MSNBC Fires Alec Baldwin Over Anti-Gay Slur; Wont Reprimand Bashir Over Palin Comment

You did not think it was awful?

Rest assured, I take up for anyone who gets mistreated or unfairly maligned, Lib or Conservative.

Howdy, Ms Boop! Hope you had a great night! :rock:

Given the fact that Mrs. Palin, who used to be a moderate, sensible middle of the road governor and has completely prostituted herself out to the Teabagging movement, I just cannot work up any sympathy when people use vile language for her.



It's a matter of opinion Joe...........There's a saying about those kind of facts, just don't feel like repeating it now........


Palin is not only a sell-out, but the woman is so incredibly stupid I just don't know why anyone listens to her.

Except most of the people who like her are really stupid, too.
I like SP.............

I don't think she's dumb........but I also never considered her VP material back then either..............

She has a right to an opinion, and I can choose to accept or reject based on the subject.....I agree with some and disagree with some..............

My main point is that the left has a hard on for attacking her............They get their jollies that way, and I simply reject their BS on it.

Pointing out stupidity is not a hard on. You must hahve an unusual sex life.


I post that just to hype people like you up............

This thread was about Baldwin, and as usual the thread diverts to something else like SP............

Nothing new, so I just simply state I like her looks just to fuck with you.........I don't base my political opinions on her for looks. Never have, but just like to fuck with those obsessed with her all the time.

You appear to be unable to grasp that we are not obsessed with her.
Usual posts from leftist idiots playing their staged acts...................

Nothing more and nothing less............

Anyone who doesn't agree is Stupid, but righteous if we agree with them...........

Their posts are Facts, while ours are BS............

Yawn..............Same BS different day.
Usual posts from leftist idiots playing their staged acts...................

Nothing more and nothing less............

Anyone who doesn't agree is Stupid, but righteous if we agree with them...........

Their posts are Facts, while ours are BS............

Yawn..............Same BS different day.

I think that there are a lot of really thoughtful, intelligent conservatives who are good at articulating the conservative position.

Caribou Barbie isn't one of them.
Usual posts from leftist idiots playing their staged acts...................

Nothing more and nothing less............

Anyone who doesn't agree is Stupid, but righteous if we agree with them...........

Their posts are Facts, while ours are BS............

Yawn..............Same BS different day.

I never even think of her, until she comes out with some asinine quote. Not exactly obsession.
She was a complete embarrassment when she ran for VP. They did think her looks would make up for what she lacks in stability. She's not altogether stupid but she is unstable. If she ever puts herself through the rigors of another campaign, I'd be very surprised.

She has a hold on the Republican party as it is, why should she work so hard to win anyone over again?

She's not knowable about the world.

Her 'smarts' as you call them are wholly confined to media savvy.

I'd take her over Obama any day of the week............At least if I'm getting fucked by the POTUS she'd look good........

BOHICA for Obama..........

You're not getting "fucked" by anyone unless you are an anti American terrorist.

President Obama basically saved the financial industry, auto industry, kept taxes relatively low and didn't really do much by way of radical changes. Quite the opposite. Obama even EXPANDED gun rights and has been deporting illegal immigrants at a greater clip then any President before him. That makes him MORE "conservative" than Reagan or the Bushes.

It's amazing how much you guys grose over bullshit.

I'm sure there are many who feel Bashir didn't go far enough!

That just puts them in the same vile boat as Bashir!

It's Palin who's vile.

She's everything a conservative like you can love..though.

She's a traitor..she proved that with her affiliation with the Alaska separatist movement.

She's a bomb thrower..she proved that when she called President Obama a terrorist.

She's completely ignorant of just about everything..she proves that on a daily basis.

She should be no where near a position of any power.

but if she offered you a piece of ass you'd jump it eh libtard??? hypocrite
wonder if he pissed off butch ?? :lol:

I like Sarah Palin. Do I want her as President? No. But I also don't want Barry as President because he's as big an incompetent amateur as you can get.

Sarah is not polished. She doesn't play the 'politically correct' game too well and she gets eaten alive for it. But this incident only highlights the hypocracy of the left. Baldwin says something politically incorrect about gays and he is tarred and feathered. Bashir makes a statement about a woman who is conservative and since she is a conservative, she is fair game of course. Imagine if that had been O'Reilly taking about Hillary? Oh my God, you know the outrage would have been hilarious. Remember the absolute outrage when Limbaugh called whats-her-name a slut? That was absolutely stunning! Ed Schultz, the left's answer to the MAD magazine guy, calls a conservative woman a slut and nothing... crickets chirping.

From this point on when liberals show faux outrage, I have every intention to laugh outloud and ignore it.
Usual posts from leftist idiots playing their staged acts...................

Nothing more and nothing less............

Anyone who doesn't agree is Stupid, but righteous if we agree with them...........

Their posts are Facts, while ours are BS............

Yawn..............Same BS different day.

I think that there are a lot of really thoughtful, intelligent conservatives who are good at articulating the conservative position.

Caribou Barbie isn't one of them.

Palin is very intelligent and she would be great as president. She did a great job governing the state of Alaska, which is our number 1 natural resource state in the nation with billions of dollars at stake when it comes to production. In fact she accomplished more in Alaska at implementing initiatives in her time there as governor that her previous predecessors couldn't do. She is a patriot who loves this country and its military.
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Given how conservative much of its programming is (Morning Joe), you think Republicans would appreciate MSNBC more. I guess a network that merely gives equal time to liberals is seen as a threat that must be destroyed.
Given how conservative much of its programming is (Morning Joe), you think Republicans would appreciate MSNBC more. I guess a network that merely gives equal time to liberals is seen as a threat that must be destroyed.

How could anyone be threatened by the shit ratings MSNBC gets? They aren't even in the same league as FOX news.
I can't do it. People say similar and worse on this board, on a daily basis - but nobody holds them accountable. I'm not seeing the need to hold a grudge against somebody I could barely pick out of the proverbial line-up.

As far as I'm concerned, Momma Grizzly can fight her own battles. I wouldn't even have known he said what he said if it hadn't been posted here.

This is a message board, ffs. Like it's all so very important that people take sides on this issue? No. It's bullshit, it's faux outrage, and it'll be knocked out of their minds next week during the War Against Christmas.

Hey,, dippy, the people on this board aren't sitting in front of a microphone on a national TV network. are you smart enough to see the difference?
It was unfortunate that Martin Bashir briefly sank to the level of the rightwing propagandists.

He is brilliant at skewering those idiots without descending into their gutter, and hopefully he will return to that style.
It was unfortunate that Martin Bashir briefly sank to the level of the rightwing propagandists.

He is brilliant at skewering those idiots without descending into their gutter, and hopefully he will return to that style.

[ame=]New Death Threats Against Republicans Uncovered Daily [CONTENT WARNING!] - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Liberal Outrage: A Pro-McCain March In Manhattan - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Randi Rhodes: Sarah Palin Likes To Sleep With Teenage Boys - YouTube[/ame]

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