MrG has passed.

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I will carry on the best I can, dear Dennis. Be with those who loved you that are already there. And breathe deep with fresh new lungs.

I am devastated.
Gracie, I'm sorry for your loss. But he is released from his pain and sorrow. Love and healing grace to you and your family for your loss. 💙

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I will carry on the best I can, dear Dennis. Be with those who loved you that are already there. And breathe deep with fresh new lungs.

I am devastated.
Oh Gracie…I have no words…I am so so sorry (((hugs)))…and sweetie, we are for you even if we are just a messageboard.
Thank you all. I'm so sorry I have not checked in. I am having a really hard time dealing with this. Very hard time. I miss him. 37 years. I am alone. All are gone. I am the last one standing and I have been the one that wants to go...none of them did. I did. Yet here I am. Alone. All I loved are gone. All of them.
Thank you all. I'm so sorry I have not checked in. I am having a really hard time dealing with this. Very hard time. I miss him. 37 years. I am alone. All are gone. I am the last one standing and I have been the one that wants to go...none of them did. I did. Yet here I am. Alone. All I loved are gone. All of them.

Gracie love, this news breaks my heart for you. You and Mr. G. were together for so long, through so many ups and downs, but holding on to one another. It is as if you were one and now part of you is gone. It will be an unbearable time for you to accept and adjust. You're such a special person who brings so much to others, you still have a purpose for many of us who love you and enjoy reading anything you write. I wish I could help in some way. Please accept my deepest condolences. Mr.G was a handsome fellow and you, his beautiful bride, for a long time. He will be waiting for you. I hope you get a dog for loving companionship as you travail the dark and lonely waters until you come to the sun and the light which also awaits. I'm here if ever you need to talk, my love. You will be in my prayers. :eusa_pray:
I am lost. 37 years I was with him. My partner. It was not all wine and roses, but I have not been alone for 37 years. All are gone. All my furkids, and now Dennis. I am so alone and lonely. Why did God take all that I loved and make me stay when I was the one and am the one that wanted to die. None of them wanted to...I did. But here I am, and they got to go home to Jesus. So I sit here, and feel sorry for myself, cry, act normal, stay strong, and know I am not welcome to come be with them. Not yet, anyway. But what is my purpose? Why am I, an old woman now, still on this earth? Why can't I be called too?
I miss him. It took his death for me to realize just how much I did love him, but never showed. I carried much anger and it continued on up to a week before his death. I went to see him after taking a test to show I was negative for that DAMN FLU they call covid. And I told him I was sorry for not being the wife I should have been. He reached for my hand..and his was so soft and warm, and he looked at me with those blue eyes and a mask of oxygen on his face and he said "no guilt. You were all I wanted you to be" but I have guilt. And I miss him. And I want him alive. But he isn't.
So I struggle to stay strong, and break down every other hour or so. I keep busy so I don't have to think. So I don't hear the silence of him not watching tv or looking for a snack in the kitchen, or his tv too loud. Its silence. And loneliness. And my heart is breaking and I am alone.

Going to bed yet again only to wake up dreaming he is puttering around trying to be quiet so he doesn[t wake me up. Headache. I pick up his ashes friday. Then I drive 6 hours south back to the beach where we were happiest, and I toss him in the ocean as he requested along with the dogs I have been hauling around and even saved from more ashes from the fire. And then I drive back to this horrid place. Alone. And continue on. Alone. I don't dare get another pet. it will just die too. Everything I love dies. Maybe I should love myself, then I can go too.
Thank you all. I'm so sorry I have not checked in. I am having a really hard time dealing with this. Very hard time. I miss him. 37 years. I am alone. All are gone. I am the last one standing and I have been the one that wants to go...none of them did. I did. Yet here I am. Alone. All I loved are gone. All of them.
So sorry Gracie.
Thank you all. I'm so sorry I have not checked in. I am having a really hard time dealing with this. Very hard time. I miss him. 37 years. I am alone. All are gone. I am the last one standing and I have been the one that wants to go...none of them did. I did. Yet here I am. Alone. All I loved are gone. All of them.
He must have been a good man. You have some good memories. A good life to reflect on and a hope for a glorious reunion.
I am lost. 37 years I was with him. My partner. It was not all wine and roses, but I have not been alone for 37 years. All are gone. All my furkids, and now Dennis. I am so alone and lonely. Why did God take all that I loved and make me stay when I was the one and am the one that wanted to die. None of them wanted to...I did. But here I am, and they got to go home to Jesus. So I sit here, and feel sorry for myself, cry, act normal, stay strong, and know I am not welcome to come be with them. Not yet, anyway. But what is my purpose? Why am I, an old woman now, still on this earth? Why can't I be called too?
I miss him. It took his death for me to realize just how much I did love him, but never showed. I carried much anger and it continued on up to a week before his death. I went to see him after taking a test to show I was negative for that DAMN FLU they call covid. And I told him I was sorry for not being the wife I should have been. He reached for my hand..and his was so soft and warm, and he looked at me with those blue eyes and a mask of oxygen on his face and he said "no guilt. You were all I wanted you to be" but I have guilt. And I miss him. And I want him alive. But he isn't.
So I struggle to stay strong, and break down every other hour or so. I keep busy so I don't have to think. So I don't hear the silence of him not watching tv or looking for a snack in the kitchen, or his tv too loud. Its silence. And loneliness. And my heart is breaking and I am alone.

Going to bed yet again only to wake up dreaming he is puttering around trying to be quiet so he doesn[t wake me up. Headache. I pick up his ashes friday. Then I drive 6 hours south back to the beach where we were happiest, and I toss him in the ocean as he requested along with the dogs I have been hauling around and even saved from more ashes from the fire. And then I drive back to this horrid place. Alone. And continue on. Alone. I don't dare get another pet. it will just die too. Everything I love dies. Maybe I should love myself, then I can go too.
I want to say something but this isn't about me, but I've been alone the majority of my life. I have no immediate family anywhere near me either. A son 90 miles north, and a sister 70 miles east. Other than that, I have one good friend here in this little town left, all the others have died. So dare I say, Gracie, I have an idea how you feel. But living alone can be done, it's really not so bad once you're used to it. But therein lies the clincher, you're not used to it, and for that, it's surely hard to give any advice about how to cope with it. All I can say is hang in there. It's extremely hard now but, hopefully with each passing day it gets easier. I find music to be of great solace, so maybe hit Spotify or SiriusXM... just a thought.

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