Mr. President - We The People

Romneycare a great success, none of the PUB doom and gloom.

Frontline said cost rises are now 2%, easily the lowest in the USA. So change the channel...

For this reason he also provided for subsidies for individuals living below three times the federal poverty line to make insurance affordable. This “three-legged stool”—banning discrimination in insurance markets, mandating that individuals purchase insurance, and providing low-income subsidies for insurance purchase—became the basis for both our reform in Massachusetts and for the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The enormous success of health-care reform in the almost six years since its passage in Massachusetts can make us more confident that this three-legged stool will work for the nation as a whole. We have covered about two-thirds of uninsured Massachusetts residents, and have lowered the premiums in the non-group market by half relative to national premium trends. And we have done so with broad public support. Moreover, this reform succeeded without interfering with the employer-sponsored insurance market that works for most of our residents: employer-sponsored insurance coverage has actually risen in Massachusetts, while falling sharply nationally, and the premiums for employer-sponsored insurance rose no faster in Massachusetts than they did nationally.

This was all possible because the individual mandate ended the “death spiral” of trying to obtain fairly priced insurance by just forcing insurers to charge everyone the same price. The bottom line is that we can’t have fairly priced insurance for the healthy and sick alike without the broad participation that is guaranteed by the mandate. The mandate is the spinach we have to eat to get the dessert that is fairly priced insurance coverage.

Actually, RomneyCare is an enormous success « Hot Air Headlines
Mar 27, 2012 ... Actually, RomneyCare is an enormous success. Into this chasm stepped the hero
of our story, Governor Mitt Romney, and his plan for ... - Cached

romneycare success - Google Search
you are the spokesfreak of what lunatic group?

birfers? rottweilers? stuttgarters?

Fact: Sans the Great Depression, Barack Hussein has presided over the longest period of +8% unemployment in US history.

. Fact: Republicans created the great Depression and Republicans created the Great Recession. Bush doubled the unemployment rate he was given

Fact: Barack Hussein has added more to the debt in his first 3 years than all US president in history combined during the same period.

Fact: There was $11 trillion in debt when Obama took office, $9 trillion from Republican presidents. Doubling that debt would mean we have $22 trillion in debt wouldn't it?
Fact: George W. Bush added $4 trillion to the debt in 8 years. Barack Hussein has added almost $6 trillion in only 3 years.

. Fact: George Bush added $5 trillion in debt, his policies of a tax cut, two wars and unfunded Medicare Part D added $ 4 trillion to Obamas debt

Fact: Barack Hussein has alienated America's closest allies (Israel, England, etc.) while cowering to our enemies (Iran, Russia, Venezuela, etc.).

Fact: The US never had lower global approval than we had under George Bush. His "my way or the highway" attitude and lies to start wars and engaging in TORTURE destroyed our once proud reputation

Fact: Gas prices under Barack Hussein are the highest in US history

Fact: Obamas average gas prices never met Bush's record average of $4.25 per gallon

You guys can lie all pretend all you want, the facts don't change and the numbers don't lie. He has been an epic failure.

How did you get all your "facts" wrong?

Things are far worse now than when obama first became president

Median income has shrunk faster since recession ended

Median-income-has-shrunk-faster-since-recession-ended - Chicago Sun-Times
And yet here you sit supporting an administration that is shredding the Constitution in exchange for handouts... Typical liberal parasite...

Basically, you are the typical DUMB FUCK who doesn't know what the FUCK they are talking about. What 'handouts' do you assume I am getting from this Administration? How is this Administration 'shredding the Constitution' any differently than the previous Administration that you most likely supported? What policies of the current Administration have I supported?

Thanks for the laugh...................clown. I will eagerly await your answers!! :lol:

Actually, no - I did not support the previous Administration. George W. Bush was a typical big government liberal. He spent us trillions more into debt and expanded government. What you fail to realize is that today's GOP is just the last generations liberal. Bush is no different from John F. Kenney (who publicly stated that the only way to stem a bad economy was to cut taxes - look up the audio, it's all over the internet). And today's "liberal" is really just last generations Communist/Marxist/Socialist. This sad fact is what gave rise to the Tea Party. It speaks volumes that they are called "radicals" by you Communists when all they have ever advocated is Constitutional government. They are literall ground zero of the political spectrum. Not right, not left, just advocating we act constitutionally (which says the federal government is small and very limited in its powers). Calling them a "radical" is literally calling our founders "radicals" - which just shows how far off the sanity wagon today's liberals have fallen.

Also, I do appreciate you honesty with the "shredding" statement. True, the previous Administration did shred it in regards to their fight on terrorism. But saying "how this administration shredding it any worse" is an acknowledgement that this administration is in fact shredding it. Very rare to find an honest liberal. However, my answer to that is very simple, and it is this: "Two Wrong Don't Make A Right". It's simple and it's undeniable. Don't try to justify Obama's criminal actions by pointing at George W. Bush's criminal actions. That argument simply doesn't hold up - it's as dumb as a man killing his ex-girlfriend and then claiming, "what's the problem, OJ Simpson did the same thing". :lol:

For starters, I don't call the Tea Party people 'radicals', I just question them on their political stances. I'm not a 'communist' . So Michelle Bachmann is for a 'Constitutional government' when she voted yes for the PA, NDAA? :lol:

I never stated that since "Bush did it" it's ok for Obama to do it! I simply point out the hypocrisy of the people who were either mute or supporting the very same policies when bush was doing it.
Fact: Sans the Great Depression, Barack Hussein has presided over the longest period of +8% unemployment in US history.

. Fact: Republicans created the great Depression and Republicans created the Great Recession. Bush doubled the unemployment rate he was given

Fact: Barack Hussein has added more to the debt in his first 3 years than all US president in history combined during the same period.

Fact: There was $11 trillion in debt when Obama took office, $9 trillion from Republican presidents. Doubling that debt would mean we have $22 trillion in debt wouldn't it?
Fact: George W. Bush added $4 trillion to the debt in 8 years. Barack Hussein has added almost $6 trillion in only 3 years.

. Fact: George Bush added $5 trillion in debt, his policies of a tax cut, two wars and unfunded Medicare Part D added $ 4 trillion to Obamas debt

Fact: Barack Hussein has alienated America's closest allies (Israel, England, etc.) while cowering to our enemies (Iran, Russia, Venezuela, etc.).

Fact: The US never had lower global approval than we had under George Bush. His "my way or the highway" attitude and lies to start wars and engaging in TORTURE destroyed our once proud reputation

Fact: Gas prices under Barack Hussein are the highest in US history

Fact: Obamas average gas prices never met Bush's record average of $4.25 per gallon

You guys can lie all pretend all you want, the facts don't change and the numbers don't lie. He has been an epic failure.

How did you get all your "facts" wrong?

Things are far worse now than when obama first became president

Median income has shrunk faster since recession ended

Median-income-has-shrunk-faster-since-recession-ended - Chicago Sun-Times

Explain how losing 770,000 jobs a month is better
How having two raging wars is better
How having bin laden laughing at us is better
How negative GDP is better
How a Dow Jones at 6600 is better than one at 12500
People are slow to act without bush to get the ball rolling the tea party would have been ready to go with obama.

Yes I know Bush did this bush did that and not much was said except by the media, but does it justify what obama is doing?

The people had eight years of Bush's policies to start acting. Where have you seen me advocate the 'individual mandate'? Where have you seen me advocate Obama extending the PA, signing the NDAA, etc? Where have you seen me advocating Obama's response to Libya? It's been just the opposite! The only difference is, will be that I don't praise the previous Administration and condemn the current Administration for doing the same damn thing. I will hold both of their feet to the fire.

Yes, I will question people's assertions and 'math', I don't care what side of the 'aisle' they are on. I just don't like people to try to feed me a line of bullshit.

You again prove you dont know what your talking about....Why dont you do research instead of just buying what Rachael Madcow says?

That's a VERY WEAK deflection!!!! I don't watch Maddow. I would love to see you try to prove me wrong!
Amazing isnt it that Liberals get all crazy mad at people using their first amendment right to speak thier mind ????? fascist whores.

Oh, so when someone says or asserts something that you disagree with, you should shut the fuck up because it's their First Amendment right to spew some dumb shit? What about the opposition's First Amendment right to say and prove that the original assertion was and is a bunch of HORSESHIT? Thanks for the laugh!!!

More liberal spin... typical from the parasite class. Thanatos didn't say a word about your right to respond - he mentioned how angry you guys in the parasite class are. Big difference. But then again, you parasites never let the facts get in the way, so why start now, right?

I asked a question 'genius'.
you are the spokesfreak of what lunatic group?

birfers? rottweilers? stuttgarters?

Fact: Sans the Great Depression, Barack Hussein has presided over the longest period of +8% unemployment in US history.

. Fact: Republicans created the great Depression and Republicans created the Great Recession. Bush doubled the unemployment rate he was given

Fact: Barack Hussein has added more to the debt in his first 3 years than all US president in history combined during the same period.

Fact: There was $11 trillion in debt when Obama took office, $9 trillion from Republican presidents. Doubling that debt would mean we have $22 trillion in debt wouldn't it?
Fact: George W. Bush added $4 trillion to the debt in 8 years. Barack Hussein has added almost $6 trillion in only 3 years.

. Fact: George Bush added $5 trillion in debt, his policies of a tax cut, two wars and unfunded Medicare Part D added $ 4 trillion to Obamas debt

Fact: Barack Hussein has alienated America's closest allies (Israel, England, etc.) while cowering to our enemies (Iran, Russia, Venezuela, etc.).

Fact: The US never had lower global approval than we had under George Bush. His "my way or the highway" attitude and lies to start wars and engaging in TORTURE destroyed our once proud reputation

Fact: Gas prices under Barack Hussein are the highest in US history

Fact: Obamas average gas prices never met Bush's record average of $4.25 per gallon

You guys can lie all pretend all you want, the facts don't change and the numbers don't lie. He has been an epic failure.

How did you get all your "facts" wrong?

Your lies are failing almost as bad as Obama and his administration :lol:

While you're just making shit up, here are some FACTS that cannot be disputed, even by an under educated parasite such as yourself:

National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush: National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined |

Uh-oh, looks like someone just got exposed for being a LIAR and having NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT :lol:

Still want to keep going, stupid? I'll be glad to keep embarrassing you in front of the world :lol:
How did you get all your "facts" wrong?

Things are far worse now than when obama first became president

Median income has shrunk faster since recession ended

Median-income-has-shrunk-faster-since-recession-ended - Chicago Sun-Times

Explain how losing 770,000 jobs a month is better

Considering unemployment is HIGHER under Obama than it ever was under George W. Bush at any point, well - clearly losing 770,000 jobs a month is better than losing 2,300,000 jobs per month :lol:

How having two raging wars is better

Because killing or capturing enemies of America makes us safer, and well, that's better :lol:

How having bin laden laughing at us is better

Considering Bin Laden stopped using cell phones and was hiding for a decade, scared shitless, I'd say the only laughing that's been going on is America after reading your ignorant, uneducated posts :lol:

How negative GDP is better

Our entire economy is exponentially worse under Obama than it ever was under George W. Bush - and the numbers prove it. Obama has added more to the debt in 3 years than all US Presidents combined during the same period and unemployment was as low as 4% under GWB, it's been as high as over 10% under Obama and never below +8% :lol:

How a Dow Jones at 6600 is better than one at 12500

Our entire economy is exponentially worse under Obama than it ever was under George W. Bush - and the numbers prove it. Obama has added more to the debt in 3 years than all US Presidents combined during the same period and unemployment was as low as 4% under GWB, it's been as high as over 10% under Obama and never below +8% :lol:
Basically, you are the typical DUMB FUCK who doesn't know what the FUCK they are talking about. What 'handouts' do you assume I am getting from this Administration? How is this Administration 'shredding the Constitution' any differently than the previous Administration that you most likely supported? What policies of the current Administration have I supported?

Thanks for the laugh...................clown. I will eagerly await your answers!! :lol:

Actually, no - I did not support the previous Administration. George W. Bush was a typical big government liberal. He spent us trillions more into debt and expanded government. What you fail to realize is that today's GOP is just the last generations liberal. Bush is no different from John F. Kenney (who publicly stated that the only way to stem a bad economy was to cut taxes - look up the audio, it's all over the internet). And today's "liberal" is really just last generations Communist/Marxist/Socialist. This sad fact is what gave rise to the Tea Party. It speaks volumes that they are called "radicals" by you Communists when all they have ever advocated is Constitutional government. They are literall ground zero of the political spectrum. Not right, not left, just advocating we act constitutionally (which says the federal government is small and very limited in its powers). Calling them a "radical" is literally calling our founders "radicals" - which just shows how far off the sanity wagon today's liberals have fallen.

Also, I do appreciate you honesty with the "shredding" statement. True, the previous Administration did shred it in regards to their fight on terrorism. But saying "how this administration shredding it any worse" is an acknowledgement that this administration is in fact shredding it. Very rare to find an honest liberal. However, my answer to that is very simple, and it is this: "Two Wrong Don't Make A Right". It's simple and it's undeniable. Don't try to justify Obama's criminal actions by pointing at George W. Bush's criminal actions. That argument simply doesn't hold up - it's as dumb as a man killing his ex-girlfriend and then claiming, "what's the problem, OJ Simpson did the same thing". :lol:

For starters, I don't call the Tea Party people 'radicals', I just question them on their political stances. I'm not a 'communist' . So Michelle Bachmann is for a 'Constitutional government' when she voted yes for the PA, NDAA? :lol:

I never stated that since "Bush did it" it's ok for Obama to do it! I simply point out the hypocrisy of the people who were either mute or supporting the very same policies when bush was doing it.

From the small sample of posts I've seen here, you appear to be one of the few rational liberals, so maybe you don't refer to the Tea Party as "radicals". But most of the people on your side of the fence do, and the irony of course, is that they are the real radicals. All of us, regardless of party, should agree that the Constitution is ground zero and should be adhered to without exception. Our founders were brilliant enough to build in a vehicle for altering the ultimate law of the land should it be required by advancements they could not possibly have predicted. But the fact that both parties skirt the amendment process to further their agenda is despicable.

For now, based on what I have seen, I will retract my statement that you are a communist and apologize (but so many on your side are now, it's very rare to encounter one that is not).
It's the BOOOOSH Depression, IDIOT. Ay caramba. The only way the gov't has gotten bigger is spending to keep the victims going homeless or bankrupt....
Last edited:
How did you get all your "facts" wrong?

Things are far worse now than when obama first became president

Median income has shrunk faster since recession ended

Median-income-has-shrunk-faster-since-recession-ended - Chicago Sun-Times

Explain how losing 770,000 jobs a month is better
How having two raging wars is better
How having bin laden laughing at us is better
How negative GDP is better
How a Dow Jones at 6600 is better than one at 12500

Explain how losing 770,000 jobs a month is better
Using obama labor departments stats makes you feel good but doesn't change the facts there is numbers and manipulated by him.

How having two raging wars is better
And obama is doing is some how different?
Obama and the pursuit of endless war
Starting new fights and prolonging the old ones
Obama's wars: Libya, Yemen and the president's other wars - Chicago Tribune

How having bin laden laughing at us is better
What damage did bin ladin do too American he never was wanted by the FBI for 911 but al quedea is still there.

How negative GDP is better
America can't pay back the debt obama has made now much less the debt his policy will create years to come.

How a Dow Jones at 6600 is better than one at 12500
You're a cheerleader of wall street? And you should know the market is not an indicator of a healthy economy.

So now that I have kick your argument too the curb you can now see how stupid you are.
Now for the grand slam
We have a record number American on food stamps.
No shovel ready jobs
unemployment did go up above 8.0
No gitmo closed
No repeal of the Patriot act
Signed the NDAA authorizing the military to detain American citizens
Striped due process away
fact: Sans the great depression, barack hussein has presided over the longest period of +8% unemployment in us history.
thanks to the gop congress from 1994to 2006 with compliant presidents and democratic congressman.

fact: Barack hussein has added more to the debt in his first 3 years than all us president in history combined during the same period.
ignoring the preceding role of the fucks from 1994 to 2006.

fact: George w. Bush added $4 trillion to the debt in 8 years. Barack hussein has added almost $6 trillion in only 3 years.
trying to correct the failures of more than 14 years before.

fact: Barack hussein has alienated america's closest allies (israel, england, etc.) while cowering to our enemies (iran, russia, venezuela, etc.).
our allies trust far more now than in the past, and iran, russia, etc, are very wary of the usa, finally.

fact: Gas prices under barack hussein are the highest in us history
and will fall below $3 by october.

you guys can lie all pretend all you want, the facts don't change and the numbers don't lie. He has been an epic failure.
the facts don't and the numbers don't lie. Bush was a failure, obama has failed in as much as he has not been able to correct bush's failures.

Fact: The american people still blame bush and the irresponsible gop for the great recession.

Fact: Romney is going to win and never invite bush 43 to the white house.

Fact: Romney is going to put the neo-cons out of business.

Fact; romney will never allow the far right theocrats or tea party or wacky libertarians any power whatsoever.

Fact: The right of center to the left of center will leave the extremists crying in the gutter where they belong.
Fact: those who follow Hannitty, Beck, and Limbaugh and the rest of the crazies will have no power whatsoever in a Romney administration. Their bad old days will be over forever.
fact: Sans the great depression, barack hussein has presided over the longest period of +8% unemployment in us history.
thanks to the gop congress from 1994to 2006 with compliant presidents and democratic congressman.

fact: Barack hussein has added more to the debt in his first 3 years than all us president in history combined during the same period.
ignoring the preceding role of the fucks from 1994 to 2006.

trying to correct the failures of more than 14 years before.

our allies trust far more now than in the past, and iran, russia, etc, are very wary of the usa, finally.

fact: Gas prices under barack hussein are the highest in us history
and will fall below $3 by october.

you guys can lie all pretend all you want, the facts don't change and the numbers don't lie. He has been an epic failure.
the facts don't and the numbers don't lie. Bush was a failure, obama has failed in as much as he has not been able to correct bush's failures.

Fact: The american people still blame bush and the irresponsible gop for the great recession.

Fact: Romney is going to win and never invite bush 43 to the white house.

Fact: Romney is going to put the neo-cons out of business.

Fact; romney will never allow the far right theocrats or tea party or wacky libertarians any power whatsoever.

Fact: The right of center to the left of center will leave the extremists crying in the gutter where they belong.
obama has his personal cheer leading squad
My name is jake starkey I am a Republican but I cheer for obama he's D man

Fact: those who act and think like Minion Two, bigreb, are doomed to perpetual failure on the Board.

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