MSNBC Fires Alec Baldwin Over Anti-Gay Slur; Wont Reprimand Bashir Over Palin Comment


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
It's quite shameful that the news media has become so vile and unethical. They should have canned Martin Bashir for those comments about Sarah Palin but he will receive no suspension or reprimand of any kind for his comment about Governor Palin. It shows they lack professionalism and morals. But Alec Baldwin gets the boot for calling a harassing paparazzi photographer a 'c*ck s*cking fagg*t'. I kind of have sympathy for Baldwin on this one. He wasn't even on the air when he made his comments. They (gays, paparazzi) are always after him trying to cause a confrontation with him like the Jews do with Mel Gibson but on the other hand, in MSNBC's executives eyes, it's quite alright to insult a Christian conservative woman like Sarah Palin. I hope MSNBC goes down the rat hole. Read the comments.

Pack your bags, Alec! MSNBC fires Baldwin over anti-gay slurs | Page Six
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Whatever the reason for his eventual firing it went deeper than the original issue. But it happened behind closed doors so none of us will ever know.
I agree with Steve on this one. What Bashir said was reprehensible - he should have been canned.
He hasn't been, he won't be. Spilled milk and all that.

You did not think it was awful?

Rest assured, I take up for anyone who gets mistreated or unfairly maligned, Lib or Conservative.

Howdy, Ms Boop! Hope you had a great night! :rock:
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He hasn't been, he won't be. Spilled milk and all that.

You did not think it was awful?

Rest assured, I take up for anyone who gets mistreated or unfairly maligned, Lib or Conservative.

Howdy, Ms Boop! Hope you had a great night! :rock:

Yes, and?

Newtown. Apparently we were supposed to forget all about that roughly two days after it happened. Ooh. He said something bad about her? Grow up. Sarah is a spoiled brat who adamantly refuses to own her own, but expects anybody that crosses her to grovel.

Too bad, so sad.
Yes, and?

Newtown. Apparently we were supposed to forget all about that roughly two days after it happened. Ooh. He said something bad about her? Grow up. Sarah is a spoiled brat who adamantly refuses to own her own, but expects anybody that crosses her to grovel.

Too bad, so sad.

I'm not a very big fan of S.P., but I don't like what he said - that's all.

I'm not a party-line type of guy.

Our first fight ... (sniff)


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Yes, and?

Newtown. Apparently we were supposed to forget all about that roughly two days after it happened. Ooh. He said something bad about her? Grow up. Sarah is a spoiled brat who adamantly refuses to own her own, but expects anybody that crosses her to grovel.

Too bad, so sad.

I'm not a very big fan of S.P., but I don't like what he said - that's all.

I'm not a party-line type of guy.

Our first fight ... (sniff)



I agree, we should be better than that.
I can't do it. People say similar and worse on this board, on a daily basis - but nobody holds them accountable. I'm not seeing the need to hold a grudge against somebody I could barely pick out of the proverbial line-up.

As far as I'm concerned, Momma Grizzly can fight her own battles. I wouldn't even have known he said what he said if it hadn't been posted here.

This is a message board, ffs. Like it's all so very important that people take sides on this issue? No. It's bullshit, it's faux outrage, and it'll be knocked out of their minds next week during the War Against Christmas.
I was just watching the news........

According to the news on T.V. he is being suspended for 2 weeks.
I'm sure there are many who feel Bashir didn't go far enough!

That just puts them in the same vile boat as Bashir!

It's Palin who's vile.

She's everything a conservative like you can love..though.

She's a traitor..she proved that with her affiliation with the Alaska separatist movement.

She's a bomb thrower..she proved that when she called President Obama a terrorist.

She's completely ignorant of just about everything..she proves that on a daily basis.

She should be no where near a position of any power.
I'm sure there are many who feel Bashir didn't go far enough!

That just puts them in the same vile boat as Bashir!

It's Palin who's vile.

She's everything a conservative like you can love..though.

She's a traitor..she proved that with her affiliation with the Alaska separatist movement.

She's a bomb thrower..she proved that when she called President Obama a terrorist.

She's completely ignorant of just about everything..she proves that on a daily basis.

She should be no where near a position of any power.

She should be criticized in the exact same manner that you just used.


Palin Derangement Syndrome..............

Typical Liberals loving to hate her...............

She's good looking too............Which makes their Syndrome even worse............

I'm sure there are many who feel Bashir didn't go far enough!

That just puts them in the same vile boat as Bashir!

It's Palin who's vile.

She's everything a conservative like you can love..though.

She's a traitor..she proved that with her affiliation with the Alaska separatist movement.

She's a bomb thrower..she proved that when she called President Obama a terrorist.

She's completely ignorant of just about everything..she proves that on a daily basis.

She should be no where near a position of any power.

Just out of curiosity, how much further do we need to go to viciously attack SP than what Bashir suggested? (I won't repeat it because I avoid that type of horrific dialog).

Not much more to say.
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Palin Derangement Syndrome..............

Typical Liberals loving to hate her...............

She's good looking too............Which makes their Syndrome even worse............


Her looks do not make up for her brain.

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