Mount St. Helens, still steaming, holds the world's newest glacier


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Interesting considering that most of the world's glaciers are in retreat.

Mount St. Helens still steaming holds the world s newest glacier

But Yurkewycz, operations director for the nonprofit Mount St. Helens Institute, was focused less on the volcano’s fiery past than its icy present. Few people realize, he said, that the hollowed-out crater where lava was flowing just a few years ago now holds the world’s youngest glacier.

And if that’s not surprising enough, the prosaically named Crater Glacier is also growing at a time when most glaciers around the globe are in rapid retreat.

“It’s cascading down into this valley now,” Yurkewycz said, pointing out a tongue of ice flowing over a rise and into a rubbly ravine. “It’s only been in the last two years that it started doing that.”

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