MSNBC Accuses Trump Of Maybe Planning Executions

And you think that Biden is protecting us by doing this BS?
The US in moving away from Capital Punishment with only a few states still actively using it.
In over a 50 year period, the US only executed 3 Federal Prisoners
Trump went on a killing spree executing 13 in the final six months …..
No question Trump will continue his killing spree

I encourage Biden to commute the sentences of the current 40 prisoners on death row to life without parole
The US in moving away from Capital Punishment with only a few states still actively using it.
In over a 50 year period, the US only executed 3 Federal Prisoners
Trump went on a killing spree executing 13 in the final six months …..
No question Trump will continue his killing spree

I encourage Biden to commute the sentences of the current 40 prisoners on death row to life without parole
Move them all to Rehoboth Beach, lots of room there
The US in moving away from Capital Punishment with only a few states still actively using it.
In over a 50 year period, the US only executed 3 Federal Prisoners
Trump went on a killing spree executing 13 in the final six months …..
No question Trump will continue his killing spree

I encourage Biden to commute the sentences of the current 40 prisoners on death row to life without parole
You said commute their sentences. I was thinking you wanted to turn them loose like you did during COVID.
Trump IS a criminal
There are responses to that. One would be that Trump is a Politically derived criminal. Which means nothing. And it showed so many truths concerning DEI and the men and women who kneel to the globalist agendas to get it.
There are responses to that. One would be that Trump is a Politically derived criminal. Which means nothing. And it showed so many truths concerning DEI and the men and women who kneel to the globalist agendas to get it.

Trumps actions in fucking a Porn Star and hiding his payments to keep her silence as business expenses had nothing to do with his politics

Political prisoners are jailed for their political positions
I don't because often times they put the wrong person on the row.
I've seen the death-row convicts one-up each other on what they did back when Death Row was in C-Block at the old State Pen in Richmond, Virginia.....I had to work there for about six months when a bunch of guards and supervisors got fired. Lots of corruption there at one time.

They put us up in the honor cell block. It was an interesting place. I got to go rat shooting at night!

LOL.....They had Old Sparky unhooked and getting ready to send it down to Greenville, Virginia (the new death row) and the armorer (who was the old executioner) asked if I wanted to see it.....He took me into where it was and let me sit in it.

The executioner was not allowed to go inside (and he was old) so they made him responsible for the rather extensive armory.

They made a visiting room of the space once the chair was sent to Greenville.

all their hosts are predicting that Trump is going to put them in prison. Makes one wonder what they are planning that he'll have to arrest them.
Nope, it's just the new trial balloon they've thrown up hoping it gets legs. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA didn't work for them or playing the race card . The collusion/quid pro quo accusations sank when ALL their witnesses admitted under oath they knew of no crime Trump had committed. Trying to get him on sex stuff hasn't worked and blessedly the American people were able to see the Mar-a-lago raid and those on other Trump supporters as the illegal and unconstitutional weaponization that they were. Nobody of any intellect believes the media any more when they tried to make Trump's 'illegal' documents were somehow worse that the Clintons, Berger, Obama, Biden, Pence 'illegal' documents. And the obviously bogus trials and convictions have only underscored the weaponization of government against political opponents..

Now they're trying to convince the public that there will some sort of terrible 'blood bath' if Trump get into power and has opportunity to go after his political opposition. I don't see that getting off the ground either as by now too many people are of the attitude that he should. :)
I've seen the death-row convicts one-up each other on what they did back when Death Row was in C-Block at the old State Pen in Richmond, Virginia.....I had to work there for about six months when a bunch of guards and supervisors got fired. Lots of corruption there at one time.

They put us up in the honor cell block. It was an interesting place. I got to go rat shooting at night!

LOL.....They had Old Sparky unhooked and getting ready to send it down to Greenville, Virginia (the new death row) and the armorer (who was the old executioner) asked if I wanted to see it.....He took me into where it was and let me sit in it.

The executioner was not allowed to go inside (and he was old) so they made him responsible for the rather extensive armory.

They made a visiting room of the space once the chair was sent to Greenville.

I wish I had six of those chairs and a large dining table to match. I'd even leave the straps on as a dinner conversation starter.
I've seen the death-row convicts one-up each other on what they did back when Death Row was in C-Block at the old State Pen in Richmond, Virginia.....I had to work there for about six months when a bunch of guards and supervisors got fired. Lots of corruption there at one time.

They put us up in the honor cell block. It was an interesting place. I got to go rat shooting at night!

LOL.....They had Old Sparky unhooked and getting ready to send it down to Greenville, Virginia (the new death row) and the armorer (who was the old executioner) asked if I wanted to see it.....He took me into where it was and let me sit in it.

The executioner was not allowed to go inside (and he was old) so they made him responsible for the rather extensive armory.

They made a visiting room of the space once the chair was sent to Greenville.

Wow. Sort of a mixture of "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile"! Both excellent movies by the way.

But unless in their zeal to nail Trump with something they expose their own corruption in a way it cannot be ignored, I have seen nothing in Trump that makes me think he will spend his time and energy going after political enemies. I just don't see that he is wired that way and he is on the record that he opposes it.
It's a typical scare tactic designed to get sympathy (and donations) from their supporters.

It's not rational and it indicates that they're feeling guilty
True. Trump was speaking in DETROIT ,of all places. Biden? Schmoozing with Hollywood Idiots. While incompetent Cackleberry Harris is selling us out to Ukraine.
They've been unhinged for quite awhile. And when they are out of power or lose any power--Mike Johnson and enough brave Republicans have at least slowed down some of the more destructive things they were doing--they get even crazier. And honesty, integrity, ethics are not their long suits. And they have proved they have no respect for or intention of accepting SCOTUS rulings and now regularly attack the high court. Threatened with possibly losing all their power come November, they're pulling out all the stops.

They will be rioting and murdering people, cities being burned, the whole works. They know they've lost already.
Wow. Sort of a mixture of "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile"! Both excellent movies by the way.

But unless in their zeal to nail Trump with something they expose their own corruption in a way it cannot be ignored, I have seen nothing in Trump that makes me think he will spend his time and energy going after political enemies. I just don't see that he is wired that way and he is on the record that he opposes it.

These vile criminals and traitors need to be prosecuted en masse; if he doesn't do that he is neglecting his duty to the country. It's not about him it's about the country and not letting these scum off.
These vile criminals and traitors need to be prosecuted en masse; if he doesn't do that he is neglecting his duty to the country. It's not about him it's about the country and not letting these scum off.
The thing is they are so adept and well trained in destroying evidence and blocking investigations it could take decades to get everybody. Meanwhile their surrogate media would be having a field day demonizing Trump and Republicans for 'weaponizing the government' and we have no effective way to get any counter message out there. Do not think for a minute that we have the resources and ability to go after them as the Deep State has to make life miserable for us.

Trump wants to spend his short four years making things better for America and Americans. I'm all for him doing just that.
These people are really getting desperate.

The stuff that they get away with discussing on-air is preposterous:

Someone said that Trump said something and what they said Trump said was......bad. HUH?

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