MSNBC Accuses Trump Of Maybe Planning Executions

Intelligent people understand that Trump is not serious about that sort of stuff
Trump is a heartless ghoul Did you dumb fucks forget that he actually had 13 Federals prisoners executed in his last yeas as president Some even during his time as a lamb duck and after a years long moratorium. . Some were of questionable mental capacity . Any they were not even his enemies, THAT is what intelligent people understand
These people seem to be obsessed with casual venting while completely overlooking the actions of the the democrats and the Biden admin. The only revenge I've seen relating to politics has been from the democrats since 2016.
That is because Dems practice DoubleThink.
all their hosts are predicting that Trump is going to put them in prison. Makes one wonder what they are planning that he'll have to arrest them.
It's a typical scare tactic designed to get sympathy (and donations) from their supporters.

It's not rational and it indicates that they're feeling guilty
So Trump discussing it is fine, but people talking about Trump making those statements. That’s awful.'re taking the word of a corrupt media that has been caught lying to us over and over.

According to the court of law when you catch someone intentionally lying in court, everything they say from then-on should be questioned.

The only reason you don't hold these people accountable is because you know they're lying and don't care, or you're just someone who cannot stand hearing the truth.

The hardest mind to change is someone who wants to believe lies rather than believe the truth.
The US Federal Government executed 3 prisoners since 1963

Donnie “The Executioner” executed 13 in his last six months

If Biden loses in November, he will commute the sentences of the 40 remaining Death Row Prisoners to keep them from Trump
And you think that Biden is protecting us by doing this BS?

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