MS-13 gangs recruits and power in U.S. as teens surge across border


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Caught at the U.S. border, federal authorities sent him to live with an uncle in a quiet Virginia suburb. He enrolled in high school, got a job at a Benihana restaurant and sent money home to his father to buy a cart to sell corn.

Among the youths, mostly from Central America, are MS-13 members who join cliques here, and newcomers — looking for a way to fit in amid a new culture and language — who are quickly recruited by the gang. In recent years, more than 150,000 such teens and children have been detained at the border, screened and placed in communities through the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Many others are smuggled past immigration authorities.

MS-13 gains recruits and power in U.S. as teens surge across border

Some of you white trendy liberal idiots who want open borders live in a fkn fantasy world as to the dangers you want to allow in here at the lives of your own families , neighbors, children etc. You morons are supporting this bs and to stupid to even know wtf you even support let alone why.
Caught at the U.S. border, federal authorities sent him to live with an uncle in a quiet Virginia suburb. He enrolled in high school, got a job at a Benihana restaurant and sent money home to his father to buy a cart to sell corn.

Among the youths, mostly from Central America, are MS-13 members who join cliques here, and newcomers — looking for a way to fit in amid a new culture and language — who are quickly recruited by the gang. In recent years, more than 150,000 such teens and children have been detained at the border, screened and placed in communities through the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Many others are smuggled past immigration authorities.

MS-13 gains recruits and power in U.S. as teens surge across border

Some of you white trendy liberal idiots who want open borders live in a fkn fantasy world as to the dangers you want to allow in here at the lives of your own families , neighbors, children etc. You morons are supporting this bs and to stupid to even know wtf you even support let alone why.
Gee how that can that be? The Marxist socialist gullible nut jobs on the left have assured us globalization and opening our borders to let everyone in even without vetting is a great thing. So this can't be true right?
"Drug-related arrests of tribal members on the reservation have grown from 47 in 2008 to over 800 last year, according to tribal public safety statistics."

"The problem continued to grow and became so urgent that the three tribes flew Guatemalan gang experts to the area in October 2013 to teach local law enforcement officials how to detect members of the notorious Central American gang Mara Salvatrucha.

"Known as MS-13, the Los Angeles-bred gang began proliferating outside the U.S. after many of its members were deported to Central America.

"One of the experts, Francisco Foppa, said he noticed MS-13 tattoos on people in a Wal-Mart in Minot and the 4 Bears Casino and Lodge at the MHA Nation's capital in New Town. "It was alarming to see people with those tattoos on the reservation," he said.

"Authorities have not arrested any MS-13 kingpins, but the gang's presence is palpable and many speak about it in whispers.

"MS-13 is strong enough and scary enough that I question whether I should speak out at all," said a former tribal leader who requested anonymity out of fear of reprisal. "They're vicious. Just like any ripe feeding ground, they have competition, but obviously they are the big bad wolf. They are the ones that are the most terrifying."

I explained this to ravtard and jills years ago, and they sneered and laughed, and said the gangs were not infiltrating the reservations.

Fucking retards then, still fucking retards.

This LA times article tries to blame the insurgence on the fact that oil fields opened up, providing jobs to people. Cuz we all know a booming economy with lots of jobs for young men is the way gangs get a toe hold in communities. What putzes. They're moving drugs through the reservations and they're staying on the reservations because there isn't much in the way of law on the reservation. Vast spaces, very few cops.

Drug explosion follows oil boom on North Dakota Indian reservation
They're getting nasty, but of course the brain dead ANTIFA idiots, and those who act just like ANTIFA won't believe a thing until they watch it all themselves . Taking over the west yeah it's just a conspiracy...
Remember it is not Politically Correct to refer to them as MS-13 gang bangers. Obama calls them "Dreamers".

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