Mr. President - We The People

The greatest redistribution of wealth in our history came about because of Reagans policies

What ever Reagan did worked what obama is doing is not working.

No it didn't. There were financial calamities during Reagan's 2 terms that required bailouts. Additionally he put up one of the biggest tax increases in American history and it was weighted to hit the less fortunate in this country.

And that wasn't even enough. George HW Bush had to raise taxes as well.

Fuck bitch, switch obama with Reagan and you be fucking praising what happen then. What Reagan did worked and what obama is doing is not. Plain simple facts.
We the People support the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

We the People will crush any illegal activity against the laws of this country.

That's all. You may go, bigrebnc.

You support obama the only thing you are a part of is the pimple on obama's ass.

Question --

If the erstwhile citizens who produced this Youtube audio and video compendium hodgepodge of every nonspecific real or imagined slight that Obama has supposedly committed were truly somehow subjugated (a word used in the video) or were really victims of tyranny (another word used in the video) under the supposedly 'oppressive' Obama administration, do you REALLY think that this video would continue to be available for viewing?

I guess their free speech hasn't been quite as curtailed as they would have people believe.

LOL, good question!

Question --

If the erstwhile citizens who produced this Youtube audio and video compendium hodgepodge of every nonspecific real or imagined slight that Obama has supposedly committed were truly somehow subjugated (a word used in the video) or were really victims of tyranny (another word used in the video) under the supposedly 'oppressive' Obama administration, do you REALLY think that this video would continue to be available for viewing?

I guess their free speech hasn't been quite as curtailed as they would have people believe.

LOL, good question!

of course you'll say I gave an even better answer

What a bunch of HYPOCRITICAL PARTISAN HORSESHIT!!!!!!! Where were these ASSHOLES during the previous Administration that signed the PA, Medicare part D, created and expanded government with the DHS, the TA, warrentless wiretapping, etc. , trampled on Our CIVIL FUCKING LIBERTIES, got us into two undeclared wars that lasted for almost a decade, trashed the Fifth Amendment, trashed the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, the Sixth Amendment, the Eight Amendment, etc. ? Fucking hypocrites, dullards, and fools!


Thanks for the laugh though!!!!

P.S. I love the Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. references! Both were the antithesis to the assholes that made the video! What a joke!!!!!!!

Bush was being protested for what he was doing. It was because of him that gave birth to the tea party.

Mainstream republicans were protesting Bush? Or was it Liberals and Libertarians who were protesting Bush? Was Michelle Bachmann the darling of the Tea Party against the PA?
What a bunch of HYPOCRITICAL PARTISAN HORSESHIT!!!!!!! Where were these ASSHOLES during the previous Administration that signed the PA, Medicare part D, created and expanded government with the DHS, the TA, warrentless wiretapping, etc. , trampled on Our CIVIL FUCKING LIBERTIES, got us into two undeclared wars that lasted for almost a decade, trashed the Fifth Amendment, trashed the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, the Sixth Amendment, the Eight Amendment, etc. ? Fucking hypocrites, dullards, and fools!


Thanks for the laugh though!!!!

P.S. I love the Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. references! Both were the antithesis to the assholes that made the video! What a joke!!!!!!!

Bush was being protested for what he was doing. It was because of him that gave birth to the tea party.

Mainstream republicans were protesting Bush? Or was it Liberals and Libertarians who were protesting Bush? Was Michelle Bachmann the darling of the Tea Party against the PA?

Dumb ass the tea party would not have mainstream Republicans. Why are you moving the goal; post?
They don't care about "we the people" they care about "we the wingnuts".

Ain't that the truth! "We the fucking hypocrite wingnuts"! What a bunch of DUMB ASSES!
Really? so people should shut up? Leave the government alone and go about it's business?

If you know me better bigreb, you would be damn certain that I am a person who holds Our Civil Liberties in the highest regard and importance. I am a STAUNCH ADVOCATE for the First Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights.

In my opinion the protection and advocacy of Our Civil Liberties is the one thing that can bring reasonable people from different ideologies Together as Americans.
Ain't that the truth! "We the fucking hypocrite wingnuts"! What a bunch of DUMB ASSES!
Really? so people should shut up? Leave the government alone and go about it's business?

If you know me better bigreb, you would be damn certain that I am a person who holds Our Civil Liberties in the highest regard and importance. I am a STAUNCH ADVOCATE for the First Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights.

In my opinion the protection and advocacy of Our Civil Liberties is the one thing that can bring reasonable people from different ideologies Together as Americans.

And yet here you sit supporting an administration that is shredding the Constitution in exchange for handouts... Typical liberal parasite...
Justify what claim?

I posted one huge contradiction in the've failed to address. That's just one..there are others.

Like showing Martin Luther King while railing against "Statism". King was all about organizing people in a collective campaign to get the government to establish civil rights for black people in this country. That included having government order private establishments to serve black people.

Want more?

Or you going to address either of these?

Excellent points!!!!

I do try..


Ain't that the truth! "We the fucking hypocrite wingnuts"! What a bunch of DUMB ASSES!
Really? so people should shut up? Leave the government alone and go about it's business?

If you know me better bigreb, you would be damn certain that I am a person who holds Our Civil Liberties in the highest regard and importance. I am a STAUNCH ADVOCATE for the First Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights.

In my opinion the protection and advocacy of Our Civil Liberties is the one thing that can bring reasonable people from different ideologies Together as Americans.

People are slow to act without bush to get the ball rolling the tea party would have been ready to go with obama.

Yes I know Bush did this bush did that and not much was said except by the media, but does it justify what obama is doing?
We the People support the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

We the People will crush any illegal activity against the laws of this country.

That's all. You may go, bigrebnc.

Really? Aren't you the same people who support illegal aliens and oppose law enforcement trying to enforce our illegal immigration laws? So much for "crushing illegal activity"

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