Mr. Pres, it's not the website. It's the costs, lack of choice, and the penalties


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Dear Mr. President,

You seem to be occupied with addressing the failures of your Obamacare website, promising us that it will be up and running with the bugs finally ironed out by the end of the month, etc.

But, Mr. Obama, those aren't the real problems your insurance scheme has.

What is really worrying us, is the high costs you are charging for insurance plans that often don't provide the services we want while "covering" us for things we'll never need; high deductibles that mean your plans won't pay a dime until we've paid out far more than our present plans require... and a complete lack of any other choice we'd like to see when we choose insurance plans.

Mr. President, the only reason we even gave this a hearing, is because you promised us that it would contain no new taxes, and that we'd be able to keep our present doctors and plans if we wanted to. We would have voted it down immediately if not for these provisions.

And now we find that, as soon as we gave you our votes, you went to the Supreme Court and insisted the scheme DID have new taxes, and that you'd only called them "penalties" to fool us into voting the way you wanted. And we found that we couldn't keep our present plans and doctors... and that you knew it all all along, even while you were assuring us otherwise.

And to rub salt into these wounds, you are forcing us to use your new scheme instead of the ones we want, and threatening to penalize us if we don't obey.

Excuse me, sir, but when did you decide that we could no longer be trusted to choose our own insurance? And that a bunch of bureaucrats three thousand miles away, knew better than we did about it? Especially in light of their track record to date.

And where did you get the authority to impose this decree on us?

Mr. President, who died and made you God?

Sure, there are problems in the insurance industry. Many of which started when government got involved in it seventy years ago, and which have only been getting worse with each government "solution".

That government involvement started during the emergency of a major war. But the war is over, Mr. President, long ago. Why is the government still involved? We'd like to get back to regular life.

Yes, we'd like to see some solutions to the problems that existed before that major war started. But having government pile more and more problems on top of them, isn't helping and never has.

Mr. President, please call off the war that government has continued ever since that time long ago when the real war went away. If you would quit spending so much effort on trying to control every last facet of our lives, perhaps you can find a way to help us with some of the actual problems we face.

If government is really the one who can help those problems at all, that is. From their efforts to date, I'm not encouraged. To put it mildly.
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Little-Acorn, please call of your war against the Americans who have not been able to access affordable and quality health care.

Your way failed.
So…the "Clown-in-Chief" comes out today and says that he will "instruct" insurers to "re-issue" those policies to the 5 million + people who have been dropped and all will be A-OK!!!

Like I said "Clown-in-Chief"

What the hell will he do in 2014 when 90-100 million hard working men and women are dropped from THEIR insurance companies??

Remember America - EVERY DEMOCRAT in the Congress voted for this mayhem. EVERY ONE. NOT ONE republican voted for this scam. NOT ONE.

Keep that in mind when you walk into the voting booth!!

Like I've said many, many times…."Give a democrat enough rope and eventually, he will hang himself with it". The trees are filling up with democrats ready to jump…..
So…the "Clown-in-Chief" comes out today and says that he will "instruct" insurers to "re-issue" those policies to the 5 million + people who have been dropped and all will be A-OK!!!

Like I said "Clown-in-Chief"

What the hell will he do in 2014 when 90-100 million hard working men and women are dropped from THEIR insurance companies??

Remember America - EVERY DEMOCRAT in the Congress voted for this mayhem. EVERY ONE. NOT ONE republican voted for this scam. NOT ONE.

Keep that in mind when you walk into the voting booth!!

Like I've said many, many times…."Give a democrat enough rope and eventually, he will hang himself with it". The trees are filling up with democrats ready to jump…..

It won't be until after the mid term elections so everything is cool.
So…the "Clown-in-Chief" comes out today and says that he will "instruct" insurers to "re-issue" those policies to the 5 million + people who have been dropped and all will be A-OK!!!

Like I said "Clown-in-Chief"

What the hell will he do in 2014 when 90-100 million hard working men and women are dropped from THEIR insurance companies??

Remember America - EVERY DEMOCRAT in the Congress voted for this mayhem. EVERY ONE. NOT ONE republican voted for this scam. NOT ONE.

Keep that in mind when you walk into the voting booth!!

Like I've said many, many times…."Give a democrat enough rope and eventually, he will hang himself with it". The trees are filling up with democrats ready to jump…..

It won't be until after the mid term elections so everything is cool.

Not really. Most employers (in an effort to meet or ignore the requirements) will be closing out policies starting in January - February. I expect the majority of policyholders to receive their notices NLT April 2014. It's just the way business works. They can't wait until the day before the mandate kicks in to comply or reject those policies. We are talking 10s of billions of dollars here…..
Obama apologizes for a rocky healthcare rollout and that'll never be enough for his enemies.

Meanwhile, Bush never apologized for wasting trillions of dollars and 4000 American lives.

Only in America...
Obama apologizes for a rocky healthcare rollout and that'll never be enough for his enemies.

Meanwhile, Bush never apologized for wasting trillions of dollars and 4000 American lives.

Only in America...


"It's Bush's fault"

I knew it wouldn't be long before the "Bush" was invoked.
Obama apologizes for a rocky healthcare rollout and that'll never be enough for his enemies.

Meanwhile, Bush never apologized for wasting trillions of dollars and 4000 American lives.

Only in America...

O did nothing of the sort. He's worried about the mid term elections next year.
Obama apologizes for a rocky healthcare rollout and that'll never be enough for his enemies.

Meanwhile, Bush never apologized for wasting trillions of dollars and 4000 American lives.

Only in America...


"It's Bush's fault"

I knew it wouldn't be long before the "Bush" was invoked.

Are you a moron?

Obama took responsibility for his shit.

Bush still has not.

Just sayin'....
Whiny Republicans. First they say that the free market will solve everything.

Now that they have been made aware of the fact that the free market is rescinding mostly crappy insurance plans, they whine "Oh Mister President, please sir, please do something for me that the free market is unwilling to do".

How terribly ironic that Republicans are basically arguing for socialized medicine every time they whine that the President should be able to have the power to protect them from the decisions of independent, free market corporations who only want to make more money now with the new plans instead of sticking with some of the old ones.

Funny how the free market is only good enough until it screws Republicans over, at which point they go running to Big Brother, whining and begging for him to do everything for them.
Whiny Republicans. First they say that the free market will solve everything.

Now that they have been made aware of the fact that the free market is rescinding mostly crappy insurance plans, they whine "Oh Mister President, please sir, please do something for me that the free market is unwilling to do".

How terribly ironic that Republicans are basically arguing for socialized medicine every time they whine that the President should be able to have the power to protect them from the decisions of independent, free market corporations who only want to make more money now with the new plans instead of sticking with some of the old ones.

Funny how the free market is only good enough until it screws Republicans over, at which point they go running to Big Brother, whining and begging for him to do everything for them.

We'll mark you down as another who lock steps to the "crappy" policy talking points of the O admin. My plan doesn't cover everything but it's what my family and I need. Your "crappy" term is subjective at best.
Obama apologizes for a rocky healthcare rollout and that'll never be enough for his enemies.

Meanwhile, Bush never apologized for wasting trillions of dollars and 4000 American lives.

Only in America...


"It's Bush's fault"

I knew it wouldn't be long before the "Bush" was invoked.

Are you a moron?

Obama took responsibility for his shit.

Bush still has not.

Just sayin'....

Yep…Just like he took responsibility for Benghazi, the IRS and the NSA…..just saying. Or was that Bush's fault, too??
Nixon apologizes for Watergate break-in, declares one year moratorium on making break-ins legal, Libs surrender and say "he's a nice guy"
Nixon apologizes for Watergate break-in, declares one year moratorium on making break-ins legal, Libs surrender and say "he's a nice guy"


Yes Sir…..resign or be impeached. Funny how hypocritical democrats are, isn't it? They did the same thing with George HW Bush after he said "read my lips - no new taxes". The dems agreed NOT to bring that up in the election if he went along with their plan. He did and they crucified him for it.

And they wonder why conservatives hate their guts…...

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