Mr. Romney Reinvents History


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Mitt Romney wrapped the most important speech of his life, for Thursday night’s session of his convention, around an extraordinary reinvention of history — that his party rallied behind President Obama when he won in 2008, hoping that he would succeed. “That president was not the choice of our party,” he said. “We are a good and generous people who are united by so much more than divides us.”

The truth, rarely heard this week in Tampa, Fla., is that the Republicans charted a course of denial and obstruction from the day Mr. Obama was inaugurated, determined to deny him a second term by denying him any achievement, no matter the cost to the economy or American security — even if it meant holding the nation’s credit rating hostage to a narrow partisan agenda.

More: Republicans charted a course of denial and obstruction from the day Mr. Obama was inaugurated - The New York Times
The truth, rarely heard this week in Tampa, Fla., is that the Republicans charted a course of denial and obstruction from the day Mr. Obama was inaugurated, determined to deny him a second term by denying him any achievement, no matter the cost to the economy or American security — even if it meant holding the nation’s credit rating hostage to a narrow partisan agenda.

Mitt Romney wrapped the most important speech of his life, for Thursday night’s session of his convention, around an extraordinary reinvention of history — that his party rallied behind President Obama when he won in 2008, hoping that he would succeed. “That president was not the choice of our party,” he said. “We are a good and generous people who are united by so much more than divides us.”

The truth, rarely heard this week in Tampa, Fla., is that the Republicans charted a course of denial and obstruction from the day Mr. Obama was inaugurated, determined to deny him a second term by denying him any achievement, no matter the cost to the economy or American security — even if it meant holding the nation’s credit rating hostage to a narrow partisan agenda.

More: Republicans charted a course of denial and obstruction from the day Mr. Obama was inaugurated - The New York Times

Whiny bitch hypocrite!
barack husein obama on March 16 said:
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a Sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. ...Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here'. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and Grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."
The truth, rarely heard this week in Tampa, Fla., is that the Republicans charted a course of denial and obstruction from the day Mr. Obama was inaugurated, determined to deny him a second term by denying him any achievement, no matter the cost to the economy or American security — even if it meant holding the nation’s credit rating hostage to a narrow partisan agenda.


So no. You haven't then.
Do you want debate or ridicule? If you want debate, give us an independent thought.
How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of George W. Bush actions and policies?
The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77 The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5% The Unemployment rate was 4..6%. George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB CREATION!
How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of George W. Bush actions and policies?

Hard to tell because he hasn't passed a budget.

That's not Obama's fault - because it hasn't been voted on! Republicans like Jeff Sessions have tried to pass off revised Obama budgets as Obama's - which is why Democrats keep voting against them.

Parliamentary procedure: Why the Senate hasn't passed a budget | The Economist
Ernie, I know you wingnuts hate facts and truth - but I happen to really like facts and truth.

You retarded assholes just want to make shit up as you go.

Name just ONE significant thing that House and Senate Republicans did to help Obama on legislation important to average Americans.
Ernie, I know you wingnuts hate facts and truth - but I happen to really like facts and truth.

You retarded assholes just want to make shit up as you go.

Name just ONE significant thing that House and Senate Republicans did to help Obama on legislation important to average Americans.

hes the retarded one your the one going around thinking you won teh argument when no one else is telling you you did, hell your cronies didnt even back you.
Ernie, I know you wingnuts hate facts and truth - but I happen to really like facts and truth.

You retarded assholes just want to make shit up as you go.

Name just ONE significant thing that House and Senate Republicans did to help Obama on legislation important to average Americans.

Nothing for 4 years they blocked everything so they can lie now and say Obama did nothing. They work for us, not the corrupt Koch Brother, or Sheldon rich ass
Even before President Obama was sworn into office, Senator McConnell made it his top priority to ensure that the President didn’t win re-election, calling it “the single most important thing for Republicans” to achieve. What’s worse is that in order to achieve that objective, he refused to work with the President to strengthen the economy, putting politics above getting Americans back to work. So it’s fitting that he’s speaking on the same night as Congressman Ryan, who met with his fellow Republicans in Congress on the eve of the President’s inauguration to strategize about how to defeat him electorally by obstructing his agenda.

Much More: FLASHBACK: McConnell & Romney’s Allies In Congress Refused To Act On The Economy To Try To Beat The President
Fox News will be working hard for Romney/Ryan as we approach Election Day.


Obama has been trying to drag a dead elephant for almost four years.

He's been trying to drag the whole damned country down the toilet and the GOP house is the only thing keeping us circling the bowl.
When the GOP took over the House, unemployment was 10% 4 years earlier when they lost it to the Democrats, it was 4.6%

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