MS-13 Actively Recruiting Illegal Alien Minors at U.S. Shelters

Obama loves gangs, terrorists and criminals.....

And apparently so does g5000

Here's the basic problem with what is going on in America today. We have a liberal left who believes that it is terrible for this nation to protect its' Sovereignty. We have ALREADY absorbed, (by fiat) 12-20 million illegals that somehow convinced the left that they have some sort of RIGHT to be here. Now, we are experiencing - suddenly - this mysterious influx of children who have just "walked" some 4-5 thousand miles from Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico who are coming here as a direct result of a president (Obarry) who has encouraged then to come here and flaunt the 1980 sexual predator law in our face. Trust me, this has been set up by this administration - yet ANOTHER way to use or nation's laws AGAINST Americans.

I do not know, but I would suppose that it works this way. At LEAST 50% of these "refugees" (code for wetback) will end up in gangs across the US, killing Americans. The OTHER 50% will be yet "absorbed" into the black economy of the US and will eventually bring their 90 relatives across the border.

We end up with another 12-20 million people taking what few jobs are available in this country.

I have said it before and I will continue to say it until this asshole is gone. Barack Obama is a clear and present danger to the people of the United States of America.
"They are bringing in dangerous diseases—including swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus...".

Really? That partial sentence, all by itself, tends to make me think that anything stated in the article is likely little more than propaganda without a grain of truth to it.
"They are bringing in dangerous diseases—including swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus...".

Really? That partial sentence, all by itself, tends to make me think that anything stated in the article is likely little more than propaganda without a grain of truth to it.

My Wife is a MSN and a Nursing Supervisor at a local hospital here. She has been a Nurse for the past 30 years. Illegals bring THEIR diseases across the border, in particular TB. They do NOT waste their vaccines on poor kids in latin countries.

TB has become a major problem within the United States. A disease which was all but eradicated in the 1950s. American parents have been refusing vaccinations at an alarming rate since the 1970s. Now, their refusal is coming home to roost as more and more cases of American children are coming down with TB.

My Wife routinely has to "gown up" and treat these kids. So as far as TB goes, it is not "bull".

There has been (as far as I know) no case of Ebola, as of yet. But what is to stop it? The American press is denied access to these children and their "treatment". What is the US hiding from us?

Swine Flu, Dengue fever and even smallpox are possible at this point. Have they cone in with these kids? Who the hell knows! We are not allowed to ask the government...
No illegal, whether they claim to be a dreamer or not, should be allowed to stay in this country if they have gang tats. They are defacto criminals and should be deported ASAP, if they try to return, shoot the SOB's.

No: No illegal, whether they claim to be a dreamer or not, should be allowed to stay in this country. They are defacto criminals and should be deported ASAP, if they try to return, shoot the SOB's.
"They are bringing in dangerous diseases—including swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus...".

Really? That partial sentence, all by itself, tends to make me think that anything stated in the article is likely little more than propaganda without a grain of truth to it.

My Wife is a MSN and a Nursing Supervisor at a local hospital here. She has been a Nurse for the past 30 years. Illegals bring THEIR diseases across the border, in particular TB. They do NOT waste their vaccines on poor kids in latin countries.

TB has become a major problem within the United States. A disease which was all but eradicated in the 1950s. American parents have been refusing vaccinations at an alarming rate since the 1970s. Now, their refusal is coming home to roost as more and more cases of American children are coming down with TB.

My Wife routinely has to "gown up" and treat these kids. So as far as TB goes, it is not "bull".

There has been (as far as I know) no case of Ebola, as of yet. But what is to stop it? The American press is denied access to these children and their "treatment". What is the US hiding from us?

Swine Flu, Dengue fever and even smallpox are possible at this point. Have they cone in with these kids? Who the hell knows! We are not allowed to ask the government...

Directly from an ER nurse: TB has EXPLODED among illegals, and she has even seen a couple cases of leprosy!
No illegal, whether they claim to be a dreamer or not, should be allowed to stay in this country if they have gang tats. They are defacto criminals and should be deported ASAP, if they try to return, shoot the SOB's.

No: No illegal, whether they claim to be a dreamer or not, should be allowed to stay in this country. They are defacto criminals and should be deported ASAP, if they try to return, shoot the SOB's.

this isnt going to happen
"They are bringing in dangerous diseases—including swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus...".

Really? That partial sentence, all by itself, tends to make me think that anything stated in the article is likely little more than propaganda without a grain of truth to it.

My Wife is a MSN and a Nursing Supervisor at a local hospital here. She has been a Nurse for the past 30 years. Illegals bring THEIR diseases across the border, in particular TB. They do NOT waste their vaccines on poor kids in latin countries.

TB has become a major problem within the United States. A disease which was all but eradicated in the 1950s. American parents have been refusing vaccinations at an alarming rate since the 1970s. Now, their refusal is coming home to roost as more and more cases of American children are coming down with TB.

My Wife routinely has to "gown up" and treat these kids. So as far as TB goes, it is not "bull".

There has been (as far as I know) no case of Ebola, as of yet. But what is to stop it? The American press is denied access to these children and their "treatment". What is the US hiding from us?

Swine Flu, Dengue fever and even smallpox are possible at this point. Have they cone in with these kids? Who the hell knows! We are not allowed to ask the government...

Directly from an ER nurse: TB has EXPLODED among illegals, and she has even seen a couple cases of leprosy!

I understand what is going on - even if the Nazi left wants to bury their collective heads in the sand. But you are correct. Cases of TB have exploded in the United States from the early 90s on.

Can't say that I've heard of any cases of Leprosy, but it wouldn't surprise me. I firmly believe that it is a matter of time before diseases such as Ebola actually manifest themselves in America. Again, I don't believe that it has happened yet, but who knows? The "Most Transparent Administration in history" won't allow us to see......
No illegal, whether they claim to be a dreamer or not, should be allowed to stay in this country if they have gang tats. They are defacto criminals and should be deported ASAP, if they try to return, shoot the SOB's.

No: No illegal, whether they claim to be a dreamer or not, should be allowed to stay in this country. They are defacto criminals and should be deported ASAP, if they try to return, shoot the SOB's.

this isnt going to happen

Which is why we are well and truly fucked. People alive now will see the United States become a third-world country.
From the OP link:

They are bringing in dangerous diseases—including swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus and tuberculosis— and occupying our military bases as shelters.

Now hear this: Docs Slam Rumors That Migrants Carry Disease

Doctors say they are concerned about false rumors and “hysteria” that the unaccompanied children coming across the border from Mexico into Texas are carrying diseases such as Ebola and dengue fever.

Here's a partisan dipshit feeding the hysteria:

“Reports of illegal immigrants carrying deadly diseases such as swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus and tuberculosis are particularly concerning,” Georgia Rep. Phil Gingrey wrote in a letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Many of the children who are coming across the border also lack basic vaccinations such as those to prevent chicken pox or measles. This makes Americans who are not vaccinated — and especially young children and the elderly — particularly susceptible.”

The CDC says it’s addressing Gingrey’s concerns. Other doctors have expressed surprise that Gingrey, himself a retired physician, would help spread the idea that kids could spread diseases such as Ebola that don’t even exist in the countries they are coming from.

“There is a long, sad and shameful tradition in the United States in using fear of disease, contagion and contamination to stigmatize immigrants and foreigners,” said Arthur Caplan, director of the Division of Medical Ethics at New York University’s Langone Medical Center and a frequent NBC contributor. “Sadly, this letter which rests firmly on innuendo and fear-mongering proudly continues this unethical tradition

World Bank statistics indicate that some of the countries that the kids are traveling from actually have higher vaccination rates than the United States. The U.S. has a 92 percent vaccination rate for measles. Mexico vaccinates 99 percent of its children; Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras all have a 93 percent vaccination rate.

Dengue is found across central America, but it’s spread by mosquitoes, not by people. It’s also been found in south Texas in recent years. “Some of these countries may have dengue. I think that’s a little bit of hysteria that’s not warranted at this point,” Ward said.

But we get it, assholes. The darkies are diseased vermin. You spout the exact same rhetoric that was used against the European immigrants of more than a century ago.

And by the way, drug resistant TB is coming from Eastern Europe. You know...white people.

Multi-drug resistant TB rises in Eastern Europe
From the OP link:

They are bringing in dangerous diseases—including swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus and tuberculosis— and occupying our military bases as shelters.

Now hear this: Docs Slam Rumors That Migrants Carry Disease

Doctors say they are concerned about false rumors and “hysteria” that the unaccompanied children coming across the border from Mexico into Texas are carrying diseases such as Ebola and dengue fever.

Here's a partisan dipshit feeding the hysteria:

World Bank statistics indicate that some of the countries that the kids are traveling from actually have higher vaccination rates than the United States. The U.S. has a 92 percent vaccination rate for measles. Mexico vaccinates 99 percent of its children; Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras all have a 93 percent vaccination rate.

Dengue is found across central America, but it’s spread by mosquitoes, not by people. It’s also been found in south Texas in recent years. “Some of these countries may have dengue. I think that’s a little bit of hysteria that’s not warranted at this point,” Ward said.

But we get it, assholes. The darkies are diseased vermin. You spout the exact same rhetoric that was used against the European immigrants of more than a century ago.

And by the way, drug resistant TB is coming from Eastern Europe. You know...white people.

Multi-drug resistant TB rises in Eastern Europe

You're so full of shit that your breath stinks. You take what some asshole for the administration says and it's the gospel.

Dumbass. My Wife hasn't had a patient from "Europe" in 25 years. How the HELL do you explain the TB when she takes care of Americans and Mexicans? Is the TB being spread by Americans that have been inoculated? So, when an Americn child comes down with TB, it's racist, right?

You stupid fucker. For the love of God, you fool, stop spreading your bullshit propaganda you worthless piece of shit.
The truth is just killing you, isn't it?

The truth about the level of racism infecting the right wing is killing me, yes indeed.

But you can never post enough Darkies Behaving Badly topics around here, eh?

Just don't forget it was the Republicans who loved darkies...60+ years ago! Don't forget! If you hate gays, blacks, Muslims, or Mexicans you just gotta be a Democrat...because Lincoln!

I'm a "darkie" you racist. The only racist here is the Nazi left. Same as they have been for the last 150 years - you included.
Didnt you get the memo. Lefttards dont like darkie conservatives. To them you dont have a place in society .. The biggest racist come from the democrats. But if they keep saying over and over again that Republicans are racist they start believing their own lies...

Oh, I got it years ago. The Right has been deeply infected with totalitarians, retards, psychos, liar, hypocrites, and nazi wannabe's. The cancer is metastasizing.

Like I said before - the only racist Nazi here is YOU and those like YOU.

Democrats always have to bring up race. Its the only thing they have.. It makes them feel better to be race baiting... Even though it was the democrats that started the KKK, did not want blacks to vote , was against the civil rights .. I still dont get why most blacks vote democrats. I guess because the liberal media lies as well and made alot of the blacks believe those lies.

.200 Years Of History That Proves Democrats Are The Real Racists |
Yes, yes. We get it. The darkies streaming over our borders are all job-stealing rapists and murderers. Even the kids.

Let's erect a 3000 mile long fence of burning crosses.

DAYUUUM !! you sure do come up with some really great ideas at times and this is one of your best ! congratulations :up:
All gays are pedophiles.

All blacks don't want to work and just want free stuff from the government.

All Muslims are terrorists.

All Mexicans (Hondurans, Guatemalans, etc) are job stealing murderers, thieves, and rapists who also don't want to work and just want free stuff.

Okay. Okay. We get it. Fire up the goddamm ovens already.

more really great ideas from the forums great thinkers....,ya man ! let's do it :up:
No illegal, whether they claim to be a dreamer or not, should be allowed to stay in this country if they have gang tats. They are defacto criminals and should be deported ASAP, if they try to return, shoot the SOB's.

And just EXACTLY what is it that is stopping YOU from doing just what you propose?
Shoot da sumbitches. What are you waiting for? Why wait for them to come back? They've got them locked in a detention center. Storm the center and get it on you bad assed muttafucker you.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch House, John Boehner sits with his pouty face on and refuses to move forward with immigration reform. Especially since the cancer-brains booted Cantor for suggesting we should maybe get some immigration reform done.

Keep the darkies out! Don't let them stay, and don't let any more in! They are job stealers, murderers, rapists, gangsters. more time for the worthless, shit eating liberals.


Now, since I put it in caps - are you capable of comprehending it? Your propaganda about "the system is broken" ain't flying anymore idiot. ENFORCE THE LAWS WE ALREADY HAVE!!

I know....I might as well tell it to the wall. You idiots are so far gone, there is no hope for you.

AMEN Brother :up:

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