Mr. President - We The People

It's the BOOOOSH Depression, IDIOT. Ay caramba. The only way the gov't has gotten bigger is spending to keep the victims going homeless or bankrupt....

Idiot the recession ended in 2009 anything after that is obama's.

Course he hasn't been able to pass anything since 2/2010...and the housing market Booosh destroyed hasn't recovered YET.
It's the BOOOOSH Depression, IDIOT. Ay caramba. The only way the gov't has gotten bigger is spending to keep the victims going homeless or bankrupt....

Idiot the recession ended in 2009 anything after that is obama's.

Course he hasn't been able to pass anything since 2/2010...and the housing market Booosh destroyed hasn't recovered YET.

He didn't get anything passed Since 2/2010?
1. Republicans didn't take control of the house until Jan 2011
2. Democrats with a junior senator obama controlled congress when the housing market tanked

Care to put the other foot in your mouth?
I have to say about this is very interesting, it seems that many people like it.Okay, I will recommend my friends to have a look, look forward to the new content.
Fact: those who act and think like Minion Two, bigreb, are doomed to perpetual failure on the Board.

Mr no original thought jake starkey/:clap2:
When are you going to start a thread of your own?

Why? Because you bring up interesting and stuff, and I make sure you get it right.

Think of me as you and other extremists' Quality Control officer.

If you don't get it right, I fail it.
I'm reading the posts going back and forth on the current state of our economy and both sides are wrong.

George Bush did not create the problem. Obama is not continuing the problem. We, the American people, created the problem.

The housing market collapsed because banks were greedy and borrowers were stupid. Everyone wanted to jump in and get a piece of the pie and no one was bothering to wonder how it was going to be supported. All you had to do was look back into recent history and know that the bubble was going to burst, but no one did. That it was going to burst was obvious, it was only a question of when.

When that went, the rest of the economy went with it. And so the presidents, then Bush and afterward Obama, both took the only course available to them. Theystarted putting out money to try and shore up the damage. To try and keep us out of a complete collapse. And it worked. Of course it cost lots of money. If the roof blows off your house, you have to fix it even if it is not free. You don't just leave it alone and hope to god it doesn't rain.

What we are seeing now is just the blame game. However, the one group of people who is truly to blame is the one group no one is blaming. That is us. It was our fault. We did it to ourselves. But we sit around pointing fingers at everyone but ourselves and the politicians are using our refusal to accept responsibility to their best advantage.

People would not have gotten in over their heads financially if the banks had used due diligence. The banks would not have made bad loans if the people had used some common sense. We did it to ourselves. The purpose of the government is to provide essential services for the operation of our society. It is not there to act as our nanny so we don't do anything stupid. It isn't there to make our decisions for us. Freedom to act carries with it the freedom to fail. If you truly want that freedom, then accept the responsibility for your failure and stop looking for scapegoats.
Fact: those who follow Hannitty, Beck, and Limbaugh and the rest of the crazies will have no power whatsoever in a Romney administration. Their bad old days will be over forever.
Jake, after he takes off his make up.
Fact: those who act and think like Minion Two, bigreb, are doomed to perpetual failure on the Board.

Mr no original thought jake starkey/:clap2:
When are you going to start a thread of your own?

Why? Because you bring up interesting and stuff, and I make sure you get it right.

Think of me as you and other extremists' Quality Control officer.

If you don't get it right, I fail it.

First you must get yourself out of the fail before you can give an opinion on someone else.
It's the BOOOOSH Depression, IDIOT. Ay caramba. The only way the gov't has gotten bigger is spending to keep the victims going homeless or bankrupt....

Idiot the recession ended in 2009 anything after that is obama's.

Course he hasn't been able to pass anything since 2/2010...and the housing market Booosh destroyed hasn't recovered YET.

It wasn't Bush who destroyed the housing market, it was the Dem's who refused to Regulate Freddie Mac. Freddie Mac who used improper hedge accounting with regards to treasuries.
Idiot the recession ended in 2009 anything after that is obama's.

Course he hasn't been able to pass anything since 2/2010...and the housing market Booosh destroyed hasn't recovered YET.

He didn't get anything passed Since 2/2010?
1. Republicans didn't take control of the house until Jan 20112. Democrats with a junior senator obama controlled congress when the housing market tanked

Care to put the other foot in your mouth?

Notice how lib's convienetly forget that?
What does the popular vote have to do with electing a president? Did you flunk civics?

Maybe President Gore can explain it better

You did not say electoral votes moron.

You said votes.

There is a difference.

What other votes elect a president?

There has always been connotation in elections that votes cast by the public and electoral votes are distinguished from each other.

Deny it if you want but instead why don't you just strive for accuracy and clarity.
We the People of the United States elected President Barack Obama by a two to one margin and intend to do it again

A 4 percentage point win is not a 2 to one margin.

Obama got over twice the number of votes that McCain did

Historical fact

yeah and the midterm 2010 election were a HISTORIC ass kicking for Democrats Because of Obama and his comrades in arms..

lets finish the job in November people
Course he hasn't been able to pass anything since 2/2010...and the housing market Booosh destroyed hasn't recovered YET.

He didn't get anything passed Since 2/2010?
1. Republicans didn't take control of the house until Jan 20112. Democrats with a junior senator obama controlled congress when the housing market tanked

Care to put the other foot in your mouth?

Notice how lib's convienetly forget that?

That's why you have to corrected them every time they make that mistake.

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