MSNBC claims that America is not buying Trump's "spin" of the Mueller Report.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
They did some super-accurate poll and 56% of Americans allegedly still think he is still on the hook for Collusion after the Mueller Report. The poll was probably done by the same people doing pre-election polls in 2016.

I would guess that the American people are sick to fucking death of these BS "investigations." The only ones getting a rise out being strung along by the lying-ass media are the hardcore leftists.
I would guess that the American people are sick to fucking death of these BS "investigations." The only ones getting a rise out being strung along by the lying-ass media are the hardcore leftists.

The atheist-socialist democrats live by that. They either drag out their own investigations about themselves with delay after delay to the max or create baseless charges and investigations into others to death until the public is too sick to care about another REAL investigation actually into the democrats themselves. And they get away with another crime.
56% of which Americans? Those Americans who watch Morning Joe/CNN/MSNBC at least 4 hours a day?
Polls only poll people who answers phone to strangers. Most Conservatives don't do that so they don't get polled.
MSNBC and CNN along with all the other's out there who can't accept there was no Russian collusion remind of the Japanese soliders they used to find on islands in the pacific years after WW2 ended who stayed hidden out there because they couldn't accept Japan had lost they war.
Don’t expect CNN to take this laying down. Look for them to have a poll soon claiming 60 - 62% or so.
I would guess that the American people are sick to fucking death of these BS "investigations." The only ones getting a rise out being strung along by the lying-ass media are the hardcore leftists.

The atheist-socialist democrats live by that. They either drag out their own investigations about themselves with delay after delay to the max or create baseless charges and investigations into others to death until the public is too sick to care about another REAL investigation actually into the democrats themselves. And they get away with another crime.

Only with the help of the "news", who are committing treason with the continued lies and attempts to sway the public and need lined up and shot, on pay per view, with the proceeds being used to pay down the national debt.



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