cases of sexual and other abuse in the foster care system but just talking about those cases to make it sound as though it were endemic is irresponsible, dishonest and shameful! It undermines the systems ability to actually protect kids. Do you condemn all cops and all police departments because of the actions of a few bad cops and a handful of high profile cases?

Your remarks are insulting and personally demeaning as someone who had made a career in foster care and protective service. I started out investigating abuse and neglect case, later because a unit supervisor and also held a number of other jobs such as foster home recruiting and training.

In New Jersey, all out of home placements are subject to judicial review and other safeguards. In addition for the necessity of having a family court judge issue an order for custody, there is a volunteer citizen panel known as the Child Placement Review Board that reviews the cases on an ongoing basis.

Each child in the system is assigned a Law Guardian, an attorney who represents the child independently of the attorneys representing the parents and the state.

There may also be a court appointed special advocate who ensures that the child's best interests are the primary goal. I don't doubt that all states have similar systems in place

Now, tell me, how the fuck is CPS going to get away with engaging in a child sex slave trade. That is just as stupid as stupid gets!

And yet it happens. There's big money in child exploitation and your precious CPS has been dipping in. Your angry rants don't make that simple fact go away.

More horseshit. Who is making money. Show us. Provide the documentation.
You think that the sex slave trade is financed through public channels?

Who is making the money and how.? Where is the CPS involvement. Answer the question and stop playing games.
CPS takes kids out of homes where they are protected and exposes them to the fringes of society. And fuck you thinking you can demand shit. Those links were already provided on this and the other thread.

Your in good company with this crackpot and others like him. How come we can't find any of these stories in anything that resembles a legitimate news source. I won't say that there are no such true horror stories to be found. There are. Anyone can pull together a bunch of stories-real and made up and present it as a systemic failure. Most of these accounts are one sided and presented by abusive parents who cry victim.

This is just a smear of a legitimate and necessary service provided to protect children. I hade a career in CPS and I resent this horseshit. The vast majority of CPS workers are dedicated to the protection of children. People like you who promote this crap-crap that you don't even know that is true-are irresponsible and are undermining the good work of CPS who are out there day and night, putting themselves at risk, to ensure the well being of children.

Official investigations into CPS for involvement in the child sex slave trade are not wild conspiracy theories. You may not like what others in your profession do, but don't blame the people bringing it to light.

That is complete horseshit like everything else that you have to say here and on other threads. Of course there have been isolated cases of sexual and other abuse in the foster care system but just talking about those cases to make it sound as though it were endemic is irresponsible, dishonest and shameful! It undermines the systems ability to actually protect kids. Do you condemn all cops and all police departments because of the actions of a few bad cops and a handful of high profile cases?

Your remarks are insulting and personally demeaning as someone who had made a career in foster care and protective service. I started out investigating abuse and neglect case, later because a unit supervisor and also held a number of other jobs such as foster home recruiting and training.

In New Jersey, all out of home placements are subject to judicial review and other safeguards. In addition for the necessity of having a family court judge issue an order for custody, there is a volunteer citizen panel known as the Child Placement Review Board that reviews the cases on an ongoing basis.

Each child in the system is assigned a Law Guardian, an attorney who represents the child independently of the attorneys representing the parents and the state.

There may also be a court appointed special advocate who ensures that the child's best interests are the primary goal. I don't doubt that all states have similar systems in place

Now, tell me, how the fuck is CPS going to get away with engaging in a child sex slave trade. That is just as stupid as stupid gets!

And yet it happens. There's big money in child exploitation and your precious CPS has been dipping in. Your angry rants don't make that simple fact go away.

More horseshit. Who is making money. Show us. Provide the documentation.

You think that the sex slave trade is financed through public channels?[/QUOT


If you wonder why I am bringing all of this up and making you uncomfortable, the reason is two-fold.

It was the same set of circumstances as I have just described above that set me off to do something about what someone was doing to children in my country. I realized that those few seconds of discomfort I experienced was nothing compared what those children had to have undergone, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day for months and months. While it is true I didn’t know about it back then, that didn’t change the fact that had I looked, had I learned what these horrible monsters were doing to children years before maybe I could have done something to stop it. To me, unawareness was not an excuse I could accept and so, here I sit today writing this, trying to get those who understand what responsibility is to come take some and we can change this.

I decided to dedicate my life to the exposing of one of the worst criminal activities in the history of this country, in my opinion.

This criminal organization specialized in destroying families and children and over a thousand children died due to neglect or are outright murdered every year in this country alone, while in the “protection and control” of CPS.

The most active opponent to all of this was former State Senator Nancy Schaefer, GA, who was murdered. THAT she was murdered is not in question, the only question that remains is who murdered her and the official story is very hard to swallow if any of the facts about her assassination are known.

We are looking at a multi-billion dollar industry, with huge amounts of money going to the various states so they don’t change this corrupt system.

Drug companies make billions of the full priced non generic drugs they sell to CPS and which are forced on these small children whose biggest upset is that they can’t live with their mommies anymore.

First you take the child away from their parents and when they cry about it you get some unlicensed mental health worker to diagnose that child as being “DEPRESSED.” Gee, ya think? Well, that and the fact that the big man sometimes into their room at night and does horrible things to them and child sexual abuse is a lot more rampant than CPS would ever want anyone to know about.

CPS investigates allegations of the sexual abuse of the children in their care and a finding of substantiated would result in a successful civil action being brought against them by the parents. So, virtually every investigation conducted by CPS into the sexual molestation of children comes back as unfounded, thus saving them millions in lawsuits and after all to CPS workers it is only the molestation of some dirt bag mother’s child, so who really cares? Besides if the child is unhappy they can always just put them on a fistful of anti-depressants and they will shut up. Those drugs don’t help them but they sure shut them up.

Well, at least until that child is 18 and a basket case from taking those drugs and then CPS cuts them off because the child has “timed out” and is no longer worth anything to CPS because they don’t receive any more money per month for that child and now the child has no value.

OF course now that messed former CPS child will make a lot of mistakes and their children become CPS bait in the future. Remember over half of those in prison today are former foster children. Wow, what a legacy CPS is creating eh?

What is really needed here is an expanded public awareness of what CPS has degraded into and the sick criminals that run it.

That can be done and to that end I have decided to produce books and films that will bring these horrific crimes and the criminals responsible for them, to light. That is what I do and I do it 7 days a week, about 12 hours per day.

However, Bill Bowen died in 2010, and his work stopped.

- See more at: Filmmaker Was Documenting Abuses in CPS and Children Murdered under State Custody Before He Died


The more Christianity is taken from the people..the more evil this society has become..and its ALWAYS CHILDREN FIRST..who are abused..then women...


THE MORALITY OF THE LAND..IS CONTROLLED BY ITS WOMEN..Americas women have become harlots...whores...and wont marry you..because your whores..and your children are fatherless bastards..


There is so much equine excrement here that I don't know where to begin. First of all, even if all of these cases were 100% true as presented. It in no way proves that the entire system is corrupt. Shit happens everywhere. Second of , who the hell is profiting off of placing children in foster care. Name some names. Be specific. In addition, the statement that all investigation of sexual abuse in foster care are unfounded, is even more stupid that anything else here. It totally undermines the credibility of the whole film. You think that liberalism is a mental disorder, I think that the need to spread this kid of irresponsible shit is a mental disorder.
More outrage? Nobody's claiming that all CPS workers are corrupt, so one wonders who you are addressing this to.

You are the one who cheered on the murderer of a child protection worker- assuming that she deserved to be murdered.

And of course you killed your neighbors cat in revenge.
The cat was actually collateral damage in a project aimed at killing possums.....

Or did you think I actually broke into a woman's house and killed a pet?

You're causing an itch in my iggy finger to. This thread is not about a stupid cat.
No. It is about a woman who killed

That is complete horseshit like everything else that you have to say here and on other threads. Of course there have been isolated cases of sexual and other abuse in the foster care system but just talking about those cases to make it sound as though it were endemic is irresponsible, dishonest and shameful! It undermines the systems ability to actually protect kids. Do you condemn all cops and all police departments because of the actions of a few bad cops and a handful of high profile cases?

Your remarks are insulting and personally demeaning as someone who had made a career in foster care and protective service. I started out investigating abuse and neglect case, later because a unit supervisor and also held a number of other jobs such as foster home recruiting and training.

In New Jersey, all out of home placements are subject to judicial review and other safeguards. In addition for the necessity of having a family court judge issue an order for custody, there is a volunteer citizen panel known as the Child Placement Review Board that reviews the cases on an ongoing basis.

Each child in the system is assigned a Law Guardian, an attorney who represents the child independently of the attorneys representing the parents and the state.

There may also be a court appointed special advocate who ensures that the child's best interests are the primary goal. I don't doubt that all states have similar systems in place

Now, tell me, how the fuck is CPS going to get away with engaging in a child sex slave trade. That is just as stupid as stupid gets!

And yet it happens. There's big money in child exploitation and your precious CPS has been dipping in. Your angry rants don't make that simple fact go away.

More horseshit. Who is making money. Show us. Provide the documentation.
You think that the sex slave trade is financed through public channels?

Who is making the money and how.? Where is the CPS involvement. Answer the question and stop playing games.
CPS takes kids out of homes where they are protected and exposes them to the fringes of society. And fuck you thinking you can demand shit. Those links were already provided on this and the other thread.
Are you going to ignore the fact that your hero here actually killed three other people?
Official investigations into CPS for involvement in the child sex slave trade are not wild conspiracy theories. You may not like what others in your profession do, but don't blame the people bringing it to light.

That is complete horseshit like everything else that you have to say here and on other threads. Of course there have been isolated cases of sexual and other abuse in the foster care system but just talking about those cases to make it sound as though it were endemic is irresponsible, dishonest and shameful! It undermines the systems ability to actually protect kids. Do you condemn all cops and all police departments because of the actions of a few bad cops and a handful of high profile cases?

Your remarks are insulting and personally demeaning as someone who had made a career in foster care and protective service. I started out investigating abuse and neglect case, later because a unit supervisor and also held a number of other jobs such as foster home recruiting and training.

In New Jersey, all out of home placements are subject to judicial review and other safeguards. In addition for the necessity of having a family court judge issue an order for custody, there is a volunteer citizen panel known as the Child Placement Review Board that reviews the cases on an ongoing basis.

Each child in the system is assigned a Law Guardian, an attorney who represents the child independently of the attorneys representing the parents and the state.

There may also be a court appointed special advocate who ensures that the child's best interests are the primary goal. I don't doubt that all states have similar systems in place

Now, tell me, how the fuck is CPS going to get away with engaging in a child sex slave trade. That is just as stupid as stupid gets!

And yet it happens. There's big money in child exploitation and your precious CPS has been dipping in. Your angry rants don't make that simple fact go away.

More horseshit. Who is making money. Show us. Provide the documentation.
You think that the sex slave trade is financed through public channels?[/QUOT
There is so much equine excrement here that I don't know where to begin. First of all, even if all of these cases were 100% true as presented. It in no way proves that the entire system is corrupt. Shit happens everywhere. Second of , who the hell is profiting off of placing children in foster care. Name some names. Be specific. In addition, the statement that all investigation of sexual abuse in foster care are unfounded, is even more stupid that anything else here. It totally undermines the credibility of the whole film. You think that liberalism is a mental disorder, I think that the need to spread this kid of irresponsible shit is a mental disorder.
More outrage? Nobody's claiming that all CPS workers are corrupt, so one wonders who you are addressing this to.

You are the one who cheered on the murderer of a child protection worker- assuming that she deserved to be murdered.

And of course you killed your neighbors cat in revenge.
The cat was actually collateral damage in a project aimed at killing possums.....

Or did you think I actually broke into a woman's house and killed a pet?

You're causing an itch in my iggy finger to. This thread is not about a stupid cat.
No. It is about a woman who killed
And yet it happens. There's big money in child exploitation and your precious CPS has been dipping in. Your angry rants don't make that simple fact go away.

More horseshit. Who is making money. Show us. Provide the documentation.
You think that the sex slave trade is financed through public channels?

Who is making the money and how.? Where is the CPS involvement. Answer the question and stop playing games.
CPS takes kids out of homes where they are protected and exposes them to the fringes of society. And fuck you thinking you can demand shit. Those links were already provided on this and the other thread.
Are you going to ignore the fact that your hero here actually killed three other people?
To his sick mind they deserved it.
There is so much equine excrement here that I don't know where to begin. First of all, even if all of these cases were 100% true as presented. It in no way proves that the entire system is corrupt. Shit happens everywhere. Second of , who the hell is profiting off of placing children in foster care. Name some names. Be specific. In addition, the statement that all investigation of sexual abuse in foster care are unfounded, is even more stupid that anything else here. It totally undermines the credibility of the whole film. You think that liberalism is a mental disorder, I think that the need to spread this kid of irresponsible shit is a mental disorder.
More outrage? Nobody's claiming that all CPS workers are corrupt, so one wonders who you are addressing this to.

You are the one who cheered on the murderer of a child protection worker- assuming that she deserved to be murdered.

And of course you killed your neighbors cat in revenge.
The cat was actually collateral damage in a project aimed at killing possums.....

Or did you think I actually broke into a woman's house and killed a pet?

You're causing an itch in my iggy finger to. This thread is not about a stupid cat.

Did you have a 'murderous rage' against possums?

Here is your quote:

I understand the murderous rage when my children are threatened to be taken out of my home. I killed that woman's cat and made sure she knew it even though she couldn't prove it.

Are you going to threaten to kill my electronic pets if I upset you too much by pointing out that you both cheered on a murderer and killed a neighbors pet in revenge for her calling CPS?
There is so much equine excrement here that I don't know where to begin. First of all, even if all of these cases were 100% true as presented. It in no way proves that the entire system is corrupt. Shit happens everywhere. Second of , who the hell is profiting off of placing children in foster care. Name some names. Be specific. In addition, the statement that all investigation of sexual abuse in foster care are unfounded, is even more stupid that anything else here. It totally undermines the credibility of the whole film. You think that liberalism is a mental disorder, I think that the need to spread this kid of irresponsible shit is a mental disorder.
More outrage? Nobody's claiming that all CPS workers are corrupt, so one wonders who you are addressing this to.

You are the one who cheered on the murderer of a child protection worker- assuming that she deserved to be murdered.

And of course you killed your neighbors cat in revenge.
The cat was actually collateral damage in a project aimed at killing possums.....

Or did you think I actually broke into a woman's house and killed a pet?

You're causing an itch in my iggy finger to. This thread is not about a stupid cat.

Did you have a 'murderous rage' against possums?

Here is your quote:

I understand the murderous rage when my children are threatened to be taken out of my home. I killed that woman's cat and made sure she knew it even though she couldn't prove it.

Are you going to threaten to kill my electronic pets if I upset you too much by pointing out that you both cheered on a murderer and killed a neighbors pet in revenge for her calling CPS?

That is complete horseshit like everything else that you have to say here and on other threads. Of course there have been isolated cases of sexual and other abuse in the foster care system but just talking about those cases to make it sound as though it were endemic is irresponsible, dishonest and shameful! It undermines the systems ability to actually protect kids. Do you condemn all cops and all police departments because of the actions of a few bad cops and a handful of high profile cases?

Your remarks are insulting and personally demeaning as someone who had made a career in foster care and protective service. I started out investigating abuse and neglect case, later because a unit supervisor and also held a number of other jobs such as foster home recruiting and training.

In New Jersey, all out of home placements are subject to judicial review and other safeguards. In addition for the necessity of having a family court judge issue an order for custody, there is a volunteer citizen panel known as the Child Placement Review Board that reviews the cases on an ongoing basis.

Each child in the system is assigned a Law Guardian, an attorney who represents the child independently of the attorneys representing the parents and the state.

There may also be a court appointed special advocate who ensures that the child's best interests are the primary goal. I don't doubt that all states have similar systems in place

Now, tell me, how the fuck is CPS going to get away with engaging in a child sex slave trade. That is just as stupid as stupid gets!

And yet it happens. There's big money in child exploitation and your precious CPS has been dipping in. Your angry rants don't make that simple fact go away.

More horseshit. Who is making money. Show us. Provide the documentation.
You think that the sex slave trade is financed through public channels?

Who is making the money and how.? Where is the CPS involvement. Answer the question and stop playing games.
CPS takes kids out of homes where they are protected and exposes them to the fringes of society. And fuck you thinking you can demand shit. Those links were already provided on this and the other thread.

CPS takes kids out of homes where they are being abused.

And sometimes not quickly enough.

And the kids end up dead.
And yet it happens. There's big money in child exploitation and your precious CPS has been dipping in. Your angry rants don't make that simple fact go away.

More horseshit. Who is making money. Show us. Provide the documentation.
You think that the sex slave trade is financed through public channels?

Who is making the money and how.? Where is the CPS involvement. Answer the question and stop playing games.
CPS takes kids out of homes where they are protected and exposes them to the fringes of society. And fuck you thinking you can demand shit. Those links were already provided on this and the other thread.

CPS takes kids out of homes where they are being abused.

And sometimes not quickly enough.

And the kids end up dead.
And they got the children out of that murderer ' s home just in time. At least they are still alive.
And yet it happens. There's big money in child exploitation and your precious CPS has been dipping in. Your angry rants don't make that simple fact go away.

More horseshit. Who is making money. Show us. Provide the documentation.
You think that the sex slave trade is financed through public channels?

Who is making the money and how.? Where is the CPS involvement. Answer the question and stop playing games.
CPS takes kids out of homes where they are protected and exposes them to the fringes of society. And fuck you thinking you can demand shit. Those links were already provided on this and the other thread.

CPS takes kids out of homes where they are being abused.

And sometimes not quickly enough.

And the kids end up dead.
And every once in awhile they make a mistake. They may take kids only to find out later the evidence was fake or they acted to rashly. The number of kids saved or who have a better chance at life outweighs the errors by thousands. I would rather see a kid mistakenly removed than see one not taken. When a kid is taken by mistake, he can be returned. When he is left with an abusive parent, he might end up dead.
That is complete horseshit like everything else that you have to say here and on other threads. Of course there have been isolated cases of sexual and other abuse in the foster care system but just talking about those cases to make it sound as though it were endemic is irresponsible, dishonest and shameful! It undermines the systems ability to actually protect kids. Do you condemn all cops and all police departments because of the actions of a few bad cops and a handful of high profile cases?

Your remarks are insulting and personally demeaning as someone who had made a career in foster care and protective service. I started out investigating abuse and neglect case, later because a unit supervisor and also held a number of other jobs such as foster home recruiting and training.

In New Jersey, all out of home placements are subject to judicial review and other safeguards. In addition for the necessity of having a family court judge issue an order for custody, there is a volunteer citizen panel known as the Child Placement Review Board that reviews the cases on an ongoing basis.

Each child in the system is assigned a Law Guardian, an attorney who represents the child independently of the attorneys representing the parents and the state.

There may also be a court appointed special advocate who ensures that the child's best interests are the primary goal. I don't doubt that all states have similar systems in place

Now, tell me, how the fuck is CPS going to get away with engaging in a child sex slave trade. That is just as stupid as stupid gets!

And yet it happens. There's big money in child exploitation and your precious CPS has been dipping in. Your angry rants don't make that simple fact go away.

More horseshit. Who is making money. Show us. Provide the documentation.
You think that the sex slave trade is financed through public channels?

Who is making the money and how.? Where is the CPS involvement. Answer the question and stop playing games.
CPS takes kids out of homes where they are protected and exposes them to the fringes of society. And fuck you thinking you can demand shit. Those links were already provided on this and the other thread.

Translation, I can't prove jack shit, how dare you question me.

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