Mr. Pillow can't get to the Supreme Court to stop the steal

I'm confident that Mr. Pillow has enlisted the invaluable and hyper-credible services of Dripping Rudy and the Kraken Broad.
I think most peaple in the Swamp realize the election was stolen but even the ones who want to see that injustice rectified realize it might lead to a revolution and the break up of our nation.

How do you boot Biden out and put Trump in at this point? If you think the 2020 riots were bad the reaction to changing Presidents would be far worse.

What we should concentrate on after the midterms is to make damn sure the next Presidential election is fair and NOT rigged. Both democrats and republicans need to realize that rigging elections works in the short run but will lead to the break up of the nation in the long run.

Unfortunately I doubt if things will change much before 2024.
It is not about changing the results. It is about stopping what caused the BS in that election. So it can't happen again.
Biden couldn't "fix" the election.. He wasn't president. Do the true believers realize just how stupid the Trump tribe is?
I think they absolutely believe what they're claiming.

That's what happens when a person chooses to exist in a tightly controlled echo chamber.

They're dead serious. And they're absolutely terrified.

A cautionary tale.
I think they absolutely believe what they're claiming.

That's what happens when a person chooses to exist in a tightly controlled echo chamber.

They're dead serious. And they're absolutely terrified.

Trump is "glaring" for your benefit, Mac.

You do it legally and constitutionally.

If you had proof and evidence from DOJ, and state law enforcement that showed with names who committed fraud in their state elections, how it was done, and charges for such crimes were brought against the crooks, and they are found guilty....

And you could also prove that Joe Biden was involved in each one or any one of these State elections that were fraudulent and conspired with the individuals charged and found guilty....

Then Congress will impeach him, and the Senate...including all Democratic Senators, would find him guilty, and he would be removed from office....legally, and constitutionally, then the DOJ could charge him with being a conspirator in the election fraud.

Then Harris becomes president.

But if it can also be shown through evidence and fact that Harris was also involved with the State officials who committed the State election fraud, then she too...would be impeached and Pelosi becomes the temporary President, if she takes it.....(she could pass to the next in the line of succession.), until the next election.

We are a Nation of Laws....not men.

Trump would not be given the presidency under the law or constitution.

He would have to run in the next election against a new candidate determined by the democratic primaries for president.
Then disbar the Stacey Abrams sister for ruling in a case for her sister.

lmao. The left doesn't give a shit about the laws. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY is their chant.
I think they absolutely believe what they're claiming.

That's what happens when a person chooses to exist in a tightly controlled echo chamber.

They're dead serious. And they're absolutely terrified.

A cautionary tale.
I believe you are lying fucks. There. Now crow that I believe that. lmao

We know this will not overturn the election. We know we don't want it to happen again.

Do you believe in 1 CITIZEN AND 1 VOTE? And do you believe it's good to MAIL IN VOTE with no verification process whatsoever?

I believe in fair play. And that is why I think we should return the favor on that one. In a heavy blue state. We'll just harvest the votes and cheat just like you guys.

Anyway. This set up thread of yours...........are you having fun......hmmm
These people believe that Donald Trump is a selfless, devout Christian man.

Not sure how to proceed from that.
lmao ..........Nope. I know he lives Rent Free in your head everyday. I know he pissed off the Pravda news over and over again.

I loved it. Better than SNL these days. It's a Riot. Now isn'it. THE GREAT ASSAULT ON THE your side burns and loots in 200 plus cities.

Your side is the progs and your side uses FASCIST TACTICS TO GET YOUR WAY.

I don't give a damn if you go okay sweetie in the comments on me. I never cared what your side thinks or says. I know you are the America Sucks party and I'm here to fuck with you.

Why? Because I enjoy it.
I believe you are lying fucks. There. Now crow that I believe that. lmao

We know this will not overturn the election. We know we don't want it to happen again.

Do you believe in 1 CITIZEN AND 1 VOTE? And do you believe it's good to MAIL IN VOTE with no verification process whatsoever?

I believe in fair play. And that is why I think we should return the favor on that one. In a heavy blue state. We'll just harvest the votes and cheat just like you guys.

Anyway. This set up thread of yours...........are you having fun......hmmm

I have been voting by mail for over a decade.. The verification is strict and so is Georgia's voter registration.
I have been voting by mail for over a decade.. The verification is strict and so is Georgia's voter registration.
So tell me how 364000 were on the rolls the last election who had filed change of address forms to another state in that election.

That was the case for True the Vote. Stacey Abrams sister should be disbarred.
lmao ..........Nope. I know he lives Rent Free in your head everyday. I know he pissed off the Pravda news over and over again.

I loved it. Better than SNL these days. It's a Riot. Now isn'it. THE GREAT ASSAULT ON THE your side burns and loots in 200 plus cities.

Your side is the progs and your side uses FASCIST TACTICS TO GET YOUR WAY.

I don't give a damn if you go okay sweetie in the comments on me. I never cared what your side thinks or says. I know you are the America Sucks party and I'm here to fuck with you.

Why? Because I enjoy it.

Are you impressed or intimidated by Trump's glaring at you?

So tell me how 364000 were on the rolls the last election who had filed change of address forms to another state in that election.

That was the case for True the Vote. Stacey Abrams sister should be disbarred.

Ivanka Trump was registered in 3 States.. They purge the voter rolls periodically.. The 360,000 who moved didn't vote at thier old address... neither did the people who died.
NOPE. Don't give a fuck about a glare. Unless it's the sun in my eyes while I'm driving. Then it pisses me off.

How about you?

Why would a grown man make faces into the camera? Do you suppose he thinks that is "powerful" or impresses his minions?


It was soooo big that that giant pumps had to come in to stop the water.




All the GOP observers went was all innocent..........lmao don/t put on a rubber unless you are gonna fuck.
Why would a grown man make faces into the camera? Do you suppose he thinks that is "powerful" or impresses his minions?
Now you change the subject to your little fairy tales about that election. Cameras follow peeps all the time. They get many different angles and faces..........Then some MORON LIKE YOU ......goes .......look he's POSING...........

Reminds me............stop doing drugs dude.
Now you change the subject to your little fairy tales about that election. Cameras follow peeps all the time. They get many different angles and faces..........Then some MORON LIKE YOU ......goes .......look he's POSING...........

Reminds me............stop doing drugs dude.

Of course he's posing.. This sure isn't "Candid".


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