Mr. Pillow can't get to the Supreme Court to stop the steal

Well, he infers that something fishy is going on. I mean, why wouldn't these AGs jump at this chance to save the country?

So worried about it you had to start a thread on something you claim did not happen? No one is surprised at what happened. It only proves even more the election was stolen and the harassment and intimidation is not going to stop. That is what is keeping the AGs from signing on.

There was massive fraud and the courts have made it clear they intend to do nothing about it. One thing they can't do is stop over half the country from believing the election was stolen. They cannot turn the lie that there was no fraud into the truth or they would take the case. Wouldn't they?

Your thread is a fail, like usual.
We're not laughing with you, Son. We're laughing at you.
True. If the democrats in office get their way the Big Steal believers will be rounded up and set to re-education camps as far north as you can go in Alaska 100 miles form anywhere. They will get to live on water and moldy bread and be damn thankful for it.
Best idea I've heard all day.
Trump has this odd habit about being right about things the media says are false.
And the source of that is......hold for it......the website "Redstate".
Count me skeptical.
Plus I read that list the good poster Batcat claims is 'Trump being right'.
Ummm, no.
Ummm, wrong.

When Dominion finishes suing Old Mike, he'll wish he'd never heard of trump.
It would be interesting if some diligent poster here would make a simple list of all the people who put themselves into Don Trump's orbit......and came away smeared, diminished, indicted from their association with him.
He's like the Peanuts character 'Pigpen'.....get close to him, get dirtied.

When they gather in groups like that and someone interviews them, I swear, I can't tell if they really believe what they're saying
My avatar is thankful for Q.
They personify the Dead-Ender universe of Trump Supporters. And they do it with such class, such imagination, such ineffectiveness. They ARE the face of the Dead-Enders.

Put a goat-head hat on all of 'em and send 'em to Washington. And they can take JohnJohn and Princess Diana with 'em.

"...... leftist on here know .....know they stole this election. They know they are guilty on this stuff.
Ah, here we go again.
Good poster Eagle....don't jump so eagerly into the Dead-Ender pool.

Do this: Prove it.
Name names.
Name jurisdictions.
Tell how they did it.
And tell us how you know deadsolidperfectly how that happened.
Show us the fraud you say took place.
Don't be like so many other Dead-Enders on this chatroom who, when queried to prove their allegations....well, they disappear into the bathroom. Or under the table.
I have confidence that you may be a different type of Dead-Ender.
You may be able to prove there was a stolen Presidential election in 2020.
So show us.
Or go. :thup:

"What is needed is to file charges of FELONY VOTER FRAUD in the criminal courts and start throwing them in jail."
Batter up, good poster Eagle.
You be you and show those loser Dead-Enders how an effective, results-oriented, can-do, true believer does it.
Do it.
Call the FBI. Call both of your Senators. Call your Congressman.
Let the forum know how they received your assertions.
It may embolden many of us to follow your lead.
Saddle up. Giddyup!

I know you are the America Sucks party and I'm here to fuck with you. Why? Because I enjoy it.
Everybody needs a hobby. Dead-Enders need one. Incels need one. Dreamers and fantasizers need one. So Gogetemtiger!!

You need to take all this important evidence to the court. are british........kicked your asses out a long time ago.......sooo your opinion doesn't mean a thing here.
Well, my poor avatar ain't British, and he thinks the good poster Tainant goes to the heart of the matter.
Meaning, show us your stuff poster Eagle. Show us what you are made of. Don't let folks think of you as a Dead-Ender. Be pro-active, get out there and makes something happen.
Otherwise you come across as whining ineffective dependent moke whose hobby is sitting in his kid's bedroom playing on a keyboard.
Don't be that guy.
We think you may be better than that.

You are doing nothing. You wander around in your own little bubble of idiocy and victimhood.
My poor avatar ain't British, but......but, will acknowledge those Brits do have a way of cutting to the chase.
Last edited:
And the source of that is......hold for it......the website "Redstate".
Count me skeptical.
Plus I read that list the good poster Batcat claims is 'Trump being right'.
Ummm, no.
Ummm, wrong.

It would be interesting if some diligent poster here would make a simple list of all the people who put themselves into Don Trump's orbit......and came away smeared, diminished, indicted from their association with him.
He's like the Peanuts character 'Pigpen'.....get close to him, get dirtied.

My avatar is thankful for Q.
They personify the Dead-Ender universe of Trump Supporters. And they do it with such class, such imagination, such ineffectiveness. They ARE the face of the Dead-Enders.

Put a goat-head hat on all of 'em and send 'em to Washington. And they can take JohnJohn and Princess Diana with 'em.

Ah, here we go again.
Good poster Eagle....don't jump so eagerly into the Dead-Ender pool.

Do this: Prove it.
Name names.
Name jurisdictions.
Tell how they did it.
And tell us how you know deadsolidperfectly how that happened.
Show us the fraud you say took place.
Don't be like so many other Dead-Enders on this chatroom who, when queried to prove their allegations....well, they disappear into the bathroom. Or under the table.
I have confidence that you may be a different type of Dead-Ender.
You may be able to prove their was a stolen Presidential election in 2020.
So show us.
Or go. :thup:

Batter up, good poster Eagle.
You be you and show those loser Dead-Enders how an effective, results-oriented, can-do, true believer does it.
Do it.
Call the FBI. Call both of your Senators. Call your Congressman.
Let the forum know how they received your assertions.
It may embolden many of us to follow your lead.
Saddle up. Giddyup!

Everybody needs a hobby. Dead-Enders need one. Incels need one. Dreamers and fantasizers need one. So Gogetemtiger!!

Well, my poor avatar ain't British, and he thinks the good poster Tainant goes to the heart of the matter.
Meaning, show us your stuff poster Eagle. Show us what you are made of. Don't let folks think of you as a Dead-Ender. Be pro-active, get out there and makes something happen.
Otherwise you come across as whining ineffective dependent moke whose hobby is sitting in his kid's bedroom playing on a keyboard.
Don't be that guy.
We think you may be better than that.

My poor avatar ain't British, but......but, will acknowledge those Brits do have a way of cutting to the chase.
Yawn the prove it or else BS of the left.

The lawsuits were in the links. So blow me leftist.
Right. I’m gullible because I don’t think…checks notes… that Seth Rich was going to blow the whistle on Democrat witchcraft pedophile cults.

Sure. Totally.
Or that Hillary Clinton was running a pedophile ring out of an imaginary basement.

Or that Italian satellites were used to steal the election.

Or that Ted Cancun Cruz's dad assassinated JFK.

Or that windmills cause cancer.

Or that Muslims were dancing in the streets on 9/11.

Or that The Clintons have assassinated dozens if not hundreds of people.

Or that Jewish space lasers started California wildfires.

Or that...

Let's not even start on elections and vaccines.
It would be interesting if some diligent poster here would make a simple list of all the people who put themselves into Don Trump's orbit......and came away smeared, diminished, indicted from their association with him.
That's easy. All of them.
Then disbar the Stacey Abrams sister for ruling in a case for her sister.

lmao. The left doesn't give a shit about the laws. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY is their chant.

Was it Stacey Abrams case, brought before her sister? NO, NO IT WASN'T. Stop lying. She would have been forced to recuse.....

AND the losers could appeal in a higher court if they believed the judge's ruling to be wrong. Did that happen? Did your side lose AGAIN on appeal?
Was it Stacey Abrams case, brought before her sister? NO, NO IT WASN'T. Stop lying. She would have been forced to recuse.....

AND the losers could appeal in a higher court if they believed the judge's ruling to be wrong. Did that happen? Did your side lose AGAIN on appeal?
Fair Fight his her organization. PERIOD.

There was a conflict of interest period.

True the Vote had proof of change of address but still on the rolls. So why did Abrams sister throw it out...........

You know why.
Now Mike Flynn is getting in on it.

Who is the bigger loon: Flynn, The Pillow Guy, Dripping Rudy or the Kraken Broad?

If Pelosi were to become President she would likely name Hillary as VP and then resign.
Now wouldn't that be a HOOT!

I NEVER thought of that...! :lol:

Fyi, Democrats and Pelosi, wouldn't have the guts to do that...!

Plus they would want a VP that could be positioned to run in the next election.
thats because it doesnt make headlines, but its there.
Two examples are the election infrastructure security portion of CISA, and the other is the election assistance commission, which ensures that best practices are followed throughout the country
I hope you are right but to be honest I don’t trust our government all that much today. For example I suspect the FBI and even the DOJ works for the Democratic Party.

Now wouldn't that be a HOOT!

I NEVER thought of that...! :lol:

Fyi, Democrats and Pelosi, wouldn't have the guts to do that...!

Plus they would want a VP that could be positioned to run in the next election.
Pelosi would love to be President and so she probably would not appoint Hillary as VP unless Hillary bought that position for a fortune.

Pelosi is after all a Swamp critter. Just one example here ….

Fair Fight his her organization. PERIOD.

There was a conflict of interest period.

True the Vote had proof of change of address but still on the rolls. So why did Abrams sister throw it out...........

You know why.
They showed people with change of addresses to out of state citizens, they never SHOWED they were citizens of another state now.

When reviewed it showed most of the out of state citizens requesting those absentee ballots out of state were Military men and women, transferred to another base in another state, and their spouses voting.... which is NORMAL and not nefarious, and business men and women out of state, and citizens who were visiting family out of state, and those who had vacation of second homes out of State....

They didn't have one single case PROVING the out of state absentee voters, were citizens of another state and voting there..... Nothing given to the judge showing any fraud, just mere speculation BULL CRAP.

It was
I will feel sorry for you after the upcoming Midterm Elections and the Presidential election in 2024. The Democratic Party is about to be annihilated.
No need. I won't be sad. You confuse yourself with your own cultism and political fetishes.
That’s good. I would hate to see you suffer from depression when the Democratic Party sinks like the Titanic.

View attachment 568314
I promise, I won't throw a yearlong baby hissy fit and insist reality is not reality, as you have. See, like everyone else, you thinkyou are normal. You are not. You are abnormal and an anti-intellectual deviant beholden to a demagogue. But you assume others are like you, because you want to believe you are normal.

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