Mr. President - We The People

I have a feeling the very mention of american exceptionalism makes a lot of liberals deathly sick. The comments in this thread show it does.

What's your definition of "American Exceptional-ism"?

Are you a god damn moron? You don't know what american exceptionalism is?

LOL, some people may call me a moron from time to time. I just wanted to know what YOUR definition of 'American Exceptionalism' was or is. Did that question warrant the response you gave?
Justify what claim?

I posted one huge contradiction in the've failed to address. That's just one..there are others.

Like showing Martin Luther King while railing against "Statism". King was all about organizing people in a collective campaign to get the government to establish civil rights for black people in this country. That included having government order private establishments to serve black people.

Want more?

Or you going to address either of these?

Excellent points!!!!

no it wasn't

Why not?

P.S. I'm not a turn coat, I just call it the way I see it.
Are you a god damn moron? You don't know what american exceptionalism is?

He asked for your definition, Minion Two.

If he has too ask he's just as big of a moron as you are. Does he have to ask how too tie his shoe laces? Does he have too ask how to wipe his ass after taking a shit?

LOL, come on bigreb!!! You don't think that your definition of let's say 'freedom' will be different from the man you love and admire, President Obama? Do you and Obama have the same definition of 'freedom'?

That's why I asked you about your individual definition of 'American Exceptionalism'.
bigreb merely hears the term on Hannitty. He truly has no idea what it means.
Question --

If the erstwhile citizens who produced this Youtube audio and video compendium hodgepodge of every nonspecific real or imagined slight that Obama has supposedly committed were truly somehow subjugated (a word used in the video) or were really victims of tyranny (another word used in the video) under the supposedly 'oppressive' Obama administration, do you REALLY think that this video would continue to be available for viewing?

I guess their free speech hasn't been quite as curtailed as they would have people believe.

LOL, good question!

of course you'll say I gave an even better answer

It was and is a good question. I'm glad that the video can be viewed, but if the current Administration is the 'dictatorship' that some people allege it to be, we would be discussing the details of the video.
Bush was being protested for what he was doing. It was because of him that gave birth to the tea party.

Mainstream republicans were protesting Bush? Or was it Liberals and Libertarians who were protesting Bush? Was Michelle Bachmann the darling of the Tea Party against the PA?

Dumb ass the tea party would not have mainstream Republicans. Why are you moving the goal; post?

Michelle Bachmann? As a possible member of the 'Tea Part', who are you going to vote for in this next Presidential election:
A) Obama
B) Romney
C) Johnson
Mainstream republicans were protesting Bush? Or was it Liberals and Libertarians who were protesting Bush? Was Michelle Bachmann the darling of the Tea Party against the PA?

Dumb ass the tea party would not have mainstream Republicans. Why are you moving the goal; post?

Michelle Bachmann? As a possible member of the 'Tea Part', who are you going to vote for in this next Presidential election:
A) Obama
B) Romney
C) Johnson

Ron Paul but right now I must vote for Romney to offset a vote by joe B. Now Those who vote for Romney must hold a fire under Romney's ass to insure he keeps his promise
Wait, I thought that this was an "Obama Tax" that will affect the lower income Americans? How is this an 'Obamacare train' when it's MANDATORY??? How is this going to affect the republican/'conservatives' who are allegedly employed? Even the most BASIC Walmart full time job has a health care plan, where are these republicans working, on a fucking farm? :lol:
How is something 'government dependency' when you are now MANDATED to pay for it? Ha?

My God, you are the most ignorant fuck on the planet. "How will it affect conservatives"? Um, well stupid, Obamacare has caused the prices of healthcare to skyrocket. It has caused the price of healthcare insurance to skyrocket. Which means the conservatives - the people who actually start and run businesses - are going to get crushed with more anti-business taxes.

In fact, major corporations across America have crunched the numbers and have released statements that it will be cheaper for them to pay the fine for not offering insurance then it is to actually provide insurance to their employees (here, learn something for once, stupid:

McDonald's Says It May Drop Health Plan -

71 Percent of Top Companies Could Drop Insurance Under Obamacare |

Employers could save billions by dropping workers from health plans, report shows | Fox News)

See, you look at this from the parasitic class, who just mooches off those of us who wake up every day and work our asses off. This is another bill that crushes businesses in the private sector and will cause tens of millions of America to lose their healthcare - including the WalMart worker you mentioned, stupid. So once businesses drop insurance thanks to the ignorant fuck liberal, that mandatory part will suddenly will be a big issue for EVERYONE, won't it stupid? Furthermore, stupid, if you can't afford it, the government will provide it for you now. That's government dependency, stupid. Something you in the parasite class likes though, uh?

You've just been schooled and your ignorance thoroughly exposed. Thanks for showing the world how stupid you are.
Dumb ass the tea party would not have mainstream Republicans. Why are you moving the goal; post?

Michelle Bachmann? As a possible member of the 'Tea Part', who are you going to vote for in this next Presidential election:
A) Obama
B) Romney
C) Johnson

Ron Paul but right now I must vote for Romney to offset a vote by joe B. Now Those who vote for Romney must hold a fire under Romney's ass to insure he keeps his promise

you will use any excuse to vote against obama, birfer.
Michelle Bachmann? As a possible member of the 'Tea Part', who are you going to vote for in this next Presidential election:
A) Obama
B) Romney
C) Johnson

Ron Paul but right now I must vote for Romney to offset a vote by joe B. Now Those who vote for Romney must hold a fire under Romney's ass to insure he keeps his promise

you will use any excuse to vote against obama, birfer.

I'm not your psychotherapist I don't know why you say stupid shit.
I do try.. to be an asshole

Well, congrats, it's the one thing you've actually done in your sad, parasite life...

Hey fuckface.

You don't get to change other people's posts.

You fucking cowardly pussy.

Aw, is the little parasite swallow crying like a little bitch now? Here's the thing loser - I do get to do what ever the fuck I want. See, I know you little bitches want America to run like Nazi, Germany - which is why you support Obama with all of his lies, propaganda, and efforts to silence oppostition, but we're still free here in America. So go cry to mommy, because nobody gives a shit what you have to say here...
Well, congrats, it's the one thing you've actually done in your sad, parasite life...

Hey fuckface.

You don't get to change other people's posts.

You fucking cowardly pussy.

Aw, is the little parasite swallow crying like a little bitch now? Here's the thing loser - I do get to do what ever the fuck I want. See, I know you little bitches want America to run like Nazi, Germany - which is why you support Obama with all of his lies, propaganda, and efforts to silence oppostition, but we're still free here in America. So go cry to mommy, because nobody gives a shit what you have to say here...


You're a fag too?

Naw..I won't let you swallow my load.

And don't get near me could be dangerous for a punk like you.

Nazis? Look in the mirror.

Michelle Bachmann? As a possible member of the 'Tea Part', who are you going to vote for in this next Presidential election:
A) Obama
B) Romney
C) Johnson

Ron Paul but right now I must vote for Romney to offset a vote by joe B. Now Those who vote for Romney must hold a fire under Romney's ass to insure he keeps his promise

you will use any excuse to vote against obama, birfer.

We only need one though - it's called EPIC FAILURE, which is all Obama has done.
Really? so people should shut up? Leave the government alone and go about it's business?

If you know me better bigreb, you would be damn certain that I am a person who holds Our Civil Liberties in the highest regard and importance. I am a STAUNCH ADVOCATE for the First Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights.

In my opinion the protection and advocacy of Our Civil Liberties is the one thing that can bring reasonable people from different ideologies Together as Americans.

And yet here you sit supporting an administration that is shredding the Constitution in exchange for handouts... Typical liberal parasite...

Basically, you are the typical DUMB FUCK who doesn't know what the FUCK they are talking about. What 'handouts' do you assume I am getting from this Administration? How is this Administration 'shredding the Constitution' any differently than the previous Administration that you most likely supported? What policies of the current Administration have I supported?

Thanks for the laugh...................clown. I will eagerly await your answers!! :lol:

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