Mr. President - We The People

Are you gonna get all weepy now?

Anytime you wanna see up and hit me..

Then pick up a mirror.

Swallow, the little parasite bitch suddenly becoming an "internet tough guy". You talk a mean game from the safety of your mom's basement :lol:

My picture's in my profile faggot.

I walk my dog in McCarren park..daily..around 9-11. That's Brooklyn.

I'm easy to find.

So go on.

Let's see what you are made of..
Really? so people should shut up? Leave the government alone and go about it's business?

If you know me better bigreb, you would be damn certain that I am a person who holds Our Civil Liberties in the highest regard and importance. I am a STAUNCH ADVOCATE for the First Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights.

In my opinion the protection and advocacy of Our Civil Liberties is the one thing that can bring reasonable people from different ideologies Together as Americans.

People are slow to act without bush to get the ball rolling the tea party would have been ready to go with obama.

Yes I know Bush did this bush did that and not much was said except by the media, but does it justify what obama is doing?

The people had eight years of Bush's policies to start acting. Where have you seen me advocate the 'individual mandate'? Where have you seen me advocate Obama extending the PA, signing the NDAA, etc? Where have you seen me advocating Obama's response to Libya? It's been just the opposite! The only difference is, will be that I don't praise the previous Administration and condemn the current Administration for doing the same damn thing. I will hold both of their feet to the fire.

Yes, I will question people's assertions and 'math', I don't care what side of the 'aisle' they are on. I just don't like people to try to feed me a line of bullshit.
Ron Paul but right now I must vote for Romney to offset a vote by joe B. Now Those who vote for Romney must hold a fire under Romney's ass to insure he keeps his promise

you will use any excuse to vote against obama, birfer.

We only need one though - it's called EPIC FAILURE, which is all Obama has done.

you are the spokesfreak of what lunatic group?

birfers? rottweilers? stuttgarters?
If you know me better bigreb, you would be damn certain that I am a person who holds Our Civil Liberties in the highest regard and importance. I am a STAUNCH ADVOCATE for the First Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights.

In my opinion the protection and advocacy of Our Civil Liberties is the one thing that can bring reasonable people from different ideologies Together as Americans.

And yet here you sit supporting an administration that is shredding the Constitution in exchange for handouts... Typical liberal parasite...

Basically, you are the typical DUMB FUCK who doesn't know what the FUCK they are talking about. What 'handouts' do you assume I am getting from this Administration? How is this Administration 'shredding the Constitution' any differently than the previous Administration that you most likely supported? What policies of the current Administration have I supported?

Thanks for the laugh...................clown. I will eagerly await your answers!! :lol:

Actually, no - I did not support the previous Administration. George W. Bush was a typical big government liberal. He spent us trillions more into debt and expanded government. What you fail to realize is that today's GOP is just the last generations liberal. Bush is no different from John F. Kenney (who publicly stated that the only way to stem a bad economy was to cut taxes - look up the audio, it's all over the internet). And today's "liberal" is really just last generations Communist/Marxist/Socialist. This sad fact is what gave rise to the Tea Party. It speaks volumes that they are called "radicals" by you Communists when all they have ever advocated is Constitutional government. They are literall ground zero of the political spectrum. Not right, not left, just advocating we act constitutionally (which says the federal government is small and very limited in its powers). Calling them a "radical" is literally calling our founders "radicals" - which just shows how far off the sanity wagon today's liberals have fallen.

Also, I do appreciate you honesty with the "shredding" statement. True, the previous Administration did shred it in regards to their fight on terrorism. But saying "how this administration shredding it any worse" is an acknowledgement that this administration is in fact shredding it. Very rare to find an honest liberal. However, my answer to that is very simple, and it is this: "Two Wrong Don't Make A Right". It's simple and it's undeniable. Don't try to justify Obama's criminal actions by pointing at George W. Bush's criminal actions. That argument simply doesn't hold up - it's as dumb as a man killing his ex-girlfriend and then claiming, "what's the problem, OJ Simpson did the same thing". :lol:
Are you gonna get all weepy now?

Anytime you wanna see up and hit me..

Then pick up a mirror.
You need to stop hitting on me I am not gay and am married.

You're confused.

I ain't hitting on ya.

I am offering you to hit me.

It's not sex.

It's violence.

And after that will be like a star..because you will see stars.

Remember when you fucks at Hannity were going to go to Okiefest and get in the ring with me?

Not one of you fucks showed up.

But heck..I had a good time in Oklahoma.

And it was fun knowing all you fucks are cowardly blowhards.
Amazing isnt it that Liberals get all crazy mad at people using their first amendment right to speak thier mind ????? fascist whores.

Oh, so when someone says or asserts something that you disagree with, you should shut the fuck up because it's their First Amendment right to spew some dumb shit? What about the opposition's First Amendment right to say and prove that the original assertion was and is a bunch of HORSESHIT? Thanks for the laugh!!!
If you know me better bigreb, you would be damn certain that I am a person who holds Our Civil Liberties in the highest regard and importance. I am a STAUNCH ADVOCATE for the First Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights.

In my opinion the protection and advocacy of Our Civil Liberties is the one thing that can bring reasonable people from different ideologies Together as Americans.

People are slow to act without bush to get the ball rolling the tea party would have been ready to go with obama.

Yes I know Bush did this bush did that and not much was said except by the media, but does it justify what obama is doing?

The people had eight years of Bush's policies to start acting. Where have you seen me advocate the 'individual mandate'? Where have you seen me advocate Obama extending the PA, signing the NDAA, etc? Where have you seen me advocating Obama's response to Libya? It's been just the opposite! The only difference is, will be that I don't praise the previous Administration and condemn the current Administration for doing the same damn thing. I will hold both of their feet to the fire.

Yes, I will question people's assertions and 'math', I don't care what side of the 'aisle' they are on. I just don't like people to try to feed me a line of bullshit.

You again prove you dont know what your talking about....Why dont you do research instead of just buying what Rachael Madcow says?
you will use any excuse to vote against obama, birfer.

We only need one though - it's called EPIC FAILURE, which is all Obama has done.

you are the spokesfreak of what lunatic group?

birfers? rottweilers? stuttgarters?

Fact: Sans the Great Depression, Barack Hussein has presided over the longest period of +8% unemployment in US history.

Fact: Barack Hussein has added more to the debt in his first 3 years than all US president in history combined during the same period.

Fact: George W. Bush added $4 trillion to the debt in 8 years. Barack Hussein has added almost $6 trillion in only 3 years.

Fact: Barack Hussein has alienated America's closest allies (Israel, England, etc.) while cowering to our enemies (Iran, Russia, Venezuela, etc.).

Fact: Gas prices under Barack Hussein are the highest in US history

You guys can lie all pretend all you want, the facts don't change and the numbers don't lie. He has been an epic failure.
Dumb ass the tea party would not have mainstream Republicans. Why are you moving the goal; post?

Michelle Bachmann? As a possible member of the 'Tea Part', who are you going to vote for in this next Presidential election:
A) Obama
B) Romney
C) Johnson

Ron Paul but right now I must vote for Romney to offset a vote by joe B. Now Those who vote for Romney must hold a fire under Romney's ass to insure he keeps his promise

Was Romney endorsed by the Tea Party? Isn't Romney a 'statist'? Isn't Romney the one who implemented a similar health care pan to Obamacare in his state? Isn't Romney just another BIG GOVERNMENT politician who will have us engaged in more wars and conflicts overseas? Is Romeny going to repeal the NDAA, the PA, etc? Is Romney going to implement the 'fair tax'?

Why not send a message to these people and vote Third Party?
Amazing isnt it that Liberals get all crazy mad at people using their first amendment right to speak thier mind ????? fascist whores.

Oh, so when someone says or asserts something that you disagree with, you should shut the fuck up because it's their First Amendment right to spew some dumb shit? What about the opposition's First Amendment right to say and prove that the original assertion was and is a bunch of HORSESHIT? Thanks for the laugh!!!

More liberal spin... typical from the parasite class. Thanatos didn't say a word about your right to respond - he mentioned how angry you guys in the parasite class are. Big difference. But then again, you parasites never let the facts get in the way, so why start now, right?
Michelle Bachmann? As a possible member of the 'Tea Part', who are you going to vote for in this next Presidential election:
A) Obama
B) Romney
C) Johnson

Ron Paul but right now I must vote for Romney to offset a vote by joe B. Now Those who vote for Romney must hold a fire under Romney's ass to insure he keeps his promise

Was Romney endorsed by the Tea Party? Isn't Romney a 'statist'? Isn't Romney the one who implemented a similar health care pan to Obamacare in his state? Isn't Romney just another BIG GOVERNMENT politician who will have us engaged in more wars and conflicts overseas? Is Romeny going to repeal the NDAA, the PA, etc? Is Romney going to implement the 'fair tax'?

Why not send a message to these people and vote Third Party?

Key word being state. It's not unconstitutional at the state level (because we can move to another state that is not implementing Socialistm). However, at the federal level, it's unconstitutional.

Also, Romney was in an uber liberal state and answered to a liberal majority. As their representative, if that's what his state wanted, then he did the right thing implementing it. But the nation has clearly and unilaterally rejected Obamacare, and as our representative in the White House, the right thing would be to repeal it, and he will.
If you know me better bigreb, you would be damn certain that I am a person who holds Our Civil Liberties in the highest regard and importance. I am a STAUNCH ADVOCATE for the First Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights.

In my opinion the protection and advocacy of Our Civil Liberties is the one thing that can bring reasonable people from different ideologies Together as Americans.

People are slow to act without bush to get the ball rolling the tea party would have been ready to go with obama.

Yes I know Bush did this bush did that and not much was said except by the media, but does it justify what obama is doing?

The people had eight years of Bush's policies to start acting. Where have you seen me advocate the 'individual mandate'? Where have you seen me advocate Obama extending the PA, signing the NDAA, etc? Where have you seen me advocating Obama's response to Libya? It's been just the opposite! The only difference is, will be that I don't praise the previous Administration and condemn the current Administration for doing the same damn thing. I will hold both of their feet to the fire.

Yes, I will question people's assertions and 'math', I don't care what side of the 'aisle' they are on. I just don't like people to try to feed me a line of bullshit.

All tat and yet you condemn the video. It is what it is.

The people had eight years of Bush's policies to start acting. Where have you seen me advocate the 'individual mandate'?

You got to remember 9/11 was what helped Bush get what he wanted with very little outcry. every year Bush extended his reach and every year more and more people said enough is enough. If obama was president during Bush years we still would have what we have now.
We only need one though - it's called EPIC FAILURE, which is all Obama has done.

you are the spokesfreak of what lunatic group?

birfers? rottweilers? stuttgarters?

Fact: Sans the Great Depression, Barack Hussein has presided over the longest period of +8% unemployment in US history.

Fact: Barack Hussein has added more to the debt in his first 3 years than all US president in history combined during the same period.

Fact: George W. Bush added $4 trillion to the debt in 8 years. Barack Hussein has added almost $6 trillion in only 3 years.

Fact: Barack Hussein has alienated America's closest allies (Israel, England, etc.) while cowering to our enemies (Iran, Russia, Venezuela, etc.).

Fact: Gas prices under Barack Hussein are the highest in US history

You guys can lie all pretend all you want, the facts don't change and the numbers don't lie. He has been an epic failure.

Wazzup faggot?

Scare ya?

Ain't such a Rottie now?

More of a teacup poodle?

Hey fuckface.

You don't get to change other people's posts.

You fucking cowardly pussy.

Aw, is the little parasite swallow crying like a little bitch now? Here's the thing loser - I do get to do what ever the fuck I want. See, I know you little bitches want America to run like Nazi, Germany - which is why you support Obama with all of his lies, propaganda, and efforts to silence oppostition, but we're still free here in America. So go cry to mommy, because nobody gives a shit what you have to say here...


You're a fag too?

Naw..I won't let you swallow my load.

And don't get near me could be dangerous for a punk like you.

Nazis? Look in the mirror.


You name yourself swallow and you're always talking about male homosexuals. I think someone has some real issues. Perhaps a mental health expert could help you get comfortable with your uh, situation, and give you the strength to come out of the closet?
you are the spokesfreak of what lunatic group?

birfers? rottweilers? stuttgarters?

Fact: Sans the Great Depression, Barack Hussein has presided over the longest period of +8% unemployment in US history.

Fact: Barack Hussein has added more to the debt in his first 3 years than all US president in history combined during the same period.

Fact: George W. Bush added $4 trillion to the debt in 8 years. Barack Hussein has added almost $6 trillion in only 3 years.

Fact: Barack Hussein has alienated America's closest allies (Israel, England, etc.) while cowering to our enemies (Iran, Russia, Venezuela, etc.).

Fact: Gas prices under Barack Hussein are the highest in US history

You guys can lie all pretend all you want, the facts don't change and the numbers don't lie. He has been an epic failure.

Wazzup faggot?

Scare ya?

Ain't such a Rottie now?

More of a teacup poodle?


Oh please, internet tough guy. Just smashed you in the mouth with facts and all you can do is talk about your fantasies about men (seriously dude, never seen anyone talk about more man on man sex than you do... wow do you have some issues you need to address). It's not good for you mental health to keep fighting your gay urges and repressing your true gay feelings. You need to deal with that head on before you end up committing suicide or going on a shooting spree...
We only need one though - it's called EPIC FAILURE, which is all Obama has done.

you are the spokesfreak of what lunatic group?

birfers? rottweilers? stuttgarters?

Fact: Sans the Great Depression, Barack Hussein has presided over the longest period of +8% unemployment in US history.

. Fact: Republicans created the great Depression and Republicans created the Great Recession. Bush doubled the unemployment rate he was given

Fact: Barack Hussein has added more to the debt in his first 3 years than all US president in history combined during the same period.

Fact: There was $11 trillion in debt when Obama took office, $9 trillion from Republican presidents. Doubling that debt would mean we have $22 trillion in debt wouldn't it?
Fact: George W. Bush added $4 trillion to the debt in 8 years. Barack Hussein has added almost $6 trillion in only 3 years.

. Fact: George Bush added $5 trillion in debt, his policies of a tax cut, two wars and unfunded Medicare Part D added $ 4 trillion to Obamas debt

Fact: Barack Hussein has alienated America's closest allies (Israel, England, etc.) while cowering to our enemies (Iran, Russia, Venezuela, etc.).

Fact: The US never had lower global approval than we had under George Bush. His "my way or the highway" attitude and lies to start wars and engaging in TORTURE destroyed our once proud reputation

Fact: Gas prices under Barack Hussein are the highest in US history

Fact: Obamas average gas prices never met Bush's record average of $4.25 per gallon

You guys can lie all pretend all you want, the facts don't change and the numbers don't lie. He has been an epic failure.

How did you get all your "facts" wrong?
Wait, I thought that this was an "Obama Tax" that will affect the lower income Americans? How is this an 'Obamacare train' when it's MANDATORY??? How is this going to affect the republican/'conservatives' who are allegedly employed? Even the most BASIC Walmart full time job has a health care plan, where are these republicans working, on a fucking farm? :lol:
How is something 'government dependency' when you are now MANDATED to pay for it? Ha?

My God, you are the most ignorant fuck on the planet. "How will it affect conservatives"? Um, well stupid, Obamacare has caused the prices of healthcare to skyrocket. It has caused the price of healthcare insurance to skyrocket. Which means the conservatives - the people who actually start and run businesses - are going to get crushed with more anti-business taxes.

In fact, major corporations across America have crunched the numbers and have released statements that it will be cheaper for them to pay the fine for not offering insurance then it is to actually provide insurance to their employees (here, learn something for once, stupid:

McDonald's Says It May Drop Health Plan -

71 Percent of Top Companies Could Drop Insurance Under Obamacare |

Employers could save billions by dropping workers from health plans, report shows | Fox News)

See, you look at this from the parasitic class, who just mooches off those of us who wake up every day and work our asses off. This is another bill that crushes businesses in the private sector and will cause tens of millions of America to lose their healthcare - including the WalMart worker you mentioned, stupid. So once businesses drop insurance thanks to the ignorant fuck liberal, that mandatory part will suddenly will be a big issue for EVERYONE, won't it stupid? Furthermore, stupid, if you can't afford it, the government will provide it for you now. That's government dependency, stupid. Something you in the parasite class likes though, uh?

You've just been schooled and your ignorance thoroughly exposed. Thanks for showing the world how stupid you are.

Hey Dullard! Read past the headlines! :lol:

Even after paying a penalty of $2,000 per employee, the companies stand to save $28.6 billion in 2014 alone by shifting employees to health insurance exchanges governed by strict federal standards. The companies stand to save more than $422 billion over the first 10 years of the law by doing this.

Read more: Employers could save billions by dropping workers from health plans, report shows | Fox News

"The health care law, passed in 2010, helps individuals obtain health coverage by expanding Medicaid and providing subsidies for moderate-income Americans to purchase insurance."


Read it more in depth. :))

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