MSNBC caught in another big video gaffe

Ro ma ny

Ry an

two sylllables you fucking crazed idiots

Strange when the cult is chanting "Obama, Obama, Obama" even singing songs about their dear leader, I've yet to hear anything about Biden in those mind numb rants.
The actual details of this are so trivial.

What is not trivial is how MSNBC uses edited or massaged tapes.

When they edited out that black man's color because it was an inconvenient impediment to the white racism story they were pushing ... how did anyone right or left let them get away with that?

And the hits keep coming.
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dear fucking brain washed asshole.

Listen to the tape the crownd says RYAN.

two syllables.

Not three syllables,

You people have gone bat shit crazy
Shit for brains get your hearing checked and listen to the whole tape not just the edited part unless of course your just so blindly partisan you only hear what you want.
Just put her on ignore... most everyone else has. She has ZERO to say that's worth your time reading, and the board is a much more pleasant place to be.

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