Mr. President: Leave Mueller alone...or else!

If Mueller finds illegal activity other than on the Russian electioneering, he is just supposed to ignore it?
Is that his purpose? When did we find men guilty until proven innocent? Why are leftists so corrupt?

because they cannot get over the FACT that Trump won and that the corrupt media was not able to manipulate the outcome.
This had nothing to do with trump winning or the media, but all about potential crimes of this administration. You never saw anything like this during the 8 years of Obama.

you live in fantasy land. The Clinton and Obama administrations were two of the most corrupt in our history. But they had the lying media in their corner. The list of "suicides" and unexplained deaths following the Clintons is very long, but has anyone demanded an investigation? has any news outlet done an investigation and reported on it?

What I said earlier is true. the media was not able to control the election of 2016 and they cannot get over it, so they continue to create lies and innuendo about Trump, his family, and his companies. Its a sick country we live in.

Hello - You are wandering way off topic here. If you bother to read my original post, this has nothing to do with "The Leftists" these warnings to leave Mueller alone are coming from Conservative lawmakers, not Democrats, and I would remind you that Mr. Mueller is a lifelong Republican himself. The Democrats are content to sit back and watch this administration self destruct. :bye1:

They are coming from a few establishment douche bag Republicans. Mewler will get the same treatment Ken Star got, and worse.
This had nothing to do with trump winning or the media, but all about potential crimes of this administration. You never saw anything like this during the 8 years of Obama.
It has everything to do with it. Up until the election, Clinton and her bootlicking snowflakes were outraged that Trump might question the results of the election. The accusations of collusion started immediately after she lost. It couldn't be more obvious that losing is what motivates this circus.
Tough shit lady, Mueller will get to the bottom of this and we will know if any crimes have been committed.
And if he doesn't find any then he will invent some.
Mueller is a Republican, he was hired by a Republican.
He changed his registration to independent, moron. He's mostly a whore who will serve whoever happens to be in power.
I understand why you support trump, simply because you are a complete fullofshit liar just like he is. Mueller has never changed his registration.
Again, what was there for a special prosecutor to investigate? You don't seem to care when a white man spends millions more than Obama ever did on vacations and golf.

TRUMP'S FIRST 100 DAYS: What the number of laws he signed really means compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton
Franklin D. Roosevelt is the reason people focus on a president's first 100 days.

Signing a dizzying number of laws and executive orders that made up the monstrous New Deal, FDR got more done in his first 100 days in office than any president before him or any since.

Part of the reason was because he took office in the depths of the Great Depression, and used his "honeymoon period" with Congress to stabilize the economy.

Of course, presidents don't have total control over their time in office.

"It helps to keep in mind that neither Trump nor Obama wrote the laws they signed," Josh Tauberer, founder of the legislative database GovTrack, told Business Insider. "They can only sign the bills that Congress gives them, and although presidents like to take lots of credit, they actually have an insignificant role in the passage of most of them."

Trump's 100th day in office was Saturday, and he did sign more laws than presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama.

The orange piece of lard has spent OVER 20% of his time as "president" golfing; this from someone who campaigned on working 24/7....AND from someone who can't get shit done as president as he had promised........HC, Wall,Tax reform, Infrastructure, etc.

I DO HOPE that he tries to fire Mueller since Trump will be digging his own grave.
Not a single major piece of legislation has passed.
because they cannot get over the FACT that Trump won and that the corrupt media was not able to manipulate the outcome.
This had nothing to do with trump winning or the media, but all about potential crimes of this administration. You never saw anything like this during the 8 years of Obama.

you live in fantasy land. The Clinton and Obama administrations were two of the most corrupt in our history. But they had the lying media in their corner. The list of "suicides" and unexplained deaths following the Clintons is very long, but has anyone demanded an investigation? has any news outlet done an investigation and reported on it?

What I said earlier is true. the media was not able to control the election of 2016 and they cannot get over it, so they continue to create lies and innuendo about Trump, his family, and his companies. Its a sick country we live in.

Hello - You are wandering way off topic here. If you bother to read my original post, this has nothing to do with "The Leftists" these warnings to leave Mueller alone are coming from Conservative lawmakers, not Democrats, and I would remind you that Mr. Mueller is a lifelong Republican himself. The Democrats are content to sit back and watch this administration self destruct. :bye1:
Leftists are hardly sitting back. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Nor can you grasp political party membership doesn't automatically mean anything. This is more of an establishment vs non-establishment battle. The establishment doesn't want their gravy train derailed.
Pretend all you want sweetie, but this could well be the end of this administration, and how deserving it would be. The man has accomplished nothing in 6 months, not a single piece of major legislation has passed.
I just proved you are full of shit, you stupid maggot. Repeating your baby shit rhetoric changes nothing.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

If Trump broke the law in one of his business dealings, he should be held to account like anyone else.

Look, you guys are the ones who nominated him despite his hiding his business dealings. Don't get upset when it blows up in your face.

I only have one question for all of you snowflakes...would any of you stand up to the scrutiny that Donald Trump has seen for the past year? The main stream media has been relentlessly looking for anything to "get" Trump with for all this time and has come up with nothing.

Barack Obama can do real estate deals with scum like Tony Rezko and you don't bat an eye. Hillary Clinton can use insider information to turn a huge profit in the futures market and she's given a pass. Name a progressive and almost without exception they ALL have done deals to enrich themselves but you think Trump should be impeached because of HIS business dealings? Can you say HYPOCRITES?
Again, what was there for a special prosecutor to investigate? You don't seem to care when a white man spends millions more than Obama ever did on vacations and golf.

TRUMP'S FIRST 100 DAYS: What the number of laws he signed really means compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton
Franklin D. Roosevelt is the reason people focus on a president's first 100 days.

Signing a dizzying number of laws and executive orders that made up the monstrous New Deal, FDR got more done in his first 100 days in office than any president before him or any since.

Part of the reason was because he took office in the depths of the Great Depression, and used his "honeymoon period" with Congress to stabilize the economy.

Of course, presidents don't have total control over their time in office.

"It helps to keep in mind that neither Trump nor Obama wrote the laws they signed," Josh Tauberer, founder of the legislative database GovTrack, told Business Insider. "They can only sign the bills that Congress gives them, and although presidents like to take lots of credit, they actually have an insignificant role in the passage of most of them."

Trump's 100th day in office was Saturday, and he did sign more laws than presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama.

The orange piece of lard has spent OVER 20% of his time as "president" golfing; this from someone who campaigned on working 24/7....AND from someone who can't get shit done as president as he had promised........HC, Wall,Tax reform, Infrastructure, etc.

I DO HOPE that he tries to fire Mueller since Trump will be digging his own grave.
Not a single major piece of legislation has passed.
This had nothing to do with trump winning or the media, but all about potential crimes of this administration. You never saw anything like this during the 8 years of Obama.

you live in fantasy land. The Clinton and Obama administrations were two of the most corrupt in our history. But they had the lying media in their corner. The list of "suicides" and unexplained deaths following the Clintons is very long, but has anyone demanded an investigation? has any news outlet done an investigation and reported on it?

What I said earlier is true. the media was not able to control the election of 2016 and they cannot get over it, so they continue to create lies and innuendo about Trump, his family, and his companies. Its a sick country we live in.

Hello - You are wandering way off topic here. If you bother to read my original post, this has nothing to do with "The Leftists" these warnings to leave Mueller alone are coming from Conservative lawmakers, not Democrats, and I would remind you that Mr. Mueller is a lifelong Republican himself. The Democrats are content to sit back and watch this administration self destruct. :bye1:
Leftists are hardly sitting back. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Nor can you grasp political party membership doesn't automatically mean anything. This is more of an establishment vs non-establishment battle. The establishment doesn't want their gravy train derailed.
Pretend all you want sweetie, but this could well be the end of this administration, and how deserving it would be. The man has accomplished nothing in 6 months, not a single piece of major legislation has passed.
I just proved you are full of shit, you stupid maggot. Repeating your baby shit rhetoric changes nothing.
Maybe you can list all of the major legislation Trump has signed into law.

TRUMP'S FIRST 100 DAYS: What the number of laws he signed really means compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton
Franklin D. Roosevelt is the reason people focus on a president's first 100 days.

Signing a dizzying number of laws and executive orders that made up the monstrous New Deal, FDR got more done in his first 100 days in office than any president before him or any since.

Part of the reason was because he took office in the depths of the Great Depression, and used his "honeymoon period" with Congress to stabilize the economy.

Of course, presidents don't have total control over their time in office.

"It helps to keep in mind that neither Trump nor Obama wrote the laws they signed," Josh Tauberer, founder of the legislative database GovTrack, told Business Insider. "They can only sign the bills that Congress gives them, and although presidents like to take lots of credit, they actually have an insignificant role in the passage of most of them."

Trump's 100th day in office was Saturday, and he did sign more laws than presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama.

The orange piece of lard has spent OVER 20% of his time as "president" golfing; this from someone who campaigned on working 24/7....AND from someone who can't get shit done as president as he had promised........HC, Wall,Tax reform, Infrastructure, etc.

I DO HOPE that he tries to fire Mueller since Trump will be digging his own grave.
Not a single major piece of legislation has passed.
you live in fantasy land. The Clinton and Obama administrations were two of the most corrupt in our history. But they had the lying media in their corner. The list of "suicides" and unexplained deaths following the Clintons is very long, but has anyone demanded an investigation? has any news outlet done an investigation and reported on it?

What I said earlier is true. the media was not able to control the election of 2016 and they cannot get over it, so they continue to create lies and innuendo about Trump, his family, and his companies. Its a sick country we live in.

Hello - You are wandering way off topic here. If you bother to read my original post, this has nothing to do with "The Leftists" these warnings to leave Mueller alone are coming from Conservative lawmakers, not Democrats, and I would remind you that Mr. Mueller is a lifelong Republican himself. The Democrats are content to sit back and watch this administration self destruct. :bye1:
Leftists are hardly sitting back. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Nor can you grasp political party membership doesn't automatically mean anything. This is more of an establishment vs non-establishment battle. The establishment doesn't want their gravy train derailed.
Pretend all you want sweetie, but this could well be the end of this administration, and how deserving it would be. The man has accomplished nothing in 6 months, not a single piece of major legislation has passed.
I just proved you are full of shit, you stupid maggot. Repeating your baby shit rhetoric changes nothing.
Maybe you can list all of the major legislation Trump has signed into law.
The link is still there, maggot.
If Trump fires Special Counsel Robert Mueller, we will have another Constitutional Crisis on our hands.

Under such circumstances, the Republicans would have no choice but to band together with the Democrats, to bring down Trump's Presidency through legal means.

The GOP would still control all branches of government; it's just that newly-sworn President Pence would be heading things up for a while.

The first step after Mueller's firing would probably be a piece of joint legislation in Congress appointing a Special Counsel answerable only to Congress.

That Congressionally-sponsored Special Counsel would, in all likelihood, be one Robert Mueller.

Picking up right where he-and-his left off.

That piece of joint legislation would have to be veto-proof, of course, but, under such circumstances, that seems extremely likely.

If Trump and his associates have an ounce of brains between them, they will not fire nor hinder Robert Mueller.

That would be a recipe for certain disaster for the Trump Camp.

Far better to take your chances with whatever Mueller finds, than to bring the terrible and righteous wrath of the American People down upon your head.

A lesson that the American People last taught those who govern, in 1974.
Last edited:

TRUMP'S FIRST 100 DAYS: What the number of laws he signed really means compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton
Franklin D. Roosevelt is the reason people focus on a president's first 100 days.

Signing a dizzying number of laws and executive orders that made up the monstrous New Deal, FDR got more done in his first 100 days in office than any president before him or any since.

Part of the reason was because he took office in the depths of the Great Depression, and used his "honeymoon period" with Congress to stabilize the economy.

Of course, presidents don't have total control over their time in office.

"It helps to keep in mind that neither Trump nor Obama wrote the laws they signed," Josh Tauberer, founder of the legislative database GovTrack, told Business Insider. "They can only sign the bills that Congress gives them, and although presidents like to take lots of credit, they actually have an insignificant role in the passage of most of them."

Trump's 100th day in office was Saturday, and he did sign more laws than presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama.

The orange piece of lard has spent OVER 20% of his time as "president" golfing; this from someone who campaigned on working 24/7....AND from someone who can't get shit done as president as he had promised........HC, Wall,Tax reform, Infrastructure, etc.

I DO HOPE that he tries to fire Mueller since Trump will be digging his own grave.
Not a single major piece of legislation has passed.
you live in fantasy land. The Clinton and Obama administrations were two of the most corrupt in our history. But they had the lying media in their corner. The list of "suicides" and unexplained deaths following the Clintons is very long, but has anyone demanded an investigation? has any news outlet done an investigation and reported on it?

What I said earlier is true. the media was not able to control the election of 2016 and they cannot get over it, so they continue to create lies and innuendo about Trump, his family, and his companies. Its a sick country we live in.

Hello - You are wandering way off topic here. If you bother to read my original post, this has nothing to do with "The Leftists" these warnings to leave Mueller alone are coming from Conservative lawmakers, not Democrats, and I would remind you that Mr. Mueller is a lifelong Republican himself. The Democrats are content to sit back and watch this administration self destruct. :bye1:
Leftists are hardly sitting back. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Nor can you grasp political party membership doesn't automatically mean anything. This is more of an establishment vs non-establishment battle. The establishment doesn't want their gravy train derailed.
Pretend all you want sweetie, but this could well be the end of this administration, and how deserving it would be. The man has accomplished nothing in 6 months, not a single piece of major legislation has passed.
I just proved you are full of shit, you stupid maggot. Repeating your baby shit rhetoric changes nothing.
Maybe you can list all of the major legislation Trump has signed into law.

He's rather busy trying to fix the "major legislation" that Obama signed into law, Frito! ObamaCare is such a total cluster f**k it needs to be totally overhauled to save healthcare in this country!
Not a single major piece of legislation has passed.
Hello - You are wandering way off topic here. If you bother to read my original post, this has nothing to do with "The Leftists" these warnings to leave Mueller alone are coming from Conservative lawmakers, not Democrats, and I would remind you that Mr. Mueller is a lifelong Republican himself. The Democrats are content to sit back and watch this administration self destruct. :bye1:
Leftists are hardly sitting back. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Nor can you grasp political party membership doesn't automatically mean anything. This is more of an establishment vs non-establishment battle. The establishment doesn't want their gravy train derailed.
Pretend all you want sweetie, but this could well be the end of this administration, and how deserving it would be. The man has accomplished nothing in 6 months, not a single piece of major legislation has passed.
I just proved you are full of shit, you stupid maggot. Repeating your baby shit rhetoric changes nothing.
Maybe you can list all of the major legislation Trump has signed into law.

He's rather busy trying to fix the "major legislation" that Obama signed into law, Frito! ObamaCare is such a total cluster f**k it needs to be totally overhauled to save healthcare in this country!
He doesn't give a shit. He's just here to hurl garbage.
Not a single major piece of legislation has passed.
Hello - You are wandering way off topic here. If you bother to read my original post, this has nothing to do with "The Leftists" these warnings to leave Mueller alone are coming from Conservative lawmakers, not Democrats, and I would remind you that Mr. Mueller is a lifelong Republican himself. The Democrats are content to sit back and watch this administration self destruct. :bye1:
Leftists are hardly sitting back. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Nor can you grasp political party membership doesn't automatically mean anything. This is more of an establishment vs non-establishment battle. The establishment doesn't want their gravy train derailed.
Pretend all you want sweetie, but this could well be the end of this administration, and how deserving it would be. The man has accomplished nothing in 6 months, not a single piece of major legislation has passed.
I just proved you are full of shit, you stupid maggot. Repeating your baby shit rhetoric changes nothing.
Maybe you can list all of the major legislation Trump has signed into law.
The link is still there, maggot.

Here at the fry station, we were all talking yesterday after the lunch rush about how cool it is that the Pago Pago naming legislation and the "Bring the World's Fair back to the US" Acts were passed. Those are major wins for all of us.

TRUMP'S FIRST 100 DAYS: What the number of laws he signed really means compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton
Franklin D. Roosevelt is the reason people focus on a president's first 100 days.

Signing a dizzying number of laws and executive orders that made up the monstrous New Deal, FDR got more done in his first 100 days in office than any president before him or any since.

Part of the reason was because he took office in the depths of the Great Depression, and used his "honeymoon period" with Congress to stabilize the economy.

Of course, presidents don't have total control over their time in office.

"It helps to keep in mind that neither Trump nor Obama wrote the laws they signed," Josh Tauberer, founder of the legislative database GovTrack, told Business Insider. "They can only sign the bills that Congress gives them, and although presidents like to take lots of credit, they actually have an insignificant role in the passage of most of them."

Trump's 100th day in office was Saturday, and he did sign more laws than presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama.

The orange piece of lard has spent OVER 20% of his time as "president" golfing; this from someone who campaigned on working 24/7....AND from someone who can't get shit done as president as he had promised........HC, Wall,Tax reform, Infrastructure, etc.

I DO HOPE that he tries to fire Mueller since Trump will be digging his own grave.
Not a single major piece of legislation has passed.
you live in fantasy land. The Clinton and Obama administrations were two of the most corrupt in our history. But they had the lying media in their corner. The list of "suicides" and unexplained deaths following the Clintons is very long, but has anyone demanded an investigation? has any news outlet done an investigation and reported on it?

What I said earlier is true. the media was not able to control the election of 2016 and they cannot get over it, so they continue to create lies and innuendo about Trump, his family, and his companies. Its a sick country we live in.

Hello - You are wandering way off topic here. If you bother to read my original post, this has nothing to do with "The Leftists" these warnings to leave Mueller alone are coming from Conservative lawmakers, not Democrats, and I would remind you that Mr. Mueller is a lifelong Republican himself. The Democrats are content to sit back and watch this administration self destruct. :bye1:
Leftists are hardly sitting back. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Nor can you grasp political party membership doesn't automatically mean anything. This is more of an establishment vs non-establishment battle. The establishment doesn't want their gravy train derailed.
Pretend all you want sweetie, but this could well be the end of this administration, and how deserving it would be. The man has accomplished nothing in 6 months, not a single piece of major legislation has passed.
I just proved you are full of shit, you stupid maggot. Repeating your baby shit rhetoric changes nothing.
Maybe you can list all of the major legislation Trump has signed into law.

Maybe you can list all the bills that came to the Oval Office for his signature? Or maybe you want the president write legislation?
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and other Conservative lawmakers warned that there would be bipartisan backlash against President Trump if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the probe into Russia meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign. “If he fired Bob Mueller, I think he’d see a tremendous backlash response from both Democrats but also Republicans,” he said.

As Robert Mueller (a life long Republican) digs deeper into Donald Trump's business dealings, Trump has become more nervous and irritated, saying Mueller is going beyond the scope of his authority. Legal experts from both party's deny this, reminding Trump that Bill Clinton's Whitewater investigation started out as a probe into a Real Estate deal, and ended up with Clinton being impeached for having an extra martial affair. The bottom line is, a special counsel can investigate whatever and whoever they want.

President Trump would be well advised to let Mr. Mueller do his job, and I predict Donald Trump's tax returns and business records that he has tried so very hard to conceal will soon see the light of day. :bye1:

GOP lawmaker warns: Trump would face Republican backlash if he fires Mueller

Trump faces swift backlash after allies push Mueller firing
Trump can't fire the prick but the AG can.
Also, if Mueller starts significantly expanding the investigation without good cause, and just goes on a witch-hunt without the okay from the AG he can be fired by him.

The powers and limits of Robert Mueller's new job as special counsel
Here is the key phrase:
as well as "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation," according to the letter appointing him.
That's not what usually happens. It depends on how honest the AG is.
If Mueller spends months investigating something and finds nothing, he can't expand the search into other areas on a whim without permission from the AG.
Mueller is going to try to get the administration on process crimes.
Not on illegal actions but on obstruction of justice.
He's going to do things to cause a reaction from Trump, and even if Trump doesn't take the bait the press will just make shit up or publish the leaks that Mueller's office will supply them with.

All of this is under the control of the Attorney General, and Jeff Session fucked up royally when he recused himself from the investigation. He didn't need to, and what he did was figuratively stabbing Trump in the back.
Is that his purpose? When did we find men guilty until proven innocent? Why are leftists so corrupt?

because they cannot get over the FACT that Trump won and that the corrupt media was not able to manipulate the outcome.
This had nothing to do with trump winning or the media, but all about potential crimes of this administration. You never saw anything like this during the 8 years of Obama.

you live in fantasy land. The Clinton and Obama administrations were two of the most corrupt in our history. But they had the lying media in their corner. The list of "suicides" and unexplained deaths following the Clintons is very long, but has anyone demanded an investigation? has any news outlet done an investigation and reported on it?

What I said earlier is true. the media was not able to control the election of 2016 and they cannot get over it, so they continue to create lies and innuendo about Trump, his family, and his companies. Its a sick country we live in.

Hello - You are wandering way off topic here. If you bother to read my original post, this has nothing to do with "The Leftists" these warnings to leave Mueller alone are coming from Conservative lawmakers, not Democrats, and I would remind you that Mr. Mueller is a lifelong Republican himself. The Democrats are content to sit back and watch this administration self destruct. :bye1:

They are coming from a few establishment douche bag Republicans. Mewler will get the same treatment Ken Star got, and worse.

Starr got the president Impeached

GO Mueller!

TRUMP'S FIRST 100 DAYS: What the number of laws he signed really means compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton
Franklin D. Roosevelt is the reason people focus on a president's first 100 days.

Signing a dizzying number of laws and executive orders that made up the monstrous New Deal, FDR got more done in his first 100 days in office than any president before him or any since.

Part of the reason was because he took office in the depths of the Great Depression, and used his "honeymoon period" with Congress to stabilize the economy.

Of course, presidents don't have total control over their time in office.

"It helps to keep in mind that neither Trump nor Obama wrote the laws they signed," Josh Tauberer, founder of the legislative database GovTrack, told Business Insider. "They can only sign the bills that Congress gives them, and although presidents like to take lots of credit, they actually have an insignificant role in the passage of most of them."

Trump's 100th day in office was Saturday, and he did sign more laws than presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama.

The orange piece of lard has spent OVER 20% of his time as "president" golfing; this from someone who campaigned on working 24/7....AND from someone who can't get shit done as president as he had promised........HC, Wall,Tax reform, Infrastructure, etc.

I DO HOPE that he tries to fire Mueller since Trump will be digging his own grave.
Not a single major piece of legislation has passed.
you live in fantasy land. The Clinton and Obama administrations were two of the most corrupt in our history. But they had the lying media in their corner. The list of "suicides" and unexplained deaths following the Clintons is very long, but has anyone demanded an investigation? has any news outlet done an investigation and reported on it?

What I said earlier is true. the media was not able to control the election of 2016 and they cannot get over it, so they continue to create lies and innuendo about Trump, his family, and his companies. Its a sick country we live in.

Hello - You are wandering way off topic here. If you bother to read my original post, this has nothing to do with "The Leftists" these warnings to leave Mueller alone are coming from Conservative lawmakers, not Democrats, and I would remind you that Mr. Mueller is a lifelong Republican himself. The Democrats are content to sit back and watch this administration self destruct. :bye1:
Leftists are hardly sitting back. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Nor can you grasp political party membership doesn't automatically mean anything. This is more of an establishment vs non-establishment battle. The establishment doesn't want their gravy train derailed.
Pretend all you want sweetie, but this could well be the end of this administration, and how deserving it would be. The man has accomplished nothing in 6 months, not a single piece of major legislation has passed.
I just proved you are full of shit, you stupid maggot. Repeating your baby shit rhetoric changes nothing.
Maybe you can list all of the major legislation Trump has signed into law.

40 to date. More at ink:

New policy legislation
June 23, 2017: S. 1094 - "Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017"
This law gives the agency's leaders the ability to fire inept employees and protect those who uncover and report wrongdoing at the VA. Its signing represents the completion of one of Trump's campaign promises. It passed both bodies of Congress with broad bipartisan suppor
Legislation described as rolling back Obama-era policies
May 17, 2017: H.J.Res. 66 - "Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to savings arrangements established by States for non-governmental employees"
This resolution rolls back an Obama-era rule that exempted state-created retirement plans from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which sets the standards for workplace savings plans. The Department of Labor had issued the rule in August 2016.
May 12, 2017: S. 496 - "An Act to repeal the rule issued by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration entitled 'Metropolitan Planning Organization Coordination and Planning Area Reform'"
This law repeals the "Metropolitan Planning Organization Coordination and Planning Area Reform." The Obama-era rule, issued jointly by the Federal Transit Administration, the US Department of Transportation, and the Federal Highway Administration, was meant to revise transportation planning regulations.
April 13, 2017: H.J.Res. 67 - "Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to savings arrangements established by qualified State political subdivisions for non-governmental employees"
This resolution also rolls back the Obama-era rule that exempted state-created retirement plans from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which sets the standards for workplace savings plans. The Department of Labor had issued the rule in August 2016.
April 13, 2017: H.J.Res. 43 - "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule submitted by Secretary of Health and Human Services relating to compliance with title X requirements by project recipients in selecting subrecipients"
This law reverses an Obama-era rule that prevented states from withholding federal funding to facilities that perform abortions, including Planned Parenthood. Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote on the measure after two Republican Senators opposed it.
April 3, 2017: S.J. Res. 34 "A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Federal Communications Commission relating to 'Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services' "
This law repeals Obama-era protections that required Internet service providers to get permission before collecting and sharing data customer data. Those protections had not gone into effect before they were rescinded.
April 3, 2017: H.J. Res. 83 - "Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to 'Clarification of Employer's Continuing Obligation to Make and Maintain an Accurate Record of Each Recordable Injury and Illness'"
This resolution rolls back a rule issued by the Department of Labor under President Obama, which said that employers must make and maintain accurate records of work-related injuries and illnesses, and those who did not could be cited within five years of the violation. This repeal now re-enacts a six month statute of limitations on violations.
April 3, 2017: H.J.Res. 69 - "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule of the Department of the Interior relating to 'Non-Subsistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Participation and Closure Procedures, on National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska'"
This resolution repeals an Obama-era rule issued by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, which prohibited certain kinds of wildlife hunting methods, such as aerial hunting of bears and wolves and bear-baiting, in Alaska.
March 31, 2017: H.J.Res.42 - "Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to drug testing of unemployment compensation applicants"
This resolution repeals an Obama-era Labor Department rule that limited states' ability to drug-test those seeking unemployment benefits.
March 27, 2017: H.J.Res.57 - "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to accountability and State plans under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965"
This resolution nullifies an Obama-era Education Department regulation on "accountability" metrics for schools. The rule had required states to develop "accountability systems" which took into account "multiple measures of school success, including academic outcomes, student progress, and school quality."
March 27, 2017: H.J. Res. 58 - "Joint Resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to teacher preparation issues"
This resolution strikes down another Obama-era Education Department regulation that established definitions and requirements for states and higher education institution to develop ways to assess teacher preparation.
March 27, 2017: H.J. Res. 44 - "Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of the Interior relating to Bureau of Land Management regulations that establish the procedures used to prepare, revise, or amend land use plans pursuant to the Federal Land"
This resolution halts an Obama administration plan for the millions of acres managed by the Bureau of Land Management, especially those concentrated in the Western United States.
March 27, 2017: H.J. Res. 37 - "Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Defense, the General Services Administration, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration relating to the Federal Acquisition Regulation"
This legislation voids an executive order Obama signed in August 2016 that looked to protect government contractors by requiring employers to disclose labor law violations, including wage theft, unsafe working conditions and hiring discrimination.
February 28, 2017: H.J.Res. 40 - "Joint Resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Social Security Administration relating to Implementation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007"
This measure rolls back an Obama-era regulation aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of some severely mentally ill people. The regulation, finalized in December 2016, required the Social Security Administration to disclose information quarterly to the national gun background check system about certain people with mental illness.
February 16, 2017: H.J.Res.38 - "Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of the Interior known as the Stream Protection Rule"
This legislation nixes an Obama-era regulation meant to protect federal waterways from coal-mining waste.
February 14, 2017: H.J.Res.41 - "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to 'Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers'"
This measure rolls back an Obama-era rule that required "resource extraction issuers to disclose payments made to governments for the commercial development of oil, natural gas or minerals."

President Donald Trump has signed 40 bills into law. Here's what they do -
He's rather busy trying to fix the "major legislation" that Obama signed into law, Frito! ObamaCare is such a total cluster f**k it needs to be totally overhauled to save healthcare in this country!

"True' because BEFORE the ACA, everything was just swell with HC....These right wing morons are EXACTLY what Trump craved.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

If Trump broke the law in one of his business dealings, he should be held to account like anyone else.

Look, you guys are the ones who nominated him despite his hiding his business dealings. Don't get upset when it blows up in your face.

I only have one question for all of you snowflakes...would any of you stand up to the scrutiny that Donald Trump has seen for the past year? The main stream media has been relentlessly looking for anything to "get" Trump with for all this time and has come up with nothing.

Barack Obama can do real estate deals with scum like Tony Rezko and you don't bat an eye. Hillary Clinton can use insider information to turn a huge profit in the futures market and she's given a pass. Name a progressive and almost without exception they ALL have done deals to enrich themselves but you think Trump should be impeached because of HIS business dealings? Can you say HYPOCRITES?

Thing is not a single member of the dimshit party could really stand up to half of the investigation that Trump has cleared like a champ so far. the idea that you can go BACK past him even deciding to run for president, is out of bounds for an investigation into election collusion. If he did anything but the two crimes that are outside the statute of limitations, even a major theft,, He is clear. It is like the investigation of whitewater, it did not go back it went up in timeline, as any investigation should. The search for evidence should be based on probable cause to even get an approval to begin. That is completely lacking in this case. The entire investigation tangent violates Trumps 4th amendment rights.

The right of the people (INCLUDING TRUMP) to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and
seizures, shall not be violated; and no Warrants shall issue but
upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons
or things to be seized.

There were none of the qualifying reasons to open an Investigation into Trump, or any of his businesses.

Leftists are hardly sitting back. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Nor can you grasp political party membership doesn't automatically mean anything. This is more of an establishment vs non-establishment battle. The establishment doesn't want their gravy train derailed.
Pretend all you want sweetie, but this could well be the end of this administration, and how deserving it would be. The man has accomplished nothing in 6 months, not a single piece of major legislation has passed.
I just proved you are full of shit, you stupid maggot. Repeating your baby shit rhetoric changes nothing.
Maybe you can list all of the major legislation Trump has signed into law.

He's rather busy trying to fix the "major legislation" that Obama signed into law, Frito! ObamaCare is such a total cluster f**k it needs to be totally overhauled to save healthcare in this country!
He doesn't give a shit. He's just here to hurl garbage.

I'm trying to figure out who it is. I smell a retread.
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and other Conservative lawmakers warned that there would be bipartisan backlash against President Trump if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the probe into Russia meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign. “If he fired Bob Mueller, I think he’d see a tremendous backlash response from both Democrats but also Republicans,” he said.

As Robert Mueller (a life long Republican) digs deeper into Donald Trump's business dealings, Trump has become more nervous and irritated, saying Mueller is going beyond the scope of his authority. Legal experts from both party's deny this, reminding Trump that Bill Clinton's Whitewater investigation started out as a probe into a Real Estate deal, and ended up with Clinton being impeached for having an extra martial affair. The bottom line is, a special counsel can investigate whatever and whoever they want.

President Trump would be well advised to let Mr. Mueller do his job, and I predict Donald Trump's tax returns and business records that he has tried so very hard to conceal will soon see the light of day. :bye1:

"Mueller is going to try to get the administration on process crimes.
Not on illegal actions but on obstruction of justice."

Unless you have had private conversations with Mueller him

GOP lawmaker warns: Trump would face Republican backlash if he fires Mueller

Trump faces swift backlash after allies push Mueller firing
Trump can't fire the prick but the AG can.
Also, if Mueller starts significantly expanding the investigation without good cause, and just goes on a witch-hunt without the okay from the AG he can be fired by him.

The powers and limits of Robert Mueller's new job as special counsel
Here is the key phrase:
as well as "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation," according to the letter appointing him.
That's not what usually happens. It depends on how honest the AG is.
If Mueller spends months investigating something and finds nothing, he can't expand the search into other areas on a whim without permission from the AG.
Mueller is going to try to get the administration on process crimes.
Not on illegal actions but on obstruction of justice.
He's going to do things to cause a reaction from Trump and even if Trump doesn't take the bait the press will just make shit up or publish the leaks that Mueller's office will supply them with.

All of this is under the control of the Attorney General, and Jeff Session fucked up royally when he recused himself from the investigation. He didn't need to, and what he did was figuratively stabbing Trump in the back.
Not a single major piece of legislation has passed.
Hello - You are wandering way off topic here. If you bother to read my original post, this has nothing to do with "The Leftists" these warnings to leave Mueller alone are coming from Conservative lawmakers, not Democrats, and I would remind you that Mr. Mueller is a lifelong Republican himself. The Democrats are content to sit back and watch this administration self destruct. :bye1:
Leftists are hardly sitting back. You don't have an honest bone in your body. Nor can you grasp political party membership doesn't automatically mean anything. This is more of an establishment vs non-establishment battle. The establishment doesn't want their gravy train derailed.
Pretend all you want sweetie, but this could well be the end of this administration, and how deserving it would be. The man has accomplished nothing in 6 months, not a single piece of major legislation has passed.
I just proved you are full of shit, you stupid maggot. Repeating your baby shit rhetoric changes nothing.
Maybe you can list all of the major legislation Trump has signed into law.

40 to date. More at ink:

New policy legislation
June 23, 2017: S. 1094 - "Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017"
This law gives the agency's leaders the ability to fire inept employees and protect those who uncover and report wrongdoing at the VA. Its signing represents the completion of one of Trump's campaign promises. It passed both bodies of Congress with broad bipartisan suppor
Legislation described as rolling back Obama-era policies
May 17, 2017: H.J.Res. 66 - "Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to savings arrangements established by States for non-governmental employees"
This resolution rolls back an Obama-era rule that exempted state-created retirement plans from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which sets the standards for workplace savings plans. The Department of Labor had issued the rule in August 2016.
May 12, 2017: S. 496 - "An Act to repeal the rule issued by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration entitled 'Metropolitan Planning Organization Coordination and Planning Area Reform'"
This law repeals the "Metropolitan Planning Organization Coordination and Planning Area Reform." The Obama-era rule, issued jointly by the Federal Transit Administration, the US Department of Transportation, and the Federal Highway Administration, was meant to revise transportation planning regulations.
April 13, 2017: H.J.Res. 67 - "Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to savings arrangements established by qualified State political subdivisions for non-governmental employees"
This resolution also rolls back the Obama-era rule that exempted state-created retirement plans from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which sets the standards for workplace savings plans. The Department of Labor had issued the rule in August 2016.
April 13, 2017: H.J.Res. 43 - "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule submitted by Secretary of Health and Human Services relating to compliance with title X requirements by project recipients in selecting subrecipients"
This law reverses an Obama-era rule that prevented states from withholding federal funding to facilities that perform abortions, including Planned Parenthood. Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote on the measure after two Republican Senators opposed it.
April 3, 2017: S.J. Res. 34 "A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Federal Communications Commission relating to 'Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services' "
This law repeals Obama-era protections that required Internet service providers to get permission before collecting and sharing data customer data. Those protections had not gone into effect before they were rescinded.
April 3, 2017: H.J. Res. 83 - "Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to 'Clarification of Employer's Continuing Obligation to Make and Maintain an Accurate Record of Each Recordable Injury and Illness'"
This resolution rolls back a rule issued by the Department of Labor under President Obama, which said that employers must make and maintain accurate records of work-related injuries and illnesses, and those who did not could be cited within five years of the violation. This repeal now re-enacts a six month statute of limitations on violations.
April 3, 2017: H.J.Res. 69 - "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule of the Department of the Interior relating to 'Non-Subsistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Participation and Closure Procedures, on National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska'"
This resolution repeals an Obama-era rule issued by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, which prohibited certain kinds of wildlife hunting methods, such as aerial hunting of bears and wolves and bear-baiting, in Alaska.
March 31, 2017: H.J.Res.42 - "Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to drug testing of unemployment compensation applicants"
This resolution repeals an Obama-era Labor Department rule that limited states' ability to drug-test those seeking unemployment benefits.
March 27, 2017: H.J.Res.57 - "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to accountability and State plans under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965"
This resolution nullifies an Obama-era Education Department regulation on "accountability" metrics for schools. The rule had required states to develop "accountability systems" which took into account "multiple measures of school success, including academic outcomes, student progress, and school quality."
March 27, 2017: H.J. Res. 58 - "Joint Resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to teacher preparation issues"
This resolution strikes down another Obama-era Education Department regulation that established definitions and requirements for states and higher education institution to develop ways to assess teacher preparation.
March 27, 2017: H.J. Res. 44 - "Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of the Interior relating to Bureau of Land Management regulations that establish the procedures used to prepare, revise, or amend land use plans pursuant to the Federal Land"
This resolution halts an Obama administration plan for the millions of acres managed by the Bureau of Land Management, especially those concentrated in the Western United States.
March 27, 2017: H.J. Res. 37 - "Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Defense, the General Services Administration, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration relating to the Federal Acquisition Regulation"
This legislation voids an executive order Obama signed in August 2016 that looked to protect government contractors by requiring employers to disclose labor law violations, including wage theft, unsafe working conditions and hiring discrimination.
February 28, 2017: H.J.Res. 40 - "Joint Resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Social Security Administration relating to Implementation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007"
This measure rolls back an Obama-era regulation aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of some severely mentally ill people. The regulation, finalized in December 2016, required the Social Security Administration to disclose information quarterly to the national gun background check system about certain people with mental illness.
February 16, 2017: H.J.Res.38 - "Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of the Interior known as the Stream Protection Rule"
This legislation nixes an Obama-era regulation meant to protect federal waterways from coal-mining waste.
February 14, 2017: H.J.Res.41 - "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to 'Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers'"
This measure rolls back an Obama-era rule that required "resource extraction issuers to disclose payments made to governments for the commercial development of oil, natural gas or minerals."

President Donald Trump has signed 40 bills into law. Here's what they do -
Now tell us in detail the major legislation trump has signed
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

If Trump broke the law in one of his business dealings, he should be held to account like anyone else.

Look, you guys are the ones who nominated him despite his hiding his business dealings. Don't get upset when it blows up in your face.

I only have one question for all of you snowflakes...would any of you stand up to the scrutiny that Donald Trump has seen for the past year? The main stream media has been relentlessly looking for anything to "get" Trump with for all this time and has come up with nothing.

Barack Obama can do real estate deals with scum like Tony Rezko and you don't bat an eye. Hillary Clinton can use insider information to turn a huge profit in the futures market and she's given a pass. Name a progressive and almost without exception they ALL have done deals to enrich themselves but you think Trump should be impeached because of HIS business dealings? Can you say HYPOCRITES?

Thing is not a single member of the dimshit party could really stand up to half of the investigation that Trump has cleared like a champ so far. the idea that you can go BACK past him even deciding to run for president, is out of bounds for an investigation into election collusion. If he did anything but the two crimes that are outside the statute of limitations, even a major theft,, He is clear. It is like the investigation of whitewater, it did not go back it went up in timeline, as any investigation should. The search for evidence should be based on probable cause to even get an approval to begin. That is completely lacking in this case. The entire investigation tangent violates Trumps 4th amendment rights.

The right of the people (INCLUDING TRUMP) to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and
seizures, shall not be violated; and no Warrants shall issue but
upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons
or things to be seized.

There were none of the qualifying reasons to open an Investigation into Trump, or any of his businesses.

When did you become a constitutional attorney, Homer?
because they cannot get over the FACT that Trump won and that the corrupt media was not able to manipulate the outcome.
This had nothing to do with trump winning or the media, but all about potential crimes of this administration. You never saw anything like this during the 8 years of Obama.

you live in fantasy land. The Clinton and Obama administrations were two of the most corrupt in our history. But they had the lying media in their corner. The list of "suicides" and unexplained deaths following the Clintons is very long, but has anyone demanded an investigation? has any news outlet done an investigation and reported on it?

What I said earlier is true. the media was not able to control the election of 2016 and they cannot get over it, so they continue to create lies and innuendo about Trump, his family, and his companies. Its a sick country we live in.

Hello - You are wandering way off topic here. If you bother to read my original post, this has nothing to do with "The Leftists" these warnings to leave Mueller alone are coming from Conservative lawmakers, not Democrats, and I would remind you that Mr. Mueller is a lifelong Republican himself. The Democrats are content to sit back and watch this administration self destruct. :bye1:

They are coming from a few establishment douche bag Republicans. Mewler will get the same treatment Ken Star got, and worse.

Starr got the president Impeached

GO Mueller!

Actually Clinton got Clinton impeached. He would have skated if he hadn't lied to the courts. Whoopsies.

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