MSNBC Accuses Trump Of Maybe Planning Executions're taking the word of a corrupt media that has been caught lying to us over and over.

According to the court of law when you catch someone intentionally lying in court, everything they say from then-on should be questioned.

The only reason you don't hold these people accountable is because you know they're lying and don't care, or you're just someone who cannot stand hearing the truth.

The hardest mind to change is someone who wants to believe lies rather than believe the truth.

Here is the problem. When he is recorded and caught, you guys scream it is fake. Taken out of context. And oh yes. Biden is awful! Just Awful.

What Trump said doesn’t matter. You guys ignore the truth. You won’t deal in facts. According to Trump in 2016, Trump in 2024 shouldn’t be allowed to run for President.

The problem isn’t that the media lies. The problem is that you guys know nothing about what Trump actually says, or does. Dozens of excuses when Trump says what he says. He didn’t say it. You took it out of context. Liberals are the worst.

You guys love Trump because the left doesn’t like him. You guys would vote for Satan if the Liberals opposed him.

I’ve said this before. Trump really is as bad in reality as the Liberals are in your imagination.
Here is the problem. When he is recorded and caught, you guys scream it is fake. Taken out of context. And oh yes. Biden is awful! Just Awful.

What Trump said doesn’t matter. You guys ignore the truth. You won’t deal in facts. According to Trump in 2016, Trump in 2024 shouldn’t be allowed to run for President.

The problem isn’t that the media lies. The problem is that you guys know nothing about what Trump actually says, or does. Dozens of excuses when Trump says what he says. He didn’t say it. You took it out of context. Liberals are the worst.

You guys love Trump because the left doesn’t like him. You guys would vote for Satan if the Liberals opposed him.

I’ve said this before. Trump really is as bad in reality as the Liberals are in your imagination.

What he said wasn't fake. It just wasn't what you leftist claims it was.

You seem to think talking about grabbing pussy is the same as actually doing it, but when Biden got reported for grabbing Tara Reid's pussy nobody believed her, then he had her fired, and forced her to leave the country.

You think locker language is the same as actual sexual-assault. It all depends on who is being accused to you dishonest assholes,.
The thing is they are so adept and well trained in destroying evidence and blocking investigations it could take decades to get everybody. Meanwhile their surrogate media would be having a field day demonizing Trump and Republicans for 'weaponizing the government' and we have no effective way to get any counter message out there. Do not think for a minute that we have the resources and ability to go after them as the Deep State has to make life miserable for us.

Trump wants to spend his short four years making things better for America and Americans. I'm all for him doing just that.

They're going to demonize anybody anyway, and you go after them for the same reason you go after any criminal gangs and syndicates and fifth columnists, because if you don't they will just ruin the country.
What he said wasn't fake. It just wasn't what you leftist claims it was.

You seem to think talking about grabbing pussy is the same as actually doing it, but when Biden got reported for grabbing Tara Reid's pussy nobody believed her, then he had her fired, and forced her to leave the country.

You think locker language is the same as actual sexual-assault. It all depends on who is being accused to you dishonest assholes,.

He was found liable for Sexual Assault and Defamation for lying about it.

And I’m not surprised. As always when faced with something Trump did, you guys automatically scream Biden is worse. I never wrote that I liked Biden. I have written that I approved of his foreign policy. Not much there that hasn’t been the policy for most of my life though. Ukraine as an issue is new, but the principle has been our guiding policy for decades in many other locations around the globe.

I don’t like Biden. Like many I asked you idiot Fanboys to give us a better alternative. Nope. Not an option. It’s Trump or no one.

Trump in 2016 said one thing. Trump today and his fanboys say another.

And unlike many, I’m not panicking over the thought that Trump might win. Because the second he is sworn in he’s a lame duck. The campaign for 28 starts then. And Trump can’t run for a third term. His idiocy was apparent and won’t change. He will sign executive orders. You idiots cheer. Then the courts find the orders illegal and they’re overturned. You guys rage and forget about it.

That’s what happened before.

I keep asking What if Trump loses. You guys won’t even consider that possibility. If you do for a moment it is to snarl that it isn’t possible unless the left cheats.

But what if he loses? I give it even odds that he flees the country for Moscow.
They're going to demonize anybody anyway, and you go after them for the same reason you go after any criminal gangs and syndicates and fifth columnists, because if you don't they will just ruin the country.
It isn't enough to resent them, hate them, know that they are bad actors. You have to have evidence for prosecutable crimes that cannot be impeached in a court of law. That isn't as easy as you may think. And it would take infinite manpower and exhaustive resources that I just don't see President Trump being willing to use instead of restoring the country to sometime much closer that it was intended to be.

Maybe we had to have a Biden to illustrate how destructive and harmful the left's agenda and policies are. Maybe that alone will wake up American that such agenda and policies are unacceptable and will be rejected in favor of Make America Great Again.
It isn't enough to resent them, hate them, know that they are bad actors. You have to have evidence for prosecutable crimes that cannot be impeached in a court of law. That isn't as easy as you may think. And it would take infinite manpower and exhaustive resources that I just don't see President Trump being willing to use instead of restoring the country to sometime much closer that it was intended to be.

Maybe we had to have a Biden to illustrate how destructive and harmful the left's agenda and policies are. Maybe that alone will wake up American that such agenda and policies are unacceptable and will be rejected in favor of Make America Great Again.

I disagree; many of their criminal and treasonous acts are easily proven. Biden has himself bragged openly about hos extortion rackets, and of course a lot of the treason is already proven as well as the organization of voter fraud at all levels and as ongoing criminal conspiracies..
I disagree; many of their criminal and treasonous acts are easily proven. Biden has himself bragged openly about hos extortion rackets, and of course a lot of the treason is already proven as well as the organization of voter fraud at all levels and as ongoing criminal conspiracies..
Then why, after years of trying, are you able to criminally indict anyone?

Maybe because courts require actual evidence instead of crazy conspiracy theories
Then why, after years of trying, are you able to criminally indict anyone?

Maybe because courts require actual evidence instead of crazy conspiracy theories

More like the courts and DOJ are controlled by your banana republic employees, but then you have to avoid the obvious facts so this is just for lurkers . As we see, more and more evidence is making its way out already, so we won't be needing your idiot posting any more, it's not entertaining enough.
More like the courts and DOJ are controlled by your banana republic employees, but then you have to avoid the obvious facts so this is just for lurkers . As we see, more and more evidence is making its way out already, so we won't be needing your idiot posting any more, it's not entertaining enough.
You keep making shit up

The GOP Congress is looking up the ass of Democrats and can’t find anything prosecutable

GOP States can’t find anything on Democrats but they manage to prosecute Republicans
You keep making shit up

The GOP Congress is looking up the ass of Democrats and can’t find anything prosecutable

GOP States can’t find anything on Democrats but they manage to prosecute Republicans

lol you wouldn't know what is made up and what isn't, since you're just here to lie and make shit up yourself.
I disagree; many of their criminal and treasonous acts are easily proven. Biden has himself bragged openly about hos extortion rackets, and of course a lot of the treason is already proven as well as the organization of voter fraud at all levels and as ongoing criminal conspiracies..
I think you missed the point but we can agree to disagree.

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