Motion to expel Adam Schiff from the House is filed.

Well, no.

Only the most desperate fascist traitors say he did, those condemned to the deepest pit in Hell for the severity of their loies.

That's you.

Why do you fascist liars pretend that Trump's Russia ties weren't proven? Your mentors Goebbels and Alinsky would be angry at how stupid that lie is. You've been trained to lie better than that, and you've had years of practice, so you all have no excuse for sucking so badly at lying.

(Also, I see the "The FBI is corrupt" talking point is soooooooo yesterday. The Trump cult parrots have been issued a new stupid talking point, and they're running with it.)
Ok I'll play your game. Did Trump get prosecuted or go to jail for Russian collusion? I think the answer is no, you know why? Because it was a made up lie, dumbasss.
I'm sure he's scared schiffless.

Republican's on the other hand are free to lie about good old Joe at will. Should Democrats start filing a motion to expel on every member who utters or insinuates or uses an innuendo to issue say something untrue?
Biden lies daily about things that actually affect people.
Nobody’s buying the shit you’re selling. Especially the American people.

Look around at all these elections that are going on and see who’s winning right now. The Republican party has lost its mind completely. The QAnon’s have taken over and inmates are running the asylum.

The American people want their politicians to be working on behalf of the people, not theit lunatic fringe.

The Republican parties lies about abortion have been exposed.

Banning books and prosecuting teachers, whitewashing history and current events.

Trying to overthrow democracy.
Anything on topic, Moron?
Santos has been indicted on 13 federal counts, including fraud. It is standard practice for representatives facing federal charges to resign their seats until the matter has been adjudicated.

Republicans can’t afford to lose his vote. Party over country.
Anything on topic, Troll?
Republicans are truly childish.
Aww, should they have just let the poor guy walk away with no consequences for deliberately and repeatedly lying to get another politician into legal trouble? I mean, he didn't mean anything at all by it, he couldn't help himself, we just need to leave him alone now because reasons and stuff and just sit down and shut up!

This whole thing just underlines the sheer pettiness of the democrats who get upset when they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar. They whine and wail about somebody else who walked through the kitchen before they did. Just agree to censor Schiff, he obviously deserves it, and neutralize the whole thing. They won't, of course, because they can't, they're democrats.
Feel free to cite what he said, when, and what law he broke? What did the ethics committee do about it? I recall some pretty stark accusations (lies) against Clinton and Obama made in wide range of media.

It's a petty motion, filed by a petty man, leading a petty caucus.
Ethics committee? You mean the foxes that guard the hen house? :eusa_whistle:
I knew in the beginning there was no collusion. I guess schiff is that stupid.

The evidence presented in the Mueller report, said there was lots of collusion. The other Durant’s presented in the inspector general’s report said there was collusion, but both reports said there was not an illegal conspiracy, which could be proven in a court of law and Democrats excepted that and moved on.

But Trump wouldn’t except that Democrats committed no crimes. He just kept investigating investigating and investigating and finally Bart and Trump browbeat Durham into sort of implicating the Clinton campaign.

Still no evidence. Still no witnesses. Still no charges.

It’s been 30 years now. You can come up with evidence any day. We’re mostly retired and we can wait.
Schiff lied to increase TRUMP!'s legal troubles, bottom line. Should he simply walk away from that, unfazed? I think not, and he should face consequences for what he did. Censorship, certainly. Loss of status, absolutely.
What lie that increased Trumps mounting legal trouble? This is just more retaliation that you can bet will at some point down the road be paid back to the MAGA-GOP House in spades right?

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