Mother has kids kidnapped from her,she in return kills CPS agent.

More information about the case:

Family and Friends of Herring Family React to Arraignment Hearing - Story MYCHAMPLAINVALLEY

Mom charged in social worker s death blames DCF injustices Local News - WCVB Home

Jody Herring suspect in Vermont social worker homicide scheduled to appear in court Monday

She's apparently laughing and thinking it's "no big deal" to have killed these people... Just as a note, this is apparently /weeks/ after she lost custody by a judges order, this was in no way shape or form a "heat of the movement" killing, this was premeditated murder plain and simple.

I guess her family is blaming drugs, but like Ritalin is an ADHD medication, very rare cases have turned up hallucinations, paranoia, hostility and aggression. idk I was on Rit for ADHD when I was a kid, hated the stuff, made me tired and unable to think quickly, my kid had the same issues with it.

Klonopin on the other hand is for the treatment of seizures or panic disorders, it's got some pretty serious rare side effects that could actually play into this; unusual risk taking and shit like that (30% of patients.)
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.
No one was kidnapped at gunpoint you lying prick. The child was removed after a hearing to determine if they were in danger. A hearing where your favorite murderer had the opportunity to be represented by an attorney and where the burden was on the DCF to prove that the child was in danger. The innocent family members are the ones who turned to DCF for help in protecting the child. Every one of her other kids were removed from her care. She is a lifelong criminal, substance abuser and suffers from severe mental illness. There is absolutely no evidence of any abuse by DCF in removing the child and placing her with RELATIVES to be cared for until the mother was in a condition to care for her. Her parental rights were not terminated. The child was not adopted. She was removed to protect her. Given that the mother murdered four innocent people in cold blood, it is pretty clear that DCF's concern that the child was in danger was well founded. I would have thought, as the facts of the matter were revealed and it became clear that the removal of the child was justified and that the mother was a threat you would accommodate your opinions to the facts. But, no, you just double down on your support for a heartless killer of innocents. There is particularly hot corner of hell reserved for you when you leave this earth.
Obvious this moron has NO CLUE how the system works. Do you know how much it COSTS to get a lawyer? Even on retainer? A LOT that's why the state kidnapping agency goes after poor families that can't afford a lawyer other than the pos court appointed one who does CPS bidding for them by not doing a good job defending them. The burden of proof is NOT on the state kidnapping agency its on the parents to prove they are innocent of whatever lies CPS has drudged up. Again you have NO CLUE how the system works. I do. Stop playing your guessing game son. You are WAY over your head. Oh and I hope you never have kids and they have to go to hospital and you ask for a 2nd opinion...they consider that medical neglect now....ask all the parents of kids who are medically kidnapped.

Listen Adolph, I was part of the system and damned sure know it works. Every word of yours is pure, unadulterated equine excrement. Sounds to me like you abused a child and are resentful that they came down on you for it. Am I right? It certainly sounds like personal experience, although distorted.
More information about the case:

Family and Friends of Herring Family React to Arraignment Hearing - Story MYCHAMPLAINVALLEY

Mom charged in social worker s death blames DCF injustices Local News - WCVB Home

Jody Herring suspect in Vermont social worker homicide scheduled to appear in court Monday

She's apparently laughing and thinking it's "no big deal" to have killed these people... Just as a note, this is apparently /weeks/ after she lost custody by a judges order, this was in no way shape or form a "heat of the movement" killing, this was premeditated murder plain and simple.

I guess her family is blaming drugs, but like Ritalin is an ADHD medication, very rare cases have turned up hallucinations, paranoia, hostility and aggression. idk I was on Rit for ADHD when I was a kid, hated the stuff, made me tired and unable to think quickly, my kid had the same issues with it.

Klonopin on the other hand is for the treatment of seizures or panic disorders, it's got some pretty serious rare side effects that could actually play into this; unusual risk taking and shit like that (30% of patients.)
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.
No one was kidnapped at gunpoint you lying prick. The child was removed after a hearing to determine if they were in danger. A hearing where your favorite murderer had the opportunity to be represented by an attorney and where the burden was on the DCF to prove that the child was in danger. The innocent family members are the ones who turned to DCF for help in protecting the child. Every one of her other kids were removed from her care. She is a lifelong criminal, substance abuser and suffers from severe mental illness. There is absolutely no evidence of any abuse by DCF in removing the child and placing her with RELATIVES to be cared for until the mother was in a condition to care for her. Her parental rights were not terminated. The child was not adopted. She was removed to protect her. Given that the mother murdered four innocent people in cold blood, it is pretty clear that DCF's concern that the child was in danger was well founded. I would have thought, as the facts of the matter were revealed and it became clear that the removal of the child was justified and that the mother was a threat you would accommodate your opinions to the facts. But, no, you just double down on your support for a heartless killer of innocents. There is particularly hot corner of hell reserved for you when you leave this earth.
Obvious this moron has NO CLUE how the system works. Do you know how much it COSTS to get a lawyer? Even on retainer? A LOT that's why the state kidnapping agency goes after poor families that can't afford a lawyer other than the pos court appointed one who does CPS bidding for them by not doing a good job defending them. The burden of proof is NOT on the state kidnapping agency its on the parents to prove they are innocent of whatever lies CPS has drudged up. Again you have NO CLUE how the system works. I do. Stop playing your guessing game son. You are WAY over your head. Oh and I hope you never have kids and they have to go to hospital and you ask for a 2nd opinion...they consider that medical neglect now....ask all the parents of kids who are medically kidnapped.

Listen Adolph, I was part of the system and damned sure know it works. Every word of yours is pure, unadulterated equine excrement. Sounds to me like you abused a child and are resentful that they came down on you for it. Am I right? It certainly sounds like personal experience, although distorted.
Aw you getting mad now baby kidnapper...tough shit. Like I said yesterday I deal with scum like you day in out with that stupid smirk on your faces and swagger because you know you have the power to destroy perfectly happy families...I wish for nothing more than to become a lawyer that destroys you maggots when you try destroying families. Or maybe setting up an underground railroad to help families escape the new nazi regime in this country aka the new speak "children and family services,child protection services" etc.
I'm not the one advocating the kidnapping of children. You scum are. YOU are a threat to civil society.

I just looked at your profile. You are one sick and offensive fucker. Not dealing with you anymore.
Because you're a coward. You're seeing the other side of what you do, the people you affect. And you don't like the feedback, well tough shit. You're on the side of criminally oppressive government and your kind has never seen itself as the bad guy throughout history. People are afraid EVERY FUCKING TIME you show up at their door because they know you have the power to take what's most precious to them and you're there to see if you can get away with yet another kidnapping at gunpoint. That's the POS line of work you chose because of your disordered, clamoring need to control others and plunder their homes. You deserve this criticism from people you can't touch, who are out of your reach and aren't vulnerable to your revenge. Damn what you do and the lives you destroy.

So now you are going to defend a Fascist Nazi pig??!! You who accuse me, who accuse liberals of being controlling and creating fear? Are you out of your fucking mind? Never mind, I know the answer:tank::tank::tank:
No, actually I was attacking a fascist nazi pig. Are you kidding? Nazis were the ones who forced themselves into people's homes, terrified them, separated them from their children, and then exploited or killed the children all by the power of government....JUST LIKE YOU. And you think Odium is the Nazi?

You only validated my post. Historically, those guilty of the worst state sponsored atrocities see themselves as the good guys. I hope many more of you are gunned down while attempting to kidnap children. THAT is the tradition of righteous defiance.
You mean fascist pigs who celebrate Hitler's birthday, right?0
Remember this story?

The judge was right in his decision

Parents who named their children Adolf Hitler and Aryan Nation will not get them back, judge rules

New Jersey parents who named their children Adolf Hitler and Aryan Nation will not get them back Daily Mail Online
More information about the case:

Family and Friends of Herring Family React to Arraignment Hearing - Story MYCHAMPLAINVALLEY

Mom charged in social worker s death blames DCF injustices Local News - WCVB Home

Jody Herring suspect in Vermont social worker homicide scheduled to appear in court Monday

She's apparently laughing and thinking it's "no big deal" to have killed these people... Just as a note, this is apparently /weeks/ after she lost custody by a judges order, this was in no way shape or form a "heat of the movement" killing, this was premeditated murder plain and simple.

I guess her family is blaming drugs, but like Ritalin is an ADHD medication, very rare cases have turned up hallucinations, paranoia, hostility and aggression. idk I was on Rit for ADHD when I was a kid, hated the stuff, made me tired and unable to think quickly, my kid had the same issues with it.

Klonopin on the other hand is for the treatment of seizures or panic disorders, it's got some pretty serious rare side effects that could actually play into this; unusual risk taking and shit like that (30% of patients.)
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.

I highly doubt anyone took the children at gunpoint, stop trying to sensationalize it to fit your narrative.

I'll agree the system needs some work, I'll agree the "rules" they go by for what's "neglect" are a bit "blowing in the wind" of social pressures, but there's no way I'm buying that they're completely corrupted, and certainly they are not stealing kids to sell into foster care. That's far, far to "conspiracy theory" / "ancient aliens" for me. If they were stealing kids then they would have taken mine back in the day, both my boys are fucking adorable sweet little gems (and I'm not just being a mom there, I hear it constantly from like everyone, enough that I'm annoyed by it lol)
When they remove children, they do so with a police officer, sometimes two or three. That's gunpoint. Let's dispense with the nonsense, shall we?

Find me some stats to back that up. Most kids are removed from daycare, school, or unattended at home from what I've heard of cases. In any event, nearly every case starts with interviews, of the home, the kids, the parents, teachers, and folks who made a report. I bet cold hard cash that 98% of the time it's only /after/ concern is found at said interviews that kids are even considered to be removed. So no, the cops and a CPS agent are not showing up on the doorstep to steal kids based on accusations of neighbors at all. The other 2% of the time, when the kids are removed "immediately" - would be shit like really young children found in the home with parents stoned off their asses and clearly not in a state to be tending to the safety of their children, or maybe walking home from the park (which is stupid imo,) or like fucking dad went on a shooting spree with the baby in the back seat, shit like that, where the kids are in what they consider to be an immediately dangerous situation - at which point there's a judge hearing the case ASAP - often the next day - to decide if it was a fluke or if those kids would be in danger going home with their parent(s), and even if they /do/ decide it's dangerous for the kids to go home with their parent(s), they try to send the kidos to grandma's instead.

That's right. Removal is the absolute last resort. When it comes to it, there are many ways to defuse the situation so as force is not needed. I would rarely involve the police.
More information about the case:

Family and Friends of Herring Family React to Arraignment Hearing - Story MYCHAMPLAINVALLEY

Mom charged in social worker s death blames DCF injustices Local News - WCVB Home

Jody Herring suspect in Vermont social worker homicide scheduled to appear in court Monday

She's apparently laughing and thinking it's "no big deal" to have killed these people... Just as a note, this is apparently /weeks/ after she lost custody by a judges order, this was in no way shape or form a "heat of the movement" killing, this was premeditated murder plain and simple.

I guess her family is blaming drugs, but like Ritalin is an ADHD medication, very rare cases have turned up hallucinations, paranoia, hostility and aggression. idk I was on Rit for ADHD when I was a kid, hated the stuff, made me tired and unable to think quickly, my kid had the same issues with it.

Klonopin on the other hand is for the treatment of seizures or panic disorders, it's got some pretty serious rare side effects that could actually play into this; unusual risk taking and shit like that (30% of patients.)
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.
No one was kidnapped at gunpoint you lying prick. The child was removed after a hearing to determine if they were in danger. A hearing where your favorite murderer had the opportunity to be represented by an attorney and where the burden was on the DCF to prove that the child was in danger. The innocent family members are the ones who turned to DCF for help in protecting the child. Every one of her other kids were removed from her care. She is a lifelong criminal, substance abuser and suffers from severe mental illness. There is absolutely no evidence of any abuse by DCF in removing the child and placing her with RELATIVES to be cared for until the mother was in a condition to care for her. Her parental rights were not terminated. The child was not adopted. She was removed to protect her. Given that the mother murdered four innocent people in cold blood, it is pretty clear that DCF's concern that the child was in danger was well founded. I would have thought, as the facts of the matter were revealed and it became clear that the removal of the child was justified and that the mother was a threat you would accommodate your opinions to the facts. But, no, you just double down on your support for a heartless killer of innocents. There is particularly hot corner of hell reserved for you when you leave this earth.
Obvious this moron has NO CLUE how the system works. Do you know how much it COSTS to get a lawyer? Even on retainer? A LOT that's why the state kidnapping agency goes after poor families that can't afford a lawyer other than the pos court appointed one who does CPS bidding for them by not doing a good job defending them. The burden of proof is NOT on the state kidnapping agency its on the parents to prove they are innocent of whatever lies CPS has drudged up. Again you have NO CLUE how the system works. I do. Stop playing your guessing game son. You are WAY over your head. Oh and I hope you never have kids and they have to go to hospital and you ask for a 2nd opinion...they consider that medical neglect now....ask all the parents of kids who are medically kidnapped.

Listen Adolph, I was part of the system and damned sure know it works. Every word of yours is pure, unadulterated equine excrement. Sounds to me like you abused a child and are resentful that they came down on you for it. Am I right? It certainly sounds like personal experience, although distorted.
Aw you getting mad now baby kidnapper...tough shit. Like I said yesterday I deal with scum like you day in out with that stupid smirk on your faces and swagger because you know you have the power to destroy perfectly happy families...I wish for nothing more than to become a lawyer that destroys you maggots when you try destroying families. Or maybe setting up an underground railroad to help families escape the new nazi regime in this country aka the new speak "children and family services,child protection services" etc.
Am I mad. No just amazed at the stupidity. However, I do believe that you are getting rattled. Too close to the truth eh? :poke:
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.
No one was kidnapped at gunpoint you lying prick. The child was removed after a hearing to determine if they were in danger. A hearing where your favorite murderer had the opportunity to be represented by an attorney and where the burden was on the DCF to prove that the child was in danger. The innocent family members are the ones who turned to DCF for help in protecting the child. Every one of her other kids were removed from her care. She is a lifelong criminal, substance abuser and suffers from severe mental illness. There is absolutely no evidence of any abuse by DCF in removing the child and placing her with RELATIVES to be cared for until the mother was in a condition to care for her. Her parental rights were not terminated. The child was not adopted. She was removed to protect her. Given that the mother murdered four innocent people in cold blood, it is pretty clear that DCF's concern that the child was in danger was well founded. I would have thought, as the facts of the matter were revealed and it became clear that the removal of the child was justified and that the mother was a threat you would accommodate your opinions to the facts. But, no, you just double down on your support for a heartless killer of innocents. There is particularly hot corner of hell reserved for you when you leave this earth.
Obvious this moron has NO CLUE how the system works. Do you know how much it COSTS to get a lawyer? Even on retainer? A LOT that's why the state kidnapping agency goes after poor families that can't afford a lawyer other than the pos court appointed one who does CPS bidding for them by not doing a good job defending them. The burden of proof is NOT on the state kidnapping agency its on the parents to prove they are innocent of whatever lies CPS has drudged up. Again you have NO CLUE how the system works. I do. Stop playing your guessing game son. You are WAY over your head. Oh and I hope you never have kids and they have to go to hospital and you ask for a 2nd opinion...they consider that medical neglect now....ask all the parents of kids who are medically kidnapped.

Listen Adolph, I was part of the system and damned sure know it works. Every word of yours is pure, unadulterated equine excrement. Sounds to me like you abused a child and are resentful that they came down on you for it. Am I right? It certainly sounds like personal experience, although distorted.
Aw you getting mad now baby kidnapper...tough shit. Like I said yesterday I deal with scum like you day in out with that stupid smirk on your faces and swagger because you know you have the power to destroy perfectly happy families...I wish for nothing more than to become a lawyer that destroys you maggots when you try destroying families. Or maybe setting up an underground railroad to help families escape the new nazi regime in this country aka the new speak "children and family services,child protection services" etc.
Am I mad. No just amazed at the stupidity. However, I do believe that you are getting rattled. Too close to the truth eh? :poke:
Yeah I have noticed baby kidnapping agents have no soul or heart or conscience they are just cold hearted drones making a buck off of stealing babies. 21st century gestapo.You ain't hit jack yet....I find destroying you amusing. You think you can lie your way through this I have dealt with CPS for years in MANY ways....I stay involved because I like helping families escape their grasps so they can't kidnap their kids and sell them. Really pisses CPS off :)
I'm not the one advocating the kidnapping of children. You scum are. YOU are a threat to civil society.

I just looked at your profile. You are one sick and offensive fucker. Not dealing with you anymore.
Because you're a coward. You're seeing the other side of what you do, the people you affect. And you don't like the feedback, well tough shit. You're on the side of criminally oppressive government and your kind has never seen itself as the bad guy throughout history. People are afraid EVERY FUCKING TIME you show up at their door because they know you have the power to take what's most precious to them and you're there to see if you can get away with yet another kidnapping at gunpoint. That's the POS line of work you chose because of your disordered, clamoring need to control others and plunder their homes. You deserve this criticism from people you can't touch, who are out of your reach and aren't vulnerable to your revenge. Damn what you do and the lives you destroy.

So now you are going to defend a Fascist Nazi pig??!! You who accuse me, who accuse liberals of being controlling and creating fear? Are you out of your fucking mind? Never mind, I know the answer:tank::tank::tank:
No, actually I was attacking a fascist nazi pig. Are you kidding? Nazis were the ones who forced themselves into people's homes, terrified them, separated them from their children, and then exploited or killed the children all by the power of government....JUST LIKE YOU. And you think Odium is the Nazi?

You only validated my post. Historically, those guilty of the worst state sponsored atrocities see themselves as the good guys. I hope many more of you are gunned down while attempting to kidnap children. THAT is the tradition of righteous defiance.
ODIUM Celebrates Hitler's birthday, hates Jews and Non Whites tell me what he is. If you attacked him I missed that. Show us where, or is this just another example of your clouded mind playing tricks on you?
You are the Nazi I was attacking. You see, I'm not afraid of someone who celebrates Hitler's Birthday. I'm afraid of government thugs who perpetrate his work. That would be you.
More information about the case:

Family and Friends of Herring Family React to Arraignment Hearing - Story MYCHAMPLAINVALLEY

Mom charged in social worker s death blames DCF injustices Local News - WCVB Home

Jody Herring suspect in Vermont social worker homicide scheduled to appear in court Monday

She's apparently laughing and thinking it's "no big deal" to have killed these people... Just as a note, this is apparently /weeks/ after she lost custody by a judges order, this was in no way shape or form a "heat of the movement" killing, this was premeditated murder plain and simple.

I guess her family is blaming drugs, but like Ritalin is an ADHD medication, very rare cases have turned up hallucinations, paranoia, hostility and aggression. idk I was on Rit for ADHD when I was a kid, hated the stuff, made me tired and unable to think quickly, my kid had the same issues with it.

Klonopin on the other hand is for the treatment of seizures or panic disorders, it's got some pretty serious rare side effects that could actually play into this; unusual risk taking and shit like that (30% of patients.)
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.

Yeah its sad that innocent family members of the murderer were shot by the murderer- and then the murderer went and shot a mother of two children.

And its sad that you applaud murder.

And its sad that you kill neighbors pets.
No one was kidnapped at gunpoint you lying prick. The child was removed after a hearing to determine if they were in danger. A hearing where your favorite murderer had the opportunity to be represented by an attorney and where the burden was on the DCF to prove that the child was in danger. The innocent family members are the ones who turned to DCF for help in protecting the child. Every one of her other kids were removed from her care. She is a lifelong criminal, substance abuser and suffers from severe mental illness. There is absolutely no evidence of any abuse by DCF in removing the child and placing her with RELATIVES to be cared for until the mother was in a condition to care for her. Her parental rights were not terminated. The child was not adopted. She was removed to protect her. Given that the mother murdered four innocent people in cold blood, it is pretty clear that DCF's concern that the child was in danger was well founded. I would have thought, as the facts of the matter were revealed and it became clear that the removal of the child was justified and that the mother was a threat you would accommodate your opinions to the facts. But, no, you just double down on your support for a heartless killer of innocents. There is particularly hot corner of hell reserved for you when you leave this earth.
Obvious this moron has NO CLUE how the system works. Do you know how much it COSTS to get a lawyer? Even on retainer? A LOT that's why the state kidnapping agency goes after poor families that can't afford a lawyer other than the pos court appointed one who does CPS bidding for them by not doing a good job defending them. The burden of proof is NOT on the state kidnapping agency its on the parents to prove they are innocent of whatever lies CPS has drudged up. Again you have NO CLUE how the system works. I do. Stop playing your guessing game son. You are WAY over your head. Oh and I hope you never have kids and they have to go to hospital and you ask for a 2nd opinion...they consider that medical neglect now....ask all the parents of kids who are medically kidnapped.

Listen Adolph, I was part of the system and damned sure know it works. Every word of yours is pure, unadulterated equine excrement. Sounds to me like you abused a child and are resentful that they came down on you for it. Am I right? It certainly sounds like personal experience, although distorted.
Aw you getting mad now baby kidnapper...tough shit. Like I said yesterday I deal with scum like you day in out with that stupid smirk on your faces and swagger because you know you have the power to destroy perfectly happy families...I wish for nothing more than to become a lawyer that destroys you maggots when you try destroying families. Or maybe setting up an underground railroad to help families escape the new nazi regime in this country aka the new speak "children and family services,child protection services" etc.
Am I mad. No just amazed at the stupidity. However, I do believe that you are getting rattled. Too close to the truth eh? :poke:
Yeah I have noticed baby kidnapping agents have no soul or heart or conscience they are just cold hearted drones making a buck off of stealing babies. 21st century gestapo.You ain't hit jack yet....I find destroying you amusing. You think you can lie your way through this I have dealt with CPS for years in MANY ways....I stay involved because I like helping families escape their grasps so they can't kidnap their kids and sell them. Really pisses CPS off :)

You stay involved because you approve of murder- and believe children are the parents property to do with as they see fit.
Well, we know you are one of the sick ones. Probably buddies with the poster who shot up the movie theater in LA.
Well, we know you are one of the sick ones. Probably buddies with the poster who shot up the movie theater in LA.
I'm not the one advocating the kidnapping of children. You scum are. YOU are a threat to civil society.

I just looked at your profile. You are one sick and offensive fucker. Not dealing with you anymore.
Because you're a coward. You're seeing the other side of what you do, the people you affect. And you don't like the feedback, well tough shit. You're on the side of criminally oppressive government and your kind has never seen itself as the bad guy throughout history. People are afraid EVERY FUCKING TIME you show up at their door because they know you have the power to take what's most precious to them and you're there to see if you can get away with yet another kidnapping at gunpoint. That's the POS line of work you chose because of your disordered, clamoring need to control others and plunder their homes. You deserve this criticism from people you can't touch, who are out of your reach and aren't vulnerable to your revenge. Damn what you do and the lives you destroy.

So now you are going to defend a Fascist Nazi pig??!! You who accuse me, who accuse liberals of being controlling and creating fear? Are you out of your fucking mind? Never mind, I know the answer:tank::tank::tank:
No, actually I was attacking a fascist nazi pig. Are you kidding? Nazis were the ones who forced themselves into people's homes, terrified them, separated them from their children, and then exploited or killed the children all by the power of government....JUST LIKE YOU. And you think Odium is the Nazi?

I don't think either you or Odium are Nazis- I think you are assholes who applaud murder and in your case a coward who kills a neighbors cat in revenge for a perceived slight.
You. who hunted down and killed a cat because your neighbor had enough concern over your kids to report what she saw dare to talk about rage? You are mentally ill. You are a danger to your children. That you still have custody proves that the problem with child protective services is that they miss too many sick fucks with kids. Sick fucks like you.
Stupid nosy bitch should have minded her own damn business or here is a idea! Go ask the family about their way of doing things she thought were "weird" . I think some people's way of raising their kids is weird. Sure in the fuck don't call CPS on them.
:bsflag::bsflag::bsflag: Way, way off the fucking wall!!
Fuck you.You are nothing more than a piece of shit who kidnapped kids for a living to make a fucking buck. You are a fucking parasite. Scum like you would be at TOP of my list if I ever get a chance to fix America. Right below the politicians that funded you and your illegal activities and right above the nonwhites.
Well, we know you are one of the sick ones. Probably buddies with the poster who shot up the movie theater in LA.
You. who hunted down and killed a cat because your neighbor had enough concern over your kids to report what she saw dare to talk about rage? You are mentally ill. You are a danger to your children. That you still have custody proves that the problem with child protective services is that they miss too many sick fucks with kids. Sick fucks like you.
Stupid nosy bitch should have minded her own damn business or here is a idea! Go ask the family about their way of doing things she thought were "weird" . I think some people's way of raising their kids is weird. Sure in the fuck don't call CPS on them.
:bsflag::bsflag::bsflag: Way, way off the fucking wall!!
Fuck you.You are nothing more than a piece of shit who kidnapped kids for a living to make a fucking buck. You are a fucking parasite. Scum like you would be at TOP of my list if I ever get a chance to fix America. Right below the politicians that funded you and your illegal activities and right above the nonwhites.
Well, we know you are one of the sick ones. Probably buddies with the poster who shot up the movie theater in LA.
I'm not the one advocating the kidnapping of children. You scum are. YOU are a threat to civil society.

You are the one advocating the murder of mothers and fathers and parents treating children like property- to be broken or abandoned anyway a parent desires.
Every single one of your posts is hate and judgment. It's clear you can't rationally discuss this issue or stick to the thread topic. You're taking up space here while I wait for an intelligent person to discuss this.

LOL....says the asshole applauding murder- and bragging about killing a neighbors cat for revenge.
From what I've been able to piece together from various articles (as of last night), the woman's family was calling CPS because they were concerned for the kids - not just the three family members she killed, but other members of the apparently large family in the area - it's been reported that she had threatened them and told them to stop calling DPS (presuming that's CPS in that city) on her. This leads me to believe it was not just CPS who thought she shouldn't have custody of her kids.

I've also seen it reported that the woman had /already/ lost custody of her kids - meaning that a judge looked over the case and ruled that she shouldn't have them. The media and police were trying to speak to all members of the family and "specifically those who were involved in the custody case" - this very likely means her family members, perhaps the ones she killed, and/or others, had spoken to an investigator/agent about her and the kids.

Still waiting for more info on all that.
You found a lot more than I did, and I scoured the internet for anything I could find.
She has ten convictions. In and out of jail. Lost her kids after court hearings where her lack of fitness was proven. You only find what you want to find and ignore any fact that undermines the ridiculous conclusion you jumped to at the outset.

It is amazing the hoops these assholes will go to defend this murderer.

If she had murdered her own kids first- would they still be defending her- as long as she also murdered a mother of two kids who worked for the CPS?
More information about the case:

Family and Friends of Herring Family React to Arraignment Hearing - Story MYCHAMPLAINVALLEY

Mom charged in social worker s death blames DCF injustices Local News - WCVB Home

Jody Herring suspect in Vermont social worker homicide scheduled to appear in court Monday

She's apparently laughing and thinking it's "no big deal" to have killed these people... Just as a note, this is apparently /weeks/ after she lost custody by a judges order, this was in no way shape or form a "heat of the movement" killing, this was premeditated murder plain and simple.

I guess her family is blaming drugs, but like Ritalin is an ADHD medication, very rare cases have turned up hallucinations, paranoia, hostility and aggression. idk I was on Rit for ADHD when I was a kid, hated the stuff, made me tired and unable to think quickly, my kid had the same issues with it.

Klonopin on the other hand is for the treatment of seizures or panic disorders, it's got some pretty serious rare side effects that could actually play into this; unusual risk taking and shit like that (30% of patients.)
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.

Yeah its sad that innocent family members of the murderer were shot by the murderer- and then the murderer went and shot a mother of two children.

And its sad that you applaud murder.

And its sad that you kill neighbors pets.
Yet you don't care that those 4 people together caused her kids to be taken away and took her child away. Save the faux outrage son.
More information about the case:

Family and Friends of Herring Family React to Arraignment Hearing - Story MYCHAMPLAINVALLEY

Mom charged in social worker s death blames DCF injustices Local News - WCVB Home

Jody Herring suspect in Vermont social worker homicide scheduled to appear in court Monday

She's apparently laughing and thinking it's "no big deal" to have killed these people... Just as a note, this is apparently /weeks/ after she lost custody by a judges order, this was in no way shape or form a "heat of the movement" killing, this was premeditated murder plain and simple.

I guess her family is blaming drugs, but like Ritalin is an ADHD medication, very rare cases have turned up hallucinations, paranoia, hostility and aggression. idk I was on Rit for ADHD when I was a kid, hated the stuff, made me tired and unable to think quickly, my kid had the same issues with it.

Klonopin on the other hand is for the treatment of seizures or panic disorders, it's got some pretty serious rare side effects that could actually play into this; unusual risk taking and shit like that (30% of patients.)
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.

I highly doubt anyone took the children at gunpoint, stop trying to sensationalize it to fit your narrative.

I'll agree the system needs some work, I'll agree the "rules" they go by for what's "neglect" are a bit "blowing in the wind" of social pressures, but there's no way I'm buying that they're completely corrupted, and certainly they are not stealing kids to sell into foster care. That's far, far to "conspiracy theory" / "ancient aliens" for me. If they were stealing kids then they would have taken mine back in the day, both my boys are fucking adorable sweet little gems (and I'm not just being a mom there, I hear it constantly from like everyone, enough that I'm annoyed by it lol)
When they remove children, they do so with a police officer, sometimes two or three. That's gunpoint. Let's dispense with the nonsense, shall we?
The only evidence of guns is the one this monster used to murder four innocents.
More information about the case:

Family and Friends of Herring Family React to Arraignment Hearing - Story MYCHAMPLAINVALLEY

Mom charged in social worker s death blames DCF injustices Local News - WCVB Home

Jody Herring suspect in Vermont social worker homicide scheduled to appear in court Monday

She's apparently laughing and thinking it's "no big deal" to have killed these people... Just as a note, this is apparently /weeks/ after she lost custody by a judges order, this was in no way shape or form a "heat of the movement" killing, this was premeditated murder plain and simple.

I guess her family is blaming drugs, but like Ritalin is an ADHD medication, very rare cases have turned up hallucinations, paranoia, hostility and aggression. idk I was on Rit for ADHD when I was a kid, hated the stuff, made me tired and unable to think quickly, my kid had the same issues with it.

Klonopin on the other hand is for the treatment of seizures or panic disorders, it's got some pretty serious rare side effects that could actually play into this; unusual risk taking and shit like that (30% of patients.)
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.
No one was kidnapped at gunpoint you lying prick. The child was removed after a hearing to determine if they were in danger. A hearing where your favorite murderer had the opportunity to be represented by an attorney and where the burden was on the DCF to prove that the child was in danger. The innocent family members are the ones who turned to DCF for help in protecting the child. Every one of her other kids were removed from her care. She is a lifelong criminal, substance abuser and suffers from severe mental illness. There is absolutely no evidence of any abuse by DCF in removing the child and placing her with RELATIVES to be cared for until the mother was in a condition to care for her. Her parental rights were not terminated. The child was not adopted. She was removed to protect her. Given that the mother murdered four innocent people in cold blood, it is pretty clear that DCF's concern that the child was in danger was well founded. I would have thought, as the facts of the matter were revealed and it became clear that the removal of the child was justified and that the mother was a threat you would accommodate your opinions to the facts. But, no, you just double down on your support for a heartless killer of innocents. There is particularly hot corner of hell reserved for you when you leave this earth.
Obvious this moron has NO CLUE how the system works. Do you know how much it COSTS to get a lawyer? Even on retainer? A LOT that's why the state kidnapping agency goes after poor families that can't afford a lawyer other than the pos court appointed one who does CPS bidding for them by not doing a good job defending them. The burden of proof is NOT on the state kidnapping agency its on the parents to prove they are innocent of whatever lies CPS has drudged up. Again you have NO CLUE how the system works. I do. Stop playing your guessing game son. You are WAY over your head. Oh and I hope you never have kids and they have to go to hospital and you ask for a 2nd opinion...they consider that medical neglect now....ask all the parents of kids who are medically kidnapped.
You are like every other piece of shit convicted of a crime or losing a case. Never your fault. The system is corrupt. The judge unfair. Blah, blah, blah.
Obvious this moron has NO CLUE how the system works. Do you know how much it COSTS to get a lawyer? Even on retainer? A LOT that's why the state kidnapping agency goes after poor families that can't afford a lawyer other than the pos court appointed one who does CPS bidding for them by not doing a good job defending them. The burden of proof is NOT on the state kidnapping agency its on the parents to prove they are innocent of whatever lies CPS has drudged up. Again you have NO CLUE how the system works. I do. Stop playing your guessing game son. You are WAY over your head. Oh and I hope you never have kids and they have to go to hospital and you ask for a 2nd opinion...they consider that medical neglect now....ask all the parents of kids who are medically kidnapped.

Listen Adolph, I was part of the system and damned sure know it works. Every word of yours is pure, unadulterated equine excrement. Sounds to me like you abused a child and are resentful that they came down on you for it. Am I right? It certainly sounds like personal experience, although distorted.
Aw you getting mad now baby kidnapper...tough shit. Like I said yesterday I deal with scum like you day in out with that stupid smirk on your faces and swagger because you know you have the power to destroy perfectly happy families...I wish for nothing more than to become a lawyer that destroys you maggots when you try destroying families. Or maybe setting up an underground railroad to help families escape the new nazi regime in this country aka the new speak "children and family services,child protection services" etc.
Am I mad. No just amazed at the stupidity. However, I do believe that you are getting rattled. Too close to the truth eh? :poke:
Yeah I have noticed baby kidnapping agents have no soul or heart or conscience they are just cold hearted drones making a buck off of stealing babies. 21st century gestapo.You ain't hit jack yet....I find destroying you amusing. You think you can lie your way through this I have dealt with CPS for years in MANY ways....I stay involved because I like helping families escape their grasps so they can't kidnap their kids and sell them. Really pisses CPS off :)

You stay involved because you approve of murder- and believe children are the parents property to do with as they see fit.
I stay involved because I see weekly the way these power hungry thugs kidnap kids and destroy families and I do whatever I can to help them. Like I said before. YOU ARE NOT A PARENT so therefore you have NO IDEA what a parent feels or would do or feels towards their kids. WE created them,my wife birthed them WE are raising yeah they are ours just like YOU until 18 were your parents child.
More information about the case:

Family and Friends of Herring Family React to Arraignment Hearing - Story MYCHAMPLAINVALLEY

Mom charged in social worker s death blames DCF injustices Local News - WCVB Home

Jody Herring suspect in Vermont social worker homicide scheduled to appear in court Monday

She's apparently laughing and thinking it's "no big deal" to have killed these people... Just as a note, this is apparently /weeks/ after she lost custody by a judges order, this was in no way shape or form a "heat of the movement" killing, this was premeditated murder plain and simple.

I guess her family is blaming drugs, but like Ritalin is an ADHD medication, very rare cases have turned up hallucinations, paranoia, hostility and aggression. idk I was on Rit for ADHD when I was a kid, hated the stuff, made me tired and unable to think quickly, my kid had the same issues with it.

Klonopin on the other hand is for the treatment of seizures or panic disorders, it's got some pretty serious rare side effects that could actually play into this; unusual risk taking and shit like that (30% of patients.)
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.
No one was kidnapped at gunpoint you lying prick. The child was removed after a hearing to determine if they were in danger. A hearing where your favorite murderer had the opportunity to be represented by an attorney and where the burden was on the DCF to prove that the child was in danger. The innocent family members are the ones who turned to DCF for help in protecting the child. Every one of her other kids were removed from her care. She is a lifelong criminal, substance abuser and suffers from severe mental illness. There is absolutely no evidence of any abuse by DCF in removing the child and placing her with RELATIVES to be cared for until the mother was in a condition to care for her. Her parental rights were not terminated. The child was not adopted. She was removed to protect her. Given that the mother murdered four innocent people in cold blood, it is pretty clear that DCF's concern that the child was in danger was well founded. I would have thought, as the facts of the matter were revealed and it became clear that the removal of the child was justified and that the mother was a threat you would accommodate your opinions to the facts. But, no, you just double down on your support for a heartless killer of innocents. There is particularly hot corner of hell reserved for you when you leave this earth.
Obvious this moron has NO CLUE how the system works. Do you know how much it COSTS to get a lawyer? Even on retainer? A LOT that's why the state kidnapping agency goes after poor families that can't afford a lawyer other than the pos court appointed one who does CPS bidding for them by not doing a good job defending them. The burden of proof is NOT on the state kidnapping agency its on the parents to prove they are innocent of whatever lies CPS has drudged up. Again you have NO CLUE how the system works. I do. Stop playing your guessing game son. You are WAY over your head. Oh and I hope you never have kids and they have to go to hospital and you ask for a 2nd opinion...they consider that medical neglect now....ask all the parents of kids who are medically kidnapped.
You are like every other piece of shit convicted of a crime or losing a case. Never your fault. The system is corrupt. The judge unfair. Blah, blah, blah.
blow it out our ass kid. In this case there was no criminal case her child was kidnapped. PERIOD. End of the story. She did what any SANE parent would do and took revenge on the criminals who kidnapped her child just because that criminal worked for the government means nothing...just a title that she used to abuse her power to kidnap kids. Now she won't. :) One less baby kidnapper. Go fake your outrage elsewhere.
More information about the case:

Family and Friends of Herring Family React to Arraignment Hearing - Story MYCHAMPLAINVALLEY

Mom charged in social worker s death blames DCF injustices Local News - WCVB Home

Jody Herring suspect in Vermont social worker homicide scheduled to appear in court Monday

She's apparently laughing and thinking it's "no big deal" to have killed these people... Just as a note, this is apparently /weeks/ after she lost custody by a judges order, this was in no way shape or form a "heat of the movement" killing, this was premeditated murder plain and simple.

I guess her family is blaming drugs, but like Ritalin is an ADHD medication, very rare cases have turned up hallucinations, paranoia, hostility and aggression. idk I was on Rit for ADHD when I was a kid, hated the stuff, made me tired and unable to think quickly, my kid had the same issues with it.

Klonopin on the other hand is for the treatment of seizures or panic disorders, it's got some pretty serious rare side effects that could actually play into this; unusual risk taking and shit like that (30% of patients.)
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.

I highly doubt anyone took the children at gunpoint, stop trying to sensationalize it to fit your narrative.

I'll agree the system needs some work, I'll agree the "rules" they go by for what's "neglect" are a bit "blowing in the wind" of social pressures, but there's no way I'm buying that they're completely corrupted, and certainly they are not stealing kids to sell into foster care. That's far, far to "conspiracy theory" / "ancient aliens" for me. If they were stealing kids then they would have taken mine back in the day, both my boys are fucking adorable sweet little gems (and I'm not just being a mom there, I hear it constantly from like everyone, enough that I'm annoyed by it lol)
When they remove children, they do so with a police officer, sometimes two or three. That's gunpoint. Let's dispense with the nonsense, shall we?
The only evidence of guns is the one this monster used to murder four innocents.
ROFLMAO INNOCENTS! ROFLMAO....3 were killed rightfully for interfering in a woman's life and getting her child kidnapped AFTER she told them to back off...they pursued it they got to enjoy the consequences. The last piece of shit is the LEAST innocent. She KIDNAPS kids for a living. Now you can go on believing in your fantasy world that CPS does good but they don't. They are a terrorist group who terrorizes loving families. Innocent...what a fucking crock.
More information about the case:

Family and Friends of Herring Family React to Arraignment Hearing - Story MYCHAMPLAINVALLEY

Mom charged in social worker s death blames DCF injustices Local News - WCVB Home

Jody Herring suspect in Vermont social worker homicide scheduled to appear in court Monday

She's apparently laughing and thinking it's "no big deal" to have killed these people... Just as a note, this is apparently /weeks/ after she lost custody by a judges order, this was in no way shape or form a "heat of the movement" killing, this was premeditated murder plain and simple.

I guess her family is blaming drugs, but like Ritalin is an ADHD medication, very rare cases have turned up hallucinations, paranoia, hostility and aggression. idk I was on Rit for ADHD when I was a kid, hated the stuff, made me tired and unable to think quickly, my kid had the same issues with it.

Klonopin on the other hand is for the treatment of seizures or panic disorders, it's got some pretty serious rare side effects that could actually play into this; unusual risk taking and shit like that (30% of patients.)
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.

Yeah its sad that innocent family members of the murderer were shot by the murderer- and then the murderer went and shot a mother of two children.

And its sad that you applaud murder.

And its sad that you kill neighbors pets.
Yet you don't care that those 4 people together caused her kids to be taken away and took her child away. Save the faux outrage son.

Actually I do care that the three family members cared enough about her kids to try to protect them from this homicidal maniac.

I do care that this murderous maniac killed a mom with 2 kids.

Hopefully they will not find out that she killed anyone else, like another kid buried in her basement.
More information about the case:

Family and Friends of Herring Family React to Arraignment Hearing - Story MYCHAMPLAINVALLEY

Mom charged in social worker s death blames DCF injustices Local News - WCVB Home

Jody Herring suspect in Vermont social worker homicide scheduled to appear in court Monday

She's apparently laughing and thinking it's "no big deal" to have killed these people... Just as a note, this is apparently /weeks/ after she lost custody by a judges order, this was in no way shape or form a "heat of the movement" killing, this was premeditated murder plain and simple.

I guess her family is blaming drugs, but like Ritalin is an ADHD medication, very rare cases have turned up hallucinations, paranoia, hostility and aggression. idk I was on Rit for ADHD when I was a kid, hated the stuff, made me tired and unable to think quickly, my kid had the same issues with it.

Klonopin on the other hand is for the treatment of seizures or panic disorders, it's got some pretty serious rare side effects that could actually play into this; unusual risk taking and shit like that (30% of patients.)
It's sad all the way around, even more so for the innocent family members who were also shot because they were related to somebody kidnapping children at gunpoint. Herring's attorney says "there's more than meets the eye." So I'm anxious to see what CPS abuses are revealed as the trial unfolds. I'm glad I'm not related to any CPS Nazis and certainly none of them are friends of mine.

I highly doubt anyone took the children at gunpoint, stop trying to sensationalize it to fit your narrative.

I'll agree the system needs some work, I'll agree the "rules" they go by for what's "neglect" are a bit "blowing in the wind" of social pressures, but there's no way I'm buying that they're completely corrupted, and certainly they are not stealing kids to sell into foster care. That's far, far to "conspiracy theory" / "ancient aliens" for me. If they were stealing kids then they would have taken mine back in the day, both my boys are fucking adorable sweet little gems (and I'm not just being a mom there, I hear it constantly from like everyone, enough that I'm annoyed by it lol)
When they remove children, they do so with a police officer, sometimes two or three. That's gunpoint. Let's dispense with the nonsense, shall we?
The only evidence of guns is the one this monster used to murder four innocents.
ROFLMAO INNOCENTS! ROFLMAO....3 were killed rightfully for interfering in a woman's life and getting her child kidnapped AFTER she told them to back off...they pursued it they got to enjoy the consequences. The last piece of shit is the LEAST innocent. She KIDNAPS kids for a living. Now you can go on believing in your fantasy world that CPS does good but they don't. They are a terrorist group who terrorizes loving families. Innocent...what a fucking crock.

What a murder loving asshole you are.
She did what any SANE parent would do and took revenge on the criminals who kidnapped her child just because that criminal worked for the government means nothing...just a title that she used to abuse her power to kidnap kids. Now she won't. :) One less baby kidnapper. Go fake your outrage elsewhere.

No sane parent would murder her aunt and two cousins- and a mom of two kids- and thereby ensuring that he or she will never, ever see his or her own kid again.

I am sure her attorney's will plead insanity for her- personally, I think life in prison might be too short.
No sane parent would murder her aunt and two cousins- and a mom of two kids- and thereby ensuring that he or she will never, ever see his or her own kid again.

I am sure her attorney's will plead insanity for her- personally, I think life in prison might be too short

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