MSNBC host cries over Jan 6th Anniversary

I'm not being disingenuous at all. You posted an interview by Tucker Carlson. I simply listened to the first few minutes of it to find a glaring problem with the claims made by the guy being interviewed.

He claimed the FBI suggested and I'm directly quoting. " A more radical occupation of the Capitol" months in advance. While the actual rally that led to the occupation was called only 2 weeks before it happened. That's not a psyop. As I said that's simply not how time works.

You were saying that complaining about a source isn't a valid argument. You are right it isn't. Pointing out faults in the argument is. I just did so.
This a member of Congress who is bravely telling the truth about what he knows.

And I don't mean that lightly.

This isn't about's about entrapment by a secret police force .
This a member of Congress who is bravely telling the truth about what he knows.

And I don't mean that lightly.

This isn't about's about entrapment by a secret police force .
What "truth" is that?

Biden isn't politicizing the DOJ. Trump is being indicted by a special counsel for crimes he allegedly did. He will get his day in court and is provided considerably more leeway than you and I would. Not prosecuting someone because of his political affiliation would be putting politics in justice.

Biden isn't issuing gag orders. Judges are. A separate branch of government entirely.

Biden isn't trying to get Trump removed from the ballot. Citizens in separate states are. Something that started with a legal paper by lawyers linked to the Federalist Society. What influence do you think Biden has on a judge? How is he supposed to prevent citizens from filing lawsuits?

The "truth" is that Tulsi is blaming Biden for actions he had no hand in, and only one he could conceivably influence. This by ACTUALLY politicizing the DOJ. This is the problem you have. You are so biased you can't even recognize something like this speech as simply political drivel and instead simply assert it's the "truth."
A testimony about "subliminal messages" picked up by the Daily Mail doesn't make the claim more credible. It's still crazy.

Let me tell you what was proven in court about the 2016 election.

Russian bot farms had a social media campaign, those same "monopolies" that this guy is decrying. Specifically targeted at swing voters. Voters identified by the Trump campaign and disseminated to the Russians by Paul Manafort. People were indicted and convicted for these actions. Something you can read by a report by a committee led by Ron Johnson and Mueller. This to help Trump.

These are facts.

You can rely on the testimony of a guy talking about subliminal messages and treat it like it's gospel.

I'll rely on the conclusions of a criminal court.
It has nothing to do with "subliminal messages." It is about search engine curation.

What "truth" is that?

Biden isn't politicizing the DOJ. Trump is being indicted by a special counsel for crimes he allegedly did. He will get his day in court and is provided considerably more leeway than you and I would. Not prosecuting someone because of his political affiliation would be putting politics in justice.

Biden isn't issuing gag orders. Judges are. A separate branch of government entirely.

Biden isn't trying to get Trump removed from the ballot. Citizens in separate states are. Something that started with a legal paper by lawyers linked to the Federalist Society. What influence do you think Biden has on a judge? How is he supposed to prevent citizens from filing lawsuits?

The "truth" is that Tulsi is blaming Biden for actions he had no hand in, and only one he could conceivably influence. This by ACTUALLY politicizing the DOJ. This is the problem you have. You are so biased you can't even recognize something like this speech as simply political drivel and instead simply assert it's the "truth."
Biden didn't steal the election.
He steals girls ice cream cones.....not elections.
Biden didn't steal the election.
He steals girls ice cream cones.....not elections.
I have given substantive arguments to everything you brought up. Frankly giving you much more benefit of the doubt than you probably deserve.

I've noticed you run from them.

This is fine. I will however not waste time with people who obviously have no interest in trying to defend their position when challenged.
I don't mind YouTube I just don't think a clip posted there necessarily means it's true.

Take for instance your "cop" and Tucker Carlson interview.

This cop claims that the FBI planted the "seeds for a more radical occupation of the Capitol" months in advance. The problem is the actual rally was called for 2 weeks before. Seems kind of problematic to me, unless of course you believe that the FBI could see in the future. Come to think of it it's only slightly more out there than subliminal messages.

If you, or anyone wants to use YouTube to support an assertion you are welcome to do so. I sometimes do so myself. But when you do and you don't see something as GLARING as not recognizing linear time as a concept one has to question why your bias blinds you so.
The director avoided the question at a hearing.
I have given substantive arguments to everything you brought up. Frankly giving you much more benefit of the doubt than you probably deserve.

I've noticed you run from them.

This is fine. I will however not waste time with people who obviously have no interest in trying to defend their position when challenged.
No member of Congress would publicly state that there were 200 FBI agents at the Capitol on January 6th 2021 without proof.

If you want to debate this subject we can start there.
60 judges can be way or another.
Is that an answer? Are you suggesting the President of the United States should take action to subvert the Judicial Branch in order to protect his political rival?

You don't think that's "politicizing", and probably illegal? Come to think of it, can you be more specific as to how you suggest Biden should "own" 60 judges?
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Oh really, you of course have evidence of actions Biden took beyond the mere fact that Trump is indicted?
The BIDEN DOJ is completely OUT OF CONTROL and is resembling the fucking KJB and STASI!!!!!!
The frivolous indictments of Trump are the PROOF!!!!
The BIDEN DOJ is completely OUT OF CONTROL and is resembling the fucking KJB and STASI!!!!!!
The frivolous indictments of Trump are the PROOF!!!!
So beyond the indictments you have nothing?

Just out of curiosity. Did you read any of them, or just dismiss them out of hand?
Not really an answer. Did you or didn't you?
I got the summary: Orange Man BAD!!!!!!
That's all they amount to!

You fucking retarded demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxist Leninist Stalinist ASSHOLES are going TOO FAR with your utter HATRED of Trump and EVERY OTHER AMERICAN that loves this country AS FOUNDED,and our Constitution!!!!
I'll quote Peter Gabriel....
"This time you've gone too far.
This time you've gone too far
This time you've GONE TOO FAR!!!!!"

Fuck off and DIE, commie scum!!!! :dev3:
Is that an answer? Are you suggesting the President of the United States should take action to subvert the Judicial Branch in order to protect his political rival?

You don't think that's "politicizing", and probably illegal? Come to think of it, can you be more specific as to how you suggest Biden should "own" 60 judges?
Supreme Court is also withholding evidence.
From Philadelphia for sure.

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